105 research outputs found

    Strategi Pengembangan Koleksi Pada Perpustakaan Desa Dan Taman Bacaan Masyarakat Di Era Kenormalan Baru

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    This study examines the strategy of developing collections in village libraries and community reading parks entering a new era of normalcy. The location of this research was conducted in several village libraries and community reading parks in West Bandung Regency. The method used in this study uses literature review. Understanding literature review is a research methodology that aims to collect and extract the essence of previous research and analyze some of the experts' overview written in the text. the type of review literature used in this paper is the semi-systematic type or also called the narrative review approach. The choice of semi-systematic approach in this paper because this paper will describe a fairly complex topic in this research that is about collection development starting from the understanding of collection development, collection development stages, needs analysis, concept of selection, procurement, to evaluation of development collection . From the results of the study it can be stated that the process of developing collections that have been running must begin to be improved in line with the adaptation of new habits, the type of collection must have begun to shift to digital collections and online-based services using social media must have begun to be applied. Collection about health, especially about clean and healthy lifestyle, health protocols and reading about the corona virus is an absolute collection that must be in the village library and community reading par

    Penerapan Teori Kredibilitas Sumber (Source of Credibity) Dalam Penelitian-penelitian Layanan Perpustakaan

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    Abstract. Communication is an inseparable thing in human life, starting from waking up until going back to bed. Likewise, performing library activities cannot be separated from communication activities. One of communication purposes is to influence others or what is called persuasive communication. The success of persuasive communication is determined by many factors, one of them the source factor of the persuader. One theory that explains about the persuader is the source credibility theory by Carl I Hovland. This theory assumes that people will be more likely to be persuaded when the communicator or the person delivering the message shows himself as a credible person. This theory is widely used in communication researches and also begun to be applied in researches about library services.Keywords : persuasive communication, credibility, library servicesAbstrak. Komunikasi adalah merupakan suatu hal yang tidak bisa lepas dalam kehidupan manusia, sejak dari mulai bangun tidur sampai dengan akan tidur kembali. Begitu juga dalam kegiatan penyelenggaraan perpustakaan, pustakawan tidak bisa lepas dari aktivitas komunikasi. Salah tujuan komunikasi adalah untuk mempengaruhi orang lain atau disebut juga dengan komunikasi persuasif. Keberhasilan komunikasi persuasif salah satunya ditentukan oleh faktor sumber atau disebut juga persuader. Salah satu teori tentang menjelaskan tentang komunikator adalah teori kredibilitas sumber (source of credibility theory) dari Carl I Hovland. Asumsi dari teori ini mengatakan bahwa orang akan lebih mungkin  dipersuasi ketika komunikator atau orang yang menyampaikan pesan komunikasimenunjukkan dirinya sebagai orang yang kredibel. Teori ini selain banyak dipakai untuk penelitian komunikasi juga mulai diterapkan dalam penelitian-penelitian tentang layanan perpustakaan.Kata Kunci : Komunikasi Persuasif, Kredibilitas, Layanan Perpustakaan

    Menggali Nilai-Nilai Luhur Pada Tradisi Upacara Ngarot : Kajian Budaya Mengenai Nilai-Nilai Luhur Pada Tradisi Upacara Ngarot Di Desa Lelea Kabupaten Indramayau Provinsi Jawa Barat

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    This study aims to determine the noble values ​​contained in the implementation of the ngarot traditional ceremony in Lelea Village, Indtamayu Regency, West Java Province. The approach in research using a qualitative approach with the type of case study research. The data collection technique was carried out through observations, interviews and through literature study. Sources of data in the study include primary data sources derived from observations and interviews with resource persons consisting of young people, traditional leaders, village heads and Lelela village community leaders. The data analysis technique is carried out in three stages, namely the data reduction stage where the researcher collects and reduces the data, the data display stage, the researcher presents the data in the form of a narrative and description and the stage of drawing conclusions. Based on the research results, it is known that there are several values ​​that can be obtained from the implementation of this ngarot traditional ceremony, namely the spirit of mutual cooperation; exemplary symbols from community leaders for young people; enthusiasm to maintain the rice fields in Lelea Village as rice granaries in Indramayu Regency; the use of flowers on the crown or head as a symbol to maintain dignity and honor for girls or cuene as well as the meaning expressed in the mask dance movement which gives a message that human life does not escape death and will definitely end so that humans must always continue to work, do good according to with the age level in his life.This study aims to determine the noble values ​​contained in the implementation of the ngarot traditional ceremony in Lelea Village, Indtamayu Regency, West Java Province. The approach in research using a qualitative approach with the type of case study research. The data collection technique was carried out through observations, interviews and through literature study. Sources of data in the study include primary data sources derived from observations and interviews with resource persons consisting of young people, traditional leaders, village heads and Lelela village community leaders. The data analysis technique is carried out in three stages, namely the data reduction stage where the researcher collects and reduces the data, the data display stage, the researcher presents the data in the form of a narrative and description and the stage of drawing conclusions. Based on the research results, it is known that there are several values ​​that can be obtained from the implementation of this ngarot traditional ceremony, namely the spirit of mutual cooperation; exemplary symbols from community leaders for young people; enthusiasm to maintain the rice fields in Lelea Village as rice granaries in Indramayu Regency; the use of flowers on the crown or head as a symbol to maintain dignity and honor for girls or cuene as well as the meaning expressed in the mask dance movement which gives a message that human life does not escape death and will definitely end so that humans must always continue to work, do good according to with the age level in his life


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    Abstract. Activities cite literature is an integral part of the activities of writing scientific papers. In the writing of a work in scientific journals either in the form of research results or other study results quoting the opinions of other authors contained in the same journal or different journals but still in a clump of the same science often coloring a writing. In citation analysis activities a scientific journal is known to exist several terms such as a speed index that is a measure to find out how quickly a group of documents or articles from a journal is cited in the same year and an impact factor that is a measure for the influence of an article in a journal in a given period. This study aims to examine the index of velocity and impact factors of articles published in the electronic journals (OJS) socio-humanities of Padjadjaran University. The method used in this research is quantitative descriptive method with research type of citation analysis. The period of the journal published human socio-humanities are jurnal period published 2012-2015 with the number of articles published 128 as many scientific articles. Based on the results of this study note that the index of the density and impact factors of the human socio journal of Universitas Padjadjaran is still low. This is apparent with the lack of articles published in the humanitarian socio journal of Padjadjaran University cited or dikutif by other authors in other imitation journals as well as scientific journals of the socio-humanities of UNPAD itself


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    Electronic journals have easy advantages in terms of access, compared withprinted journals and other electronic books. An electronic journal appears first compared to a printed journal. Based on data in 2015 access to electronic journals is higher compared to printed journals and access to electronic books has increased from before. The purpose of this study to determine the paradigm, functionality and reasons students use electronic journalsand electronic books. The approach used is qualitative with case study method expalanatoris. The findings obtained that there is a paradigm shift from manual to electronic. Students are more comfortable using electronic journals and electronic books. This implies the condition of UPT Unpad library that experienced a decrease in student visits


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    Abstract.  A digital library is a library that already has a collection in digital form, and can serve its users boldly without having to come directly to the library building. The digital library is a technological innovation to make it easier for users to meet their needs. This study aims to determine the trend of scientific publications about digital libraries in Indonesia based on keywords that often appear, the authors who discuss this topic, and how many scientific publications have been published with the keywords digital library in the 2011-2021 timeframe. The method used is a quantitative descriptive method with a bibliometric approach. Scientific publication data is taken from the Google Scholar database using the Harzing's Publish or Perish application by entering the keyword “digital library” then the data is processed in the VOSviewer application. The results of this study found that the co-occurrence that appears is more words related to technology. In addition, the results are also divided into 7 clusters of keywords that appear most often in each cluster. For the most prolific authors, there are 18 top authors with at least 4 scientific publications and the most prolific writer is Rodin, R. with 11 scientific publications. The conclusion of this study is that the trend of scientific publications regarding digital libraries has experienced positive growth along with the development of technology with the appearance of the VOSviewer visualization.Keyword: knowledge mapping, bibliometrics, VOSviewer, digital library


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    Digital library is not a new topic in the library world. Various studies on digital libraries have also been carried out and have resulted in publications in various journals. The purpose of this research is to find out: (1) the development of international publications about digital libraries in 2017-2021, (2) core journals in international publications about digital libraries, (3) the development of international publications with the keyword digital library, and (4) development of international publications on digital libraries by author. The method used in this study is a qualitative research method with data acquisition through library research and bibliometric analysis using Publish or Perish and VOSviewer on the topic of digital libraries. The results showed that the development of research on the topic of digital libraries in the period 2017-2021 experienced fluctuating growth but did not change so much every year. The highest publication was in 2017 with 47 articles and the lowest in 2018 with 30 articles. Most publications were carried out by the Journal of Librarianship and Information Science 4 times. The topic of research on digital libraries is still a lot about information, models, university and impact. Researchers still rarely collaborate in writing scientific papers about digital libraries.Keywords: digital library, thematic analysis, bibliometrics, publish or perish, VOSviewer, google scholarsABSTRAKPerpustakaan digital bukanlah suatu topik yang asing lagi dalam dunia perpustakaan. Berbagai penelitian tentang perpustakaan digital pun sudah banyak dilakukan dan menghasilkan publikasi di berbagai jurnal. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui: (1) perkembangan publikasi internasional tentang perpustakaan digital pada tahun 2017 – 2021, (2) jurnal inti dalam publikasi internasional tentang perpustakaan digital, (3) perkembangan publikasi internasional dengan kata kunci perpustakaan digital, serta (4) perkembangan publikasi internasional tentang perpustakaan digital berdasarkan penulis. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian kualitatif dengan perolehan data melalui studi pustaka dan analisis bibliometrik menggunakan Publish or Perish dan VOSviewer pada topik perpustakaan digital. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perkembnagan penelitian tentang topik perpustakaan digital pada rentang tahun 2017 – 2021 mengalami pertumbukan yang fluktuatif namun tidak berubah begitu besar tiap tahunnya. Publikasi tertinggi yaitu pada tahun 2017 sebanyak 47 artikel dan terendah pada tahun 2018 sebanyak 30 artikel. Publikasi terbanyak dilakukan oleh Journal of Librarianship and Information Science sebanyak 4 kali. Topik penelitian tentang digital library masih banyak tentang information, model, university dan impact. Peneliti masih jarang melakukan kerjasama dalam penulisan karya ilmiah tentang digital library


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui aspek pesan pada kegiatan personal selling  dalam  pemasaran jasa informasi di Museum Sri Baduga Maharaja. Ada dua komponen dalam personal selling yakni jalur sentral (central route) dan jalur periferal (peripheral route). Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian menggunakan metode deskriptif dengan jenis penelitian survey. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah pengunjung museum dengan teknik pengambilan sampling menggunakan accidental sampling. Sedangkan untuk teknik pengumpulan datanya dilakukan melalui angket, observasi, wawancara serta melalui studi kepustakaan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa komponen jalur sentral utama (central route) dari pesan yang disampaikan petugas museum sepeti kelengkapan, keragaman koleksi maupun kompetensi petugasmuseum  mendapat respon positif. Sedangkan komponen jalur tambahan (peripheral route) dalam kegiatan personal selling seperti aspek cara berpakaian petugas, faktor jarak dan faktor lalu lintas menuju museum tidak berpengaruh terhadap responden untuk datang ke museum Sri Baduga Maharaja

    Media Informasi Wisata Kampung Adat Kuta Sebagai Salah Satu Aspek Dalam Perencanaan Pariwisata

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    Dissemination of information is one of the efforts used for cultural tourism promotion activities. The purpose of this research is to determine the design process of information dissemination model for the promotion of cultural tourism attractions of the traditional village of Kuta, Karangpaninggal Village, Tambaksari District, Ciamis Regency, West Java. The approach used is action research based on the pattern of Kurt Lewin, which starts from planning, action, observation, and reflection. Data were obtained from the results of unstructured interviews and direct field observations. The results show that there is no information media used specifically to promote the tourist attractions of the traditional village of Kuta in the form of leaflets and booklets. Based on the stage of action research Kurt Lewin, in planning the researcher conducts planning based on communication planning or communication strategy that is starting from choosing a communicator, composing a message, determining the media, and determining the communicator

    Studi Tentang Perilaku Pencarian Informasi Melalui YouTube Channel Travel Vlogger Dikalangan Para Mahasiswa (Study About Behaviour of Searching Information Through YouTube Channel Travel Vlogger Among Students)

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    ABSTRAK. Penelitian ini membahas tentang perilaku pencarian informasi mahasiswa di YouTube channel travel vlogger. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui bagaimana perilaku pencarian mahasiswa di YouTube channel travel vlogger berdasarkan model information search process oleh Carol Khulthau. Khulthau membagi menjadi enam tahapan yaitu tahap inisiasi, tahap seleksi, tahap eksplorasi, tahap formulasi, tahap koleksi, dan tahap presentasi. Metode yang digunakan ialah kuantitatif deskriptif. Teknik pengumpulan data yang peneliti gunakan berdasarkan pembagian angket sebagai data primer, observasi, dan studi literatur sebagai data sekunder. Populasi dalam penelitian ini ialah mahasiswa Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Padjadjaran. Penelitian ini menggunakan sampel kuota dengan 97 orang responden yang di dapat dalam waktu dua minggu. Metode analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini ialah analisis tabel dan perhitungan kategori dengan rumus batas interval. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan tahap-tahap dalam pencarian informasi mahasiswa di YouTube channel travel vlogger masuk dalam kategori tinggi. ABSTRACT. This research tried to explain about the information search behavior in YouTube channel travel vlogger by college student. The purpose of this research is to know the applicant information search behavior in YouTube channel travel vlogger based on information search process’s model by Carol Khulthau. Khulthau devides into six stages that is initiation, selection, exploration, formulation, collection, and presentation. Based on these objectives, the reseacher used descriptive quantitative method. The data collection technique that reseacher used is based on the division of questionnaires as primer data along with observations, and literature studies as secondary data. Population in this study is college student in Faculty of Communication Sciences, Padjadjaran University. This study used a quota sample with 97 respondents who were obtained within two weeks. The analytical method used in this research is table analysis and category calculation with interval limit formula. The result of this research indicates stages in information search behavior by college student in YouTube channel travel vlogger included in the high category
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