781 research outputs found

    Skutki stresu zawodowego

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    rozdział z: Dysfunkcje i patologie w sferze zarządzania zasobami ludzkimi, t. 4, red. Z. Janowska, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 2011Zgodnie z badaniami Europejskiej Agencji Bezpieczeństwa i Zdrowia w Pracy, 35% polskich pracowników odczuwa stres w pracy. Zgodnie z definicją jest to stan psychiczny, w którym subiektywnie oceniane zasoby pracownika nie wystarczają, by sprostać wymaganiom stawianym przez środowisko pracy. Jest to więc zjawisko, które jednostka odczuwa jako co najmniej dyskomfort. I choć stres jako reakcja organizmu w procesie zmagania się z obciążeniem jest mobilizujący i pobudza do działania, to skutki chronicznego stresu są zgubne. Niniejszy artykuł ma na celu ukazanie skutków psychospołecznych oraz ekonomicznych stresu zawodowego. Przytoczone zostały dane wskazujące na związek stresu zawodowego z licznymi chorobami somatycznymi jak i zaburzeniami psychicznymi. Poruszono również szereg kwestii finansowych związanych ze stratami na skutek wysokiego i długotrwałego stresu pracowników. Na koniec podjęto także próbę ukazania istotnych wskaźników pozwalających na monitorowanie poziomu i skutków stresu w przedsiębiorstwie oraz sposoby redukcji stresu zawodowego.According to a report for European Agency for Safety and Health at Work 35% of Polish workers suffer from occupational stress. It is defined as a psychical state in which one experiences the demands of work environment that exceed his or her ability to cope with them. Stress is a natural reaction for a man in difficult situations. It functions as a protection against danger and summons psychical and biological strength to battle obstacles. However, effects of chronic stress lead to pathological changes in the human body and mind. This article presents psychosocial and economic effects of occupational stress. There are some data which show the connection between work-related stress and pathological changes in the cardiovascular system as well as mind and emotion disorders (e.g. anxiety, depression). It also presents some economic and financial costs of occupational stress for a company and society. Finally it contains some information about the main stress indicators which determine the level and effects of occupational stress in a company and some proposals of effective interventions to reduce or eliminate the sources of work-related stress

    Poemat o „ziemi naszej” Karola Brzozowskiego

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    This paper endeavours to renew the scientific description of Karol Brzozowski’s poem entitled Noc strzelców w Anatolii (The Night of Shooters in Anatolia) (1856), which was unjustly forgotten by literary critics, editors, and literary canons. The poem was inspired by the literary masterpieces of Polish romanticism, such as Adam Mickiewicz’s Pan Tadeusz (Mr. Tadeusz)(1834) and Wincenty Pol’s Pieśń o ziemi naszej (A Song of Our Land) (1843). This article reveals the aesthetic, poetic, and narrative qualities of the poem, the elements that constitute its beauty and novelty, particularly with regard to a poetic tale and description where it is possible to discern the elements of romantic improvisation, visual and linguistic disharmonies of expressionist character. The Brzozowski’s poem presents a symbolic expanse of the homeland, which consists of the full lushness of the flora, fauna, natural phenomena, the images of home, fields and forests as well as the landscapes of historical regions of Poland around Warsaw and the borderlands of Southwest Lithuania. This expanse is filled with inner landscapes of an archetype character, remembered and recorded through the senses and emotions in the subconscious of the author and the characters of the poem. These artistic and ideological features are seen as a presage of the future neo-romanticism.Artykuł podejmuje próbę odnowienia naukowego opisu poematu Karola Brzozowskiego „Noc strzelców w Anatolii” (1856), niesłusznie zapomnianego przez krytykę literacką, edytorów i kanony lektur. Utwór był inspirowany wybitnymi dziełami polskiego romantyzmu, jak „Pan Tadeusz” (1834) Adama Mickiewicza i „Pieśń o ziemi naszej” (1843) Wincentego Pola. Artykuł odsłania cechy estetyki, poetyki i narracji utworu, świadczące o jego pięknie i nowatorstwie, zwłaszcza w zakresie gawędy i opisu poetyckiego, gdzie można zauważyć elementy romantycznej improwizacji i solilokwium oraz techniki malarskie, jak koloryzm i impresjonizm, także plastyczne i językowe dysharmonie o charakterze ekspresjonistycznym. Poemat Brzozowskiego przedstawia symboliczną przestrzeń ojczystego kraju, na którą składa się całe bogactwo flory, fauny, zjawisk przyrodniczych, obrazów przydomowych, polnych i leśnych, widoków historycznych regionów Polski około Warszawy oraz Litwy południowo-zachodniej. Przestrzeń ta stanowi pejzaże wewnętrzne o charakterze archetypów, zapamiętane i utrwalone sensualnie oraz emocjonalnie przez narratora i bohaterów poematu. Można widzieć w tych cechach artystycznych oraz ideowych zapowiedź późniejszego neoromantyzmu

    Editor's note

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    The CEECOM 2021 Conference

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    Depósito de dientes de animal perforados del yacimiento magdaleniense de Wilczyce (sureste de Polonia). ¿Para qué se usaron? Un estudio de caso de huellas de uso

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    Many years of research on archaeological site at Wilczyce brought into light a unique and diversified evidence of the Late Magdalenian hunters living in southeastern Poland. Among several thousands of artefacts one hundred sixty two perforated teeth of arctic fox were discovered. There were deposited in one spot of ca. 10 cm in diameter, close to female skeleton in prenatal age. Large part of the assemblage (few dozens of best preserved pieces) were a subject of traceological investigations in order to establish how these decorations were made and which way they were wearing. Perforations in teeth were made in two ways and the teeth were fastened on both side being cloth’ decoration. Probably complete teeth were ripped off the cloth before deposition and put together with broken specimens (collected purposely) in a small sack made of organic material.Tras muchos años de investigación en un yacimiento arqueológico de Wilczyce se dio a conocer una evidencia única y diferenciada de los cazadores del Magdaleniense Final que vivían en el sureste de Polonia. Entre varios miles de artefactos se descubrieron ciento sesenta y dos dientes perforados de zorro ártico. Se depositaron en un lugar de unos 10 cm de diámetro, cerca de un esqueleto femenino prenatal. Gran parte del conjunto (unas docenas de las piezas mejor conservadas) fueron objeto de análisis tra- ceológico para establecer cómo se hacían estos ornamentos y de qué manera se usaron. Los dientes se perforaron desde ambos lados y se cosieron al vestido como adorno. Probablemente, los dientes completos se arrancaron del vestido antes de la deposición y se juntaron con muestras rotas (recogidas deliberadamente) en una pequeña bolsa de material orgánico

    Stress Management Interventions in Polish Companies – Research Results

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    Numerous studies on work-related stress and stress management interventions have led to the formulation of some rules and theories. Nevertheless, the methodology of this kind is still imperfect. There is a tremendous need to do comparative research on different kinds of interventions. This article attempts to answer the following questions: Are entrepreneurs familiar with the idea of the stress management interventions? Have their implementations been introduced after taking into consideration the causes, costs and results of stress? Are the interventions effective or not? The results show that 45% of the employers know the idea of stress management interventions (SMI) and about 17% implement them. The most popular intervention is training supervisors in stress management and training employees to cope with stress. The results show also a relatively low quality of interventions of SMIs

    Local Perspective on the Practices and Challenges of Migrant Integration: The Case of Warsaw

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    Poland is currently experiencing a transition with regard to migration trends. Foreign immigration, perceived until recently as a secondary issue by public administration, is on the increase. The largest groups of immigrants have traditionally included Ukrainians and the Vietnamese, although the country has not experienced a significant influx of foreigners arriving from Middle East and African countries. At present, Poland has no migration policy document in force and integrative actions are undertaken mostly by local governments, typically on an ad hoc basis. As Poland’s capital city, Warsaw plays a key role in governing diversity and implementing integrative actions. Significant challenges to immigrant integration include barriers to settlement and discrimination on the labour and housing market, along with a substantial rise in negative attitudes towards foreigners amongst members of Polish society. It is mainly this last aspect that is addressed by Warsaw’s local government, which prioritises educational and awareness-raising measures. It must be acknowledged that this is done in close cooperation with the non-governmental sector, where organisations with expertise in relevant fields are commissioned to perform many tasks. The main challenge of integrative actions at the local level is that these are mostly incoherent measures, which in most cases are not sufficient for the actual needs of immigrants. Hence, it is necessary to develop systemic solutions with sound, long-term financing. Moreover, in order for integration to be successful, it is essential to ensure the coordination of measures taken by public institutions at both central and local government level and to ensure the participation of immigrant communities in the development of public policies

    New Horizons? Comparisons and Frames of Reference of Polish Multiple Migrants Worldwide

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    Building on the literature on transnational social fields (Levitt & Glick Schiller, 2004) and the research agenda on pluri-local transnational studies (Pries, 2001), in this article we examine the processes of Polish migrants’ social positioning. Nowadays many migrant trajectories are more complex than moving just from one place to another, involving repeated migration spells, returns, and onward mobility. In particular, multiple migration routes involving more than one destination expand the horizons lived by migrants and hence the frames in which they can position themselves. We adopt an actor-centred approach to better understand how highly mobile individuals negotiate social comparisons concerning the contexts they have engaged in during their multiple migration spells. This article draws on qualitative data from the MULTIMIG project that examines Polish migration worldwide. The analysis is based on a qualitative panel study with 70 Poles living abroad, who have the experience of multiple migration (who have lived in two countries outside of Poland for at least three months in each). The interviews shed light on how Polish migrants make social comparisons, and in particular, which frames of reference they adopt

    Comprendiendo los campamentos pequeños de cazadores-recolectores mediante el análisis funcional y espacial. Tres casos de estudio del Mesolítico de Polonia

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    This paper presents a methodological framework for analyzing the organization of Mesolithic campsites using three eastern European archaeological case studies from Poland. Our methodology involved spatial and functional analysis through the refitting of flint items, microwear tool analyses and a spatial analysis of the distribution of items. In addition, we discuss the scientific relevance of small hunter-gatherer campsites, where a detailed spatial-functional analysis can be highly relevant to understand the everyday life and productive activities of these groups. Both our approach and conclusions may prove to be comparatively useful in larger and more complex Mesolithic sites.Este artículo presenta un enfoque metodológico para el estudio de la organización espacial de los campamentos del Mesolítico europeo recurriendo a tres casos de estudio del registro polaco. Nuestra metodología involucró el análisis espacial y funcional a través del remontaje de elementos de talla y el análisis de las huellas de uso, así como una aproximación espacial a la distribución de dichos elementos. Discutimos también la relevancia científica de estos pequeños campamentos de cazadores-recolectores, donde un detallado análisis espacio-funcional resulta fundamental para comprender las formas de vida y organización de la producción de estos grupos. Tanto nuestra aproximación como nuestras conclusiones pueden resultar comparativamente útiles al abordar otros yacimientos mesolíticos más grandes y complejos