42 research outputs found

    Do Measures of Emotional Intelligence Predict Social Acceptability?

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    The concurrent and predictive utility of three measures of Emotional Intelligence (EI) were determined by administering the Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test: Youth Version (MSCEIT:YV; Mayer, Salovey, & Caruso, in press), the Emotional Quotient Inventory: Youth Version ( EQ-i:YV; Bar-On, 2000), the Emotional Aptitude teacher rating scale of the UNIT: Gifted Screening Scale (UNIT: GSS; McCallum & Bracken, in press) and a sociometric measure to 102 third, fourth, and fifth grade students in two rural elementary schools in the Southeastern United States and one elementary school in the North Central United States. Pearson product-moment correlation coefficients of scales across instruments ranged from .20 (p \u3c . 05) to .39 (p \u3c .01) Results from dependent t tests showed no significant difference between overall mean scores of the EQ-i:YV and MSCEIT:YV (p \u3c.05) but did show a significant difference between the UNIT:GSS Emotional Aptitude Scale scores of male and female participants (p \u3c .01. Only the UNIT:GSS EAS predicted results of the sociometric in stepwise multiple regression, though the relationship was modest (R2 = .07, p \u3c .01). Apparently, the three instruments assess EI somewhat independently and relate to a peer-based sociometric only modestly

    Holocene Periods of Aggradation and Incision, Hanson Creek, Washington

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    The causes and timing of cycles of aggradation and incision in the Hanson Creek drainage in central Washington provide insight into changes in channel morphology and paleoenvironment within the region over the last 8000 years. Stratigraphically and spatially coincident archaeological evidence reveals information related to human occupation during the latter half of the epoch. Using LiDAR imagery and field surveys, recent processes such as degree of modern channel incision, accumulation of valley floor sediment, channel morphology and gradient were evaluated. The spatial distribution of these channel characteristics was assessed in relation to proximal landforms such as colluvial deposits, basalt outcrops, and bedrock anticlinal ridges. Sixteen stratigraphic profiles in the arroyo walls were used to delineate and correlate past depositional episodes based on sediment characteristics. Basal ages of the earliest documented depositional period were constrained using geochemical analysis of tephra beds. Intermediate dates were obtained from 14C analysis of in situ charcoal. The results reveal an aggrading fluvial system that entrained and transported silt to cobble sized sediment from a minimum age of 7680-7580 BP prior to the historic arroyo incision event, which most likely occurred between AD 1878 and AD 1954. The cause of the incision is likely a combination of factors, including thick accumulations of easily erodible sediment in reaches of shallow valley gradient and intervening steep gradients. Although the event that triggered the incision is unknown, similar arroyos in the western U.S. have been initiated by high magnitude floods that incised initial knickpoints, subsequently lowering base level

    Pedologic Investigations in the Red River Region of Eastern Kentucky: Relationship of Soil Properties to Lithology, Slope Aspect, and Soil Quality to Prehistoric Indigenous Food Plot Locations

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    ABSTRACT Part I The Red River Valley of Eastern Kentucky contains cultural remains that point to the independent development of agriculture during the Late Archaic cultural period. The objective of this study is to gather quantitative data through the chemical and physical analysis of soils collected within a valley transect to gain insights into landscape processes and soil quality that may have played a role in the development of plant domestication. National Cooperative Soil Survey standards were used for field descriptions and the chemical and physical analysis of all samples. Soil quality values such as ECEC (ammonium acetate pH 7), pH (1:1 soil, water), Available P (Bicarbonate), Organic C and N (dry combustion C analyzer), and particle-size (pipette method) are plotted versus landscape position to determine what slope position contains soils suitable for hillside food plots. Relative soil age indicators such as extractible iron (citratedithionite method), B horizon thickness, and clay accumulation are used to interpret landscape processes and relative age of the numerous slope failures in the region. Upland soils had the highest ECEC and base saturation compared to other landscape positions. Outcrops of Mississippian carbonate bedrock are contributing basic cations to upland soils resulting in high base saturation. Soil morphology indicates that the landslides encountered within the transect are late-Holocene in age. These slides were likely generated by mid to late-Holocene climatic shifts in which the frequency and intensity of summer precipitation increased across the southeastern United States. These landslides may have contributed to the development of plant domestication by providing disturbed soils in which weedy plants (such as those domesticated by indigenous people) thrive. ABSTRACT Part 2 The Western Cumberland Escarpment in Eastern Kentucky has slopes developed in sedimentary bedrock of Mississippian and Pennsylvanian age. This study was conducted in order todetermine the affects of slope position, aspect, and changes in bedrock on soils developed in these lithology segmented slopes. Chemical and physical soil characteristics such as ECEC, base saturation, pH, soluble cations, organic C, particle size, and free iron are plotted versus slope position in order to determine the relationship between pedologic and geomorphic processes and slope position in this landscape. Correlation coefficients are then calculated and trend lines plotted in order to determine if a correlation exists. The soils of the SW facing slope had a moderate to strong statistical fit (r2\u3e0.60) for solum depth, extractable Fe, base saturation, soluble cations, organic C, sand content in the A horizon, and Profile Darkness Index (POI). Poor correlations existed for clay ratios and pH. Soils of the NE facing slope had a moderate statistical fit (r2\u3e0.60) for solum depth, extractable Fe, base saturation, soluble cations, fine silt content in the A horizon, ECEC, and POI. Poor correlations existed for pH, sand content of the A horizon and organic C. Carbon accumulation index indicated that carbon is being retained at the summit of the SW facing slope and is accumulating at the base of NE facing slope. The influence of changes in bedrock lithology is apparent in the base status of upland soils as outcrops of carbonate bedrock contribute basic cations. The NE facing slope had thinner sola, less extractable Fe, lower clay ratios, lower base saturation, and lower pH than the soils of the SW slope. Increased moisture contents on the NE facing slope may have contributed to the landslides found in the lower slope positions

    Barnetraume: Et helhetlig team? : En kvalitativ studie om hvordan erfarne anestesisykepleiere ivaretar barns psykososiale behov i en traumesituasjon

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    Master's thesis in Specialized nursing (ME519)Background: In 2018, 1366 children was admitted to hospital with trauma teams (Dahlhaug, 2020). Research shows that a large proportion of children exposed to physical trauma, develops posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in the aftermath. Children are treated after the same guidelines as adults (Rajka et al., 2016). Aim and Objective: The aim of this thesis, is to research how experienced nurse anesthetists’ safeguards children ́s psychosocial needs during a trauma team. Method: A qualitative method was used, with semi-structured interviews. Seven experienced nurse anesthetists from a trauma center in Norway, was interviewed individually. The interviews were analyzed by using qualitative content analysis. Results: Experienced nurse anesthetists safeguards children ́s psychosocial needs by making the children feel secure, having a well-functioning team and be flexible around children ́s needs and wishes. Conclusion: Nurse anesthesists safeguards children ́s psychosocial needs in a trauma situation, by establishing good communication with both children and parents. They also show flexibility towards children. Good teamwork is also an important factor in safeguarding children ́s psychosocial needs

    Do Trait Emotional Intelligence and Dispositional Mindfulness Have a Complementary Effect on the Children's and Adolescents' Emotional States?

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    Mindfulness is both a non-judgmental and present-centered awareness, which has been applied to reduce negative emotions. On the other hand, Trait Emotional Intelligence (TEI) is the way of how good people perceive their emotional intelligence abilities (perceiving, expressing, understanding, and regulating emotions), which are involved in people's social functioning. This empirical study was designed to analyze whether dispositional mindfulness (DM) and TEI have a potential combined role for children and adolescent's emotional states. In a sample of primary school students (N = 318), age ranged from 8 to 16 years old (M = 11.25, SD = 2.20), participants filled a TEI measure (ESCQ, Emotional skills and competence questionnaire) and two measures of DM (CAMM, Child and Adolescent Mindfulness Measure and AFQ-Y, Avoidance and Fusion Questionnaire for Youth). Measures selected included: PANAS (Positive affect and negative affect schedule), White Bear Suppression Inventory (a thought suppression inventory), and STAIC (State-Trait Anxiety for Children). Findings pointed out that TEI measures (labeling and expression, understanding, and managing emotions) were positively and significantly related to positive emotional states (especially, positive affect and balance) and negatively with a lower association with state anxiety. However, DM measures were both negatively and strongly associated with negative emotional states (thought suppression, negative affect, and anxiety). Conclusions indicate that a combined effect of both TEI skills and DM based interventions would be more complete than each one separately for better social functioning of children and teenagers

    ''Fra ord til handling'' : hvilken betydning har refleksjon for lederutvikling?

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    Denne oppgaven handler om hvilken betydning refleksjon har for lederutvikling. Samtlige fem ledere som er dybdeintervjuet rundt dette tema i en statlig virksomhet i Norge hevder at refleksjon er viktig. To av lederne hevder med sterke utsagn at refleksjon ikke bare er viktig men faktisk er en forutsetning for lederutvikling. At refleksjon i form av dypere ettertanke, er det som må til for at ledere kan endre sin bruksteori som styrer deres atferd slik det bl.a. er beskrevet av Argyris og Schøn (1978). Det vi har sett i undersøkelsen er at ledere uansett ledernivå ser ut til å bruke mest tid på å reflektere rundt hvordan de kan skape best mulig utvikling av bedriften gjennom de medarbeidere de er satt til å lede. Det er her de går «i læringssirkler» når det gjelder å avlede erfaringer, reflektere og justere sine handlinger i tråd med læringsperspektivet til Kvalsund (2011). Dernest ser jeg at lederne bruker en del tid på å reflektere over hvordan de kan forbedre arbeidsprosesser som kommer kundene til gode. Samtidig uttaler tre av fem ledere at de får for liten tid til refleksjon i en travel lederhverdag, og at deres refleksjoner for det meste foregår som en mental øvelse oppe i hodene deres. De etterlyser et refleksjons-loggverktøy der de kan skrive ned og dele sine erfaringer fra hverdagen som kan styrke både individuell og kollektiv læring. Dette er et område som bør vurderes styrket i forskningsobjektet. I følge Tiller og Helgesen (2011), gir skriftlig refleksjon et sterkere læringsutbytte (meta-refleksjonsnivå) hos ledere. Det kan derfor drøftes hvorvidt ledere som ikke benytter dette kan oppnå ønsket lederutvikling. En leder i forskningsobjektet fremhever at det er grupperefleksjonene med andre ledere omkring reelle problemstillinger fra virksomheten som er mest nyttig. Forskningsobjektet har tatt i bruk refleksjonsgrupper men de møtes relativt sjelden. Når det gjelder ledernes erfaringer med lederevaluering og refleksjonsverktøy uten logg eller dagbokfunksjon er resultatene ikke entydig positive ift hvor stor nytteverdi lederne opplever rundt dette. Lederne har en del tanker om hvordan disse verktøyene kan fungere bedre som beskrives nærmere i denne oppgaven

    Diseases and Parasites of the Greater Sandhill Crane

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    Between 1 March 1976 and 31 October 1977, 130 greater sandhill cranes (Grus canadensis tabida) were captured by rocket netting at eight locations in central Wisconsin and at the Jasper-Pulaski Wildlife Area in Indiana. In addition, fourteen prefledged chicks were captured in Wisconsin. All of these birds were examined for the presence of viral, bacterial, and parasitic disease agents. No viral isolations or serologic evidence for avian influenza or Newcastle disease were found in any of the 144 cranes examined. One of 95 serum samples examined was positive for western equine encephalatis and one positive for eastern equine encephalatis antibodies. Sera tested for chlamydiosis antibodies were negative. Three significant bacterial isolations were made: Arizona hinshawii, Salmonella enteritidis serotype Rubislaw and S. enteritidis serotype Litchfield. Haemoproteus antigonis was detected in 34% and Leucocytozoon grusi in 12% of the 133 crane blood smears examined. Feces from 69 captured cranes were examined for the presence of oocysts and 81% contained Eimeria gruis and 75% had E. reichenowi. Ectoparasites detected included two species of mites, a Geranolichus sp. and a new species of Brephosceles. Also two species of Mallophaga were found, Gruimenopon canadense and Esthiopterum brevicephalum. Orchipedum jolliei was the most common trematode recovered during necropsy, occuring in 42% of the trachea examined. Echinostoma revolutum and a Prosthogonimus sp. were also found. Tetrameres gruis was the only nematode recovered. Blood lead levels were found to range from non detected to 14.2 parts per million. The significance of these findings is discussed.U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, contract No. 14-16-008-207

    Eight Thousand Years of Sedimentation and Arroyo Formation, Hanson Creek, Yakima Training Center, Washington

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    The causes and timing of cycles of sedimentation in the Hanson Creek drainage in central Washington provide insight into changes in channel morphology and paleoenvironment within the region over the last 8,000 years. Using LiDAR imagery and field surveys, recent processes such as degree of modern channel incision, accumulation of valley floor sediment, and channel morphology and gradient were evaluated. The spatial distribution of these channel characteristics was assessed in relation to proximal land forms such as spring mounds, colluvial deposits, and basalt outcrops. Sixteen stratigraphic profiles in the arroyo walls were used to delineate and correlate past depositional episodes based on sediment characteristics. Basal ages of the earliest documented depositional period were constrained using geochemical analysis of tephra beds. Intermediate dates were obtained from 14C analysis of charcoal. Stratigraphic evidence suggests multiple transitions from an aggrading braided system to an expansive, fine-grained, alluvial step-pool sequence that aggraded a minimum of 3.5 m throughout the last 8,000 years. Low gradient, fine-grained, organic-rich, sediment suggests prolonged periods of saturation at three locations throughout the incised reach, adjacent to evidence of groundwater springs. The intervening reaches exhibit comparatively high gradients for unconsolidated alluvium. A single and unprecedented 9 m deep incision of a 1.8 km reach occurred around AD 1900. The timing and physical environmental conditions associated with Holocene sedimentation in the Hanson Creek watershed will supplement the minimal data available on arroyo formation in the northwestern United States, and allow a comparison with the timing of archaeological occupation sites adjacent to Hanson Creek

    Visuelle symptom i Bill Violas Tristan's Ascension (The sound of a Mountain under a Waterfall)

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    Ikonografiske- og biografiske tilnærminger har dominert både innenfor kunstteori og filmteori. Ikonografien fokuserer på et narrativt forløp, og er en fortolkningsmodell som er fundert i en kulturell/samfunnsmessig struktur, som ligger utenfor verket. Jeg ønsker med denne oppgave å ta utgangspunkt i en alternativ fortolkningsmodell til bevegelige bilder. Et alternativ til den dominerende ikonografiske metode representerer den franske kunsthistorikere Georges Didi-Huberman, og det han betegner som visuelt. Didi-Huberman hevder at det som ikke er synlig blir inkarnert i verket, og viser seg som visuelle symptom. Jeg vil undersøke hvordan man kan bruke Didi-Hubermans begreper på bevegelige bilder i en analyse av Bill Violas Tristan s Ascension (The sound of a Mountain under a Waterfall). Tristan s Ascension ble opprinnelig laget til Tristan prosjektet basert på Richard Wagners opera Tristan und Isolde. Hovedmålet med oppgaven er å vise at det finnes visuelle symptom på zen buddhismen i Tristan s Ascension, og at de visuelle symptomene materialiserer seg som sanseinntrykk via Wagner, og gjennom bevegelse