139 research outputs found

    Involvement of T cells in enhanced resistance to Klebsiella pneumoniae septicemia in mice treated with liposome-encapsulated muramyl tripeptide phosphatidylethanolamine or gamma interferon

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    We have previously shown that prophylactic administration of the liposome-encapsulated immunomodulating agents muramyl tripeptide phosphatidylethanolamine (MTPPE) and gamma interferon (IFN-gamma) results in strongly increased survival of mice from a normally lethal septicemia with Klebsiella pneumoniae. It was anticipated that the treatment acts on macrophages and nonspecifically augments host resistance to various infections. In the present study, we provide evidence for a key role for T cells in host defense potentiation by the liposomal immunomodulators toward K. pneumoniae septicemia. It is shown that both CD4 and CD8 cells are important in immunomodulation, most likely due to production of IFN-gamma. Depletion of circulating IFN-gamma resulted in strong reduction of the antimicrobial host defense activation. Administration of interleukin-10 resulted in decreased antimicrobial host defense activation by liposomal immunomodulators. Moreover, administration of liposomal immunomodulators was shown to induce predominantly T-helper type 1 (Th1) cell populations in the spleen. These findings indicate that immunomodulation with liposomal MTPPE and IFN-gamma favors Th1 and NK cell activation

    The Selective Autophagy Receptor p62 Forms a Flexible Filamentous Helical Scaffold

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    Published version also available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.celrep.2015.03.062The scaffold protein p62/SQSTM1 is involved in protein turnover and signaling and is commonly found in dense protein bodies in eukaryotic cells. In autophagy, p62 acts as a selective autophagy receptor that recognizes and shuttles ubiquitinated proteins to the autophagosome for degradation. The structural organization of p62 in cellular bodies and the interplay of these assemblies with ubiquitin and the autophagic marker LC3 remain to be elucidated. Here, we present a cryo-EM structural analysis of p62. Together with structures of assemblies from the PB1 domain, we show that p62 is organized in flexible polymers with the PB1 domain constituting a helical scaffold. Filamentous p62 is capable of binding LC3 and addition of long ubiquitin chains induces disassembly and shortening of filaments. These studies explain how p62 assemblies provide a large molecular scaffold for the nascent autophagosome and reveal how they can bind ubiquitinated cargo

    Is livestock grazing a key factor for changing vegetation patterns in lime rich coastal dunes in the Netherlands?

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    In 1990, livestock grazing was introduced in Meijendel, a 1800 ha lime-rich coastal dune area, at a density of 0.06–0.07 LLU.ha-1.year−1 (1:12–18 ha) to counteract encroachment of tall grasses and shrubland on dune grassland and increase the bare sand area. Monitoring was based on four digital orthophotos (1975–1990–2001-2009) with a high spatial resolution (pixel size 25 × 25 cm). The changes were tested using Generalized Estimating Equations. Habitat changes occurred, but contradicting our hypothesis, there was no significant impact from the grazing on bare sand, grassland or shrubland within 11 and 19 years post livestock introduction. (1) After several decennia of decreasing bare sand, there was a significant increase between 2001 and 2009, irrespective of livestock presence. (2) The changes in grasslands and shrublands are independent of the livestock, but dependent on distance to the coast. (3) Bare sand and shrub cover determine the space left for the dune grasslands. It appears other factors than livestock grazing must have induced the changes. Changes in climate conditions and nitrogen load might have stimulated bare sand. An interaction with the end of Marram planting in 1990 cannot be concluded from available data. The disease-led reduction of rabbit grazing from the mid-1950s led to an expansion of the dominant shrub Hippophae rhamnoides. However, Hippophae shrubland typically regresses to grasslands on its collapse after 25–40 years. Tree species like Crataegus, Betula and Quercus will gradually dominate the landscape for far longer. Active removal of these indigenous species is necessary to prevent future loss of dune grasslands.</p

    The architecture of Cidec-mediated interfaces between lipid droplets.

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    Lipid droplets (LDs) are intracellular organelles responsible for storing surplus energy as neutral lipids. Their size and number vary enormously. In white adipocytes, LDs can reach 100 μm in diameter, occupying >90% of the cell. Cidec, which is strictly required for the formation of large LDs, is concentrated at interfaces between adjacent LDs and facilitates directional flux of neutral lipids from the smaller to the larger LD. The mechanism of lipid transfer is unclear, in part because the architecture of interfaces between LDs remains elusive. Here we visualize interfaces between LDs by electron cryo-tomography and analyze the kinetics of lipid transfer by quantitative live fluorescence microscopy. We show that transfer occurs through closely apposed monolayers, is slowed down by increasing the distance between the monolayers, and follows exponential kinetics. Our data corroborate the notion that Cidec facilitates pressure-driven transfer of neutral lipids through two "leaky" monolayers between LDs

    Benchmarking tomographic acquisition schemes for high-resolution structural biology

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    Cryo electron tomography with subsequent subtomogram averaging is a powerful technique to structurally analyze macromolecular complexes in their native context. Although close to atomic resolution in principle can be obtained, it is not clear how individual experimental parameters contribute to the attainable resolution. Here, we have used immature HIV-1 lattice as a benchmarking sample to optimize the attainable resolution for subtomogram averaging. We systematically tested various experimental parameters such as the order of projections, different angular increments and the use of the Volta phase plate. We find that although any of the prominently used acquisition schemes is sufficient to obtain subnanometer resolution, dose-symmetric acquisition provides considerably better outcome. We discuss our findings in order to provide guidance for data acquisition. Our data is publicly available and might be used to further develop processing routines

    Tumour basement membrane laminin expression predicts outcome following curative resection of pancreatic head cancer

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    Background: Although widely fragmented BMs have been associated with adverse outcome in several cancer types, comparatively little is known with respect to its effect on the prognosis of pancreatic cancer. The aim of the current study was therefore to determine the prognostic value of tumour basement membrane (BM) continuity in two anatomically closely related, however, prognostically different tumours, pancreatic head-and periampullary cancer. Methods: Tumour BM continuity was determined by immunohistochemical staining of its two major components, laminin and collagen type IV. Associations were made with recurrence free survival (RFS), cancer-specific survival (CSS), overall survival (OS) and conventional prognostic factors. Results: Fifty-nine and 61% of pancreatic head and periampullary tumours, respectively, showed limited BM laminin expression. Whereas 43% and 41% of pancreatic head and periampullary cancers, respectively, showed limited BM collagen type IV expression. Limited BM laminin was associated with poor outcome following curative resection of pancreatic head cancer (P=0.034, 0.013 and 0.017 for RFS, CSS and OS, respectively). Two and a half times as many patients with 25% BM laminin were recurrence free and alive 5 years following resection compared with those with limited BM laminin. Although staining patterns of both BM components were weakly correlated with each other, BM collagen type IV expression was not significantly associated with outcome in either tumour type.Conclusion: Discontinuous BMs, determined by laminin expression, are associated with poor outcome following curative resection of pancreatic head cancer

    Higher-order assemblies of oligomeric cargo receptor complexes form the membrane scaffold of the Cvt vesicle

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    Selective autophagy is the mechanism by which large cargos are specifically sequestered for degradation. The structural details of cargo and receptor assembly giving rise to autophagic vesicles remain to be elucidated. We utilize the yeast cytoplasm-to-vacuole targeting (Cvt) pathway, a prototype of selective autophagy, together with a multi-scale analysis approach to study the molecular structure of Cvt vesicles. We report the oligomeric nature of the major Cvt cargo Ape1 with a combined 2.8 Å X-ray and negative stain EM structure, as well as the secondary cargo Ams1 with a 6.3 Å cryo-EM structure. We show that the major dodecameric cargo prApe1 exhibits a tendency to form higher-order chain structures that are broken upon interaction with the receptor Atg19 in vitro The stoichiometry of these cargo-receptor complexes is key to maintaining the size of the Cvt aggregate in vivo Using correlative light and electron microscopy, we further visualize key stages of Cvt vesicle biogenesis. Our findings suggest that Atg19 interaction limits Ape1 aggregate size while serving as a vehicle for vacuolar delivery of tetrameric Ams1

    Capturing protein communities by structural proteomics in a thermophilic eukaryote:Structural systems biology of lysates

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    The arrangement of proteins into complexes is a key organizational principle for many cellular functions. Although the topology of many complexes has been systematically analyzed in isolation, their molecular sociology in situ remains elusive. Here, we show that crude cellular extracts of a eukaryotic thermophile, Chaetomium thermophilum, retain basic principles of cellular organization. Using a structural proteomics approach, we simultaneously characterized the abundance, interactions, and structure of a third of the C. thermophilum proteome within these extracts. We identified 27 distinct protein communities that include 108 interconnected complexes, which dynamically associate with each other and functionally benefit from being in close proximity in the cell. Furthermore, we investigated the structure of fatty acid synthase within these extracts by cryoEM and this revealed multiple, flexible states of the enzyme in adaptation to its association with other complexes, thus exemplifying the need for in situ studies. As the components of the captured protein communities are known-at both the protein and complex levels-this study constitutes another step forward toward a molecular understanding of subcellular organization