246 research outputs found

    Diseño de un Horno para Tratamiento Térmico del Rodete de la Turbina Francis (CELEC Unidad de Negocio Hidroagoyán).

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    Se ha realizado el Diseño de un Horno para Tratamiento Térmico del rodete de la turbina Francis para la empresa CELEC Unidad de negocio Hidroagoyán. El objetivo es implementar un taller donde se puedan reparar los rodetes que están sometidos a continuo desgaste debido principalmente a los fenómenos de erosión y cavitación, evitando la realización de estos trabajos fuera del país, optimizando tiempo y costos que conlleva este proceso. En la reparación se aporta material de soldadura siendo necesario el tratamiento térmico para aliviar tensiones internas. Mediante un software se ha simulado el comportamiento del rodete frente a las temperaturas y tiempos del tratamiento. La alternativa más adecuada es un horno eléctrico intermitente, que para su calentamiento utiliza resistencias eléctricas colocadas en la solera del mismo, controladas automáticamente por medio de un sistema PID (Proporcional, Integral, Derivativo). La cámara del horno tiene un recubrimiento de material aislante, que permite un considerable ahorro energético en este proceso y garantiza una temperatura exterior segura para los operadores del taller, mientras que la solera tiene ladrillo refractario; su estructura está hecha de perfiles metálicos que en su mayoría están unidos mediante pernos y para el revestimiento exterior se utiliza chapa metálica. Con este diseño se estableció una potencia necesaria de 270 kw y un rendimiento de 91,51% para el horno. Finalmente se determina el costo de construcción del mismo.It has done the Design of a Heat Treatment Furnace for the Francis turbine runner for the company CELEC Hidroagoyán business unit. The company´s goal is to implement a workshop that can repair rims that are subject to continuous wear due mainly to erosion and cavitation, preventing the completing of these works abroad, optimizing time and costs involved in this process. In the repair is provided welding material required to be heat treatment being necessary to relieve internal stresses. Using software we have simulated the behavior of the impeller against the temperature and time of the treatment. The best alternative is an electric oven intermittently that for heating uses electric heaters placed on the still of the same, automatically controlled through a PID (Proportional, Integral, Derivative). The Furnace chamber has a coating of insulating material, which allows considerable energy savings in this process and ensures a safe outdoor temperature for operators in the workshop, while the sill is firebrick, its structure is made of metal profiles that are mostly connected by bolts and for the cladding sheet metal is used

    Estudio de factibilidad para la creación de una Empresa comercializadora de suministros de computación en la ciudad de San Gabriel, provincia del Carchi

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    Determinar la factibilidad de la creación de una empresa comercializadora de suministros de computación y tecnológicos ubicada en la ciudad de San Gabriel, provincia del Carchi.El presente proyecto tiene como finalidad determinar la factibilidad de la creación de una empresa comercializadora de suministros de computación en la ciudad de San Gabriel, provincia del Carchi; principalmente para beneficio de los estudiantes, profesionales, dueños de negocios, entidades públicas, privadas, financieras, educativas y demás con residencia en el cantón Montúfar, en dónde de acuerdo a la información proveniente de los instrumentos de investigación aplicados, se ha detectado un notable incremento de requerimientos de computadores de escritorio, equipos portátiles, tablet, y los respectivos suministros y partes que no son satisfechos por los pocos almacenes locales principalmente en aspectos de variedad, economía y garantía. Con este preámbulo, más el sustento de diferentes bases teóricas relacionadas que proporcionaron una mejor comprensión del tema, se procedió a realizar el estudio de mercado en dónde se hizo un análisis de la oferta, demanda y precios que corroboró la existencia de una considerable demanda insatisfecha, de la cual se va a cubrir una parte, además de establecer estrategias para ingreso al mercado. Luego de esto se procedió a determinar la macro y micro localización del proyecto, la distribución de sus instalaciones, y por su puesto la determinación de la inversión necesaria para su implementación; para a continuación realizar los presupuestos de ingresos, costos, gastos, utilidades para un periodo de cinco años y conocer los resultados de los indicadores de la evaluación financiera que determinaron su factibilidad. A partir de lo cual se preparó la organización de la empresa, su nombre, propietarios, base filosófica, la estructura organizacional y los perfiles funciones del personal necesario para su correcto funcionamiento. Por último se realizó el estudio de los diferentes impactos que la realización del proyecto inducirá a nivel social, económico, educativo y ambiental, cuyo resultado es favorable

    “When I Don’t Have Money, I Don’t Eat”: A Critical Hermeneutic Study of Diabetes in Liberia

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    Diabetes is a growing public health concern in Liberia, where an estimated 2.1% of the population live with the disease. The challenges with diabetes in Liberia are enormous. Diabetes places immense socioeconomic pressure on individuals and their families and burdens an already overstretched health care system still recovering from the destructive effects of the 14-year civil war. While efforts towards rebuilding the health care system in Liberia are ongoing, people with diabetes experience significant challenges accessing social, economic, and health-care resources to manage their illness. Purpose: The goal of this critical hermeneutic study was to explore what is it like to live with diabetes in Liberia. Methods: Through purposeful sampling, 10 adults with diabetes were recruited from a publicly funded hospital in Monrovia, Liberia. Data were collected using a photovoice method, wherein participants photographed their everyday experiences of living with diabetes. Results: We identified three themes that answered the question of what is it like to live with diabetes in Liberia: living with diabetes means living with 1) food insecurity, 2) trying to access a health care system that was not built to respond to diabetes, and 3) using faith to cope and foster hope. Conclusion: The experiences of people living with diabetes in Liberia are under-researched, pointing to a gap in knowledge. The findings from this study address this gap in the literature by providing a clearer picture of the impact of diabetes on individuals and families. We provide tangible recommendations to local governments and policy makers on interventions that may improve health outcomes and quality of life for people living with diabetes in Liberia

    Análisis documental sobre calidad y seguridad turística en las festividades de Tungurahua, Ecuador

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    Tungurahua, provincia ubicada en el centro de la zona andina del Ecuador contiene importantes atractivos que inducen al incremento de turistas nacionales e internacionales. Sin embargo, aún existen falencias en calidad y seguridad turística especialmente en las festividades de las ciudades. El propósito del presente trabajo es realizar un análisis documental de estos dos aspectos durante las festividades anuales de la provincia, los cuales involucran programaciones a las que concurren turistas y visitantes de manera masiva. Para el efecto, se realizó una investigación documental cualitativa, de diseño no experimental, en base a cinco informes del Comité de Turismo de Tungurahua durante el desarrollo de las festividades en el año 2017. Entre los principales resultados de esta investigación está el estudio y mejoramiento de la calidad y de la seguridad de los servicios turísticos durante las celebraciones y se concluye que los entes gubernamentales e institucionales son los encargados de estudiar y diseñar los aspectos de calidad y seguridad turística para brindar mayor satisfacción a los turistas y visitantes

    Long-term trial of protection provided by adenovirus-vectored vaccine expressing the PPRV H protein

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    A recombinant, replication-defective, adenovirus-vectored vaccine expressing the H surface glycoprotein of peste des petits ruminants virus (PPRV) has previously been shown to protect goats from challenge with wild-type PPRV at up to 4 months post vaccination. Here, we present the results of a longer-term trial of the protection provided by such a vaccine, challenging animals at 6, 9, 12 and 15 months post vaccination. Vaccinated animals developed high levels of anti-PPRV H protein antibodies, which were virus-neutralising, and the level of these antibodies was maintained for the duration of the trial. The vaccinated animals were largely protected against overt clinical disease from the challenge virus. Although viral genome was intermittently detected in blood samples, nasal and/or ocular swabs of vaccinated goats post challenge, viral RNA levels were significantly lower compared to unvaccinated control animals and vaccinated goats did not appear to excrete live virus. This protection, like the antibody response, was maintained at the same level for at least 15 months after vaccination. In addition, we showed that animals that have been vaccinated with the adenovirus-based vaccine can be revaccinated with the same vaccine after 12 months and showed an increased anti-PPRV antibody response after this boost vaccination. Such vaccines, which provide a DIVA capability, would therefore be suitable for use when the current live attenuated PPRV vaccines are withdrawn at the end of the ongoing global PPR eradication campaign

    Intrinsic motivation in the teaching-learning English process as a Foreign Language

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    El objetivo principal de esta investigación fue identificar los factores que influyen en la motivación intrínseca durante el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de inglés como Lengua Extranjera. Esta fue una investigación cualitativa de tipo descriptivo, ya que los datos se describieron, analizaron e interpretaron los datos con precisión y claridad; además, no hubo influencia en ninguna de las variables: la motivación intrínseca y el aprendizaje de inglés como Lengua Extranjera; por lo tanto, el investigador no tuvo influencia ni en el comportamiento ni en la naturaleza de las variables. Este fue también un estudio de campo, puesto que, los datos fueron recolectados directamente de los sujetos estudiados y del lugar donde ocurrieron los hechos, sin cambiar las condiciones. Se aplicó el instrumento del cuestionario, una encuesta compuesta por 12 preguntas cerradas y una pregunta abierta que fue aplicada a 68 estudiantes de Nivel III de inglés. Los resultados demostraron que la motivación intrínseca influye en el aprendizaje, los estudiantes manifestaron que no les gusta inglés, que solo estudian o hacen tareas porque necesitan ser promovidos al próximo nivel; además, no trabajan de manera autónoma o sienten la necesidad de repetir una tarea para mejorar su conocimiento; los estudiantes solo buscan obtener mínimas calificaciones que les permitan ser promovidos al próximo nivel. Adicionalmente, los estudiantes mencionaron que existen algunos factores que limitan su motivación por aprender inglés, entre esas tenemos: demasiados deberes, tareas, contenidos y número de horas asignadas a las clases de inglés; poco interés y paciencia de parte de los docentes al momento de explicar temas gramaticales; miedo a hablar causado por las críticas y burlas de sus compañeros. Se recomienda a los docentes buscar estrategias que motiven el desarrollo de la autoestima, curiosidad y autonomía de los estudiantes dentro de las clases de inglés. The main objective of this research was to identify the factors which influence in the intrinsic motivation during the teaching-learning English process as a Foreign Language. This was a qualitative descriptive research since the data was described, analyzed, and interpreted with clear and precisive terms; besides this research did not have influence in any of the variables; intrinsic motivation and English as a Foreign Language learning; therefore, the nature of the variables and their behavior were not manipulated by the researcher. This study was also a field research because data was collected directed from the studied individuals and from the scenario were the facts occurred, without changing the conditions. The instrument was the questionnaire, a survey with 12 open questions and one close question was applied to 68 Level III students. The results demonstrated that intrinsic motivation influences learning, students declared that they do not like English, they only study or do homework because they need to be promoted to the next level; besides they do not work autonomously or feel the necessity to repeat any task only with the purpose of improving their knowledge; they only want to obtain minimum grades which allow them to be promoted to the next level. In addition, students mentioned that there are some factors which restrict their motivation to learn English, some of them are excessive homework, tasks, contents, and number of hours assigned for English classes; little interest and patience from the teachers to explain grammar contents; students fear to speak because their classmates criticize and make fun of them. It is recommended that the teachers look for strategies to foster self-esteem, curiosity, and autonomy in the English classroom

    Neurocranial osteology and neuroanatomy of a late Cretaceous Titanosaurian Sauropod from Spain (Ampelosaurus sp.)

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    Titanosaurians were a flourishing group of sauropod dinosaurs during Cretaceous times. Fossils of titanosaurians have been found on all continents and their remains are abundant in a number of Late Cretaceous sites. Nonetheless, the cranial anatomy of titanosaurians is still very poorly known. The Spanish latest Cretaceous locality of "Lo Hueco" yielded a relatively well preserved, titanosaurian braincase, which shares a number of phylogenetically restricted characters with Ampelosaurus atacis from France such as a flat occipital region. However, it appears to differ from A. atacis in some traits such as the greater degree of dorsoventral compression and the presence of proatlas facets. The specimen is, therefore, provisionally identified as Ampelosaurus sp. It was CT scanned, and 3D renderings of the cranial endocast and inner-ear system were generated. Our investigation highlights that, although titanosaurs were derived sauropods with a successful evolutionary history, they present a remarkably modest level of paleoneurological organization. Compared with the condition in the basal titanosauriform Giraffatitan brancai, the labyrinth of Ampelosaurus sp. shows a reduced morphology. The latter feature is possibly related to a restricted range of head-turning movementsThis is a contribution to the research project CGL2009-12143 (Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, Madrid), of which FK, who is currently supported by the Ramón y Cajal Program, is Principal Investigator. LMW and RCR acknowledge funding support from the United States National Science Foundation (IBN-9601174, IBN-0343744, IOB-0517257, IOS-1050154) and the Ohio University Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine. The Ohio Supercomputing Center also provided suppor

    Capability as a concept in advanced practice nursing and education: a scoping review

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    Objective: The objective of this review was to map the literature about the concept of capability in advanced practice nursing education and practice to achieve greater clarity on the concept and its application. Introduction: Advanced practice nursing roles make up a growing segment of the global nursing workforce. Capability has been proposed as an overarching description of the attributes of advanced practice nursing roles within complex workplace environments. Capability includes knowing how to learn, and the ability to creatively integrate prior knowledge, skills, judgment, and experience in both new and familiar situations. Inclusion criteria: This review looked at the literature about capability applied to advanced practice nursing in any setting globally. We were guided by the International Council of Nurses’ definition of advanced practice nursing, which includes nurses with both graduate education and an expanded scope of practice. Drawing from an initial review of the literature, we used a working definition of capability, which was a combination of knowledge, skills, experience, and competencies that enables advanced practice nurses to provide appropriate care for patients in both known and unfamiliar clinical settings. We included literature about individual capability as a concept in any setting related to advanced practice nursing and education. Methods: We searched 18 electronic databases and included qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods study design methodologies, reviews, and reports. The gray literature search included policy and practice documents from the World Health Organization, the International Council of Nursing, and websites of 48 nursing and health organizations. Two reviewers independently completed title and abstract screening prior to full-text review and data extraction. Conflicts were resolved via discussion or with a third reviewer. Extraction was completed by 2 reviewers using a piloted data extraction tool. Articles published in English from 1975 to the present were included. Sources in languages other than English were not included in the review due to the difficulties in accurately translating the concept of capability. Results: Thirty-five sources were included in the review with publication dates from 2000 to 2023. Most sources originated from Australia, the United Kingdom, and the United States of America. Sources included frameworks and clinical guidelines, peer-reviewed articles, and gray literature. Capability was discussed in a range of settings, including specialized clinical roles. Applications of capability in educational settings included the use of capability frameworks to guide nurse practitioner education, nursing practice doctorates, and postgraduate nurse practitioner training. Definitions of capability, where provided, were relatively consistent. Capability was proposed as a distinguishing characteristic of advanced practice nursing, as a descriptor of clinical proficiency that moved beyond competency, and as a framework that accounted for complexity in health care settings. Conclusions: Capability was used as a concept and framework to describe advanced practice nursing within complex practice environments that necessitate flexible approaches. Capability frameworks were applied holistically and to specific areas of practice or education, including in pre- and postgraduate advanced practice nursing education. Strategies for teaching and learning capability focused on flexibility, student-directed learning, and development of flexible learning pathways. Supplemental digital content: A Norwegian-language version of this abstract of this review is available: http:// links.lww.com/SRX/A58 Keywords: capability framework; complexity; knowing how to learn; scoping review; self-efficac


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    Kegiatan Service Learning (SL) yang diadakan di Tk Baithani Tengger dalam rangka mata kuliah KKP Arsitektur Anak bukan hanya sekedar memberikan pelayanan masyarakat. Pada pelaksanaan SL mata kuliah KKP Arsitektur Anak, subyek pembelajaran dilatih untuk mampu menganalisa masalah sosial yang dihadapi oleh masyarakat untuk selanjutnya meng-angkat problem tersebut ke dalam permasalahan desain. Selain itu para mahasiswa juga belajar untuk bekerja sama dengan segala pihak dalam pelaksanaan proyek secara nyata, khususnya dalam pemanfaatan bahan bekas (limbah) keramik untuk dijadikan bahan penutup jalan bagi anak-anak di taman lalu lintas milik TK Baithani Tengger