2,474 research outputs found

    Receipt, 20 December 1850

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    Medical Resident Resource Use Trends: Looking at the Past to Inform Future Decisions

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    Objective: Since 2006, the University of Tennessee’s Preston Medical Library (PML) has collected survey feedback from exiting residents. One question asks residents which types of articles or sources they use to find information. In this study, we examine responses to this question, assessing the change in resident utilization of resources to better inform future library decisions on instruction and marketing. Methods: Surveys were distributed to exiting residents through targeted emails or at the required exit process in the library. The question asked them to select which types of articles or sources they used to find information from among the 16 options currently listed, including an “other” box with free text functionality. The resident can select any number of options. Some options have changed over time as resources have ceased to exist, merged, or been cancelled. Survey results were examined from each year, noting how many times each resource had been selected and the total number of residents taking the survey. Results were compiled by resource usage per year and particular resource usage over the study’s timespan. Results: Results indicated changing resident use of PML’s resources. Of note, we found UpToDate usage to be remarkably consistent, with 80% of residents, on average, selecting it every year. Usage of reviews, RCTs, case reports, and practice guidelines generally increased over the survey period while use of Google, colleagues, and librarians modestly decreased. Conclusions: Resident resource usage varied over time, demonstrating an encouraging increase in attention to other evidence-based tools. UpToDate’s consistent popularity shows the durability of the product. The increase in resource type (reviews, RCTs, case reports, practice guidelines) selection reflects greater employment of more in-depth resources than merely expert opinion. Survey results will inform future outreach focus

    Living in a material world: object biography and transnational lives

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    Personal and object biographies can be interwoven and reveal much about the transnational connections between Australia and other places. This chapter features two interwoven biographies: Guna Kinne, a Latvian Displaced Person who began making a national dress as a school girl in Latvia and continued to make it as she fled the Soviet army to Germany during World War II; and Minh Tam Nguyen who made a musical instrument, the dàn tre, in a Vietcong reeducation camp, then made a second one in a refugee camp. Both Kinne and Nguyen brought their objects to Australia and continued to use them, eventually donating them to the National Museum of Australia

    Generation and hydrolysis of N-acyloxazolinium salts allowing regiospecific acylation of chiral amino alcohols

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    In an attempt to form 2-alkylidene-1,3-oxazolidines, chiral 2-oxazolines have been N-alkylated and N-acylated. Two new N-methyloxazolinium salts have been prepared and characterised but base treatment resulted in their decomposition. In contrast, attempts to isolate three N-benzoyloxazolinium salts gave the products of their ring hydrolysis: unsymmetrically diacylated amino alcohols whose structure was confirmed by x-ray diffraction in one case. Overall the method allows stepwise regiospecific N,O-diacylation of 1,2-amino alcohols.PostprintPeer reviewe

    21st Century Lunar Exploration: Advanced Radiation Exposure Assessment

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    On January 14, 2004 President George W Bush outlined a new vision for NASA that has humans venturing back to the moon by 2020. With this ambitious goal, new tools and models have been developed to help define and predict the amount of space radiation astronauts will be exposed to during transit and habitation on the moon. A representative scenario is used that includes a trajectory from LEO to a Lunar Base, and simplified CAD models for the transit and habitat structures. For this study galactic cosmic rays, solar proton events, and trapped electron and proton environments are simulated using new dynamic environment models to generate energetic electron, and light and heavy ion fluences. Detailed calculations are presented to assess the human exposure for transit segments and surface stays

    Soil Erosion Induced by the Introduction of New Pasture Species in a Faxinal Farm of Southern Brazil

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    The faxinal management system is an endangered agro-silvopastoral system which forms part of the local traditional management in the Paraná federal state (Brazil). Significant changes in land management since the 1970s caused farmers to look for alternatives to increase the productivity of their farms. The introduction of new pasture species is causing land degradation problems, of which soil erosion is the most important challenge. Therefore, in this study, we assessed the environmental consequences of introducing exotic pasture species, such as Brachiaria decumbens. To achieve this goal, ten erosion plots were installed with exotic and native pastures (Paspalum notatum Flüggé) to quantify soil and water losses in paired plots. Total rainfall per event, soil properties (soil cover, texture, organic matter, bulk density, porosity, and soil penetration resistance), and pasture production were also estimated. Our results showed a decrease in organic matter and porosity and an increase of the bulk density in the exotic pasture plots. Soil erosion monitoring showed higher soil losses for the exotic cultivated plots (359.8 g m−2 or 3.6 mg ha−1) than for the native plots (90.7 g m−2 or 0.91 mg ha−1). The highest percentage of bare soil surfaces and compaction coincided with the highest soil erosion rates measured in the exotic pastures. However, the mean fodder production in the exotic plots was almost five times higher (987 kg DM ha−1) than in the native ones (204 kg DM ha−1). These findings confirm that farmers have an internal conflict. They want to optimize the production of fodder, but this leads to high soil erosion rates and reduces soil fertility in the medium- and long-term. The traditional, less productive pastoral system is more sustainable from an environmental and cultural point of view. However, this system may not be sustainable from an economic point of view

    A minimaj-preserving crystal on ordered multiset partitions

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    We provide a crystal structure on the set of ordered multiset partitions, which recently arose in the pursuit of the Delta Conjecture. This conjecture was stated by Haglund, Remmel and Wilson as a generalization of the Shuffle Conjecture. Various statistics on ordered multiset partitions arise in the combinatorial analysis of the Delta Conjecture, one of them being the minimaj statistic, which is a variant of the major index statistic on words. Our crystal has the property that the minimaj statistic is constant on connected components of the crystal. In particular, this yields another proof of the Schur positivity of the graded Frobenius series of the generalization Rn,kR_{n,k} due to Haglund, Rhoades and Shimozono of the coinvariant algebra RnR_n. The crystal structure also enables us to demonstrate the equidistributivity of the minimaj statistic with the major index statistic on ordered multiset partitions.Comment: 17 pages; v2 contains minor changes suggested by referee, references update

    Definición arquitectónica de una plataforma de comercio electrónico en la categoría moda, orientada a mejorar la experiencia actual del usuario en Colombia.

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    183 PáginasEn Colombia el Comercio electrónico presentó ventas por valor de US$26.700 millones en el 2016 equivalentes al 4.08% del PIB (Blacksip, 2017), con respecto al Retail, la categoría moda sigue mostrando crecimientos positivos, entre el 2015 y 2016 del 35% y con una proyección al 2022 del 139%, constituyéndose como una de las estrategias Omnicanal para las marcas de confección en el país. Sin embargo, esta industria también se constituye como la que mayores problemas registra con un 41% en 2013 (Cámara Colombiana de Comercio Electrónico, 2013) y 48% en 2015 (Cámara Colombiana de Comercio Electrónico CCCE, 2016). Las causas asociadas a las reclamaciones de los consumidores están relacionadas principalmente con que el producto recibido no es lo que se espera y, por ende, no cumple con las expectativas del cliente, debido a que las plataformas actuales no permiten comparar las características del producto con las del cliente y determinar su buen fitting (como se adecua la prenda al cuerpo), los estudios demuestran que más del 30% de las prendas de vestir compradas on-line son devueltas debido principalmente a problemas de ajuste de talla (Guerrero, 2009). Con base en lo anterior, a través de esta investigación se busca establecer la arquitectura de la solución tecnológica, que permita disminuir el nivel de incertidumbre de las compras en línea respecto de la antropometría del comprador y las características generales de la prenda a través de la aplicación de técnicas y metodologías propias de la gerencia de ingeniería, para recrear y entender la experiencia del usuario en plataformas de Comercio electrónico y con base en el uso de tecnologías, lograr satisfacer el problema existente en el servicio, satisfaciendo con ello las expectativas del cliente

    Archaeological and Paleo-osteological Investigations at the Cold Morning Site, New Hanover County, North Carolina

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    A miscellaneous report by the Research Laboratories of Archaeology, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. These reports discuss the findings of archaeological survey, testing, and excavations undertaken by the RLA between 1973 and 1985. SENSITIVE CONTENT: This report contains photographs of human remains