129 research outputs found

    Social Capital and Community-Based Rural Tourism Development in Kauman Kidul, Salatiga, Central Java

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    This article aims to describe the role of social capital in the development of community-based tourism villages in Kauman Kidul, Salatiga City, Central Java Province, Indonesia. The research method used is qualitative with a case study approach. Data collection techniques used are in-depth interviews, observation, and document studies. Data processing uses triangulation to obtain valid and credible information. The key informant involved in this study was the Chair of the Sitalang Tourism Awareness Group. The results of this study indicate the role of social capital (norms, trust, and networks) that binds the social relations of the "Sitalang" Tourism Awareness Group to build the Kauman Kidul tourist village in Salatiga City Central Java Province, Indonesia

    KEBIJAKAN HUKUM PIDANA DELIK PERS DALAM PENEGAKAN HUKUM PIDANA INDONESIA(Study Kasus Putusan Mahkamah Agung No.2331 K/PID/2006, 899 K/Pid/2010, 472 K/Pid.Sus/2011)

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    Skripsi yang berjudul“ KEBIJAKAN HUKUM PIDANA DELIK PERS DALAM PENEGAKAN HUKUM INDONESIA (Study Kasus Putusan Mahkamah Agung No. 2331 K/PID/2006, 899 K/Pid/2010, 472 K/Pid.Sus/2011)”. Secara umum bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana kebijakan hukum pidana delik pers dalam penegakan hukum pidana Indonesia, apakah sudah dilaksanakan berdasarkan ketentuan Undang-undang No. 40 tahun 1999 tentang Pers sebagai lexspesialis ataukah mengacu pada ketentuan Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Pidana (KUHP) sebagai lexgeneralis. Metode pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah yuridis normatif, dengan cara melakukan penelitian dan analisa Putusan Mahkamah Agung yang terkait dengan delik pers. Dalam teknik pengumpulan data, penulis mengguanakan data primer dan sekunder. Setelah data diperoleh, maka disusun secara sistematis dan selanjutnya dianalisa secara deskriptif, sehingga dapat memberikan gambaran secara rinci, sistematis dan menyaluruh mengenai kebijakan hukum pidana delik pers dalam penegakan hukum pidana Indonesia. Dari hasil penelitian ini dapat diketahui bahwa delik pers bukanlah delik yang semata-mata dapat ditujukan kepada pers, melainkan ketentuan yang berlaku secara umum untuk semua warga negara Indonesia. Namun untuk dapat dikatakan sebagai delik pers haruslah memenuhi rumusan unsur-unsur perbuatan yang dilanggar serta harus pula memenuhi rumusan unsur delik pers, yaitu: 1) dilakukan dengan barang cetakan, 2)pernyatakan pikiran dan perasaan, 3)harus dipublikasikan. Fakta dilapangan menunjukan adanya perbedaan persepsi antara aparat penegak hukum dalam menangani kasus terkait dengan pers. Maka untuk dapat menyatukan persamaan persepsi harus mengacu pada pendapat Oemar seno Adji terkait dengan rumusan unsur delik pers. Sistem pemidanaan perbuatan pidana delik pers menggunakan sistem strafsoort, strafmaat dan strafmodus yang mengacu pada rumusan pasal yang didakwakan kepada terdakwa. Kata Kunci :Kebijakan Hukum Pidana, Delik Pers, Penegakan Huku

    Evaluation of the Implementation of Tourism Policy

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    This purpose of the study is to  evaluate the  implementation of tourism programs in Bobale Island, Kakara Island, Tagalaya Island and Meti Island in North Halmahera District. The study is based on a model developed by George Edward III, and used qualitative methods to collect and analyze data.  Data collection techniques used included in-depth interviews, observation and study of the documents. Results of the study showed that resources, communication, disposition and bureaucratic structure are the main factors that influence the implementation of tourism policies are. Nonetheless, this study also showed that public support through public participation in the implementation process is also an important factor that determines the success of tourism policy. To that end,   community support or community participation should be an important factor that must be taken into account in the formulation of development priorities of Tourism development Master plan for North Halmahera District government

    Development of life cycle assessment for residue-based bioenergy

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    The overall framework of the thesis is to develop an approach to compare the impacts between leaving biomass residues in fields and utilizing them for bioenergy. In this regard, residue-based bioenergy should be managed differently from product-based bioenergy. The objectives of this thesis are to identify the key issues when conducting a life cycle assessment (LCA) of residue-based bioenergy and to propose improvement in LCA procedures, specifically in the areas of life cycle inventory (LCI), life cycle impact assessment (LCIA), and methodological choices in the comparative LCA. It was discovered that the key issues associated with residue-based bioenergy relate to four primary characteristics with respect to its raw materials (biomass residues), i.e., excessive removal from plantation fields which can affect soil fertility; valuation (relative to biomass products); competing uses (bioenergy, feed, fiber, fertilizers); and treatment of biogenic carbon (assumptions of carbon neutrality vs. complete inventory). These unique features require specific LCA approaches which vary from those of conventional product-based bioenergy. These approaches include: [1] solutions to the existing dissimilar practices in the LCI of biogenic carbon; [2] an LCIA method of removing biomass residues from soil on biomass productivity; and [3] methodological choices in comparative LCA of biomass residues utilization.Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs through the Netherlands Fellowship Programme (grant number CF7412/2011)Industrial Ecolog

    Methodological issues in comparative life cycle assessment: treatment options for empty fruit bunches in a palm oil system

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    Purpose: Palm oil systems generate substantial amounts of biomass residues which are, according to best agricultural practices, preferably returned back to plantation in order to maintain soil fertility. However, there are often variations in this practice. Differences in economic status and possible treatment options for biomass residues determine the preferences to perform life cycle assessment (LCA), leading to a divergence in results. Difficulties when comparing LCA results based on literature are not unusual. The objectives of this paper are to provide guidelines for methodological choices that enable a systematic comparison of diverse scenarios for the treatment and valuation of empty fruit bunches (EFBs) and to explore effects of the scenarios on the environmental performances of a palm oil system.Methods: Eleven scenarios were selected to address the possible EFB valuation and expanded boundaries with reference to the main palm oil system (EFBs applied as mulch, converted to compost or ethanol, treated in an incinerator, and sold as coproducts). The life cycle inventories were modeled based upon an Ecoinvent database. Solutions to multifunctional problems were suggested, including the application of system expansion, substitution, and partitioning, depending upon the nature of the scenarios.Results and discussion: Comparison among LCA results based on the same multifunctional units (crude palm oil + palm kernel oil + palm kernel cake) can be accomplished only in cases where additional coproducts were utilized internally. Based on the global warming impact, the mulch option was preferred. The effect of the avoided process of producing synthetic fertilizers and the assumption that all parts of mulch are available as soil nutrient dominantly determined the final result. These need further verification. This study also demonstrates that the status of EFB as waste or goods is influential on the final results if the EFB is employed externally but has no effect if it is utilized internally.Conclusions: The proposed guidelines provide methodological choices in terms of system boundary, functional unit, and solutions to multifunctional problems. The methods can be used to systematically compare LCA results of different treatment options and valuation of EFB. The preferred alternative for managing this biomass residue could improve environmental performances and orient toward best practices, such as those suggested by the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO). Further studies incorporating a site-specific case of palm oil systems would better illustrate the usefulness of the proposed guidelines


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    This article aims to describe the capability of public access to social capital as a form of livelihood diversification through tourism entrepreneurship. This idea was originated from the optimization of the tourism sector and the creative economy by the local government since 2017, aiming to encourage creative entrepreneurship in tourism, creative multimedia, and coffee shop businesses. This study was conducted in a qualitative approach; thus, primary and secondary data sources were used to analyze the data. The primary data was obtained through in-depth interviews and observations, while the secondary data was obtained from document studies. In this case, the in-depth interviews were conducted with the entrepreneurs. The participants involved as key informants had various backgrounds in tourism entrepreneurship such as travel agent and tour guide service, creative multimedia service, and coffee shop business. Furthermore, field observations were done based on activities or events, aiming to observe the process of involvement of these entrepreneurs in regional tourism activities during the events of “Torang Angkat Sampah” in 2017, “Tanjung Bongo Festival” in 2017, “North Galela Festival” in 2018, “Wonderful North Halmahera” in 2018, and “O Molulu Ma Akere” in 2019. The secondary data used was the Medium Term Program Plan of the Local Government Agencies of the Regional Tourism Department of North Halmahera Regency after there was a policy of creative economy development elaborated in the bureaucratic structure changes at the Regional Tourism Department. The results show that the availability of infrastructure, accessibility of information and transportation, and the capability of access to social capital were such a stimulus for the diversification of people’s livelihoods to run tourism, creative multimedia, and coffee shop businesses. Through social capital, entrepreneurs were strengthened by their social relations with various communities to have more consumers while also maintaining the business sustainability


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    This study examines the communication strategy designed by the Konawe district government. The design of the communication strategy aims to invite all people to be actively involved in collaborating with the local government in efforts to develop the Toronipa Beach tourism area. The research method used is a qualitative descriptive research approach as a methodological basis, while the data collection techniques are observation, in-depth interviews, and literature review. The communication strategy is analyzed using the communication strategy theory which states that the communication strategy is a combination of all communication elements consisting of message sources, messages, media, recipients, and also communication effects designed to achieve optimal communication goals. Based on the results of the research, it is known that the communication strategy carried out by the government involves the Chairperson of the LPM and Pokdarwis, the content of the communication message is an invitation to participate and information related to tourism development, deliberation forums as a medium of communication, different aspects review in communicant analysis, and organizational and participatory communication as the communication patterns. With this communication strategy, the government hopes that community participation will continue to increase and contribute to the development and management of Toronipa beach

    Pemanfaatan Serbuk Gergaji sebagai Substitusi Bahan Bakar pada Proses Pembakaran - Kiln di Pabrik Semen dengan Pendekatan Life Cycle Assesment (Lca)

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    Cement production was a process that requires huge thermal energy and produces high greenhouse gas emissions. Co-processing or utilising alternative materials and alternative fuels for the combustion process in kiln was a solution to meet energy needs and reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the cement industry. This study aimed to analyze input, output, environmental impacts of cement production and calculate CO2-eq reduction from the system used alternative fuels on co-processing. The method used to determine differences and calculate CO2-eq reduction due to co-processing was life cycle assessment (LCA) and system approach. Based on the results of the LCA, the case 1 that used 100% coal energy required 3.50 GJ/ton-cement, 126 kWh/ton-cement, 2.19 L-diesel-oil/ton of cement and emited 0.84 ton-CO2-eq/ton-cement. Case 2 that had been substituted alternative fuels (saw dust) required 3.03 GJ per ton of cement, 118 kWh per ton of cement, 1.44 L diesel oil per ton of cement and emited 0.92 ton-CO2-eq per ton of cement. The results of global warming impact of case 2 was higher than case 1. The assumption of climate neutral made reduction global warming impact of case 2 by 14.65% and decrease CO2 emissions annually in plant by 71,601 tons CO2/year. This result show that utilization of saw dust as biomass of climate neutral can be applied as an input for overall company specific emissions calculation to meet government regulation


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    International audiencePalm oil systems generate large amounts of biomass residues. According to best agri-cultural practices, they are supposed to be returned back to plantation to maintain soil fertility. However, there are variations in practice. Differences in economic status and treatment options on biomass residues cause variations on the preference to perform LCA, leading to divergence in results that complicate interpretation. Difficulties found in comparing LCA results based on literature are not unusual. The objective of the paper is to provide guidelines on methodological choices to systematically compare diverse scenarios on the treatment and valuation of EFB (Empty Fruit Bunches) and to explore their effects on the environmental performances of a palm oil system. Eleven scenarios were chosen to cover possible EFB valuation and expanded system boundaries with reference to the main palm oil system (application as mulch, conversion to compost or ethanol, treatment in an incinerator, and EFB as direct co-products). The life cycle inventories were modeled based on Ecoinvent database. The input EFB was considered either as wastes or goods, and the resulted products were used internally or externally. Solution to multi-functional problems was suggested, including the application of system expansion, substitution, and partitioning depending on the nature of the scenario. The contribution of the plantation phases on global warming impact was so dominant that the effect of different scenarios could be observed only when focusing on the oil mill stage. Comparison among LCA results based on the same multi-functional units (crude palm oil + palm kernel oil + palm kernel cake) can be done only in the cases where additional co-products (mulch, compost, or ethanol) were used internally. Based on global warming impact, the mulch option was the best choice as compared to the compost, ethanol, or incineration options. The effect of the avoided process of producing substituted fertilizers was dominant in this comparison result. This study also demonstrates that the status of EFB as wastes or goods is influential to the final results when the EFB is used externally, but has no effect when it is used internally.The proposed guidelines provide methodological choices in terms of system boundary, functional unit, and solution to multi-functional problems. The methods can be used to systematically compare LCA results of different treatment options and valuation of EFB. The best alternative in handling biomass residues could improve environmental performances of the palm oil system and orient towards best practices, such as those suggested by the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil. Further studies using a specific case of palm oil systems would better illustrate the usefulness of the proposed guidelines. Although the approach was illustrated for a palm oil system, it is also readily applicable for handling biomass residues in other agro-based industrial systems
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