20 research outputs found

    Desarrollo de un sistema web de consulta de acceso a la información pública en la municipalidad distrital de La Unión

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    Debido a la ampliación del Estado de Emergencia Nacional y aislamiento social obligatorio es que debemos considerar de suma importancia el uso de las tecnologías de la información en nuestra vida diaria. Por este motivo, con el desarrollo de nuestro Proyecto de Tesis titulado: “Desarrollo de un Sistema Web de consulta de Acceso a la Información Pública en la Municipalidad Distrital de La Unión” pretendemos mejorar la gestión de la información para que sea de mejor acceso y mejorando los tiempos de respuesta para las personas que realicen una solicitud. Decidimos que se tratara de un sistema web debido a que se busca garantizar la continuidad operativa institucional para la admisión de documentos durante la vigencia de las medidas excepcionales y temporales decretadas por el Gobierno Nacional para prevenir la propagación del Coronavirus (COVID-19) teniendo en cuenta que nos encontramos conectados a internet de manera constante. Para el desarrollo del sistema, mediante la metodología utilizada se analizaron y determinaron los requerimientos en todos los procesos, revisando toda la información existente, realizando guía de observación y entrevista, observando las actividades que realizan los actores implicados y de esta manera modelamos los procesos y diseñamos los diagramas. Finalmente, desarrollamos todas las interfaces del sistema de acuerdo a los privilegios de los usuarios y actualmente el sistema se encuentra funcionando correctamente y alojado en un servidor web. En este proyecto de tesis se concluyó en afirmar que se logró el desarrollo de nuestros objetivos planteados bajo el cumplimiento de la Ley de Transparencia y Acceso a la información pública ley N°27806.Trabajo de suficiencia profesiona

    A template for local government sustainable development initiatives

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    47 p.This document outlines a step-by-step process, or template, which any local government can follow when adopting sustainable development policies, programs and practices. It is intended for use with an introductory companion document entitled Context and Background for Local Government Sustainable Development Initiatives. Members of the League of Oregon Cities developed both documents, with staff assistance from the Center for Watershed and Community Health at Portland State University. The documents are working drafts, and the authors request feedback on their usefulness, content and presentation. While organized sequentially here, the development of a sustainability initiative is not a linear process. You can start anywhere you want. Some communities may follow the template step-by-step, starting with the adoption of authorizing policies and guiding principles. Others may initiate pilot projects to understand the costs and benefits of the approach. The more effective sustainability initiatives usually circle back and forth through the inter-related steps a number of times as they develop and continually improve their program. This template, therefore, simply outlines the common, major components of successful local government sustainable development initiatives. It offers suggestions for how to approach key issues. It also provides examples of how various communities have approached the issues. Though there are commonalities among strategies, there is no one-size-fits-all design. Each local government must develop an initiative tailored to the unique needs, culture, economy and environment of its community

    Conceptualizing psychological processes in response to globalization: Components, antecedents, and consequences of global orientations

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    The influences of globalization have permeated various aspects of life in contemporary society, from technical innovations, economic development, and lifestyles, to communication patterns. The present research proposed a construct termed global orientation to denote individual differences in the psychological processes of acculturating to the globalizing world. It encompasses multicultural acquisition as a proactive response and ethnic protection as a defensive response to globalization. Ten studies examined the applicability of global orientations among majority and minority groups, including immigrants and sojourners, in multicultural and relatively monocultural contexts, and across Eastern and Western cultures. Multicultural acquisition is positively correlated with both independent and interdependent self-construals, bilingual proficiency and usage, and dual cultural identifications. Multicultural acquisition is promotion-focused, while ethnic protection is prevention-focused and related to acculturative stress. Global orientations affect individuating and modest behavior over and above multicultural ideology, predict overlap with outgroups over and above political orientation, and predict psychological adaptation, sociocultural competence, tolerance, and attitudes toward ethnocultural groups over and above acculturation expectations/strategies. Global orientations also predict English and Chinese oral presentation performance in multilevel analyses and the frequency and pleasantness of intercultural contact in cross-lagged panel models. We discuss how the psychological study of global orientations contributes to theory and research on acculturation, cultural identity, and intergroup relations

    Patterns of Acute Stress Disorder in a Sample of Blast-Injured Military Service Members: A Latent Profile Analysis

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    Objective: The primary aims of this study were to identify latent profiles of acute stress disorder (ASD) symptoms and to evaluate postconcussive symptom differences across the identified profiles as measured by the Acute Stress Disorder Scale and the Military Acute Concussion Evaluation, respectively. Method: Participants (N = 315) in the current study were predominantly active-duty (75.0%), enlisted (97.8%) males (97.4%) serving in the U.S. Army (87.8%). Approximately, half of the sample reported being married or engaged (51.1%) and was on average 25.94 (SD = 6.31) years old. Participants were referred to the Air Force Theater Hospital, 332nd Air Expeditionary Wing, Joint Base Balad, Iraq, to be evaluated as part of routine clinical assessment for neurocognitive and psychological symptoms following exposure to a blast. Results: A 3-profile solution was identified as the most parsimonious and bestfitting model based on statistical model fit indices. Blast injured service members in Profile 3 had greater ASD total and subscale severity compared to the other 2 subgroups, with effect size estimates largely differing by hyperarousal and reexperiencing symptoms. Furthermore, Profiles 2 and 3 were more likely to demonstrate postconcussive symptoms compared to Profile 1. Conclusions: Findings provide novel information on heterogenous ASD symptom profiles during the acute phase following a blast injury and highlight the relationship between psychological and physical symptoms. Classification of blast-injured service members may help identify at-risk individuals who would benefit from further clinical care and mitigate long-term psychological and neurocognitive issues