1,135 research outputs found

    Extensões essenciais cíclicas de modulos simples sobre anéis de operadores diferenciais

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    Um anel noetheriano S satisfaz a propriedade ( ) se todas as extens~oes essenciais c clicas de S-m odulos simples s~ao artinianas. An eis noetherianos com esta propriedade veri cam a Conjectura de Jacobson, que e um famoso problema em aberto em teoria de an eis. Neste trabalho investigamos esta propriedade em an eis de operadores diferenciais R[ ; ], onde R e um anel comutativo noetheriano e uma deriva c~ao de R. Mais especi camente, estudamos condi c~oes necess arias e su cientes para que R[ ; ] satisfa ca ( ), quando R e um anel -simples e, tamb em, no caso em que este e um anel -primitivo. Al em disso, caracterizamos os an eis de operadores diferenciais C[x; y][ ; ] que satisfazem ( ).A Noetherian ring S satis es the property ( ) if any cyclic essential extension of simple S-modules are Artinian. Noetherian rings with this property verify Jacobson's Conjecture, which is a famous open problem in ring theory. In this work we investigate this property in di erential operators rings R[ ; ], where R is a commutative Noetherian ring and is a derivation of R. More precisely, we study necessary and su cient conditions for R[ ; ] to satisfy property ( ) whenever R is a -simple ring and also for the case where it is a -primitive ring. Furthermore, we characterize the di erential operator rings C[x; y][ ; ] satisfying ( )

    Peran Komisi Pemilihan Umum dalam Menangani Pemilih Khusus Tambahan pada Pemilihan Umum Presiden dan Wakil Presiden Tahun 2014 di Kota Tomohon1

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    A B S T R A KPemilu merupakan salah satu bentuk perwujudan pelaksanaan demokrasi.Kesuksesan sebuah pemilihan umum setidaknya ditentukan oleh tiga hal penting, yaituproses penyelenggaraannya, aturan hukumnya, dan penegakan hukumnya. Salah satukomponen penting untuk keberhasilan pemilu ditentukan oleh peran penyelenggaraanyang profesional dan berwibawa, sehingga mampu membangun demokrasi yang lebihberkualitas. Pemilu yang jujur dan adil mengantisipasi penggunaan hak pilih ganda.Dari latar belakang ini penulis ingin mengkaji tentang peran Komisi Pemilihan Umumdalam menangani pemilih khusus tambahan pada pemilihan umum presiden dan wakilpresiden tahun 2014 di kota Tomohon.Dalam penelitian ini penulis menggunakan data primer dan data sekunder. Dataprimer diperoleh dari data-data yang dikumpulkan penulis dari sumber data di lokasipenelitian, sedangkan data sekunder diolah dari hasil dokumentasi yang dilakukanpenulis dari hasil wawancara, studi dokumentasi dan pengamatan lapangan.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Komisi Pemilihan Umum merupakanlembaga negara yang mempunyai peran sebagai penyelenggara dalam pemilihan umumdi Indonesia, antara lain adalah Pemilihan Umum atas Presiden beserta wakilpresiden. KPU juga mengeluarkan aturan yang memungkinkan semua warga yangmemenuhi syarat sebagai pemilih bisa menggunakan hak pilihnya melalui tiga modeldaftar pemilih tambahan bagi warga yang tak masuk Daftar Pemilih Tetap (DPT).Permasalahan Daftar pemilih khusus tambahan di kota Tomohon pada waktu yang lalucukup rumit karena mengingat kota Tomohon dikenal sebagai kota pendidikan dimanabanyak penduduk pendatang yang tinggal dan menetap sementara di kota Tomohon.Untuk mengantisipasi hal tersebut maka diperlukan peran Komisi Pemilihan Umumyang ada di kota Tomohon dalam mengakomodir para pemilih yang menggunakanKartu Tanda Penduduk sebagai pemilih khusus tambahan dalam pemilihan umumpresiden dan wakil presiden 2014 dengan mempersiapkan logistik yang ada danmemberikan keterjaminan Pemilu yang jujur dan adil.Dari hasil penelitian dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa dalam penyelenggaraanpemilihan Umum Tahun 2014, Komisi Pemilihan Umum Kota Tomohon telahmelaksanakan semua tahapan penyelenggaraan Pemilu dengan baik, dimana seluruhkegiatan mulai pembentukan badan penyelenggara verifikasi, pemutahiran datapemilih, sampai pada tahap pelaksanaan dan penetapan hasil suara. Juga untuk parapemilih khusus tambahan yang belum terdaftar pada DPT dapat ditangani dengan baikdalam masalah logistik seperti penambahan jumlah surat suara dan tinta

    An Exploratory Investigation of the Public\u27s Attitude on the Effects of Global Warming: The Media\u27s Role in Influencing Opinions as Moderated by Having Lived Through a Major Storm

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    While the debate over changing global weather patterns and the negative role mankind plays in altering the earth’s climate continues to rage, there appears to be no real movement in the views of entrenched participants on either side of the argument, or, for that matter, in the culture at large (Whitmarsh 2011). Even though global warming advocates claim the debate is now “settled science” and that a consensus of climatologists has emerged indicting mankind as one of the prime culprits in changing global climate patterns, an equally compelling argument has been made that naturally occurring phenomenon (e.g., such as volcanic activity, ocean currents, El Nino, and solar cycles, etc.) explain more of the earth’s current weather patterns than the relatively small impact man exerts on the climate through agricultural and manufacturing practices. Although a quick perusal of environmentalist oriented websites is likely to suggest that a majority of Americans currently view the issue as posing a threat to the earth and their own future safety (see attached Bibliography website citations) a Washington Post/ABC news poll conducted in January 2013 indicated that slightly under 34% of Americans believed global warming posed a true threat to mankind’s survival in their lifetime. The same poll indicated manmade global warming (henceforth referred to as MGW) ranked last among a list of urgent issues, and, that a majority had lost trust in the predictions of climate scientists. Not incidentally, poll results tended to be split along political party lines, suggesting that the issue is heavily influenced by one’s political worldview (Montgomery and Stone 2009

    Niveles de desarrollo del clima organizacional en la Institución Educativa N° 80010 Ricardo Palma de Trujillo en el año 2013

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    El presente estudio permitió identificar el nivel de desarrollo del Clima Organizacional de la Institución Educativa Ricardo Palma de la ciudad de Trujillo, utilizando un diseño descriptivo y de corte trasversal se utilizó como muestra a 220 elementos integrado por 21 Administrativos, 161 alumnos y 38 docentes, y para determinar el clima organizacional se utilizó un instrumento de 25 items que fue sometido al proceso de confiabilidad con la técnica de las dos mitades y la corrección de Spearman-Brown obteniendo un coeficiente de 0.939 que resultó altamente confiable; con este instrumento se determinó el Clima Organizacional conformada con tres dimensiones Potencial Humano, Diseño Organizacional y Cultura organizacional, cada una de estas dimensiones presentaron sus respectivos subcomponentes cuyos análisis permitieron determinar los niveles de desarrollo de las dimensiones, para el Potencial Humano el 43.2% indicaron que es Excelente, el 43.6% Bueno, el 12.3% como Regular y solo el 1% como Malo, para el Diseño Organizacional el 31.4% indicaron que es Excelente, el 54.1% Bueno, el 12.3% como Regular y el 2.3% como Malo, para la Cultura Organizacional el 44.5% indicaron que es Excelente, el 46.8% Bueno, el 7.3% como Regular y el 1.4% como Malo, y los resultados de estas dimensiones permitió encontrar el nivel de desarrollo del Clima Organizacional donde el 33.2% indicaron que es Excelente, el 55.9% Bueno, el 10% como Regular y solo el 1.8% como Malo.The following research allowed to identify the level of development of the organizational climate in the Educational Institution Ricardo Palma in Trujillo. It was used a descriptive design, and as a cross-section there was a sample size of 220 elements, among them: 21 administration workers, 161 students and 38 teachers. To determine the organizational climate it was used a 25item instrument that passed the test of reliability with the technique of the two halves and the correlation of Spearman-Brown getting a coefficient of 0.939 that was a highly reliable result; with this instrument, it was determined that the organizational climate consists of three dimensions: Human potential, organizational design and organizational culture. Each one of these dimensions presented their respective subcomponents, and the analysis of these allowed to determine the levels of development of the dimensions. About the human potential, a 43.2% indicated that it is excellent, a 43.6 % that it is good, a 12.3 that is tolerable and a 2.3% that is bad. About the organizational design, a 31.4% indicated that it is excellent, a 54.1% that is good, a 12.3% that is tolerable and only a 2.3% said that it is bad. About the organizational culture, a 44.5% affirmed that this is excellent, a 46.8% that is good, a 7.3% that it is tolerable, whilst a 1.4% said that it is bad. The results of these dimensions allowed to find out the level of the organizational climate where a 33.2 % indicated that it is excellent, a 55.9% that is good, a 10% that it is tolerable and only a 1,8% that it is bad.Tesi

    Um metodo para reconhecimento de figuras esboçadas a mão

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    Orientador: Hans K. E. LiesenbergDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Matemática, Estatística e Ciência da ComputaçãoResumo: Não informadoAbstract: Not informedMestradoMestre em Ciência da Computaçã

    Sistema de ejercicios para mejorar el tiro al aro en suspensión en la categoría 11-12 años

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    The objective of this article is to propose a system of exercises for the shooting to the hoop in suspension from the technical preparation in the pioneer category 11-12 years in the Guantánamo municipality. For the development of the research, research methods and techniques of different levels were used such as: historical-logical, analysis-synthesis, inductive-deductive, work with documents, observation and survey that allowed us to analyze the offensive techniques of basketball, that served as sustenance in the elaboration of the exercises that are proposed for the selected offensive technique.El presente artículo tiene como objetivo proponer un sistema de ejercicios para el tiro al aro en suspensión desde la preparación técnica en la categoría pioneril 11-12 años en el municipio Guantánamo. Para el desarrollo de la investigación se emplearon métodos y técnicas de investigación de los diferentes niveles tales como: histórico-lógico, análisis-síntesis, inductivo-deductivo, trabajo con documentos, la observación y la encuesta que permitieron analizar las técnicas ofensivas del baloncesto, que sirvieron de sustento en la elaboración de los ejercicios que se proponen para la técnica ofensiva seleccionada

    Knowledge and understanding of radiographers regarding supraspinatus outlet projection for shoulder impingement syndrome

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    The shoulder is a complex anatomical structure and imaging plays an important role in the diagnosis and management of shoulder conditions. The complexity of the shoulder’s anatomy has led to the development of multiple radiographic projections and techniques within plain film imaging with each projection intended to demonstrate specific aspects of the anatomy of the shoulder. However, reproducing the required projections can be difficult especially if radiographers are not familiar with the projections and their evaluation criteria. Literature has revealed the importance of a comprehensive knowledge and understanding of anatomy, patient positioning, beam direction and centring point, and evaluation criteria to ensure a quality projection for accurate diagnoses. The aim of the study was to determine the knowledge and understanding of radiographers with regard to the supraspinatus outlet projection (SOP) for shoulder impingement syndrome (SIS) and its evaluation criteria. The inferences derived from the research findings were used to develop guidelines for a structured in-service training programme for practising radiographers to optimise their knowledge and understanding of the supraspinatus outlet projection in shoulder impingement syndrome. The proposed study followed a quantitative approach. Furthermore, a descriptive, exploratory, contextual design was employed. The research population consisted of practising radiographers working in the public and private hospitals of the Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality. The data were collected by means of a structured self-administered questionnaire. The questionnaire comprised of three sections. The first section requested demographic information from the participants. The second section assessed their knowledge and understanding regarding the scapular ‘Y’ and the supraspinatus outlet projections and shoulder impingement syndrome. The third section assessed their knowledge and understanding of anatomy and image evaluation/critiquing. The reliability and validity of the data collection instrument was ensured by conducting a pilot study and comparing the results with those of the main study. In addition, the expertise and guidance of a radiographer experienced in the clinical training of radiographers, the supervisor (who has twenty years’ experience in the teaching of radiographers) and a statistician was obtained. Descriptive and inferential statistical analyses were performed by means of a statistical programme and with the guidance of a statistician. The researcher ensured that the study was conducted in an ethical manner by adhering to the ethical principles of beneficence, justice and respect for persons

    Asistente virtual personal integrado con OpenProject para informar en tiempo real de la cartera de proyectos de software en el periodo 2019 en la empresa SIGCOMT S.A.C.

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    La empresa Sigcomt S.A.C, cuenta con una amplia cartera de proyectos de distintos rubros (académico, social, retail, financiero, etc.) y no cuenta con una forma adecuada de realizar informes en tiempo real ya que toma tiempo recibir uno por parte de los jefes de proyectos. Por tal razón, se logrará determinar con la ayuda de un asistente virtual personal es posible realizar informes en tiempo real de la cartera de proyectos de software en el periodo 2019 de la empresa Sigcomt S.A.C. Se utilizaron 2 proyectos (uno en el sector académico y el otro en el sector social) migrándolos dentro del sistema Open Project, estos están asignados a dos jefes de proyectos y a siete desarrolladores. Además, se usó el servicio de Dialogflow para la creación y entrenamiento del asistente virtual integrado en la plataforma de Android Studio que consume un Servicio Web conectado a la misma base de datos del sistema Open Project para tener una integración en tiempo real. Para desarrollo de todo el proyecto fue necesario determinar un Product Backlog por cada etapa (construcción de la aplicación móvil, configuración del sistema Open Project, construcción de los servicios web e integración con DialogFlow) y, usando la metodología Kanban poder llegar a culminar cada ítem del Product Backlog. Se concluyó, usando la prueba F para varianza de dos muestras, que al obtener un 1 de -0.14 y un 2 de -0.02 para la variable independiente, donde ambos se encuentran en el área de aceptación de un − de -2.10 y un de 2.10 y obtener un único de 0.73 para la variable dependiente, donde se encuentra en el área de aceptación de un − de -2.31 y un de 2.31, que un asistente virtual personal integrado con open project si puede realizar informes en tiempo real de la cartera de proyectos de software en la empresa Sigcomt S.A.C.Sigcomt S.A.C. has a wide portfolio of projects in different areas (academic, social, retail, financial, etc.) and does not have an adequate way to make reports in real time as it takes time to receive one from the project managers. For this reason, it will be possible to determine with the help of a personal virtual assistant is possible to make real-time reports of the portfolio of software projects in the period 2019 of the company Sigcomt S.A.C. Two projects were used (one in the academic sector and the other in the social sector) migrating them within the Open Project system, these are assigned to two project managers and seven developers. In addition, the Dialogflow service was used for the creation and training of the virtual assistant integrated in the Android Studio platform that consumes a Web Service connected to the same database of the Open Project system to have an integration in real time. For the development of the whole project, it was necessary to determine a Product Backlog for each stage (construction of the mobile application, configuration of the Open Project system, construction of the web services and integration with DialogFlow) and, using the Kanban methodology, be able to complete each item of the Product Backlog. It was concluded, using the F test for variance of two samples, that by obtaining a 1 of -0.14 and a 2 of -0.02 for the independent variable, where both are in the acceptance area of a −of -2.10 and a of 2.10 and obtain a single of 0.73 for the dependent variable, where it is in the area of acceptance of a − of -2.31 and a of 2.31, that a personal virtual assistant integrated with open project if it can make reports in real time of the portfolio of software projects in the company Sigcomt S.A.C.Tesi

    Projeto handtmann do Brasil

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    Orientador: Paulo Henrique Muller PradoMonografia(Especialização) - Universidade Federal do Paraná,Setor de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas, Curso de Especialização MBA em Marketin

    Marco de trabajo para desplegar asistente virtual con Watson Estudio para gestionar el tiempo de trabajo del grupo de asesoria juridica "Tu abogado en un clic" en el 2022

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    El tiempo es uno de los recursos más importantes a disposición de las organizaciones. Actualmente, en el grupo de asesoría jurídica “Tu abogado en un clic” se utiliza un sistema web in house para sus actividades diarias de los abogados. La investigación tiene como objetivo principal Evaluar el desempeño del marco de trabajo para desplegar el asistente virtual con Watson Studio que permita gestionar el tiempo de trabajo en el grupo de asesoría jurídica “Tu abogado en un clic” en Trujillo el 2022, en la investigación se utiliza métodos de investigación no empíricos y diseño de correlación; El equipo de investigación fue seleccionado del grupo de consultoría jurídica según el método de selección conveniente. La medición del nivel de satisfacción del cliente se realizó mediante una encuesta y además se realizó la toma de medidas de tiempos; en el análisis de correlación se aplicó la prueba estadística de T-Student, el cual permitió obtener un valor de P menor a 0.05, lo cual permite concluir que el marco de trabajo propuesto del asistente virtual con Watson Studio mejora la gestión del tiempo de trabajo del grupo de asesoría jurídica “Tu abogado a un clic” del 2022.Time is one of the most important resources available to organizations. Currently, in the legal advisory group ""Your lawyer in a click"" an in house web system is used for their daily activities of the lawyers. The main objective of the research is to Evaluate the performance of the framework to deploy the virtual assistant with Watson Studio to manage the working time in the legal consultancy group ""Your lawyer in one click"" in Trujillo in 2022, in the research is used non-empirical research methods and correlation design; The research team was selected from the legal consultancy group according to the convenient selection method. The measurement of the level of customer satisfaction was done through a survey and also time measurements were taken; in the correlation analysis the statistical test of T-Student was applied, which allowed obtaining a P value less than 0.05, which allows concluding that the proposed framework of the virtual assistant with Watson Studio improves the management of work time of the legal consulting group ""Tu abogado a un clic"" in 2022.Tesi