13 research outputs found

    Environmental surveillance identifies multiple introductions of MRSA CC398 in an Equine Veterinary Hospital in the UK, 2011-2016

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    Bacterial environmental and surgical site infection (SSI) surveillance was implemented from 2011-2016 in a UK Equine Referral Veterinary Hospital and identified 81 methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) isolates. A cluster of MRSA SSIs occurred in early 2016 with the isolates confirmed as ST398 by multilocus sequence typing (MLST), which prompted retrospective analysis of all MRSA isolates obtained from the environment (n = 62), SSIs (n = 13) and hand plates (n = 6) in the past five years. Sixty five of these isolates were typed to CC398 and a selection of these (n = 38) were further characterised for resistance and virulence genes, SCCmec and spa typing. Overall, MRSA was identified in 62/540 (11.5%) of environmental samples, 6/81 of the hand-plates (7.4%) and 13/208 of the SSIs (6.3%). spa t011 was the most frequent (24/38) and Based Upon Repeat Pattern (BURP) analysis identified spa t011 as one of the two group founders of the main spa CC identified across the five years (spa CC011/3423). However, 3 singletons (t073, t786, t064) were also identified suggesting separate introductions into the hospital environment. This long-term MRSA surveillance study revealed multiple introductions of MRSA CC398 in a UK Equine Hospital, identifying an emerging zoonotic pathogen so far only sporadically recorded in the UK

    Developing decision support tools incorporating personalised predictions of likely visual benefit versus harm for cataract surgery:research programme

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    Background Surgery for established cataract is highly cost-effective and uncontroversial, yet uncertainty remains for individuals about when to proceed and when to delay surgery during the earlier stages of cataract. Objective We aimed to improve decision-making for cataract surgery through the development of evidence-based clinical tools that provide general information and personalised risk/benefit information. Design We used a mixed methodology consisting of four work packages. Work package 1 involved the development and psychometric validation of a brief, patient self-reported measure of visual difficulty from cataract and its relief from surgery, named Cataract Patient-Reported Outcome Measure, five items (Cat-PROM5). Work package 2 involved the review and refinement of risk models for adverse surgical events (posterior capsule rupture and visual acuity loss related to cataract surgery). Work package 3 involved the development of prediction models for the Cat-PROM5-based self-reported outcomes from a cohort study of 1500 patients; assessment of the validity of preference-based health economic indices for cataract surgery and the calibration of these to Cat-PROM5; assessment of patients’ and health-care professionals’ views on risk–benefit presentation formats, the perceived usefulness of Cat-PROM5, the value of personalised risk–benefit information, high-value information items and shared decision-making; development of cataract decision aid frequently asked questions, incorporation of personalised estimates of risks and benefits; and development of a cataract decision quality measure to assess the quality of decision-making. Work package 4 involved a mixed-methods feasibility study for a fully powered randomised controlled trial of the use of the cataract decision aid and a qualitative study of discordant or mismatching perceptions of outcome between patients and health-care professionals. Setting Four English NHS recruitment centres were involved: Bristol (lead centre), Brighton, Gloucestershire and Torbay. Multicentre NHS cataract surgery data were obtained from the National Ophthalmology Database. Participants Work package 1 – participants (n = 822) were from all four centres. Work package 2 – electronic medical record data were taken from the National Ophthalmology Database (final set > 1M operations). Work package 3 – cohort study participants were from Bristol (n = 1200) and Gloucestershire (n = 300); qualitative and development work was undertaken with patients and health-care professionals from all four centres. Work package 4 – Bristol, Brighton and Torbay participated in the recruitment of patients (n = 42) for the feasibility trial and recruitment of health-care professionals for the qualitative elements. Interventions For the feasibility trial, the intervention was the use of the cataract decision aid, incorporating frequently asked questions and personalised estimations of both adverse outcomes and self-reported benefit. Main outcome measures There was a range of quantitative and qualitative outcome measures: questionnaire psychometric performance metrics, risk indicators of adverse surgical events and visual outcome, predictors of self-reported outcome following cataract surgery, patient and health-care practitioner views, health economic calibration measures and randomised controlled trial feasibility measures. Data sources The data sources were patient self-reported questionnaire responses, study clinical data collection forms, recorded interviews with patients and health-care professionals, and anonymised National Ophthalmology Database data. Results Work package 1 – Cat-PROM5 was developed and validated with excellent to good psychometric properties (Rasch reliability 0.9, intraclass correlation repeatability 0.9, unidimensionality with residual eigenvalues ≤ 1.5) and excellent responsiveness to surgical intervention (Cohen delta –1.45). Work package 2 – earlier risk models for posterior capsule rupture and visual acuity loss were broadly affirmed (C-statistic for posterior capsule rupture 0.64; visual acuity loss 0.71). Work package 3 – the Cat-PROM5-based self-reported outcome regression models were derived based on 1181 participants with complete data (R2 ≈ 30% for each). Of the four preference-based health economic indices assessed, two demonstrated reasonable performance. Cat-PROM5 was successfully calibrated to health economic indices; adjusted limited dependent variable mixture models offered good to excellent fit (root-mean-square error 0.10–0.16). The personalised quantitative risk information was generally perceived as beneficial. A cataract decision aid and cataract decision quality measure were successfully developed based on the views of patients and health-care professionals. Work package 4 – data completeness was good for the feasibility study primary and secondary variables both before and after intervention/surgery (data completeness range 100–88%). Considering ability to recruit, the sample size required, instrumentation and availability of necessary health economic data, a fully powered randomised controlled trial (patients, n = 800, effect size 0.2 standard deviations, power 80%; p = 0.05) of the cataract decision aid would be feasible following psychometric refinement of the primary outcome (the cataract decision quality measure). The cataract decision aid was generally well-received by patients and health-care professionals, with cautions raised regarding perceived time and workload barriers. Discordant outcomes mostly related to patient dissatisfaction, with no clinical problem found. Limitations The National Ophthalmology Database data are expected to include some errors (mitigated by large multicentre data aggregations). The feasibility randomised controlled trial primary outcome (the cataract decision quality measure) displayed psychometric imperfections requiring refinement. The clinical occurrence of discordant outcomes is uncommon and the study team experienced difficulty identifying patients in this situation. Future work Future work could include regular review of the risk models for adverse outcomes to ensure currency, and the technical precision of complex-numbers analysis of refractive outcome to invite opportunities to improve post-operative spectacle-free vision. In addition, a fully powered randomised controlled trial of the cataract decision aid would be feasible, following psychometric refinement of the primary outcome (the cataract decision quality measure); this would clarify its potential role in routine service delivery. Conclusions In this research programme, evidence-based clinical tools have been successfully developed to improve pre-operative decision-making in cataract surgery. These include a psychometrically robust, patient-reported outcome measure (Cat-PROM5); prediction models for patient self-reported outcomes using Cat-PROM5; prediction models for clinically adverse surgical events and adverse visual acuity outcomes; and a cataract decision aid with relevant general information and personalised risk/benefit predictions. In addition, the successful mapping of Cat-PROM5 to existing health economic indices was achieved and the performances of indices were assessed in patients undergoing cataract surgery. A future full-powered randomised controlled trial of the cataract decision aid would be feasible (patients, n = 800, effect size 0.2 standard deviations, power 80%; p = 0.05). Trial registration This trial is registered as ISRCTN11309852. Funding This project was funded by the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) Programme Grants for Applied Research programme and will be published in full in Programme Grants for Applied Research; Vol. 10, No. 9. See the NIHR Journals Library website for further project information

    Dysregulated mitophagy and mitochondrial organization in optic atrophy due to OPA1 mutations

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    Objective: To investigate mitophagy in 5 patients with severe dominantly inherited optic atrophy (DOA), caused by depletion of OPA1 (a protein that is essential for mitochondrial fusion), compared with healthy controls. Methods: Patients with severe DOA (DOA plus) had peripheral neuropathy, cognitive regression, and epilepsy in addition to loss of vision. We quantified mitophagy in dermal fibroblasts, using 2 high throughput imaging systems, by visualizing colocalization of mitochondrial fragments with engulfing autophagosomes. Results: Fibroblasts from 3 biallelic OPA1(2/2) patients with severe DOA had increased mitochondrial fragmentation and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA)–depleted cells due to decreased levels of OPA1 protein. Similarly, in siRNA-treated control fibroblasts, profound OPA1 knockdown caused mitochondrial fragmentation, loss of mtDNA, impaired mitochondrial function, and mitochondrial mislocalization. Compared to controls, basal mitophagy (abundance of autophagosomes colocalizing with mitochondria) was increased in (1) biallelic patients, (2) monoallelic patients with DOA plus, and (3) OPA1 siRNA–treated control cultures. Mitophagic flux was also increased. Genetic knockdown of the mitophagy protein ATG7 confirmed this by eliminating differences between patient and control fibroblasts. Conclusions: We demonstrated increased mitophagy and excessive mitochondrial fragmentation in primary human cultures associated with DOA plus due to biallelic OPA1 mutations. We previously found that increased mitophagy (mitochondrial recycling) was associated with visual loss in another mitochondrial optic neuropathy, Leber hereditary optic neuropathy (LHON). Combined with our LHON findings, this implicates excessive mitochondrial fragmentation, dysregulated mitophagy, and impaired response to energetic stress in the pathogenesis of mitochondrial optic neuropathies, potentially linked with mitochondrial mislocalization and mtDNA depletion

    Distinguishing between knee rehabilitation exercises using inertial measurement units [Abstract]

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    Purpose: Over 90,000 osteoarthritis (OA) related TKR surgeries take place across the UK annually, with patients undergoing regular post-surgery physiotherapy that is reliant on home-based exercise rehabilitation and driven by personalised self-management. With poor patient adherence that is difficult to ascertain, clinicians who are challenged to optimise patient outcomes are unable to determine whether improvements (or lack of) can be attributed to an exercise intervention or (non) adherence. There is a clear need for enhanced forms of objectively monitoring patient adherence to home based exercise rehabilitation, providing valuable biomechanical knowledge to clinicians to guide personalised exercise prescription. This could provide rigorous adherence measurements, optimise the rehabilitation process, reduce NHS burden and improve patient satisfaction. This research aims to determine whether the performance of 4 rehabilitation exercises, routinely prescribed to OA patients following TKR, can be objectively distinguished using inertial measurement sensors (IMU's) placed on the lower limbs. Methods: 5 healthy participants (4 males, 1 female; mean age 32.6 ± 11.1 years, height 1.79 ± 0.14 m and mass 82.88 ± 15.93 kg) performed a battery of early phase knee rehabilitation exercises based on the Taxonomy for RehAbilitation of Knee conditions (TRAK). Data was collected for multiple exercises with participants wearing a range of time synchronised biomechanical measurement systems. This study focused on the performance of 1) Knee Flexion in sitting 2) Knee Extension 3) Single Step Down and 4) Sit to Stand, with each participant performing 4 repetitions per exercise and the data collected using lower body IMU sensors. These were placed on the pelvis and bilateral thigh, shank and feet (Xsens, Holland; sampling at 60 Hz). Anthropometric measurements for each participant were combined with IMU data during a static calibration to define the biomechanical model (MVN Studio). 3D hip, knee and ankle joint angles were calculated using the Euler sequence ZXY using the ISB based coordinate system. Joint angle data were processed in Python, with exercise repetitions defined using a detect peaks algorithm. 3D angle data were formatted in Excel, time normalised to 101 points and then Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was performed (Matlab, Mathworks), reducing all joint angle waveforms into new uncorrelated principal components via an orthogonal transformation. Scatterplots of PC1 versus PC2 were used to visually inspect for clustering between the PC values for the 4 exercise groups. A one way ANOVA (SPSS, IBM) was performed on the first 3 PC values (ranked by percentage variance accounted for) for the 9 variables under analysis, with an a priori alpha level of significance set at 0.05. Games-Howell post hoc tests identified variables that were significantly different between exercises. Results: The PC scatterplot representing the hip flexion-extension waveforms produced the most prominent clustering, with all 4 exercise groups easily distinguishable (Fig.1). Whilst multiple statistically significant differences were found between pairs of exercises for individual PC values, only one PC value was statistically different across all exercise pairings (PC1, knee flexion-extension waveform). Conclusions: This study demonstrates the potential to objectively distinguish between different knee rehabilitation exercises using IMU sensors and PCA. It would appear that flexion-extension angles at the hip and knee are most suited for accurate exercise classification and require further investigation. Future work will focus on increasing the healthy cohort sample size and generating a post TKR patient cohort to identify whether similar differentiation between exercises can be established in a pathological cohort, and whether there are functional difference between healthy and post-TKR patients that could be used to map patient progress

    Developing decision support tools incorporating personalised predictions of likely visual benefit versus harm for cataract surgery: research programme

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    Background Surgery for established cataract is highly cost-effective and uncontroversial, yet uncertainty remains for individuals about when to proceed and when to delay surgery during the earlier stages of cataract. Objective We aimed to improve decision-making for cataract surgery through the development of evidence-based clinical tools that provide general information and personalised risk/benefit information. Design We used a mixed methodology consisting of four work packages. Work package 1 involved the development and psychometric validation of a brief, patient self-reported measure of visual difficulty from cataract and its relief from surgery, named Cataract Patient-Reported Outcome Measure, five items (Cat-PROM5). Work package 2 involved the review and refinement of risk models for adverse surgical events (posterior capsule rupture and visual acuity loss related to cataract surgery). Work package 3 involved the development of prediction models for the Cat-PROM5-based self-reported outcomes from a cohort study of 1500 patients; assessment of the validity of preference-based health economic indices for cataract surgery and the calibration of these to Cat-PROM5; assessment of patients’ and health-care professionals’ views on risk–benefit presentation formats, the perceived usefulness of Cat-PROM5, the value of personalised risk–benefit information, high-value information items and shared decision-making; development of cataract decision aid frequently asked questions, incorporation of personalised estimates of risks and benefits; and development of a cataract decision quality measure to assess the quality of decision-making. Work package 4 involved a mixed-methods feasibility study for a fully powered randomised controlled trial of the use of the cataract decision aid and a qualitative study of discordant or mismatching perceptions of outcome between patients and health-care professionals. Setting Four English NHS recruitment centres were involved: Bristol (lead centre), Brighton, Gloucestershire and Torbay. Multicentre NHS cataract surgery data were obtained from the National Ophthalmology Database. Participants Work package 1 – participants (n = 822) were from all four centres. Work package 2 – electronic medical record data were taken from the National Ophthalmology Database (final set > 1M operations). Work package 3 – cohort study participants were from Bristol (n = 1200) and Gloucestershire (n = 300); qualitative and development work was undertaken with patients and health-care professionals from all four centres. Work package 4 – Bristol, Brighton and Torbay participated in the recruitment of patients (n = 42) for the feasibility trial and recruitment of health-care professionals for the qualitative elements. Interventions For the feasibility trial, the intervention was the use of the cataract decision aid, incorporating frequently asked questions and personalised estimations of both adverse outcomes and self-reported benefit. Main outcome measures There was a range of quantitative and qualitative outcome measures: questionnaire psychometric performance metrics, risk indicators of adverse surgical events and visual outcome, predictors of self-reported outcome following cataract surgery, patient and health-care practitioner views, health economic calibration measures and randomised controlled trial feasibility measures. Data sources The data sources were patient self-reported questionnaire responses, study clinical data collection forms, recorded interviews with patients and health-care professionals, and anonymised National Ophthalmology Database data. Results Work package 1 – Cat-PROM5 was developed and validated with excellent to good psychometric properties (Rasch reliability 0.9, intraclass correlation repeatability 0.9, unidimensionality with residual eigenvalues ≤ 1.5) and excellent responsiveness to surgical intervention (Cohen delta –1.45). Work package 2 – earlier risk models for posterior capsule rupture and visual acuity loss were broadly affirmed (C-statistic for posterior capsule rupture 0.64; visual acuity loss 0.71). Work package 3 – the Cat-PROM5-based self-reported outcome regression models were derived based on 1181 participants with complete data (R2 ≈ 30% for each). Of the four preference-based health economic indices assessed, two demonstrated reasonable performance. Cat-PROM5 was successfully calibrated to health economic indices; adjusted limited dependent variable mixture models offered good to excellent fit (root-mean-square error 0.10–0.16). The personalised quantitative risk information was generally perceived as beneficial. A cataract decision aid and cataract decision quality measure were successfully developed based on the views of patients and health-care professionals. Work package 4 – data completeness was good for the feasibility study primary and secondary variables both before and after intervention/surgery (data completeness range 100–88%). Considering ability to recruit, the sample size required, instrumentation and availability of necessary health economic data, a fully powered randomised controlled trial (patients, n = 800, effect size 0.2 standard deviations, power 80%; p = 0.05) of the cataract decision aid would be feasible following psychometric refinement of the primary outcome (the cataract decision quality measure). The cataract decision aid was generally well-received by patients and health-care professionals, with cautions raised regarding perceived time and workload barriers. Discordant outcomes mostly related to patient dissatisfaction, with no clinical problem found. Limitations The National Ophthalmology Database data are expected to include some errors (mitigated by large multicentre data aggregations). The feasibility randomised controlled trial primary outcome (the cataract decision quality measure) displayed psychometric imperfections requiring refinement. The clinical occurrence of discordant outcomes is uncommon and the study team experienced difficulty identifying patients in this situation. Future work Future work could include regular review of the risk models for adverse outcomes to ensure currency, and the technical precision of complex-numbers analysis of refractive outcome to invite opportunities to improve post-operative spectacle-free vision. In addition, a fully powered randomised controlled trial of the cataract decision aid would be feasible, following psychometric refinement of the primary outcome (the cataract decision quality measure); this would clarify its potential role in routine service delivery. Conclusions In this research programme, evidence-based clinical tools have been successfully developed to improve pre-operative decision-making in cataract surgery. These include a psychometrically robust, patient-reported outcome measure (Cat-PROM5); prediction models for patient self-reported outcomes using Cat-PROM5; prediction models for clinically adverse surgical events and adverse visual acuity outcomes; and a cataract decision aid with relevant general information and personalised risk/benefit predictions. In addition, the successful mapping of Cat-PROM5 to existing health economic indices was achieved and the performances of indices were assessed in patients undergoing cataract surgery. A future full-powered randomised controlled trial of the cataract decision aid would be feasible (patients, n = 800, effect size 0.2 standard deviations, power 80%; p = 0.05)

    Optimizing the application method of entomopathogenic nematode suspension for biological control of large pine weevil Hylobius abietis

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    Entomopathogenic nematodes (EPNs) are effective against the immature stages of the large pine weevil Hylobius abietis. In three field trials we compared the efficacy of the application method of EPN for weevil suppression below the suggested threshold of 20 weevils per stump: applying the EPN suspension in the top edges of the stumps (‘top’) vs. drenching the soil around stumps (‘standard’). For Steinernema carpocapsae, weevil suppression was below the targeted threshold only when suspension was applied in the standard way (two of the three sites). On the other hand, weevil suppression was provided in all three cases of ‘top’ application of Heterorhabditis downesi suspension, whereas suppression in ‘standard’ application was observed in one site. Percentage parasitism of developing weevils in relation to depth and distance help explain EPN movement post-application. Weevil suppression relative to suggested thresholds can be improved by altering the method of EPN application depending on the nematode species