1,324 research outputs found

    The Influence of Porosity on Fatigue Crack Initiation in Additively Manufactured Titanium Components

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    Without post-manufacture HIPing the fatigue life of electron beam melting (EBM) additively manufactured parts is currently dominated by the presence of porosity, exhibiting large amounts of scatter. Here we have shown that the size and location of these defects is crucial in determining the fatigue life of EBM Ti-6Al-4V samples. X-ray computed tomography has been used to characterise all the pores in fatigue samples prior to testing and to follow the initiation and growth of fatigue cracks. This shows that the initiation stage comprises a large fraction of life (>70 %). In these samples the initiating defect was often some way from being the largest (merely within the top 35 % of large defects). Using various ranking strategies including a range of parameters, we found that when the proximity to the surface and the pore aspect ratio were included the actual initiating defect was within the top 3 % of defects ranked most harmful. This lays the basis for considering how the deposition parameters can be optimised to ensure that the distribution of pores is tailored to the distribution of applied stresses in additively manufactured parts to maximise the fatigue life for a given loading cycle

    Effect of a Normal-State Pseudogap on Optical Conductivity in Underdoped Cuprate Superconductors

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    We calculate the c-axis infrared conductivity σc(ω)\sigma_c(\omega) in underdoped cuprate superconductors for spinfluctuation exchange scattering within the CuO2_2-planes including a phenomenological d-wave pseudogap of amplitude EgE_g. For temperatures decreasing below a temperature TEg/2T^* \sim E_g/2, a gap for ω<2Eg\omega < 2E_g develops in σc(ω)\sigma_c(\omega) in the incoherent (diffuse) transmission limit. The resistivity shows 'semiconducting' behavior, i.e. it increases for low temperatures above the constant behavior for Eg=0E_g=0. We find that the pseudogap structure in the in-plane optical conductivity is about twice as big as in the interplane conductivity σc(ω)\sigma_c(\omega), in qualitative agreement with experiment. This is a consequence of the fact that the spinfluctuation exchange interaction is suppressed at low frequencies as a result of the opening of the pseudogap. While the c-axis conductivity in the underdoped regime is described best by incoherent transmission, in the overdoped regime coherent conductance gives a better description.Comment: to be published in Phys. Rev. B (November 1, 1999

    Standard and Null Weak Values

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    Weak value (WV) is a quantum mechanical measurement protocol, proposed by Aharonov, Albert, and Vaidman. It consists of a weak measurement, which is weighed in, conditional on the outcome of a later, strong measurement. Here we define another two-step measurement protocol, null weak value (NVW), and point out its advantages as compared to WV. We present two alternative derivations of NWVs and compare them to the corresponding derivations of WVs.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures. To appear in Quantum Theory: A Two-Time Success Story: Yakir Aharonov Festschrif

    Initial State Interactions for KK^--Proton Radiative Capture

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    The effects of the initial state interactions on the KpK^--p radiative capture branching ratios are examined and found to be quite sizable. A general coupled-channel formalism for both strong and electromagnetic channels using a particle basis is presented, and applied to all the low energy KpK^--p data with the exception of the {\it 1s} atomic level shift. Satisfactory fits are obtained using vertex coupling constants for the electromagnetic channels that are close to their expected SU(3) values.Comment: 16 pages, uses revte

    On ordinal utility, cardinal utility, and random utility  

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    Though the Random Utility Model (RUM) was conceived  entirely in terms of ordinal utility, the apparatus throughwhich it is widely practised exhibits properties of  cardinal utility.  The adoption of cardinal utility as a  working operation of ordinal is perfectly valid, provided  interpretations drawn from that operation remain faithful  to ordinal utility.  The paper considers whether the latterrequirement holds true for several measurements commonly  derived from RUM.  In particular it is found that  measurements of consumer surplus change may depart from  ordinal utility, and exploit the cardinality inherent in  the practical apparatus.

    Impact of negative and positive CO2 emissions on global warming metrics using an ensemble of Earth system model simulations

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    The benefits of implementing negative emission technologies in the global warming response to cumulative carbon emissions until the year 2420 are assessed following the shared socioeconomic pathway (SSP) 1-2.6, the sustainable development scenario, with a comprehensive set of intermediate-complexity Earth system model integrations. Model integrations include 86 different model realisations covering a wide range of plausible climate states. The global warming response is assessed in terms of two key climate metrics: the effective transient climate response to cumulative CO2 emissions (eTCRE), measuring the surface warming response to cumulative carbon emissions and associated non-CO2 forcing, and the effective zero emissions commitment (eZEC), measuring the extent of any continued warming after net-zero CO2 emissions are reached. The transient climate response to cumulative CO2 emissions (TCRE) is estimated as 2.2 K EgC−1 (median value) with a 10 %–90 % range of 1.75 to 3.13 K EgC−1 in 2100, approximated from the eTCRE by removing the contribution of non-CO2 forcing. During the positive emission phase, the eTCRE decreases from 2.71 (2.0 to 3.65) to 2.61 (1.91 to 3.62) K EgC−1 due to a weakening in the dependence of radiative forcing on atmospheric carbon, which is partly opposed by an increasing fraction of the radiative forcing warming the surface as the ocean stratifies. During the net negative and zero emission phases, a progressive reduction in the eTCRE to 2.0 (1.39 to 2.96) K EgC−1 is driven by the reducing airborne fraction as atmospheric CO2 is drawn down mainly by the ocean. The model uncertainty in the slopes of warming versus cumulative CO2 emissions varies from being controlled by the radiative feedback parameter during positive emissions to being affected by carbon-cycle parameters during net negative emissions, consistent with the drivers of uncertainty diagnosed from the coefficient of variation of the contributions in the eTCRE framework. The continued warming after CO2 emissions cease and remain at zero gives a model mean eZEC of −0.03 K after 25 years, which decreases in time to −0.21 K at 90 years after emissions cease. However, there is a spread in the ensemble with a temperature overshoot occurring in 20 % of the ensemble members at 25 years after cessation of emissions. If net negative emissions are included, there is a reduction in atmospheric CO2 and there is a decrease in temperature overshoot so that the eZEC is positive in only 5 % of the ensemble members. Hence, incorporating negative emissions enhances the ability to meet climate targets and avoid risk of continued warming after net zero is reached