2,322 research outputs found

    Tactical voting in referendums: did SNP’s mixed signals encourage those for independence to vote for Brexit?

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    Zachary Greene, Jae-Jae Spoon and Christopher Williams argue that some proponents of Scottish independence may have resorted to tactical voting in the EU referendum. They did so in the hope that a Leave win would make a second Independence referendum more likely, responding to hints by SNP leaders to this effect

    Reading between the lines : party cues and SNP support for Scottish independence and Brexit

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    Scotland's future within the EU played a prominent role in the 2014 independence referendum. The story goes that latent supporters of independence voted to stay within the UK to maintain EU access. Defeated, Scottish leaders declared the referendum a once-in-a-life-time event only repeated if conditions substantially changed. With the UK now facing a chaotic exit from the EU, proponents of Scottish independence have suggested that a second referendum may occur after Brexit negotiations are completed. Faced with a consensus among Scottish party leaders in supporting EU membership, those hoping for a second independence referendum, we argue, looked to alternate sources of information that saw Brexit as an opportunity to create the conditions that would spur a second referendum. Using panel data from the British Election Study, we examine whether Scottish voters voted tactically to leave the EU. We argue that SNP voters were likely to interpret statements on the conditions for a second independence referendum as an implicit signal to vote "Leave". The results have important implications for the role of referendums in representative democracy, strategic voting, and the importance of intra-party division on individual vote choices

    Magnetic and Raman Based Method for Process Control During Fabrication of Carbon Nanotube Based Structures

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    A method of fabricating composite structures comprising carbon nanotubes. The method including providing a nanotube starting material, forming the composite structure with the nanotube starting material and monitoring at least a magnetic or Raman property of the composite structure while forming the composite structure

    Physical characterization of cementitious materials on casting and placing process

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    Coagulation of cement particles is an inevitable phenomenon of fresh cement-based materials undergoing solidification. Coagulation can be classified into two types, reversible flocculation and irreversible coagulation, wherein microstructural change affects the rheological properties, including shear thinning and thixotropy, and the hydration process. This paper attempts to measure the mechanical property and the coagulation of cement particles according to the mix proportions of cement paste. Experimental setups were proposed for two different types of coagulations using a laser backscattering instrument. Volume fraction and size distribution of coagulated particles were obtained, and their variations were discussed. From the obtained results the microstructural buildup of freshly mixed cement pastes can be divided into three categories: permanent coagulation and strong and weak flocculation.open0

    An X-Ray Study of Supernova Remnant N49 and Soft Gamma-Ray Repeater 0526-66 in the Large Magellanic Cloud

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    We report on the results from our deep Chandra observation (120 ks) of the supernova remnant (SNR) N49 and soft Gamma-ray repeater (SGR) 0526-66 in the Large Magellanic Cloud. We firmly establish the detection of an ejecta "bullet" beyond the southwestern boundary of N49. The X-ray spectrum of the bullet is distinguished from that of the main SNR shell, showing significantly enhanced Si and S abundances. We also detect an ejecta feature in the eastern shell, which shows metal overabundances similar to those of the bullet. If N49 was produced by a core-collapse explosion of a massive star, the detected Si-rich ejecta may represent explosive O-burning or incomplete Si-burning products from deep interior of the supernova. On the other hand, the observed Si/S abundance ratio in the ejecta may favor Type Ia origin for N49. We refine the Sedov age of N49, tau_Sed ~ 4800 yr, with the explosion energy E_0 ~ 1.8 x 10^51 erg. Our blackbody (BB) + power law (PL) model for the quiescent X-ray emission from SGR 0526-66 indicates that the PL photon index (Gamma ~ 2.5) is identical to that of PSR 1E1048.1-5937, the well-known candidate transition object between anomalous X-ray pulsars and SGRs. Alternatively, the two-component BB model implies X-ray emission from a small (R ~ 1 km) hot spot(s) (kT ~ 1 keV) in addition to emission from the neutron star's cooler surface (R ~ 10 km, kT ~ 0.4 keV). There is a considerable discrepancy in the estimated column toward 0526-66 between BB+PL and BB+BB model fits. Discriminating these spectral models would be crucial to test the long-debated physical association between N49 and 0526-66.Comment: Accepted by ApJ, 27 pages in total (aastex preprint format) including 5 figures (4 in color) and 5 table

    Gamma-ray irradiation stimulates the expression of caveolin-1 and GFAP in rat spinal cord: a study of immunoblot and immunohistochemistry

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    We studied the expression of caveolin-1 in the spinal cords of rats using 60Co γ-ray irradiation (single dose of 8 Gray (Gy)) in order to determine the possible involvement of caveolin-1 in the tissues of the central nervous system after irradiation. Spinal cords sampled at days 1, 4, and 9 post-irradiation (PI) (n = 5 per each time point) were analyzed by Western blot and immunohistochemistry. Western blot analysis showed that the expression of caveolin-1 was significantly increased at day 1 PI (p < 0.05), and returned to the level of normal control rats on days 4 and 9 PI. Immunohistochemistry showed that caveolin-1 immunoreactivity was enhanced in some glial cells, vascular endothelial cells, and neurons in the spinal cords. The increased expression of glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), a marker for an astroglial reaction, was consistent with that of caveolin-1. In addition, caveolin-1 was co-localized in hypertrophied GFAP-positive astrocytes. Taking all these facts into consideration, we postulate that irradiation induces the increased expression of caveolin-1 in cells of the central nervous system, and that its increased expression in astrocytes may contribute to hypertrophy of astrocytes in the spinal cord after irradiation. The precise role of caveolin-1 in the spinal cords should be studied further

    Epidermal-specific deletion of TC-PTP promotes UVB-induced epidermal cell survival through the regulation of Flk-1/JNK signaling

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    UVB exposure can contribute to the development of skin cancer by modulating protein tyrosine kinase (PTK) signaling. It has been suggested that UVB radiation increases the ligand-dependent activation of PTKs and induces PTP inactivation. Our recent studies have shown that T-cell protein tyrosine phosphatase (TC-PTP) attenuates skin carcinogenesis induced by chemical regimens, which indicates its critical role in the prevention of skin cancer. In the current work, we report that TC-PTP increases keratinocyte susceptibility to UVB-induced apoptosis via the downregulation of Flk-1/JNK signaling. We showed that loss of TC-PTP led to resistance to UVB-induced apoptosis in vivo epidermis. We established immortalized primary keratinocytes (IPKs) from epidermal-specific TC-PTP-deficient (K14Cre.Ptpn2fl/fl) mice. Immortalized TC-PTP-deficient keratinocytes (TC-PTP/KO IPKs) showed increased cell survival against UVB-induced apoptosis which was concomitant with a UVB-mediated increase in Flk-1 phosphorylation, especially on tyrosine residue 1173. Inhibition of Flk-1 by either its specific inhibitors or siRNA in TC-PTP/KO IPKs reversed this effect and significantly increased cell death after UVB irradiation in comparison with untreated TC-PTP/KO IPKs. Immunoprecipitation analysis using the TC-PTP substrate-trapping mutant TCPTP-D182A indicated that TC-PTP directly interacts with Flk-1 to dephosphorylate it and their interaction was stimulated by UVB. Following UVBmediated Flk-1 activation, the level of JNK phosphorylation was also significantly increased in TC-PTP/KO IPKs compared to control IPKs. Similar to our results with Flk-1, treatment of TC-PTP/KO IPKs with the JNK inhibitor SP600125 significantly increased apoptosis after UVB irradiation, confirming that the effect of TC-PTP on UVB-mediated apoptosis is regulated by Flk-1/JNK signaling. Western blot analysis showed that both phosphorylated Flk-1 and phosphorylated JNK were significantly increased in the epidermis of TC-PTP-deficient mice compared to control mice following UVB. Our results suggest that TC-PTP plays a protective role against UVB-induced keratinocyte cell damage by promoting apoptosis via negative regulation of Flk-1/JNK survival signaling