347 research outputs found


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    Sandi Alberston-Shea. Letters for the Living: Teaching Writing in a Violent Age. (Michael Blitz and C. Mark Huribert, 1999). Susan A. Schiller. Education and the Soul: Toward a Spiritual Curriculum. (John P. Miller, 2000). Jeffrey D. Wilhelm. Radical Presence: Teaching as Contemplative Practice. (Mary Rose O\u27Reilly, 1998). Back to the Archiv

    Impulsivity, Impulsive and Reflective Processes and the Development of Alcohol Use and Misuse in Adolescents and Young Adults

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    This paper contrasts dual-process and personality approaches in the prediction of addictive behaviors and related risk behaviors. In dual-process models, behavior is described as the joint outcome of qualitatively different “impulsive” (or associative) and “reflective” processes. There are important individual differences regarding both types of processes, and the relative strength of both in a specific situation is influenced by prior behavior and state variables (e.g., fatigue, alcohol use). From this perspective, a specific behavior (e.g., alcohol misuse) can be predicted by the combined indices of the behavior-related impulsive processes (e.g., associations with alcohol), and reflective processes, including the ability to refrain from a motivationally salient action. Personality approaches have reported that general traits such as impulsivity predict addictive behaviors. Here we contrast these two approaches, with supplementary analyses on four datasets. We hypothesized that trait impulsivity can predict specific risky behaviors, but that its predictive power disappears once specific behavior-related associations, indicators of executive functioning, and their interaction are entered into the equation. In all four studies the observed interaction between specific associations and executive control (EC) was robust: trait impulsivity did not diminish the prediction of alcohol use by the interaction. Trait impulsivity was not always related to alcohol use, and when it was, the predictive power disappeared after entering the interaction between behavior-specific associations and EC in one study, but not in the other. These findings are interpreted in relation to the validity of the measurements used, which leads to a more refined hypothesis

    Pharmacoproteomic characterisation of human colon and rectal cancer

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    Most molecular cancer therapies act on protein targets but data on the proteome status of patients and cellular models for proteome-guided pre-clinical drug sensitivity studies are only beginning to emerge. Here, we profiled the proteomes of 65 colorectal cancer (CRC) cell lines to a depth of > 10,000 proteins using mass spectrometry. Integration with proteomes of 90 CRC patients and matched transcriptomics data defined integrated CRC subtypes, highlighting cell lines representative of each tumour subtype. Modelling the responses of 52 CRC cell lines to 577 drugs as a function of proteome profiles enabled predicting drug sensitivity for cell lines and patients. Among many novel associations, MERTK was identified as a predictive marker for resistance towards MEK1/2 inhibitors and immunohistochemistry of 1,074 CRC tumours confirmed MERTK as a prognostic survival marker. We provide the proteomic and pharmacological data as a resource to the community to, for example, facilitate the design of innovative prospective clinical trials. © 2017 The Authors. Published under the terms of the CC BY 4.0 licens

    Urban Greening in North Carolina: Case Studies from New Bern, Mecklenburg County, and Raleigh

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    Carolina Planning regularly solicits articles on recent projects from members of the North Carolina chapter of the American Planning Association (NCAPA). This year’s submissions focused on water resource management – an important element of urban greening efforts. From a riverwalk in New Bern – the host city for the 2010 NCAPA Conference – to a stream restoration project in Mecklenburg County and an educational wetlands park in Raleigh, these projects provide valuable insight into the local planning process

    Quantifying the Grimm Corpus: Transgressive and Transformative Bodies in the Grimms’ Fairy Tales

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    What do bodies mean in fairy tales? Donald Haase’s engagement with the Grimms’ fairy tales has offered some hints, ranging from his attention to feminist scholarship on the Grimms to his multifaceted review of recent Grimm scholarship that addresses various meanings of bodies in the language and translation of their tales. Inspired by Haase’s work and encouragement, I created a database that lists every mention or description of a body in the Grimms’ tales and in five other European tale collections. I detailed the results of this quantitative investigation in my dissertation, generally treating all the tale collections as part of one large corpus. In this essay, however, to add to the conversation that Haase has generated and curated, I refilter the data to solely examine which body parts (nouns, adjectives, and actions) appear in the Grimm tales. A major thematic focus is transgression and transformation, especially their gendered dimensions

    University of Nebraska Five-Year Strategy, Revised August 12, 2020

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    The University of Nebraska Five-Year Strategy: Trust, Predictability, and Positive Outcomes for Nebraskans In February 2020, the newly named president of the University of Nebraska system, Ted Carter, gathered a diverse 28-member team of students, faculty, staff, and administrators to help chart the path forward for Nebraska’s public university. The team’s goal: At a time of great change in higher education, lay out a vision for what the future should look like for the University of Nebraska. Broad themes quickly emerged, including student access and success, excellence in teaching and research, diversity and inclusion, partnerships, and fiscal effectiveness. Then COVID-19 hit, forcing a pause in the team’s work. The ensuing months showed that the initial priorities identified by the team were not only still relevant, but more important than ever in defining the future of higher education. From that early work has emerged a five-year strategy for growth and success across the four-campus University of Nebraska system. In addition to the strategic planning team, Carter engaged alumni and donors, elected leaders, leaders in business and agriculture, the Board of Regents, NU senior leadership, and others in conversations about the University’s future. The resulting strategy is built around several key principles: The value of higher education is clear and growing. Nebraska’s success is tied to that of its University. Students come first. The University of Nebraska should be the best place in the country to be a student, providing high-quality, affordable, accessible education that prioritizes students’ mental and physical health and prepares them for post-graduation success. Our people are our greatest asset. We will invest accordingly. We have a responsibility to make the best use of every dollar Nebraskans entrust to us. Themes of equity and inclusion touch everything we do. We will be a University for everyone—successful only when all voices are heard. Finally, Nebraskans should know what to expect from their University. We must work every day to maintain the trust and confidence of the people of our state

    Study: An Assessment of Citizens' Exposure to Tobacco Marketing

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    This report provides the European Commission with a comprehensive overview of channels through which EU citizens, and in particular young people, are exposed to the marketing of tobacco products and e-cigarettes. The study investigates the reality of tobacco advertising and marketing in a representative sample of EU Member States. The detailed evidence provided in this report will shed light on how current EU- and national- level regulation of tobacco and e-cigarette advertising is working in practice. Exposure is measured both by looking at actual advertising spend, what advertising activity is occurring in different channels and looking at what advertising citizens recall, as measured through a citizens' survey. These are complemented by a survey of national experts and a review of secondary data. We examine exposure to advertising through a wide range of channels including print, outdoor, TV and radio, online, sponsorship and corporate social responsibility. Strategies for selling tobacco at point of sale are also assessed, including a review of the different kind of retailers, such as specialised retailers (tobacconists), retail outlets (including supermarkets) and vending machines. Where information exists, we assess the extent to which young people in particular are exposed to this marketing.The report takes into account the regulatory context at EU and national levels, given that certain forms of advertising (e.g. billboards, point of sale) are still allowed in some Member States. The report covers the following work packages: Work package 1: Overview of advertising strategies Work package 2: Printed media Work package 3: Internet and mobile applications Work package 4: Billboards, posters and other types of advertising outside the home Work package 5: TV and radio (electronic cigarettes) and product placement (all products) Work package 6: Points of sale, sample, giveaways and promotional items Work package 7: Sponsoring, corporate responsibility, brand stretching and imitation products Work package 8: Compilation of the key forms of advertising, promoting and sponsorship that EU citizens are exposed to. Consortium Partners: Burson-Marsteller; Smoke Free Partnership Expert Subcontractors: University of Stirling; VVA Europ

    IFITM proteins drive type 2 T helper cell differentiation and exacerbate allergic airway inflammation

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    T cells differentiated more efficiently to Th1, whereas Th2 differentiation was inhibited. Ifitm-family-deficient mice, but not Ifitm3-deficient mice, were less susceptible than WT to induction of allergic airways disease, with a weaker Th2 response and less severe disease and lower Il4 but higher Ifng expression and IL-27 secretion. Thus, the Ifitm family is important in adaptive immunity, influencing Th1/Th2 polarization, and Th2 immunopathology