736 research outputs found

    Peasant diary as a text of folklore?

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    The article attempts to answer the question of the genological status of peasant diaries. These texts were certainly being written from the beginning of the nineteenth century, but it is not impossible that peasants recorded their reflections earlier as well. The genre flourished in the post-war years, when organisers of numerous competitions encouraged the villagers to write their autobiographies, and lasted essentially until the late 1970s. The source material makes it possible to study the transformations that the texts themselves underwent over the period of a century, as well as the way their authors perceived reality and their own place in it. Researchers of autobiographical records point to the formation of the beginnings of an individualistic attitude as a prerequisite for a person taking the trouble to record the events of their own life. Peasant diaries make it possible to trace the dynamics of changes in peasant consciousness: from a traditional society based on oral transmission to a (proto-)modern one, rooted in the culture of writing (print). The author poses the hypothesis that the origins of peasant diarism should be sought in oral folklore, as indicated by the formal similarity of the first records of this type to traditional folklore genres. Over time, however, diarism breaks away from its roots, turning into an expression of the authors’ individual traits and thus coming closer to literature.Artykuł jest próbą odpowiedzi na pytanie o status genologiczny pamiętników chłopskich. Teksty te powstawały z całą pewnością od początku XIX w. niewykluczone jednak, że chłopi notowali swoje refleksje także wcześniej. Rozkwit gatunku przypadł na lata powojenne, gdy mieszkańców wsi do spisywania autobiografii zachęcali organizatorzy licznych konkursów i trwał zasadniczo do końca lat 70. XX w. Materiał źródłowy pozwala zbadać przemiany, jakim podlegały na przestrzeni wieku same teksty, jak i sposób postrzegania rzeczywistości i swojego w niej miejsca przez ich autorów. Badacze zapisów autobiograficznych zwracają uwagę na konieczność uformowania się zalążków postawy indywidualistycznej jako warunku koniecznego dla podjęcia trudu spisywania własnego życia. Lektura pamiętników chłopskich umożliwia prześledzenie dynamiki zmian zachodzących w świadomości chłopów od społeczeństwa tradycyjnego, opartego na przekazie ustnym, do (proto)nowoczesnego, osadzonego w kulturze pisma (druku). Autorka stawia hipotezę, że korzeni pamiętnikarstwa chłopskiego należy szukać w folklorze ustnym, na co wskazuje formalne podobieństwo pierwszych tego rodzaju zapisów do tradycyjnych gatunków folkloru. Z czasem jednak pamiętnikarstwo odrywa się od swojego pierwotnego podłoża, stając się wyrazem ekspresji indywidualnych cech autorów i staje się tym samym bliższe literaturze

    Petit plaidoyer pour l’autonomisation au niveau supérieur en français langue étrangère

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    This contribution starts with arguing, at both theoretical and practical levels, for autonomization in the advanced teaching/learning of French, showing that approach as highly recommendable in the presentday situation in Poland, especially in the university setting. The second part of the article gives evidence of it, referring to a research project conducted recently in this precise context, in which autonomization appeared as very useful also in teacher training

    Administracja publiczna jako wyznacznik sprawy z zakresu administracji publicznej

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    In efforts to establish the criteria for identifying a case as that pertaining to public administration (a key issue for delineating the scope of cognition of administrative courts), apart from the analysis of legal relation upon which the case is based, or criteria of the court assigned for a given cognition, it appears necessary to relate to the phenomenon of public administration. Adopting the assumption that one of the features of the term: “public administration case” (not only in semantic approach) is the phenomenon concerned with public administration itself, necessitates rather unambiguous understanding of such administration. To this end, it appears necessary to analyse both the meaning and the scope of the term: “public administration”. The ambiguity of this term within normative, judicatural and doctrinal realms would prevent public administration from being a priori a definitive criterion for identifying a case as that belonging to public administration domain. This paper includes the analysis of an objective and subjective approach to public administration. Within the context of discovering one of the determinants for a public administration case, these dissertations also tackle the issues concerning the criteria and the scope of public administration

    Polish Indian hobbyists and cultural appropriation

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    This article attempts to describe the Polish-American Friends Movement (PAIFM) in the context of cultural appropriation. It first describes the history of the movement by linking it to the phenomenon of playing Indian, which started in the United States in the colonial period and then was transplanted to Europe in the late 19th century. Subsequently, it briefly presents the history of the Polish hobbyism movement in Poland, pointing out the historical, social, and psychological circumstances of its development. In the next part it defines the concept of cultural appropriation and its main types according to James Young (2010). The last part is devoted to a detailed analysis of different forms of activities of the PAIFM, especially the annual week gathering, as observed by the author during the 40th gathering of Polish Indian enthusiasts in 2016. Different types of cultural appropriation and an array of consequences resulting from such a positioning are discussed. In this paper it is argued that the negative undertones of the concept obscure the complexity of the movement as a cultural phenomenon and its multiple links with Native American cultures and their present political and cultural situation

    Peasant diary as a text of folklore?

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    The article attempts to answer the question of the genological status of peasant diaries. These texts were certainly being written from the beginning of the nineteenth century, but it is not impossible that peasants recorded their reflections earlier as well. The genre flourished in the post-war years, when organisers of numerous competitions encouraged the villagers to write their autobiographies, and lasted essentially until the late 1970s. The source material makes it possible to study the transformations that the texts themselves underwent over the period of a century, as well as the way their authors perceived reality and their own place in it. Researchers of autobiographical records point to the formation of the beginnings of an individualistic attitude as a prerequisite for a person taking the trouble to record the events of their own life. Peasant diaries make it possible to trace the dynamics of changes in peasant consciousness: from a traditional society based on oral transmission to a (proto-)modern one, rooted in the culture of writing (print). The author poses the hypothesis that the origins of peasant diarism should be sought in oral folklore, as indicated by the formal similarity of the first records of this type to traditional folklore genres. Over time, however, diarism breaks away from its roots, turning into an expression of the authors’ individual traits and thus coming closer to literature


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    The article presents the structure of the electronic banking with attention being given to solutions applied in mobile banking and mobile payments available in Poland. For the purpose of this article a survey was conducted among the active users of the Internet, aiming to research changes with regards to susceptibility of individual users to take advantage of application of mobile banking including mobile payments and their main concerns regarding the using of mobile banking services.Artykuł przedstawia strukturę bankowości elektronicznej z uwzględnieniem rozwiązań stosowanych w bankowości mobilnej oraz płatnościach mobilnych dostępnych w Polsce. Na potrzeby niniejszego artykułu przeprowadzono ankietę pośród użytkowników sieci Internet mającą na celu zbadanie zmian zachodzących w zakresie skłonności indywidualnych użytkowników do korzystania z usług bankowości mobilnej, w tym z płatności mobilnych oraz ich głównych obaw związanych z korzystaniem z usług bankowości mobilnej

    Air pollution in Krakow : a glance into the future from a historical perspective

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    High concentrations of air pollution probably occurred in Krakow in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Since the late 1960s due to the development of monitoring networks level of air pollution is well documented. In the past few decades, a considerable drop in SO_{2} concentration has been observed in conjunction with a major increase in the particulate matter and nitrogen oxides concentrations. The complex composition of aerosol particle samples (quartz, feldspars, clay minerals, carbonates, sulphates, chlorides, aluminosilicate and iron or iron oxide spherules of industrial origin and soot) suggests the multiplicity of their sources. In the near future, increased concentration of very fine particles and precursors of photochemical smog should be expected because of increasing emission from vehicle engines

    Atmospheric multiple scattering of fluorescence and Cherenkov light emitted by extensive air showers

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    Atmospheric scattering of light emitted by an air shower not only attenuates direct fluorescence light from the shower, but also contributes to the observed shower light. So far only direct and singly-scattered Cherenkov photons have been taken into account in routine analyses of the observed optical image of air showers. In this paper a Monte Carlo method of evaluating the contribution of multiply scattered light to the optical air shower image is presented, as well as results of simulations and a parameterization of scattered light contribution to measured shower signal.Comment: 27 pages, 18 figures, accepted for publication in NIM