8 research outputs found

    Prostate biopsy sampling causes hematogenous dissemination of epithelial cellular material

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    The extent of epithelial cellular material (ECM) occurring in venous blood samples after diagnostic core needle biopsy (CNB) was studied in 23 patients with CNB diagnosed prostate cancer without provable metastases and 15 patients without cancer. The data show a significant increase of ECM in the peripheral blood sampled 20 seconds or 30 minutes after the last of 10 CNB procedures compared to the number of ECM detectable in the blood samples taken before the performance of CNB. The data indicate that diagnostic CNB of prostate cancer causes an extensive tissue trauma with a potential risk of cancer cell dissemination

    Prostate Biopsy Sampling Causes Hematogenous Dissemination of Epithelial Cellular Material

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    The extent of epithelial cellular material (ECM) occurring in venous blood samples after diagnostic core needle biopsy (CNB) was studied in 23 patients with CNB diagnosed prostate cancer without provable metastases and 15 patients without cancer. The data show a significant increase of ECM in the peripheral blood sampled 20 seconds or 30 minutes after the last of 10 CNB procedures compared to the number of ECM detectable in the blood samples taken before the performance of CNB. The data indicate that diagnostic CNB of prostate cancer causes an extensive tissue trauma with a potential risk of cancer cell dissemination

    The socio – emotional skills of children of childhood age, self – driving development opportunities in games

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    Darba autors: Sintija Puriņa Kvalifikācijas darba temats: “Pirmsskolas vecuma bērnu sociāli emocionālās kompetences, pašvadības attīstības iespējas rotaļās”. Mērķis: teorētiski un praktiski izpētīt pirmsskolas vecuma bērnu pašvadītas attīstības iespējas rotaļās. Pirmajā nodaļā tiek skaidrots sociāli emocionālās kompetences jēdziens, kā tas attiecas uz bērnu attīstību un apskatīts dažādu autoru skatījums uz to. Otrajā nodaļā ir apskatīts un skaidrots kas ir pašvadīta mācīšanās, tās jēdziens un dažādu autoru viedoklis un skatījums par pašvadītu mācīšanos. Kā arī tiek aprakstīti zinātniskie kritēriji pašvadītas mācīšanās vērtēšanai. Trešajā nodaļā ir aprakstīts dažādu autoru skaidrojums par 2-3 gadus vecu bērnu vecumposma īpatnību saistība ar pašvadītu prasmju attīstības aktualitāti. Ceturtajā nodaļā tikai veikta praktiskā izpēte pirmskolas vecuma bērnu sociāli emocionālās kompetences, pašvadības attīstības iespējas rotaļās, iesaistot bērnus rotaļās. Tika izvirzīti kritēriji pēc kuriem vadoties notika bērnu sociāli emocionālo un pašvadības prasmju izvērtēšanā pētījuma sākumā un beigās. Izmantojot pašvadības kā sociāli emocionālās mācīšanās daļas kritēriju, paaugstinājās bērnu pašvadības kompetence sociāli emocionālās mācīšanās nodarbībās. Kā arī izmainījās bērnu rādītāji pedagoģiskā eksperimenta procesā, tie uzlabojās. Kvalifikācijas darbs sastāv no 4 nodaļām un 5 apakšnodaļām, secinājumiem, priekšlikumiem, literatūras un avotu saraksta, pielikumiem. Kvalifikācijas darba struktūra: no 44. lpp, ievietoti 2 attēli, 4 tabulas un 3 diagrammas, 1 pielikums. Kvalifikācijas darbam izmantoti 47 informācijas avoti. Atslēgvārdi: sociāls, emocionāls, pašvadīts, bērns, pirmsskola, rotaļas.Author of the job: Sintija Purina. Subject of the qualification work: “The socio – emotional skills of children of childhood age, self – driving development opportunities in games”. Objective: Theoretically and practically explore the possibilities for self- directed development of children of pre- school age in games. The first chapter clarifies the concept of socio-emotional competence, as it relates to the development of children and looks at the views of the various authors. The second chapter deals with and clarifies what is self-directed learning, its concept and the views of different authors and the view of self-directed learning. The scientific criteria for evaluating self-directed learning are also described. The third chapter describes the interpretation of the characteristics of the 2-3-year-old child age with regard to the ongoing development of self-directed skills. In Chapter four, only practical studies have been carried out in the games of the socio-emotional competence of children of pre-school age, self-management development opportunities involving children in games. Criteria were identified for evaluating children's socio-emotional and self-management skills at the beginning and end of the study. Using self-driving as a criterion for socio-emotional learning increased the competence of child self-driving in socio-emotional learning. As well as changes in child indicators in the pedagogical experiment process, they improved. The qualification work consists of 4 chapters and 5 sub-chapters, conclusions, proposals, lists of literature and sources, annexes. Structure of the qualification work: from page 44, 2 pictures, 4 tables and 3 charts, Annex 1. 47 sources of information have been used for qualification work. Keywords: social, emotional, self-driving, child, preschool, playing

    Influence of electrical and thermal properties on RF ablation of breast cancer: is the tumour preferentially heated?

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Techniques based on radio frequency (RF) energy have many applications in medicine, in particular tumour ablation. Today, mammography screening detects many breast cancers at an early stage, facilitating treatment by minimally invasive techniques such as radio frequency ablation (RFA). The breast cancer is mostly surrounded by fat, which during RFA-treatment could result in preferential heating of the tumour due to the substantial differences in electrical parameters. The object of this study was to investigate if this preferential heating existed during experimental in vitro protocols and during computer simulations.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Excised breast material from four patients with morphologically diagnosed breast cancers were treated with our newly developed RFA equipment. Subsequently, two finite element method (FEM) models were developed; one with only fat and one with fat and an incorporated breast cancer of varying size. The FEM models were solved using temperature dependent electrical conductivity versus constant conductivity, and transient versus steady-state analyses.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Our experimental study performed on excised breast tissue showed a preferential heating of the tumour, even if associated with long tumour strands. The fat between these tumour strands was surprisingly unaffected. Furthermore, the computer simulations demonstrated that the difference in electrical and thermal parameters between fat and tumour tissue can cause preferential heating of the tumour. The specific absorption rate (SAR) distribution changed significantly when a tumour was present in fatty tissue. The degree of preferential heating depended on tissue properties, tumour shape, and placement relative to the electrode. Temperature dependent electrical conductivity increased the thermal lesion volume, but did not change the preferential heating. Transient solutions decreased the thermal lesion volume but increased the preferential heating of the tumour.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Both the computer model and the in vitro study confirmed that preferential heating of the tumour during RFA exists in breast tissue. However, the observed preferential heating in the in vitro studies were more pronounced, indicating that additional effects other than the difference in tissue parameters might be involved. The existing septa layers between the cancer tissue and the fatty tissue could have an additional electrical or thermal insulating effect, explaining the discrepancy between the in vitro study and the computer model.</p