1,112 research outputs found

    Pelatihan dan pendampingan produksi pupuk bokashi di desa kebonagung-madiun

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    Mayoritas masyarakat Desa Kebonagung memiliki hewan ternak, namun masyarakat belum menemukan alternatif untuk memecahkan permasalahan limbah hewan ternak yang ada disekitar tempat tinggal mereka. Dalam upaya membantu masyarakat memecahkan masalah tersebut maka dilakukan pengabdian pada masyarakat melalui pelatihan dan pendampingan kepada kelompok pemuda atau karang taruna Desa Kebonagung yang bersinergi dengan Gabungan Kelompok Tani Desa Kebonagung. Diharapkan setelah adanya pelatihan dan pendampingan ini, limbah ternak berupa kotoran yang semula tidak dimanfaatkan akan diolah menjadi kompos bokashi. Pupuk bokashi sangat efektif untuk meningkatkan hasil panen, terlebih lagi sebagian besar mata pencaharian masyarakat Desa Kebonagung adalah seorang petani. Tujuan pengabdian ini untuk Melakukan pelatihan dan pendampingan pada karang taruna Desa Kebonagung dalam pengelolaan limbah ternak menjadi pupuk bokashi. Metode yang digunakan dalam pengabdian ini adalah metode studi kasus agar proses dan serangkaian aktivitas produksi dapat dipraktekkan oleh semuanya.   Dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan ini kelompok karang taruna telah mengikuti kegiatan ini dengan baik mulai dari awal samapi akhir. Sehingga manfaat dari kegiatan ini dapat dirasakan oleh masyarakat Desa Kebonagung.&nbsp

    Towards some general ecological principles

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    Discrete deterministic age-structured, stage-structured and difference delay equation population models are analysed and compared with respect to stability and nonstationary behaviour. All three models show that species with iteroparous life histories tend to be more stable than species with semelparous life histories which allow us to conclude that this must be a fairly general ecological principle. Considering iteroparity, the precocious case appears to be more stable than the delayed case. The nonstationary dynamics shows a great deal of resemblance too, but when the number of age classes are even there is a mismatch between the dynamical outcomes of the age- and stage-structured case whenever the survival probabilities are large or moderate. Regarding semelparous species the analysis of the age-structured and the difference delay equation model clearly suggest that precocious semelparous species are more stable than delayed semelparous species and, moreover, that the transfer from stability to instability goes through a Hopf bifurcation. This is in great contrast to the outcome of the stage-structured model. In this case we find that the delayed case is more stable than the precocious and in unstable parameter regions there are orbits of period 2k , k > 1, which we do not find when the life history is precocious

    An Analysis of a Semelparous Population Model with Density-Dependent Fecundity and Density - Dependent Survival Probabilities.

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    Source at https://doi.org/10.1155/2017/8934295 .A discrete age-structured semelparous Leslie matrix model where density dependence is included both in the fecundity and in the survival probabilities is analysed. Depending on strength of density dependence, we show in the precocious semelparous case that the nonstationary dynamics may indeed be rich, ranging from SYC (a dynamical state where the whole population is in one age class only) dynamics to cycles of low period where all age classes are populated. Quasiperiodic and chaotic dynamics have also been identified. Moreover, outside parameter regions where SYC dynamics dominates, we prove that the transfer from stability to instability goes through a supercritical Neimark − Sacker bifurcation, and it is further shown that when the population switches from possessing a precocious to a delayed semelparous life history both stability properties and the possibility of periodic dynamics become weaker

    Analisis Kemampuan Pemahaman Matematis Pada Siswa Slow Learner

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    This study aims to describe how the mathematical understanding ability ofstudents slow learner in solving simple algebra problems and what are the factors that causestudents to have slow learner difficulty understanding and solving math problems in class V SD Negeri Randusanga wetan 01 Brebes. This research method is a qualitative research, the approach in this study uses a descriptive approach. The research subjects were slow learner grade 5 students at SD Negeri Randusanga Wetan 01 Brebes. Data collection techniques using documentation, tests and interviews. The results of the study stated that thestudents slow learner did not meet the indicators of mathematical understanding ability, the factors causing thestudents to have slow learner difficulty understanding the questions were internal factors and external factors. Internal factors, very low student discipline, low intelligence limitations of students,. External factors are the economic limitations of the subject's parents which make the subject lazy and have no motivation to learn. Then, the facilities at the school are lacking, so teachers in the learning process rarely use learning media or teaching aids

    Peningkatan Keaktifan dan Prestasi Belajar Matematika melalui Model Cooperative Learning Tipe Tgt (Teams Games Tournament) pada Siswa Kelas V

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    The purposes of this research were to improve the activity and learning outcomes in mathematics of students 5th grade Balingasal 1 Public Elementary School through cooperative learning type Teams Games Tournament. The subjects of this research is 29 students of 5th grade Balingasal 1 Public Elementary. The object of this research were student's activity and mathematics learning outcomes. The result showed that after treatment with cooperative learning type Teams Games Tournament at 5th grade Balingasal 1 Public Elementary School, activity and mathematics learning outcomes of students has increased. This was indicated by an increasing in the result percentage average activity of 36,64% in the pre-action, whereas at the first cycle improves with average percentage to 59,41%, improves in the second cycle to 77,16%. Mathematics learning outcomes of students also increased. The average of students learning outcomes in pre-action is 49,81. In the first cycle, the average result improves to 63,97. In the second cycle, the average result improves to 75,88. In conclusion, cooperative learning type Teams Games Tournament can improve activity and mathematics learning outcomes


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    Tujuan dari Proyek Akhir ini adalah untuk membangun suatu perangkat keras, perangkat lunak dan mengetahui unjuk kerja berupa model pembelajaran yang mampu menampilkan informasi suatu obyek yaitu suara untuk menampilkan suara binatang sesuai gambar yang telah di tentukan pada tombol tersebut. Metode yang digunakan dalam membangun Aplikasi pengenalan 27 suara binatang sebagai pembelajaran kegiatan taman kanak-kanak berbasis mikrokontroler ATmega 16 yaitu: (1) Identifikasi Kebutuhan, (2) Analisis Kebutuhan, (3) Perancangan Sistem, (4) Perancangan Perangkat Keras, (5) Perancangan Perangkat Lunak, (6) Pembuatan dan (7) Pengujian Alat. Sistem ini terdiri dari unit keypad dengan 27 push button sebagai masukan data,penyimpan file, MMC MP3 PLAYER sebagai pembaca file suara, relay untuk menyambungkan antara Atmega16 dengan MMC MP3 PLAYER dan mengeluarkannya sebagai suara dan terdapat 27 gambar binatang obyek yang pada tiap-tiap gambar binatang tersebut terdapat sebuah push button dibawahnya sebagai inputan ketika gambar tersebut ditekan/dipilih. Seluruh instrumen tersebut diproses dengan menggunakan sistem minimum mikrokontroler Atmega16. Perangkat lunak sebagai pengendali program pada mikrokontroler Atmega16 menggunakan bahasa Basic dan software AVR sebagai compiler-nya. Media ini juga menggunakan sebuah rangkaian catu daya dengan output tegangan sebesar 12 Volt untuk menyuplai tegangan pada rangkaian Amplifier dan relay, untuk menyuplay tegangan rangkaian MMC MP3 Player dan sistem minimum menggunakan tegangan sebesar 4 sampai 5V. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian yang telah dilaksanakan diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa alat ini terdiri dari rangkaian input, pemroses dan output. Perangkat lunak program bahasa C yang dibuat menggunakan CodeVision AVR. Unjuk kerja Alat ini dapat berfungsi jika saat tombol push button di tekan maka Atmega16 akan memanggil alamat suara yang telah disimpan dalam MMC player sehingga memutar MP3 player. Kata Kunci : Atmega16, MMC player, MP3 playe


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh dari tindak pidana illegal logging dengan menerapkan tindak pidan illegal logging menurut UU. NO. 41 Tahun 1999 Tentang Kehutanan. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Pengadilan Negeri Rembang. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian hukum normatif yaitu sumber data yang digunakan dalam penelitian hukum yang dikaitkandengansumberhukum yang ada. Normatif menggunakan sumber data primer dan sumber data sekunder. Penelitian ini berisi tentang akibat hukum yang diberikan kepada pelaku tindak pidana illegal logging, serta efek jera yang akan diterma oleh pelakunya ketika pelaku melanggar Undang – Undang Nomor 41 Tahun 1999 tentang Kehutanan. Sedangkan langkah hukum yang dilakukan oleh pihak yang berwenang atas hutan dan segala isinya akan melaporkan kepada pihak kepolisian terdekat akan pelanggaran yang dilakukan oleh tersangka mendapatkan putusan dari hakim di dalam Pengadilan. Dengan adanya penelitian ini diharapkan masyarakat mengetahui akibat hukumnya dan setelah mengetahui diharapkan tidak mmelakukan tindak pidana illegal logging tersebut dan masyarakat juga memahami akan pentingnya hutan di dalam kehidupan. Kata Kunci :Penerapn Tindak Pidana, Tindak Pidana, Illegal Loggin

    Robert Shaw and the Brahms Requiem, op.45: a conductor's approach to performing a masterpiece

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    Thesis (Ph.D.)--Boston UniversityRobert Lawson Shaw (1916-1999) was a revolutionary figure in the world of choral music. He pioneered effective choral techniques that both refined the skills of his choristers and faithfully realized the composer's music. These techniques ultimately contributed to his acclaimed performance achievements. Although research on Shaw has been previously conducted, it generally consists of biographical data or single techniques, dissected from the whole of Shaw's complex process. This study outlines the wide array of Shaw's choral methods and how he applied them to the preparation and performance of Brahms's Ein deutsches Requiem, op. 45. The Introduction provides insight into Shaw's acclaim, his relationship with the Requiem, and the rationale, as well as methodology, of this study. Chapter One details Shaw's analytical process-its influences and specific procedures. Chapter Two outlines Shaw's philosophies regarding the "time" element of music (pulse, rhythm, accentuation) as well as his techniques for improving their execution and how he applied them specifically to the Requiem. Chapter Three examines Shaw's notions of music's "tone" component (intonation, vocalism, dynamics, phrasing, and balance) and methods of refining them in and out of the Requiem's context. Chapter Four discusses Shaw's approach to text and traces its origin and evolution. It also provides a synthesis of decades of writings on diction techniques as well as a full, unpublished English translation, which Shaw created in 1999. An edition of the Requiem's sixth movement comprises Chapter Five, placing all of Shaw's choral methods and English translation into the proper musical context. The conclusion summarizes the findings of this study and offers suggestions for future research. Appendices contain additional germane data, including a listing of career performances, his personal reference materials about the Requiem, his choices of tempi, pertinent diction information, as well as various musings comparing the Requiems of Berlioz, Brahms, and Verdi

    Model Berbasis Aturan untuk Transliterasi Bahasa Jawa dengan Aksara Latin ke Aksara Jawa

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    Abstract. Rule-Based Model for Javanese Language Text Transliteration from Latin to Javanese Script. Computer technologies today have reached an applicable level to aid with language learning and translation. These technologies should also be helpful in learning traditional languages that are getting forgotten due to globalisation. With its rich cultural diversity, Indonesia facesthe same fate asits regional languages. Javanese, for example, is declining in its proper usage in written and spoken language. This research aims to provide a rule-based model for transliterating Javanese words written in Latin to Javanese script using Unicode. The model is based on extracted rules in writing the script to make it possible to be used as a model for other similar Nusantara scripts. The model yields 96,44% accuracy rate, which is adequate to provide decent transliteration for basic Javanese language learners and is open for additional rules to improve its ability to transliteratemore complex structures, contexts, as well rules for different Nusantara languages. Keywords: Rule-based model, Syllabification, Transliteration, Javanese Abstrak. Teknologi komputer masa kini telah mencapai kemajuan yang dapat membantu pembelajaran dan penerjemahan bahasa. Teknologi ini selayaknya juga dapat dimanfaatkan untuk membantu pelestarian bahasa-bahasa daerah yang semakin terlupakan. Indonesia dengan berbagai suku bangsanya juga menghadapi masalah dengan menurunnya penggunaan bahasa daerah, misalnya Bahasa Jawa. Penelitian ini mengusulkan sebuah model berbasis aturan untuk alih aksara teks berbahasa Jawa dari aksara Latin ke aksara Jawa Unicode. Model ini didasarkan pada ekstraksi aturan penulisan aksara Jawa, dengan harapan agar dapat digunakan sebagai model transliterasi bahasa-bahasa Nusantara yang serupa. Hasil uji dengan tingkat akurasi sebesar 96,44% menunjukkan bahwa model ini mampu melakukan transliterasi untuk pembelajar aksara Jawa dasar, mudah diduplikasi dan dapat dikembangkan untuk menyempurnakan kemampuannya untuk mengenali sruktur dan konteks yang lebih kompleks.Kata Kunci: Model berbasis aturan, Silabifikasi, Transliterasi, Bahasa Jawa
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