178 research outputs found


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    Abstrak: Studi Fenomena Geosfer (SFG) atau kuliah kerja lapangan adalah mata kuliah jurusan geografi yang memadukan pembelajaran berbasis indoor dan outdoor study. Pandemi Corona menjadi tantangan dalam pelaksanaan perkuliahan sehingga diperlukan model desain sistem pembelajaran efektif dan efisien. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengembangkan model sistem pembelajaran dan mengimplementasikan dengan prosedur enam langkah model ASSURE. Penelitian ini menggunakan purposive sample, diambil 1 rombel semester 2 mahasiswa program studi pendidikan geografi Fakultas Ilmu Sosial, Universitas Negeri Semarang mata kuliah studi fenomena geosfer 1 tahun 2020/2021 sejumlah 41 orang. Teknik pengambilan data ini menggunakan angket tertutup dan Angket terbuka. Analisis data kuantitatif menggunakan rumus deskripsi persentase. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pada ketercapaian tujuan pembelajaran, ketepatan penggunaan metode, media dan strategi pembelajaran, proses keterlibatan aktif mahasiswa dalam pembelajaran menunjukkan dominasi pada persepsi setuju, begitu pula dalam hasil evaluasi dari hal tersebut sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa dalam implementasinya efektif.Abstract : Geosphere Phenomenon Studies (SFG) or field work courses are geography majors that combine indoor and outdoor study-based learning. The Corona pandemic is a challenge in the implementation of lectures so that an effective and efficient learning system design model is needed. The purpose of this research is to develop a learning system model and implement the ASSURE model with a six-step procedure. This study used a purposive sample, taken 1 semester 2 group of students from the geography education study program, Faculty of Social Sciences, Semarang State University for the subject of study of geosphere phenomena 1 year 2020/2021, a total of 41 people. This data collection technique uses a closed questionnaire and an open questionnaire. Quantitative data analysis uses a percentage description formula. The results of the study show the achievement of learning objectives, the accuracy of using methods, media and learning strategies, the process of active involvement of students in learning shows dominance in perceptions of agreement, as well as in the evaluation results of this so that it can be concluded that the implementation is effective

    Pengaruh Latihan Renang Teratur dan Latihan Renang Tidak Teratur Terhadap Kadar Trigliserida Plasma pada Rattus norvegicus

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    Triglycerides are source of energy in the body, but triglyceride deposits that exceed the threshold will cause health problems, so triglycerides should be lowered to normal. The reduction of triglycerides can be done through physical activity, therefore this study aims to reveal the effect of regular swimming exercises and irregular exercises against triglyceride levels. This research is an experimental research using The Post Test Only Control Group Design design. Subjects of the study were male of Rattus Norvegicus Wistar, 39 subjects was divided into 3 groups with Matched Subject Design technique, which consisted of 2 groups of treatment that is regular and irregular group, and control group. The exercise program was given a swimming with a 3% weight of body weight and was tied 5 cm from the tip of the tail which was performed 3 times per week consistently for regular exercise and 0 to 5 times per week inconsistently for irregular exercise for 12 weeks, While the control group was not given training. In the last week before the blood was taken, the first three groups were given swimming treatment exercises. Based on the results of the anava test, there was a significant difference in the reduction of triglyceride levels among white mice who were given regular exercise with irregular exercise. These results suggest that regular exercise has a better impact on triglyceride reduction than irregular exercise, due to the higher adaptation process of regular exercise


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    Very high fertilizer prices pose a very serious problem for farmers in Sumberdadi village, Bakung, Blitar, East Java, but this can actually be overcome with the available resources, but the knowledge and the community are very lacking on the information on fertilizer making. Therefore, to use livestock manure to be used as compost, it is necessary to conduct activities to start socialization and workshops on the use of molasses in accelerating the processing and utilization of animal feces for the manufacture of organic fertilizer. The method used in community service activities is the method of Participatory Action Research (PAR). The enthusiasm of the representatives of the community was very good, 85% of the community representatives invited to attend the event. The process of making organic fertilizer with molasses begins with the preparation of materials and tools needed. Molasses are good bacteria that are used to make compost. After organic fertilizer with a catalyst (bio-activator) molasses is made, then the next step is the implementation of the plant and eventually, it will be evaluated. Based on a five-day evaluation between rice that was given organic fertilizer with molasses it grew faster by an average of 1.5 cm compared to rice given an organic fertilizer with a length of 1.4 cm, whereas in the seeds of rice plants that were not given fertilizer at all the growth rate is around 1.2 cm. In corn kernels, there is a very significant difference between corn seeds which are given organic fertilizer and anorganic fertilizer compared to corn seeds without fertilizer at all

    Hubungan Antara Dukungan Teman Sebaya Dengan Penyesuaian Diri Pada Siswa Kelas X SMA Negeri I Toroh Purwodadi

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    Di awal memasuki sekolah baru khususnya sekolah menengah atas, tidak jarang siswa mengeluh karena rutinitas kegiatan yang terlalu padat, keharusan bagi siswa untuk lebih mandiri, aturan sekolah yang ketat, intimidasi senior, dan tuntutan akademik. Banyak siswa yang belum dapat mengatasi stres dan masalahmasalah tahun pertama sekolah khususnya tidak dapat menyesuaikan diri. Salah satu faktor yang diharapkan dapat membantu proses penyesuaian diri siswa yaitu dukungan teman sebaya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui; 1) Hubungan antara dukungan teman sebaya dengan penyesuaian diri; 2) Sumbangan efektif dukungan teman sebaya terhadap penyesuaian diri 3) Tingkat dukungan teman sebaya dan penyesuaian diri. Hipotesis yang diajukan: Ada hubungan positif antara dukungan teman sebaya dengan penyesuaian diri. Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa-siswi SMA Negeri 1 Toroh kelas XC.XD dan XE berjumlah 102 siswa. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan cluster random sampling . Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan skala dukungan teman sebaya dan penyesuaian diri. Metode analisis data menggunakan teknik korelasi product moment. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan diperoleh nilai koefisien korelasi rxy = 0,538, p = 0,000 (p < 0,01). Hasil ini menunjukkan ada hubungan positif yang sangat signifikan antara dukungan teman sebaya dengan penyesuaian diri, sehingga hipotesis penelitian yang diajukan dapat diterima. Semakin tinggi dukungan teman sebaya maka semakin tinggi penyesuaian diri, demikian pula sebaliknya semakin rendah dukungan teman sebaya maka semakin rendah penyesuaian diri. Sumbangan efektif dukungan teman sebaya terhadap penyesuaian diri sebesar 28,9%. Dukungan teman sebaya pada subjek penelitian tergolong sedang ditunjukkan oleh rerata empirik (RE) = 77,245 dan rerata hipotetik (RH) = 70. Penyesuaian diri pada subjek penelitian tergolong sedang, ditunjukkan oleh rerata empirik (RE) = 92,353 dan rerata hipotetik (RH) = 90

    The Contribution of Physical Activity, Physical Activity Enjoymen, Physical Fitness to the Interpersonal Peacefullness in Elementary School Students

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    This study to analyze the contribution of physical activity to physical activity enjoyment, physical activity to physical fitness, physical activity enjoyment to physical fitness, physical activity enjoyment to interpersonal peacefulness, and the contribution of physical fitness to interpersonal peacefulness of elementary school students. This research is secondary research with a quantitative correlational design using the Internet Mediated Research (IMR) approach with a sample of 1224 elementary school students in Malang Regency. Data collection used a questionnaire instrument through the IMR. Data analysis used bivariate correlation tests, partial analysis, and multiple regression. The results showed that there was a contribution of physical activity to physical activity enjoyment with a correlation value of 0.116, the contribution of physical activity to physical fitness had a correlation value of 0.268, the contribution of physical activity to interpersonal peacefulness had a correlation value of 0.123, the contribution of physical activity enjoyment to physical fitness had a correlation value of 0.219, the contribution of joy exercising on interpersonal peacefulnesshas a correlation value of 0.473 and the contribution of physical fitness to interpersonal peacefulnesshas a correlation value of 0.174 and from the overall analysis it has a significance value of 0.000 and the R Square value is 0.230 which means having physical activity, physical activity enjoyment and physical fitness have a significant contribution on interpersonal peacefulness in elementary school level students by 23%. So it can be concluded that physical activity, physical activity enjoyment, and physical fitness have a contribution to interpersonal peacefulness in elementary school-level students in Malang Regency, with a contribution percentage of 23%, and the rest is influenced by other variables

    Identification and comparison of characteristics of inflation rate in cities in Indonesia in the period of 2009–2014 with the period of 2014–2019

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    This study aims to identify the characteristics of the MoM inflation rate in cities in Indonesia. In addition, it also compares the distribution of the monthly inflation rate for the 2009–2014 period with the 2014-2019 period in cities in Indonesia. The method used to identify the characteristics of the MoM inflation rate is by using summary of statistics, while to compare the distribution of the monthly inflation rate for the 2009–2014 period and the 2014–2019 period, the two-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test is used. Characteristics of the month to month (MoM) inflation rate in cities in Indonesia for the period October 2009 to March 2019 was presented. Furthermore, the comparison of the characteristics of the MoM inflation rate from October 2009 to September 2014 (period 1) and the period from October 2014 to March 2019 (period 2) was also shown. The cities of Banda Aceh, Kendari, Yogyakarta, Jakarta and Sorong had an average characteristic of inflation each month which tended to be low in February, March, April and September.Six cities had significantly different characteristics during&nbsp; period 2 inflation rate compared to period 1


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    Pencatatan daftar hadir siswa adalah salah satu hal yang dapat meningkatkan tingkat kedisiplinan seorang siswa dalam belajar. Disiplin waktu adalah mungkin buat sebagian orang hal kecil tetapi hal tersebut sangat besar pengaruh terutama bagi siswa. Suatu alat untuk mencatat kedatangan maupun kepulangan siswa sangatlah diperlukan. Karena mengingat saat ini masih ada banyak yang masih menggunakan sistem konvensional menggunakan kertas sehingga memiliki kekurangan seperti tercecer, sobek, basah kotor dan bahkan sampai hilang. Selain itu juga dari pihak administrator juga mengalami sedikit keculitan dalam perekapan datanya. Study kasus penelitian ini berada di SD Negeri 02 Pedawang yang dimana sekolah tersebut sistem presensi siswanya masih manual. Hal-hal tersebutlah yang menjadikan penelitian ini dibuat untuk mempermudah sistem presensi kehadiran pada siswa. Sistem presensi ini menggunakan sensor Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) menggunakan ID Card berupa RFID reader. Setelah siswa melakukan presensi nantinya database presensi akan masuk ke website sebagai storage atau penyimpanannya. Pada sistem presensi kehadiran ini juga ditambahkan sensor ultrasonic dan dilengkapi sensor suhu MLX90614 untuk mendeteksi suhu badan. Adanya sensor suhu disini untuk mengetahui bahwa siswa yang masuk ruang kelas dalam keadaan sehat dan bilapun suhu terdeteksi kurang baik maka guru bisa mengambil Tindakan segera. Cara kerja dari deteksi suhu ini yakni dengan mendekatkan dahi kepala ataupun tangan ke arah sensor lalu layar LCD akan menampilkan berapa suhu tubuh dari orang tersebut dalam satuan celcius


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    Plastic bottles have become part of the daily activities, especially in activities relating to packaging of mineral water. The use of plastic bottles for packaging of mineral water is an alternative that is practical and concise, but on the other hand is also harmful to the environment because it adds to discharge garbage plastic bottles. Plastic bottles is not derived from biological compounds, plastic bottles have difficult nature degraded (non - biodegradable) that can contaminate soil, water, sea, and even air. Specific target science and technology community service programs for the community (IBM) are (1) understanding of the technological waste processing machine plastic bottles into plastic pellets, (2) the public's understanding of the plastic bottle waste management, (3) labor absorption and production of plastic pellets more leverage. The program will increase the sale value of plastic garbage that has become plastic pellets, so as to improve the economic welfare of society. Activities in this program include: (1) design and design thrasher plastic pellets, (2) sending power to the transfer of knowledge (apprentice), (3) socialization to the community group enumerator plastic pellets, (4) submission thrasher plastic pellets, (5) trial thrasher plastic pellets, (6) the application of machines in the field and practice of making plastic pellets, (7) management training
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