39 research outputs found

    Penerapan Metode Eksperimen pada Materi Getaran dan Gelombang di Pembelajaran IPA SMP

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    Penelitian bertujuan mengetahui bagaimana keterampilan psikomotor dan hasil belajar kognitif siswa setelah diterapkan metode eksperimen pada getaran dan gelombang di kelas VIII semester II tahun ajaran 2019/2020. Penelitian ini merupakan pre-exsperimental dengan model one-shot case study. Populasi pada penelitian ini adalah seluruh kelas VIII semester II SMP Negeri 2 Palangka Raya. Sampel diambil dengan teknik random sampling dan diperoleh kelas VIII-10 sebagai kelas sampel dengan jumlah responden sebanyak 32 siswa. Data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan (1) instrumen pengamatan keterampilan psikomotor (2) instrumen tes hasil belajar. Instrumen sebelum digunakan, divalidasi, diuji coba di kelas VII-1. Hasil Uji coba dari 40 soal tes hasil belajar diperoleh 39 soal digunakan sebagai tes hasil belajar dengan reliabilitas soal sebesar 0,91 (sangat tinggi). Hasil keterampilan psikomotor dianalisis berdasarkan kelompok dan aspek. Hasil keterampilan psikomotor berdasarkan kelompok pada Pertemuan I kelompok 3 memperoleh nilai tertinggi 91,67 (sangat baik) dan pada pertemuan II kelompok 1, 2 dan 3 memperoleh nilai tertinggi 97,22 (sangat baik). Hasil keterampilan psikomotor berdasarkan aspek pada pertemuan I aspek 3 mendapatkan nilai tertinggi 95,83 (sangat baik) dan pada pertemuan II aspek 1, 2, 3, 4 dan 7 mendapatkan nilai tertinggi 100 (sangat baik). Ketuntasan belajar individu dari 32 orang siswa, diperoleh 24 siswa tuntas dan 8 siswa tidak tuntas. Ketuntasan klasikal sebesar 75%, secara klasikal pembelajaran tuntas. TPK yang tuntas sebanyak 34 TPK dari 39 TPK yang digunaka

    The Role Of Consistency In Sharia Status On The Relationship Between Internal Corporate Governance Mechanisms And Investors’ Confidence: Evidence Among Indonesian Sharia Compliant Companies

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    Kegawatan pasaran saham yang dicetuskan oleh skandal perniagaan, penipuan perdagangan, dan kegagalan bank telah menyebabkan keyakinan pelabur menjunam. Berdasarkan latar belakang ini, syarikat-syarikat yang mematuhi Shariah, walaupun bahagian pasaran modalnya adalah kecil berbanding pelaburan konvensional, mengalami pertumbuhan luar biasa akibat daripada permintaan pelabur yang tinggi bagi pematuhan korporat dengan standard etika dan tadbir urus korporat yang lebih baik. Untuk menangani jurang perbezaan ini, kajian ini memeriksa pengaruh maklumat mengenai kualiti kawalan dalaman (proses lembaga pengarah, struktur lembaga pengarah, komposisi lembaga pengarah, dan karakteristik lembaga pengarah) keatas keyakinan pelabur, serta kesan interaksi yang konsisten dalam status patuh Shariah keatas kualiti hubungan antara mekanisme dalaman tadbir urus korporat (proses lembaga pengarah, struktur lembaga pengarah, komposisi lembaga pengarah, dan karakteristik lembaga pengarah) dan keyakinan pelabur. Kajian ini menganalisa 227 sampel syarikat bukan kewangan yang terdapat dalam Senarai Shariah Sekuriti (DES) di Indonesia dengan menggunakan descriptive statistics, t-tests, and moderated multiple regressions. Stock market turmoil triggered by business scandals, trading fraud, and bank failures has caused investor confidence to plummet. However, against that background, Sharia-compliant companies though relatively small in terms of market shares compared to their conventional counterparts have experienced phenomenal growth due arguably to high investor requirements for corporate compliance with ethical standards and improved corporate governance. To address this gap, this study examines the influence of information relating to the quality of internal corporate governance mechanisms (board process, board structure, board composition, and board characteristic) on investor confidence, and the influence of consistency in Sharia compliant status on the quality of the relationship between internal corporate governance mechanisms and investor confidence. A total of 227 samples of nonfinancial companies from the Sharia Securities (DES) in Indonesia was analysed using descriptive statistics, t-tests, and moderated multiple regressions


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    Perkembangan teknologi informasi yang sangat pesat dalam kurun waktu terakhir ini telah menciptakan jenis ekonomi baru yang secara populer dikenal sebagai ekonomi digital (digital economy). Perekonomian digital telah memunculkan standard baru dalam operasional bisnis hampir di seluruh jenis dan skala usaha termasuk usaha mikro, kecil, menengah (UMKM) yang ada di Indonesia. Perkembangan yang dinamis dari ekonomi digital memberikan peluang dan tantangan bagi UMKM di negara berkembang khususnya di Indonesia. Paper ini membahas mengenai berbagai tantangan dan peluang dari trend ekonomi digital di Indonesia terhadap daya saing UMKM. Paper ini juga membahas strategi kebijakan pemerintah terkait dengan equal playing field di sektor ekonomi digital dengan memperhatikan berbagai peluang dan tantangan yang dihadapi UMKM dari adanya trend ekonomi digital yang semakin dinamis

    Perencanaan Pembukuan Sederhana Bagi UMKM Sebagai Pemenuhan Persyaratan UMKM yang Bankable

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    This study aims to find out how to improve the knowledge and skills of MSME actors in making simple bookkeeping and to find out how to prepare bankable simple bookkeeping for MSMEs. This research is planned to start from December 2021 to May 2022, taking place in the village of Sambik Bangkol and the village of Rempek, North Lombok Regency. Methods that support this research process are interviews, observation, and documentation. The results of this study found no obstacles in the research process and the increasing ability of MSME actors in making simple bankable bookkeeping.Keywords: Simple bookkeeping, MSME, bankabl

    The Halal Certification Essence in Manufacturer's Perspective (A Phenomenology Study)

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    Purpose: The study aims (1) to explore the comprehension and implementation of halal certification essence from the producers perspective of MSMEs, and (2) to make the model to apply the halal certification essence to MSMEs.   Design/methodology/approach: This study used qualitative methods with Hussel's phenomenological approach. This research takes a setting in East Java. The data analysis is the Interactive Model Analysis from Miles and Huberman.   Findings: The results showed indicate that the comprehension and implementation of halal certification essence from a producer's perspective of MSMEs in East Java is still relatively low. There are many MSMEs do not have certificates even though they understand the importance of halal certificates. The phenomenon at MSME producers showed that theoretically the halal certificates refers to the first basis set by Islam, namely the origin of something created by Allah is halal and permissible.   Research limitations/implications: The samples and findings are exclusively to MSMEs that very supportive in determining informants and research clusters based on MSME industry groups   Practical implications: Local governments should conduct training or coaching on positive mental strength, financial management, financial management literacy, risk management training, promotion and marketing strategy training and tourism management training. These trainings need to be done in order MSMEs have the competence and the comprehension on halal certification as one of capabilities of a good promotion The strategy and marketing strategy   Social Implications: The training pattern should use a mentoring system by involving academics. The training to MSMEs should be done routinely. Training should be maintained properly at intervals, coordination and cooperation between the government and entrepreneurs.   Originality/value: The research originality is shown by the MSMEs  comprehension and mapping of halal certification as well as models to implement the halal certification essence in form of MUI regulations, MUI supervision, producer aspects and increased awareness of MSMEs in essence halal certification to supports the development of MSMEs

    The Influence of Financial Literacy, Attitude toward Debt, Risk Perception, and Religiosity on Financial Satisfaction (Study on Bank Employees in East Java)

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    Purpose: to contribute to further research on the conceptualization of financial satisfaction as a specific individual satisfaction domain based on subjective behavioral studies using a judgment approach. Financial Satisfaction is mostly studied based on standard economic theory which uses an objective approach in determining individual satisfaction with their financial conditions such as income, socio-demography, socio-capital, and socio-economy. This research examines several subjective variables in the form of judgment and examines the integrated relationship between these variables such as financial literacy, risk perception, attitudes toward debt, and religiosity. Method: The sample for this research was 100 bank employees in East Java using a random sampling method. The analysis technique used is SEM PLS.  Result: The results show that financial literacy influences financial satisfaction among bank employees in East Java. Likewise, attitudes toward debt and religiosity also show an influence on financial satisfaction. Meanwhile, risk perception has no effect on financial satisfaction among bank employees in East Java

    The Effect of Quality of Internal Corporate Governance Mechanisms on Investors’ Confidence: Evidence Among Indonesian Sharia Compliant Companies

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    This study investigates the effect of the quality of internal corporate governance mechanisms and investor confidence. Various efforts for corporate governance reform have been conducted in order to enhance investor confidence. Previous evidences showed that investors do not always concern with information disclosure about internal corporate governance mechanisms. As such this study attempted to investigate the linkage between information about four attributes reflecting the quality of internal corporate governance mechanisms and investor confidence.Based on 227 Sharia compliant companies included in List of Sharia Securities (Daftar Efek Syariah/DES) in Indonesia, this study found that firms size has significant influence on investor confidence.Meanwhile, the quality of internal corporate governance mechanism has also significant effect on investor confidence but with different direction.Board Structure and Board Composition as two out of four attributes for the quality of internal corporate governance mechanisms were positively related, while the other two attributes that are Board Process and Board Characteristics were negatively related to investors’ confidence.This evidence implied that the quality of internal corporate governance mechanisms have some influence on investors’ confidence

    Emotional intelligence and stock trading decisions: Indonesia’s millennial generation in the COVID-19 era

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    This study explores the relationship between emotional intelligence traits and stock trading choices made by young millennial (Generation Y) investors in Indonesia, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic. It also investigates whether behavioral biases, such as overconfidence and the herding effect, can mediate this relationship. This study uses exogenous variables (emotional intelligence trait), endogenous variables (stock trading decisions), and mediating variables (overconfidence and herding effect) to conduct fundamental research. A sample of 500 young investors in Indonesia from the millennial age was given a questionnaire with 5-point Likert scale response options. A Sobel calculator is used for mediation testing, and a structural equation model (SEM) is used for hypothesis testing. The study's conclusions show that there is no connection between emotional intelligence and stock trading choices. The findings also indicate that, in contrast to the herding effect, overconfidence has a significantly favorable impact on stock trading judgments. Tests of mediation reveal that the overconfidence behavior bias mediates the link between the emotional quotient and stock trading choices to some extent. The association between emotional intelligence and stock trading decisions was found to be independent of the herding effect. Young millennial investors can deliberately reduce the impact of these biases on their decision-making process, improve their self-awareness, and make more logical decisions. This could result in more knowledgeable and successful investment plans during difficult times, such as the COVID-19 pandemi

    Do Emotions Influence the Investment Decisions of Generation Z Surabaya Investors in the Covid-19 Pandemic Era? Does Financial Risk Tolerance Play a Moderating Role?

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of positive aand negative emotions on investment decisions during the Covid-19 pandemic, as well as to test risk tolerance as a intervening variable between basic emotions and investment decisions. This study uses endogenous variables, namely investment decisions and exogenous variables, namely positive and negative emotions including anger, sadness, hope, happiness, and fear. As well as the intervening variable, namely financial risk tolerance. Data collection was carried out by distributing questionnaires to 180 young investors in Surabaya, Indonesia. The questionnaire uses a 5-point Likert scale. Hypothesis testing uses a structural equation model. The results of the study indicate that there is a significant impact of positive emotions on investment decision-making. The association in question is mediated by financial risk tolerance. The regulation of the relationship between negative emotions and investment decisions by financial risk tolerance remains unclear. Furthermore, the impact of negative emotions on investment decisions appears to be insignificant. Practical implications of this research help young investors of generation z to manage their emotions, especially in the era of Covid-19. This is because emotions can affect their investment decision making. The originality of this research is a unique study of the positive and negative emotions associated with the investment decisions of young investors in the Covid-19 era. As well as risk tolerance which will strengthen the influence of emotions on investment decisions. The results of the research strengthen the theory of emotional intelligence and the dual process theory

    Islamic banking and income inequality: the role of corporate social responsibility

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    The objective of this study is to analyse whether engaging more actively in corporate social responsibility (CSR) enhances the effectiveness of Islamic banks in narrowing income inequality in the selected Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) countries. Both fixed-effect and random-effect models representing static model as well as generalized method of moments approach of dynamic model are employed to estimate the sample of 24 OIC countries for the period from 2006 to 2013. The results suggest that Islamic banking has potential to reduce income inequality via Islamic financing and CSR further helps to reduce income inequality. In addition, the findings suggest that Islamic financial institutions able to reduce income inequality further if they actively engage in CSR. However, small size of CSR activities is unlikely to be effective in reducing income inequality