26 research outputs found

    Improving Cache Hits On Replacment Blocks Using Weighted LRU-LFU Combinations

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    Block replacement refers to the process of selecting a block of data or a cache line to be evicted or replaced when a new block needs to be brought into a cache or a memory hierarchy. In computer systems, block replacement policies are used in caching mechanisms, such as in CPU caches or disk caches, to determine which blocks are evicted when the cache is full and new data needs to be fetched. The combination of LRU (Least Recently Used) and LFU (Least Frequently Used) in a weighted manner is known as the "LFU2" algorithm. LFU2 is an enhanced caching algorithm that aims to leverage the benefits of both LRU and LFU by considering both recency and frequency of item access. In LFU2, each item in the cache is associated with two counters: the usage counter and the recency counter. The usage counter tracks the frequency of item access, while the recency counter tracks the recency of item access. These counters are used to calculate a combined weight for each item in the cache. Based on the experimental results, the LRU-LFU combination method succeeded in increasing cache hits from 94.8% on LFU and 95.5% on LFU to 96.6%

    Research of Indonesian license plates recognition on moving vehicles

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    The recognition of the characters in the license plate has been widely studied, but research to recognize the character of the license plate on a moving car is still rarely studied. License plate recognition on a moving car has several difficulties, for example capturing still images on moving images with non-blurred results. In addition, there are also several problems such as environmental disturbances (low lighting levels and heavy rain). In this study, a novel framework for recognizing license plate numbers is proposed that can overcome these problems. The proposed method in this study: detects moving vehicles, judges the existence of moving vehicles, captures moving vehicle images, deblurring images, locates license plates, extracts vertical edges, removes unnecessary edge lines, segments license plate locations, Indonesian license plate cutting character segmenting, character recognition. Experiments were carried out under several conditions: suitable conditions, poor lighting conditions (dawn, evening, and night), and unfavourable weather conditions (heavy rain, moderate rain, and light rain). In the experiment to test the success of the license plate number recognition, it was seen that the proposed method succeeded in recognizing 98.1 % of the total images tested. In unfavorable conditions such as poor lighting or when there are many disturbances such as rain, there is a decrease in the success rate of license plate recognition. Still, the proposed method's experimental results were higher than the method without deblurring by 1.7 %. There is still unsuccessful in recognizing license plates from the whole experiment due to a lot of noise. The noise can occur due to unfavourable environmental conditions such as heavy rain

    Template Matching Using Improved Rotations Fourier Transform Method

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    Template matching is a process to identify and localize a template image on an original image. Several methods are commonly used for template matching, one of which uses the Fourier transform. This study proposes a modification of the method by adding an improved rotation to the Fourier transform. Improved rotation in this study uses increment rotation and three shear methods for the template image rotation process. The three shear rotation method has the advantage of precise and noisefree rotation results, making the template matching process even more accurate. Based on the experimental results, the use of 10°angle increments has increased template matching accuracy. In addition, the use of three shear rotations can improve the accuracy of template matching by 13% without prolonging the processing time


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    Dalam proses demokrasi maka semua orang bebas untuk berbicara mengutarakan pendapat dan pandangannya berdasarkan pribadi dan perasaannya, tentu saja dengan melihat bahwa hak demokrasinya tersebut tidak melanggar hak demokrasi orang lain. Kebebasan berkomunikasi ini juga termasuk kebebasan untuk berbicara dengan orang yang diinginkan. Untuk itu akan sangat mengganggu bila isi pembicaraan terutama yang menggunakan teknologi informasi ternyata bocor kepada orang yang tidak berhak dan secara demokrasi ini melanggar haknya, padahal dalam teknologi informasi yang berkembang secara sangat pesat ini ternyata tidak dibarengi dengan penggunaan alat untuk pengamanan data yang tepat dalam sistem informasi. Salah satu teknik pengamanan data informasi di dunia internet adalah penggunaan teknik algoritma kriptografi. Suatu algoritma kriptografi berisi fungsi-fungsi matematika yang digunakan untuk melakukan proses enkripsi dan dekripsi. Algoritma kriptografi yang digunakan merupakan jenis algoritma kriptografi simetrik yang menggunakan kunci rahasia yang sama untuk proses enkripsi dan dekripsinya. Pada makalah ini dipaparkan penggunaan algoritma kriptografi Einstein sebagai salah satu cara untuk mengamankan data. Pada algoritma Einstein, terdapat proses acak (random) yang menggunakan metoda kongruensial linear. Algoritma Einstein mempunyai kelebihan dalam melakukan proses enkripsi dan dekripsi pada hampir semua jenis file yang umum digunakan. Algoritma Einstein bisa diimplementasikan untuk semua ukuran file

    Perancangan Pembelajaran Fisika Menggunakan Multimedia Interaktif untuk Meningkatkan Minat Mahasiswa terhadap Mata Kuliah Fisika

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    This study aims to measure the increased interest of students in the Maranatha Christian University Computer Systems Study Program in Physics Subjects. The increase in interest uses interactive multimedia-based learning systems. The learning system is designed using the SMIL (Synchronized Multimedia Interactive Language) programming language. The physics course learning system designed in this study is course material about Object Motion (Regular Straight Motion / GLB, Irregularly Changed Straight Motion / GLBB, Free Falling Motion / GJB, Vertical Upward Motion / GVA, Vertical Down Motion / GVB) . Thirty students were taken as samples to see interest in Physics courses. Data retrieval is taken before and after the provision of learning materials using interactive multimedia. The average value of interest in Physics Subjects before the use of interactive multimedia learning materials was 7.12 on a scale of 10, increasing to 8.57 after the use of interactive multimedia learning materials. Hypothesis testing uses paired t test. The results of statistical processing showed a significant  increase in student interest in Physics. Keywords: Physics Learning, Interactive Multimedia, SMIL, Object Motio

    Reduction of Kernel Mechanism Processing Time in Multimedia Authoring Tool

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    Multimedia authoring tools is a tool for designing multimedia documents based on multimedia presentation scenarios designed by the user. Visual media (images, video, animation, text, etc.) and non-visual media (sound, music, etc.) are combined into a multimedia document. A multimedia programming language represents multimedia documents. The core process in multimedia authoring tools is called the kernel mechanism, which consists of two mandatory processes: modeling and verification. Verification carried out consists of time-computation and spatiotemporal verification. The time needed for the verification process on a multimedia authoring tool is highly dependent on the object or media. The relationship between processing time and the amount of media is exponential, so if a lot of media is processed, it will take a very long time. This is the main obstacle of a multimedia authoring tool at this time. The incrementality algorithm can be applied to the verification process in order to reduce processing time to verify multimedia documents. Based on the experimental results, the processing time can be reduced by up to 75%

    Algoritme penggantian cache proxy terdistribusi untuk meningkatkan kinerja server web

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    The performance of web processing needs to increase to meet the growth of internet usage, one of which is by using cache on the web proxy server. This study examines the implementation of the proxy cache replacement algorithm to increase cache hits in the proxy server. The study was conducted by creating a clustered or distributed web server system using eight web server nodes. The system was able to provide increased latency by 90 % better and increased throughput of 5.33 times better.Kinerja pemrosesan web perlu meningkat untuk memenuhi pertumbuhan penggunaan internet, salah satunya dengan menggunakan cache pada server proxy web. Penelitian ini mengkaji implementasi algoritme penggantian cache proxy untuk meningkatkan cache hit dalam server proxy. Penelitian dilakukan dengan membuat sistem web server secara cluster atau terdistribusi dengan menggunakan delapan buah node web server. Sistem menghasilkan peningkatan latensi sebesar 90 % lebih baik dan peningkatan throughput sebesar 5,33 kali lebih baik

    The Impact of Using Multimedia Interactive Based for Learning Media on Teacher and Student Communication in Bandung

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    Communication between teachers and students today still uses many conventional systems. With the advancement of computer technology, especially in the field of multimedia, it can be used as an innovative learning media. Multimedia created is an interactive film that can be controlled by the user / audience. Interactive films that are made useful to learn basic component parts in a personal computer. Interactive films begin with the basic display of a personal computer. Then the images in the interactive film can be selected by the user/audience to choose the part they want to learn. How to explain the basic components of a computer can be made interactive and interesting, and is preferred by many people. To create a multimedia presentation you can use a markup language, called SMIL (Syncronized Multimedia Integration Language). SMIL is a recommendation from the World Wide Web Consortium (www.w3c.org). SMIL is the same markup language as HTML and is a variant of XML. From the results of the application in several schools and universities in the city of Bandung, yielding positive results. Motivation from students to listen to the lesson material given increases, this makes the absorption rate of the learning material tested by giving test questions make the students' grades increase

    Pelatihan Sistem Informasi Bagi UMKM Produksi Mie Dan Baso Di Kecamatan Bojongloa Kidul Bandung

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    Currently, small business actors or economies are the backbones of the Indonesian economy. Information systems for managing business administration are very important and require computers and digital information knowledge. Currently, the noodle and meatball production business use a manual recording system. The training is given to small businesses that produce noodles and meatballs in Bojongloa Kidul District in Bandung City using the Microsoft Excel program. The training provided is specific to the needs of small businesses producing noodles and meatballs. After the training was given, the noodle and meatball production business implemented a computerized administrative system. The successful computerized administration systems are raw material stock management, finished goods stock management, product purchasing, and sales management. The training results are expected to bring progress and efficiency in the management of small businesses that produce noodles and meatballs


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    Saat ini ponsel merupakan salah satu alat yang diharapkan dapat memberikan kemudahan dan dapat menunjang aktivitas sehari-hari bagi pemakainya. Untuk itu dibutuhkan beberapa aplikasi-aplikasi yang dapat diterapkan pada ponsel. Dalam membuat aplikasi-aplikasi di dalam handphone tentu tidaklah mudah dan membutuhkan perealisasian. Macromedia Flash Professional 8 merupakan salah satu software yang memiliki fitur baru yang dapat membantu untuk mengembangkan berbagai aplikasi yang diterapkan pada ponsel, yaitu Flash Lite. Hal-hal yang harus dilakukan dalam perancangan simulasi brosur digital adalah membuat animasi untuk tampilan informasi. Informasi yang dapat diberikan dalam ponsel adalah sosialisasi / penyebaran informasi tentang pemilu. Dengan menggunakan cara seperti ini dapat menjadi sesuatu yang unik yang dapat menarik perhatian banyak orang