149 research outputs found

    Pengukuran Kinerja PT Catur Adiluhur Sentosa TBK Cabang Provinsi Sumatera Selatan Dengan Pendekatan Balanced Scorecard

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    This study aims to help PT Catur Adiluhur Sentosa Tbk branch South Sumatra province in setting the strategy for measuring the company's performance by using a balanced scorecard approach. In this study, the population is all employees of PT Catur Adiluhur Sentosa Tbk branch South Sumatera, while samples were taken by using quota sampling method and obtained 48 sample. The variables in this study are the balanced scorecard perspectives, namely financial perspective, customer perspective, internal business processes, and learning and growth perspective. Financial perspective is measured by using ROA, GPM, and sales growth. Customer perspective is measured using subscriber growth, the number of customer complaints, and customer acquisition. Internal business process perspective is measured using the ratio of defective products. Learning and growth perspective is measured using employee turnover, absenteeism, and employee satisfaction. The study states that the whole performance of PT Catur Adiluhur Sentosa Tbk branch South Sumatra in 2014 and 2015 is in the category enough. By the financial perspective, the company’s performance is in the category bad. By the customer perspective and internal business processes, the company's performance are in category good. By the perspective of learning and growth, the company’s performance is in the category enough


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    seorang wanita akan mempunyai harapan hidup normal 25 tahun lagi sejak awal menopause. Keterangan menurut WHO pada tahun 2013 jumlah wanita yang ada di dunia dimana yang sudah mengalami masa menopause diperkirakan mencapai 1,42 miliar jiwa. Menopause adalah proses suatu berhentinya menstruasi secara permanen yang dapat dialami oleh semua wanita dan berakhirnya kemampuan bereproduksi yang disebabkan oleh kurangnya fungsi folikel ovarium. Wanita dikatakan menopause jika mereka tidak mengalami menstruasi selama setahun. Sebelum masa menopause terjadi, umumnya seorang wanita akan melewati terlebih dahulu masa premenopause. Premenopause merupakan suatu kedaan fisiologis pada wanita yang telah mengalami masa penuaan, yang dimana ditandai dengan hormone estrogen yang menurun dari ovarium yang berperan penting  dalam reproduksi dan seksualitas. Tingkat pengetahuan wanita yang lebih tentang menopause membantu wanita untuk dapat menyiapkan diri dalam menghadapi menopause. Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini untuk mengetahui gambaran tingkat pengetahuan wanita tentang menopause dan kesiapan menghadapi menopause. Jenis dan desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif. Populasi dalam penelitian ini yaitu ibu dengan rentan usia 45-55 tahun yang ada di Desa Bumi Pratama Mandira dengan jumlah responden sebanyak 201 orang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa karateristik responden  terbanyak usia kurang dari 50 tahun (58,7%), berpendidikan SD (44,8%), berpendidikan SMP (28,4%), berpendidikan SMA (23,4%), dan berpendidikan S1 (3,5%), berpengetahuan cukup (48%), berpengetahuan baik (52%), memiliki tingkat kesiapan menghadapi menopause (56,3%) dan belum siap menghadapi menopause (43,7%)


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    Penjadwalan penerbangan begitu penting untuk maskapai dan penumpang, tidak hanya dalam hal ketepatan waktu penerbangan secara operasional tetapi juga pada optimalisasi pendapatan. Salah satu caranya adalah dengan mengoptimasi waktu keberangkatan dan kedatangan pesawat dengan menggunakan metode Hungarian. Penulisan ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan hasil optimalisasi waktu antara waktu keberangkatan dan kedatangan pesawat Wings Air di Bandar Udara Sultan Muhammad Salahuddin Bima. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode mix method. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan metode observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Dalam menganalisis data tersebut menggunakan metode Hungarian. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa dengan menggunakan metode Hungarian, selisih waktu keberangkatan dan kedatangan pesawat Wings Air di Bandar Udara Sultan Muhammad Salahuddin Bima dapat dioptimalkan. Dari yang sebelumnya berjumlah 1550 menit menjadi 1150 menit. Dengan demikian selisih waktu optimal yang dapat dipersingkat sebanyak 400 menit

    Website Quality and the Role of Travel Perceived Risk in Influencing Purchase Intention: A Study on Bali Tourism Board’s Official Website

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    There has been an increased intensity in the use of the website as a strategic means for marketing a destination. Out of all local tourism government’s official websites, The Bali Bible (www.thebalibible.com), managed by Bali Tourism Board (BTB), is observed to be the most comprehensive tourism website which allows tourists to explore Bali before the visit. The website facilitates tourists to purchase the tourism-related products and services offered such as accommodation, local transportation rent, and tickets of tourist attractions in Bali. This study aimed to examine the effect of website quality of the Bali Tourism Board on purchase intention with travel perceived risk as a moderating variable. The survey was completed to 239 respondents who had ever surfed on the Bali Tourism Board website. The result of the study revealed that website quality could significantly enhance the intention to purchase directly on the website. While travel perceived risk had a direct influence on purchase intention, it appeared not to be a significant moderating variable that contributes to the effect of website quality on the intention to purchase on the website. Through these results, recommendations are offered to relevant destination stakeholders to improve the website management

    Kinetics Study of Cellulose Nanocrystals Modification Using Rarasaponins by Elovich Equation

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    The modification of cellulose nanocrystals (CNCs) using rarasaponins (RSs) was carried out to enhancing the hydrophobicity of the CNCs. The RSs are a natural surfactant that has hydrophilic and hydrophobic sides. The linked RSs on the CNCs surface can be used to bond the hydrophobic drugs so that the modified CNCs can be applied as the hydrophobic drugs carrier in the medical field. The kinetics study was successfully carried out using the Elovich equation as the modeling equation. The Elovich equation fits the modification results well based on two parameters, i.e., the RSs/CNCs ratios and the times. The dispersion characteristics analysis was carried out to figure the enhancement of the hydrophobicity on the modified CNCs compared to the unmodified CNCs. According to the kinetics study and the dispersion characteristics analysis, the modification of CNCs using RSs could enhance CNCs utilization in the hydrophobic drug delivery syste


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    ABSTRACT This research aims to determine whether technical analysis and fundamental analysis have an influence on the price of shares, both partially and simultaneously. The population in this study is 45 companies listed as members of the LQ45 index. In sampling, researchers coordinate the purposive sampling method, sampling by consideration of some criteria. The data used in this study is the financial statements of the company acquired from the website www.idx.co.id and the official website of the company itself. The research methods used in this study are a descriptive analysis method and multiple linear regression analysis methods. The results of this study show that partial current ratio has no effect and is insignificant to the stock price, the price earning ratio is influential and significant towards the stock price, the trading volume is influential and not significant to the stock price, and the Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan has no effect and is significant to the stock price. Simultaneously the current ratio, price earning ratio, trading volume, and Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan are influential and significant to the stock price.


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    Abstrak - “Kekerasan” pada umumnya merupakan suatu kata yang diasosiasikan dengan suatu tindakan/perilaku yang dilakukan oleh laki-laki, dan membuat kita tidak dapat melihat subjektivitas yang lain bahwa ternyata laki-laki juga dapat mengalami kekerasan, terutama dari perempuan sekalipun yang seringkali secara fisik dianggap lebih lemah dari laki-laki. Ada data-data tertentu yang menunjukkan bahwa wacana ini juga terjadi pada laki-laki. Contohnya saja, data dari Weiss pada tahun 2010 di Amerika yang menunjukkan bahwa 46% kekerasan yang dialami oleh laki-laki dilakukan oleh perempuan. Walaupun ada secara statistik, namun wacana ini terlihat masih belum terangkat ke permukaan, apalagi berpacaran belum diatur secara khusus dalam peraturan perundangan atau hukum di Indonesia. Kondisi ini membuat saya sebagai peneliti kualitatif tertarik untuk meneliti dan mencari bagaimana pemaknaan laki-laki terhadap kekerasan yang mereka alami dari pacaran sehingga masih belum terangkat ke atas. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada muncul beberapa diskursus maskulinitas tertentu yang bersifat romantis ataupun hegemoni dan secara keseluruhan menempatkan mereka ke posisi subjek dengan ekspektasi power yang tinggi sehingga membuat tindakan yang dilakukan oleh pasangannya adalah bukan kekerasan. Susunan diskursus secara keseluruhan muncul dalam bentuk yang berbeda, namun sejenis dengan diskursus yang muncul pada kekerasan terhadap perempuan sehingga dapat disimpulkan keduanya sama pentingnya untuk disorot. Kata kunci: laki-laki, maskulinitas, wacana, diskursus. Abstract – Usually, “violence” is a word that associated with a condition where the behaviour was done by a man towards a woman. This condition made us can’t see the other subjectivities, such as when a man experiencing violence especially from the women in dating, that usually considered weaker than men. There are some data that shown this discourse really happen to men. For example, Weiss’ research (2010) in America shown that 46% of violence that happen to men was done by women. Even there are some statistics and other research, but unlikely the violence against women discourse, this discourse still not yet appeared clearly in the public, as we know that Indonesian civil law have not yet legalized any law regarding to dating unlike the marriage. As a qualitative researcher, this condition made me feel interested to do more research about this topic and find how men interpret the violence that happens from their girlfriend to them and made this discourse doesn’t clearly appear in the public/academic area. The results shown that appears some form of masculinity like romantic masculinity or hegemonic that generally place them on a subject position with a high expectation of power practice as a man and made them interpret the behaviour that they receive, especially the violence behaviour as a non-violence behaviour. Generally, discursive formations that emerge from all participant shown in a different form, but have the same kind of formations that emerge from violence against women so we can conclude that violence against man or violence against women have the same importance to emerge it to the public or academic area. Keywords: man, masculinity, discours

    Penerapan audit manajemen sumber daya manusia untuk menilai kinerja perusahaan

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    Audit Human Resource Management is an assessment that is used comprehensively in the form of analysis, investigation, and comparative to programs that affect the effectiveness of Human Resources. This research was made to know the implementation of Human Resource Management Audit to assess Company Performance. This research belongs to Qualitative Research by using interview method to some company. The research method in this research is used to know How is the application of Human Resource Management Audit to assess company performance? The results of this study indicate that in conducting Human Resource Management audit to assess the company's performance there must be Human Resource Management Functions in it, the company's performance is said good if the functions of Human Resource Management can run well


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    Abstrak - “Kekerasan” pada umumnya merupakan suatu kata yang diasosiasikan dengan suatu tindakan/perilaku yang dilakukan oleh laki-laki, dan membuat kita tidak dapat melihat subjektivitas yang lain bahwa ternyata laki-laki juga dapat mengalami kekerasan, terutama dari perempuan sekalipun yang seringkali secara fisik dianggap lebih lemah dari laki-laki. Ada data-data tertentu yang menunjukkan bahwa wacana ini juga terjadi pada laki-laki. Contohnya saja, data dari Weiss pada tahun 2010 di Amerika yang menunjukkan bahwa 46% kekerasan yang dialami oleh laki-laki dilakukan oleh perempuan. Walaupun ada secara statistik, namun wacana ini terlihat masih belum terangkat ke permukaan, apalagi berpacaran belum diatur secara khusus dalam peraturan perundangan atau hukum di Indonesia. Kondisi ini membuat saya sebagai peneliti kualitatif tertarik untuk meneliti dan mencari bagaimana pemaknaan laki-laki terhadap kekerasan yang mereka alami dari pacaran sehingga masih belum terangkat ke atas. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada muncul beberapa diskursus maskulinitas tertentu yang bersifat romantis ataupun hegemoni dan secara keseluruhan menempatkan mereka ke posisi subjek dengan ekspektasi power yang tinggi sehingga membuat tindakan yang dilakukan oleh pasangannya adalah bukan kekerasan. Susunan diskursus secara keseluruhan muncul dalam bentuk yang berbeda, namun sejenis dengan diskursus yang muncul pada kekerasan terhadap perempuan sehingga dapat disimpulkan keduanya sama pentingnya untuk disorot. Kata kunci: laki-laki, maskulinitas, wacana, diskursus. Abstract – Usually, “violence” is a word that associated with a condition where the behaviour was done by a man towards a woman. This condition made us can’t see the other subjectivities, such as when a man experiencing violence especially from the women in dating, that usually considered weaker than men. There are some data that shown this discourse really happen to men. For example, Weiss’ research (2010) in America shown that 46% of violence that happen to men was done by women. Even there are some statistics and other research, but unlikely the violence against women discourse, this discourse still not yet appeared clearly in the public, as we know that Indonesian civil law have not yet legalized any law regarding to dating unlike the marriage. As a qualitative researcher, this condition made me feel interested to do more research about this topic and find how men interpret the violence that happens from their girlfriend to them and made this discourse doesn’t clearly appear in the public/academic area. The results shown that appears some form of masculinity like romantic masculinity or hegemonic that generally place them on a subject position with a high expectation of power practice as a man and made them interpret the behaviour that they receive, especially the violence behaviour as a non-violence behaviour. Generally, discursive formations that emerge from all participant shown in a different form, but have the same kind of formations that emerge from violence against women so we can conclude that violence against man or violence against women have the same importance to emerge it to the public or academic area. Keywords: man, masculinity, discours
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