48 research outputs found

    Gambaran Pengalaman Orang Tua Dalam Penanganan Anak Autis Di SLB Negeri Surakarta

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    Autis adalah suatu gangguan perkembangan neuropsychistri dimana anak mengalami kesulitan berkomunikasi. Pada anak autis sering ditemukan masalah tindakan agresif yang berbeda-beda pada anak, sulitnya anak dalam pemahaman perintah dan komunikasi, serta sulitnya untuk mendapatkan perhatian anak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengalaman orangtua dalam penanganan anak autis di SLB N Surakarta. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologi. Sampel sebanyak 6 orangtua yang memiliki anak autis di SLB N Surakarta. Instrumen penelitian adalah pedoman wawancara, lembar observer dan alat perekam berupa handphone. Hasil penelitian ini adalah a). Orangtua perlu memeluk, menggendong dan memberikan contoh untuk anak dengan perilaku aggresive. b). Orangtua seharusnya mengajarkan anak dengan intonasi yang tinggi dan mengulang perintah lebih dari sekali untuk anak dengan gangguan konsentrasi. c). Orangtua sebaiknya mengajarkan bagaimana cara berbagi dan berpamitan untuk anak dengan gangguan bersosialisasi. d). Orangtua mengajarkan kontak mata dan mengajarkan berkomunikasi yang baik jika anak tidak mau untuk berkomunikasi. e). Orangtua menunjukkan bagaimana cara untuk mandi, berpakaian dan makan dengan baik untuk anak yang sulit dalam ADL

    Adverse Events Following Immunization (AEFI) in Nursing Science Program Sam Ratulangi University Students Based on the Type of COVID-19 Vaccine

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    Aims: The purpose of this study is to describe Adverse Events Following Immunization(AEFI) among Nursing Science Program Sam Ratulangi University students based on the type of Covid-19 vaccination that they received.Methods: This investigation was conducted using a descriptive retrospective study approach. Purposive sampling was utilized to choose the sample for this study, which included 183 undergraduate students in the Nursing Science Program Sam Ratulangi University.Results: After receiving the first dosage of the vaccination, Nursing Science Program Sam Ratulangi University students most frequently reported headache and muscle pain (30.4%), followed by pain and weakness in the injected arm (20.8%), and swelling at the injection site (26%). Additionally, there were students who received doses 1, 2, and 3 of the vaccination who did not exhibit any side effects. These students were 45 at dosage I, 73 at dose II, and 45 at dose III. At dose 1, the majority of Nursing Science Program Sam Ratulangi Universitystudents (73.2%) exhibited AEFI symptoms for less than a day; at doses II and III, 43.7% and 31.1%, respectively, reported experiencing symptoms for one to three days.Conclusion: Based on the research that has been done, it can be said that Nursing Science Program Sam Ratulangi University students only encounter mild AEFI symptoms. So it is hoped that the general public or students won't have to worry about the COVID 19 vaccine causing AEFI symptoms and can get vaccinated right away to strengthen their immunity against the virus

    Hambatan Dalam Pelaksanaan Program Pendaftaran Tanah Sistematis Lengkap (PTSL)

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    Abstrct Problem: This study aims to examine the problems in the practice of Complete Systematic Land Registration which is a program to create a single map in Indonesia. Land registration through the Complete Systematic Land Registration Program is expected to be able to realize legal certainty and legal protection for land rights holders. However, in practice there are several obstacles in the implementation of the Complete Systematic Land Registration program that can affect the success of the program and compliance with regulations governing land registration and the Complete Systematic Land Registration program itself. From this description, the author wants to further examine what obstacles exist in the Complete Systematic Land Registration program. Purpose: From this description, the author would like to further examine what obstacles exist in the Complete Systematic Land Registration program. Methodolgy: The research method used is a qualitative approach and an exploratory study method using data from a literature review. Results/Findings: The results of this study that the problems that often occur when filing and Complete Systematic Land Registration include (1) the income tax budget and fees for the acquisition of land and building rights owed, (2) the problem of the rights used, (3) human resources, the problem of bare/absentee land, (4) maximum excess and abandoned land, (5) as well as the problem of announcement of physical data and juridical data. The solution to the obstacles that exist in the implementation of Complete Systematic Land Registration is Strengthening quality control over each stage of Complete Systematic Land Registration, Providing work maps (base maps, land registration maps, regional maps, Government Internal Control System maps and asset data of local Governments/Business Entities State-Owned/Regional-Owned Enterprises for field officers, Punishment and whistleblowing system mechanisms, Improved data validation procedures on the Computerized Land Activities application and Complete Systematic Land Registration dashboard, Review and refinement of technical guidelines for budget implementation of Complete Systematic Land Registration and quality control. Paper Type: Literature Review Keywords: complete systematic land registration, land, land registration, obstacles.Abstrak Masalah: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji problematika dalam praktik Pendaftaran Tanah Sistematis Lengkap (PTSL) yang merupakan program untuk mewujudkan peta tunggal di Indonesia. Pendaftaran tanah melalui Program PTSL diharapkan mampu mewujudkan kepastian hukum dan perlindungan hukum bagi pemegang hak atas tanah. Namun dalam praktiknya terdapat beberapa hambatan dalam pelaksanaan program PTSL yang dapat mempengaruhi keberhasilan pragram tersebut dan ketaatan terhadap peraturan yang mengatur mengenai pendaftaran tanah maupun program PTSL itu sendiri. Tujuan: Dari uraian tersebut, penulis ingin mengkaji lebih lanjut hambatan apa saja yang terdapat pada program Pendaftaran tanah sistematis Lengkap (PTSL). Metodologi: Metode penelitian yang dipakai adalah pendekatan kualitatif dan metode kajian eksploratorif menggunakan data dari kajian pustaka. Temuan/Hasil Penelitian: Hasil dari penelitian ini bahwa problematika yang sering terjadi saat pengajuan dan Pendaftaran Tanah Sstematis Lengkap diantaranya adalah (1) anggaran Pajak PPh dan BPHTB terhutang, (2) masalah alas hak yang digunakan, (3) sumber daya manusia, problem tanah guntai/absentee, (4) kelebihan maksimum dan tanah terlantar, (5) serta problem pengumuman data fisik dan data yuridis. Solusi dari hambatan yang ada pada pelaksanaan PTSL adalah Penguatan kendali mutu atas tiap tahapan PTSL, Pembekalan peta kerja (peta dasar, peta pendaftaran tanah, peta kawasan, peta SPIPP dan data aset Pemda/BUMN/BUMD) pada petugas lapangan, Punishment dan mekanisme whistleblowing system, Perbaikan prosedur validasi data pada aplikasi KKP dan dashboard PTSL, Reviu dan penyempurnaan juknis pelaksanaan anggaran PTSL serta kendali mutunya. Jenis penelitian: Studi Literatur Kata kunci: Tanah, Pendaftaran Tanah, Pendaftaran tanah sisematis Lengkap, Hambata


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    Pendidikan karakter adalah usaha sadar dan terencana yang mempunyai tujuan untuk mengimplementasikan nilai-nilai moral dan akhlak mulia sehingga terwujud dalam sikap dan perilaku yang baik. Pendidikan karakter religius yang dilakukan oleh sekolah salah satunya dilaksanakan dalam kegiatan ekstrakurikuler dimana pembina ekstrakurikuler dan guru PAI sebagai motor utama dalam pengawasan suksesnya pembinaan karakter religius dalam diri siswa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan pelaksanaan implementasi visi religius dalam kegiatan ekstrakurikuler. Secara lebih spesifik penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan implementasi visi religius dalam kegiatan ekstrakurikuler di SMA Negeri 1 Subang dalam aspek: (1) perencanaan; (2) proses; (3) kendala; dan (4) hasil. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode studi kasus. Peneliti menjadi instrumen kunci dalam penelitian. Pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik-teknik observasi, wawancara, dan triangulasi. Analisis data penelitian dilakukan dalam bentuk reduksi, display, dan verifikasi data. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ditemukan bahwa dalam hal perencanaan implementasi visi religius dalam kegiatan ekstrakurikuler dilaksanakan oleh pihak-pihak pembuat kebijakan sekolah dengan menyesuaikan kepada kurikulum nasional. Terkait tahap pelaksanaan dilakukan sesuai dengan perencanaan yang sebelumnya telah dirumuskan dan lebih berfokus pada pembiasaan kepada siswa pada kegiatan persekolahan sehari-hari. Lalu untuk kendala yang dialami dalam implementasi visi religius dalam kegiatan ekstrakurikuler terdapat pada kurangnya pemahaman siswa tentang pentingnya memiliki karakter religius, terjadinya miss komunikasi, dan terhambatnya pembangunan sarana dan prasarana. Dan terakhir, hasil dari implementasi visi religius dalam kegiatan ekstrakurikuler ini siswa memiliki karakter religius yang berintegritas, dan memiliki jiwa sosial yang tinggi, serta peningkatan kurva hasil belajar yang siswa laksanakan di sekolah. Character education is a conscious effort and planned that has a goal to implement values and noble morals so that they are manifested in good attitudes and behavior. Religious character education undertaken by the school is carried out in extracurricular activities where elder member and religion teachers as the main motor in monitoring the success of fostering religious character in students. This research aims to describe the implementation of the religious vision in extracurricular activities. Specifically, this research aims to describe the implementation of religious vision at Senior High School 1 Subang in the case of: (1) The planning; (2) The process; (3) The resistances; and (4) The results. This research uses a qualitative approach with a case study method. Researchers are a key instrument in research. Data collection techniques using observation, interview, and triangulation techniques. Analysis of research data was achieved in the form of data reduction, data display, and verification. The results showed that in terms of planning the implementation of religious visions in extracurricular activities has formulated by school policy makers by adapting to the national curriculum. The implementation has implemented in accordance with the formulated planning and focuses more on habituating students with their daily school activities. For the resistances in implementing the religious visions in extracurricular activities came from the lack of understanding of the students about the importance of having a religious character, the occurrence of miss communication, and the lateness of facilities and infrastructure development. And the results of the implementation of the religious vision in this extracurricular activity showed that students have an integrity religious character, a high social spirit, and the student’s learning outcomes that increased


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    Studi backward-facing step yang menggunakan turbulent model k- Δ (RNG, Realizable) dengan standard wall functions. Sebuah bump ditempatkan di dekat posisi saluran masuk dalam bentuk setengah lingkaran. Studi dimulai dengan melakukan uji grid independency test tanpa menggunakan bump. Metode simulasi yang digunakan dalam studi ini adalah: jarak ketinggian (h): 14; variasi jarak bump (I / h): 2, 4; diameter melingkar (D): 14. Studi ini menggunakan bilangan Reynolds pada 38000 (v = 40.9 m/s). Hasil dari studi ini adalah membandingkan variasi model yang memiliki perbedaan jarak posisi bump dan beberapa model K-epsilon. Dengan tambahan bump setengah lingkaran maka reattachment length menjadi lebih pendek yang memiliki selisih sekitar 6 - 11% pada jarak bump I/h = 2 dan 34 - 42% untuk jarak bump I/h = 4 jika dibandingkan dengan reattachment length tanpa bum

    Digital Embedding System with Heater and Cooler

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    Embedding is an anatomical pathology laboratory device that is very important for producing quality slices and is also a device used to process paraffin tissue, so that the tissue can be cut with higher precision using a microtom (slicer). From the process of melting paraffin crystals using a manual heating process with bunsen flame heaters (fire heaters) so that the paraffin crystals can be transformed from the crystal into liquid. While paraffin crystals that have been processed from the crystal to liquid form are poured into the mold and left to freeze. In this case, an embedding system device will be made equipped with heating and cooling. The temperature used for the liquefaction process is 50C while the temperature for cooling is 17C. After making the process of making device, experiment device, and retrieving data, the error percentage results were 0.016% at the heating temperature and 0.08% at the coolant temperature, and the percentage of heating samples obtained in the sample was 61.3%, while the percentage samples for parts coolers get a value of 92

    The Design of Heart Rate Detector and Body Temperature Measurement Device Using ATMega16

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    This research will discuss health services in the role of diagnostics and life support. The system designed is a system that is able to provide information on the user's health condition, in this case, is a measure of heart rate and body temperature. In taking heart rate data using a heart rate sensor (fingertip sensor). This system works taking data from the blood flow on the index finger for the 60s, the data will be displayed through the LCD. For body temperature parameters the data collection uses the LM35 temperature sensor. Changes in sensor heat will be converted into electricity, which is translated into digital form through a 10-bit ADC that is processed by the ATMega 16 microcontroller and displayed to the LCD. The results of an ideal measurement show the error of each parameter heart rate and body temperature min 1.702% and 0.55

    Selective Adsorption of Direct Group Anionic Dyes on Layered Double Hydroxide-Chitosan Composites

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    In this research, the potential of M2+/Al intercalated chitosan has been evaluated and good ability to reduce dyes in an aqueous solution. M2+/Al intercalated chitosan was prepared by anion exchange method and coprecipitation in a nitrogen atmosphere. Selectivity adsorption was studied to maintain the ability of M2+/Al intercalated chitosan for particle size of direct dyes (direct green, direct red, and direct yellow). To evaluate the adsorption process, M2+/Al intercalated chitosan was conducted with kinetic, isotherm, and thermodynamic parameters. The kinetic data fitted well by pseudo-second order and isotherm fitted Langmuir isotherm with qmax obtained 294.11 and 322.58 mg/g for Zn/Al-chitosan and Mg/Al-chitosan, respectively. Copyright © 2023 by Authors, Published by BCREC Group. This is an open access article under the CC BY-SA License (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0).

    Prarancangan Pabrik Dioktil Ftalat Dari Ftalik Anhidrat dan 2-Etil Heksanol Dengan Kapasitas 40.000 Ton/Tahun

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    Industry as part of progress indicator of a country becomes a stimulus to fulfill modern people needs which happen to be complex from domestic range to industry level, as well as plasticized entity. Diocthyl phthalate is a plasticizer, a material support in the plastic industry that its consumption is happen to increase from year to year based on central Indonesia statistic data. Diocthyl phthalate industrial unit planned to be built at Gresik, East Java by 40.000 ton per year capacity. The industrial unit managed to produce diocthyl phthalate weigh 99,9% concentration using material base anhydrate phthalic 2.299,2859 kilograms per hour, 2-ethyl hexanol 11.922,8023 kilograms per hour, and sulfur acid catalyst 12,9414 kilograms per hour. Diocthyl phthalate production performed by etherification obtained in liquid stage with 150oC operation phase and 1 ATM, irreversible and exothermic non-adiabatic. The reactor utility is CSTR type or flow stirred tank reactor (RATB) with H2SO4 (Sulfur Acid) catalyst. The process support unit (utility) consists of water supplier and steam, with the need of water 2.458.853,59 kilograms per hour and steam 4953,9364 kilograms per hour. Electricity needs supplied by Nuclear Electricity Generator (PLN) 819,0353 kilowatt per hour, and the diocthyl phthalate industrial unit intended to be built by 16910 m2 wide territory and run by 158 employee. The settled financial capital needed to build this diocthyl phthalate industrial unit is IDR 1.190.988.467.490,00 and work funds by IDR 212.236.742.528,00. Economy analysis shows the annual profit before tax is IDR 188.971.940.414 and IDR 141.728.955.311 after tax (by 25%) per year. The percentage of Return On Investment (ROI) before tax 15,9% and after tax 11,90%. Whether the Pay Out Time (POT) before tax 3,87 year and after tax 4.57 year. Break Event Point (BEP) by 54,94% and Shut Down Point (SDP) by 23,70%. Summarized by these analysis is that this industrial unit is profitable and worth established