269 research outputs found
Mass and count in language and cognition : some evidence from language comprehension
In linguistics and the philosophy of language, the mass/count distinction has traditionally been regarded as a bi-partition on the nominal domain, where typical instances are nouns like "beef" (mass) vs."cow" (count). In the present paper, we argue that this partition reveals a system that is based on both syntactic features and conceptual features, and present experimental evidence suggesting that the discrimination of the two kinds of features has a psychological reality
Dissecting the Ă-catenin-dependent and -independent functions of BCL9 and BCL9-2 in intestinal tumorigenesis
Der hochkonservierte Wnt/Ă-Catenin-Signaltransduktionsweg spielt eine wichtige Rolle wĂ€hrend der Embryonalentwicklung, der Homöostase und der Tumorgenese in Adulten. Die BCL9 Proteine wurden zunĂ€chst als Kofaktoren dieses Signalweges identifiziert. Entsprechend agiert BCL9/Legless als essentieller Wnt/Ă-Catenin-Kofaktor in Drosophila. Jedoch scheint die Rolle von BCL9 und BCL9-2, der Orthologe von Legless, in Vertebraten komplexer zu sein. Des Weiteren wurden die genauen Funktionen der BCL9 Proteine wĂ€hrend der intestinalen Homöostase und Tumorgenese bislang wenig untersucht. Es konnte jedoch bereits gezeigt werden, dass BCL9-2 in intestinalen und Mammakarzinomen verstĂ€rkt expremiert wird.
Diese Arbeit beschreibt erstmalig den Einfluss und die Funktion von BCL9-2 wĂ€hrend der intestinalen Tumorgenese. BCL9-2 beinflusst die Tumorprogression positiv durch VerstĂ€rkung des Wnt/Ă-Catenin-Signaltransduktionsweg und der Expression von Zielgenen, die Tumorwachstum und -invasion vermitteln. Zudem aktiviert BCL9-2 die Transkription von Ă-Catenin-unabhĂ€ngigen Genen durch einen neuartigen Mechanismus.
Im Gegensatz zu BCL9, welches in allen humanen und murinen intestinalen Zelltypen expremiert wurde, beschrĂ€nkte sich die BCL9-2 Expression auf die Zotten des Darmes. Die Wnt/Ă-Catenin-positiven Krypten hingegen zeigten keinerlei BCL9-2-Expression auf, was darauf hinweist, dass BCL9-2 fĂŒr den Wnt/Ă-Catenin-Signalweg bei der intestinalen Homöostase entbehrlich ist. WĂ€hrend jedoch BCL9 Proteinlevel in Kolontumoren, im Vergleich zum normalen Epithel, unverĂ€ndert blieben, wurde BCL9-2 bereits in frĂŒhen Stadien der Tumorgenese und in 90% aller Kolonkarzinome stark expremiert. DarĂŒber hinaus fĂŒhrte transgene Ăberexpression von BCL9-2 im Darm von K19-BCL9-2;APCMin/+ MĂ€usen zu einer verstĂ€rkten Formation von Adenomen, deren Invasion und einem verringerten Ăberleben der Versuchstiere.
Wie anhand von TOP/FOP Luciferase Reportergen-Versuchen gezeigt werden konnte, korrelierte die StĂ€rke der BCL9-2-Proteinexpression mit der AktivitĂ€t des Wnt/Ă-Catenin-Signalweges in Kolonkarzinomzellen. Zudem regulierte BCL9-2 die Transkription einiger Ă-Catenin-abhĂ€ngiger und darĂŒber hinaus Ă-Catenin-unabhĂ€ngiger Zielgene, die bei der Tumorentstehung eine wichtige Rolle spielen. Des Weiteren zeigt diese Arbeit, dass in Kolonkarzinomzellen die BCL9-2 abhĂ€ngige Transkription von CDX1 und CDX2 durch SP1-bindende Elemente ĂŒber deren proximale Promotoren vermittelt wurde. Mittels ImmunprĂ€zipitation konnte zudem eine Interaktion zwischen BCL9-2 und SP1 in Kolonkarzinomzellen bestĂ€tigt werden.
Zusammenfassend zeigt diese Arbeit, dass BCL9-2-Ăberexpression in frĂŒhen Phasen der intestinalen Tumorgenese die Progression von benignen Tumoren in invasive Karzinome fördert. Diese Eigenschaft wird durch verschiedene Mechanismen vermittelt: Zum einen verstĂ€rkt BCL9-2 die Expression einiger Wnt/Ă-Catenin-abhĂ€ngiger Zielgene; zum anderen reguliert BCL9-2 Ă-Catenin-unabhĂ€ngige Gene, die fĂŒr die Tumorgenese eine wichtige Rolle spielen. Diese Funktion wird vermutlich durch die Bindung an SP1 Transkriptionsfaktoren und damit an die Promotoren von BCL9-2 Zielgenen vermittelt, was zu der verstĂ€rkten Expression von Genen fĂŒhrt, die die Tumorprogression und Invasion fördern
Technological characterization of vaginal probiotic lactobacilli: resistance to osmotic stress and strains compatibility
Aims: The aim was to evaluate the osmotic stress resistance of vaginal beneficial probiotic strains, their growth kinetics and parameters when growing in salt-added culture media, and their compatibility to go further in the design of a probiotic formula for reconstitution of vaginal microbiome in women. Methods and Results: The resistance to osmotic stress of the lactobacilli was evaluated by determining their growth in MRS (as control) added with NaCl (2â8%). The most resistant strains were Lactobacillus gasseri CRL1509, L. rhamnosus CRL1332 and L. reuteri CRL1327 selected by statistical approaches and growth parameters. Electron microscopy was applied to determine changes. They maintain probiotic properties and viability. Some strains showed incompatibility, then they cannot be included in multistrain formulas. Conclusions: The resistance to different salt concentrations in vaginal lactobacilli is strain-specific, because the behaviour is different in strains identified into the same species. The resistance is not related to the metabolic groups. Significance and Impact of the Study: The resistance and survival to extreme osmotic resistance is one of the specific requirements of beneficial bacteria after the technological processes for their inclusion in probiotic formulas, in a way to express their beneficial characteristics and exert the effect on the host.Fil: Silva, Jessica Alejandra. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂficas y TĂ©cnicas. Centro CientĂfico TecnolĂłgico Conicet - TucumĂĄn. Centro de Referencia para Lactobacilos; ArgentinaFil: Marchesi, Antonella. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂficas y TĂ©cnicas. Centro CientĂfico TecnolĂłgico Conicet - TucumĂĄn. Centro de Referencia para Lactobacilos; ArgentinaFil: Birgitt, Wiese. Hannover Medical School; AlemaniaFil: Nader, Maria Elena Fatima. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂficas y TĂ©cnicas. Centro CientĂfico TecnolĂłgico Conicet - TucumĂĄn. Centro de Referencia para Lactobacilos; Argentin
CoMiniGut - a small volume<em> in vitro</em> colon model for the screening of gut microbial fermentation processes
Driven by the growing recognition of the influence of the gut microbiota (GM) on human health and disease, there is a rapidly increasing interest in understanding how dietary components, pharmaceuticals and pre- and probiotics influence GM. In vitro colon models represent an attractive tool for this purpose. With the dual objective of facilitating the investigation of rare and expensive compounds, as well as an increased throughput, we have developed a prototype in vitro parallel gut microbial fermentation screening tool with a working volume of only 5 ml consisting of five parallel reactor units that can be expanded with multiples of five to increase throughput. This allows e.g., the investigation of interpersonal variations in gut microbial dynamics and the acquisition of larger data sets with enhanced statistical inference. The functionality of the in vitro colon model, Copenhagen MiniGut (CoMiniGut) was first demonstrated in experiments with two common prebiotics using the oligosaccharide inulin and the disaccharide lactulose at 1% (w/v). We then investigated fermentation of the scarce and expensive human milk oligosaccharides (HMOs) 3-Fucosyllactose, 3-Sialyllactose, 6-Sialyllactose and the more common Fructooligosaccharide in fermentations with infant gut microbial communities. Investigations of microbial community composition dynamics in the CoMiniGut reactors by MiSeq-based 16S rRNA gene amplicon high throughput sequencing showed excellent experimental reproducibility and allowed us to extract significant differences in gut microbial composition after 24 h of fermentation for all investigated substrates and fecal donors. Furthermore, short chain fatty acids (SCFAs) were quantified for all treatments and donors. Fermentations with inulin and lactulose showed that inulin leads to a microbiota dominated by obligate anaerobes, with high relative abundance of Bacteroidetes, while the more easily fermented lactulose leads to higher relative abundance of Proteobacteria. The subsequent study on the influence of HMOs on two infant GM communities, revealed the strongest bifidogenic effect for 3âČSL for both infants. Inter-individual differences of infant GM, especially with regards to the occurrence of Bacteroidetes and differences in bifidobacterial species composition, correlated with varying degrees of HMO utilization foremost of 6âČSL and 3âČFL, indicating species and strain related differences in HMO utilization which was also reflected in SCFAs concentrations, with 3âČSL and 6âČSL resulting in significantly higher butyrate production compared to 3âČFL. In conclusion, the increased throughput of CoMiniGut strengthens experimental conclusions through elimination of statistical interferences originating from low number of repetitions. Its small working volume moreover allows the investigation of rare and expensive bioactives
"Il parle normal, il parle comme nousâ: self-reported usage and attitudes in a banlieue
We report on a survey of language attitudes carried out as part of a project comparing youth language in Paris and London.
As in similar studies carried out in London (Cheshire et al. 2008), Berlin (Wiese 2009) and elsewhere (Boyd et al. 2015), the focus was on features considered typical of âcontemporary urban vernacularsâ (Rampton 2015).
The respondents were pupils aged 15-18 in two secondary schools in a working-class northern suburb of Paris. The survey included (1) a written questionnaire containing examples of features potentially undergoing change in contemporary French; (2) an analysis of reactions to extracts from the project data: participants were asked to comment on the speakers and the features identified.
Quantitative analysis had shown that some of these features are more widespread than others and are used by certain categories of speaker more than others (Gardner-Chloros and Secova, 2018). This study provides a qualitative dimension, showing that different features have different degrees of perceptual salience and acceptability. It demonstrates that youth varieties do not involve characteristic features being used as a âpackageâ, and that such changes interact in a complex manner with attitudinal factors. The study also provides material for reflection on the role of attitude studies within sociolinguistic surveys
AttraktivitÀt ist nicht alles: Eine regressionsanalytische Untersuchung produkt- und testimonialbasierter Determinanten konsumrelevanten Verhaltens
Die Werbewirkungsforschung belegt, dass sowohl die AttraktivitÀt der Person, die ein Produkt bewirbt (Testimonial) (vgl. Halliwell & Dittmar, 2004), als auch
das AusmaĂ an Identifikation des Konsumenten mit diesem Testimonial (vgl. Basil, 1996), relevante Determinanten der Werbewirksamkeit sind. Bislang nicht systematisch untersucht ist hingegen, in welchem AusmaĂ beide Variablen im Bereich der Laien-Testimonials (d.h. typische Produktnutzer) bei gleichzeitiger BerĂŒcksichtigung jeweils bedeutsam sind. Unter Verwendung eines experimentellen between-subjects Designs (N =480), bei dem auf Printanzeigen neben der Produktkategorie auch die AttraktivitĂ€t und das Geschlecht des Testimonials manipuliert wurden, belegt eine multiple Regressionsanalyse, dass nur Identifikation, nicht aber AttraktivitĂ€t zusĂ€tzlich zu zentralen kaufrelevanten Einstellungskomponenten (z. B. Bewertung der ProduktqualitĂ€t) einen signifikanten inkrementellen Vorhersagewert hinsichtlich kaufrelevanten Verhaltens aufweist. Dies deutet somit darauf hin, dass einem attraktiven Laien-Testimonial gegebenenfalls eines vorzuziehen ist, welches möglicherweise sogar etwas weniger attraktiv ist, jedoch dem Betrachter Identifikationsmöglichkeiten bietet
Real Space Renormalization Group Theory of Disordered Models of Glasses
We develop a real space renormalisation group analysis of disordered models
of glasses, in particular of the spin models at the origin of the Random First
Order Transition theory. We find three fixed points respectively associated to
the liquid state, to the critical behavior and to the glass state. The latter
two are zero-temperature ones; this provides a natural explanation of the
growth of effective activation energy scale and the concomitant huge increase
of relaxation time approaching the glass transition. The lower critical
dimension depends on the nature of the interacting degrees of freedom and is
higher than three for all models. This does not prevent three dimensional
systems from being glassy. Indeed, we find that their renormalisation group
flow is affected by the fixed points existing in higher dimension and in
consequence is non-trivial. Within our theoretical framework the glass
transition results to be an avoided phase transition.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure
The Role of Cu-Based Intermetallic on the Direct Growth of a ZnAl LDH Film on AA2024
The direct ZnAl layered double hydroxide growth on AA2024 is a fast-occurring reaction, yet is characterized by an inhomogeneous film thickness. It has been shown that at the periphery of Cu-rich intermetallic, the flakes tend to be larger and denser. A combination of in situ and ex situ measurements were used to monitor the changes in the layered double hydroxide film grown on the regions of intermetallics. Immediately after immersion, an activation of the intermetallic phases is observed due to the dealloying process with an almost immediate film growth. Dealloying is followed by trenching of the adjacent Al matrix leading to an excessive production of large and dense layered double hydroxide flakes at the periphery of the intermetallic. However, the scanning electron microscopy cross-section images revealed that the trenching process leads to defects in the area surrounding the intermetallic. This could weaken the corrosion resistance performance of the layered double hydroxide conversion coating and lead to adhesion failure of consecutive polymer coatings. Nevertheless, this work highlights a few advantages and drawbacks of the layered double hydroxide conversion coatings and pathways to its potential optimization and improvement
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