193 research outputs found

    A nonet of novel species of Monanthotaxis (Annonaceae) from around Africa

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    As part of an ongoing revision of the genus Monanthotaxis Baill. (Annonaceae), nine new species are described and one variety is reinstated to species rank. Two new species from West Africa (Monanthotaxis aquila P.H. Hoekstra, sp. nov. and Monanthotaxis atewensis P.H. Hoekstra, sp. nov.), four new species from Central Africa (Monanthotaxis couvreurii P.H. Hoekstra, sp. nov., Monanthotaxis latistamina P.H. Hoekstra, sp. nov., Monanthotaxis tripetala P.H. Hoekstra, sp. nov. and Monanthotaxis zenkeri P.H. Hoekstra, sp. nov.), one new species from Tanzania (Monanthotaxis filipes P.H. Hoekstra, sp. nov.), one new species from the area around Maputo (Monanthotaxis maputensis P.H. Hoekstra, sp. nov.), one new species from the Comoro Islands (Monanthotaxis komorensis P.H. Hoekstra, sp. nov.) and Monanthotaxis klainei (Engl.) Verdc. var. angustifolia (Boutique) Verdc. is raised to species level leading to the replacement name Monanthotaxis atopostema P.H. Hoekstra, nom. nov. (not Monanthotaxis angustifolia (Exell) Verdc.). Complete descriptions, comparisons with related species, ecological information and IUCN conservation assessments are given for the new species. Five species were classified as critical endangered, two species as endangered, one as vulnerable and one as least concern, warranting the need of further collecting and studying those species

    A new species of Monanthotaxis from Gabon with a unique inflorescence type for Annonaceae

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    Monanthotaxis Baillon (1890: 878) currently consists of 56 species (Rainer & Chatrou 2006) confined to tropical Africa and Madagascar and is the second most species-rich genus of Annonaceae in Africa after Uvaria Linnaeus (1753: 536). Both genera belong to the tribe Uvarieae Hooker & Thomson (1855: 91, 92). Circumscription of this tribe has recently been modified to comply with the principle of monophyly, and it now almost exclusively consists of climbing species, all from the Old World tropics (Chatrou et al. 2012). Generic circumscription within Uvarieae has been in disarray for considerable time. Delimitation of Uvaria and related genera has recently been modified based on phylogenetic relationships (Zhou et al. 2010, Zhou et al. 2009). Monanthotaxis was monophyletic in Wang et al. (2012), based on a limited sampling of seven species. Subsequent study with increased sampling (Hoekstra, unpub.) has revealed that the African species of Friesodielsia van Steenis (1948: 458) and Exellia Boutique (1951b: 117) are nested in Monanthotaxis. Whatever the solution and taxonomic consequences, the name Monanthotaxis with the type Monanthotaxis congoensis Baillon (1890: 879) will be retained as it is the oldest valid generic name. Along with phylogenetic analysis, we are conducting a taxonomic revision. The last revision of Monanthotaxis and allied genera was published over a century ago by Engler & Diels (1901). Since then, only contributions to local floras have been published (e.g. Boutique 1951a, Le Thomas 1969, Robson 1960, Verdcourt 1971a). While studying the material of Monanthotaxis, we encountered a remarkable new species, which differs from all other species of Annonaceae in its large and lax panicle-like inflorescence. Panicle-like inflorescences are rare in Annonaceae, and those that have been recorded are either congested, as in e.g. Unonopsis and Guatteria (Erkens et al. 2008, Maas et al. 2007), or with only a few flowers, as in Monanthotaxis le-testui Pellegrin (1950: 75). This new species is probably closely related to M. congoensis since they share several characters. Verdcourt (1971b) divided the genus in three subgenera and five sections. In his classification, this new species would join M. congoensis in the typical section Monanthotaxis, which is easily distinguished by having flowers with the four to six petals in a single whorl and less than 17 stamens. Because it is so similar to M. congoensis, our new species will almost certainly be classified within Monanthotaxis, and we decided to publish it before a new generic classification has been completed

    Bioquality Hotspots in the Tropical African Flora.

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    Identifying areas of high biodiversity is an established way to prioritize areas for conservation [1-3], but global approaches have been criticized for failing to render global biodiversity value at a scale suitable for local management [4-6]. We assembled 3.1 million species distribution records for 40,401 vascular plant species of tropical Africa from sources including plot data, herbarium databases, checklists, and the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) and cleaned the records for geographic accuracy and taxonomic consistency. We summarized the global ranges of tropical African plant species into four weighted categories of global rarity called Stars. We applied the Star weights to summaries of species distribution data at fine resolutions to map the bioquality (range-restricted global endemism) of areas [7]. We generated confidence intervals around bioquality scores to account for the remaining uncertainty in the species inventory. We confirm the broad significance of the Horn of Africa, Guinean forests, coastal forests of East Africa, and Afromontane regions for plant biodiversity but also reveal the variation in bioquality within these broad regions and others, particularly at local scales. Our framework offers practitioners a quantitative, scalable, and replicable approach for measuring the irreplaceability of particular local areas for global biodiversity conservation and comparing those areas within their global and regional context

    Little ecological divergence associated with speciation in two African rain forest tree genera

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The tropical rain forests (TRF) of Africa are the second largest block of this biome after the Amazon and exhibit high levels of plant endemism and diversity. Two main hypotheses have been advanced to explain speciation processes that have led to this high level of biodiversity: allopatric speciation linked to geographic isolation and ecological speciation linked to ecological gradients. Both these hypotheses rely on ecology: in the former conservation of ecological niches through time is implied, while in the latter adaptation via selection to alternative ecological niches would be a prerequisite. Here, we investigate the role of ecology in explaining present day species diversity in African TRF using a species level phylogeny and ecological niche modeling of two predominantly restricted TRF tree genera, <it>Isolona </it>and <it>Monodora </it>(Annonaceae). Both these genera, with 20 and 14 species, respectively, are widely distributed in African TRFs, with a few species occurring in slightly less humid regions such as in East Africa.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A total of 11 sister species pairs were identified most of them occurring in allopatry or with little geographical overlap. Our results provide a mixed answer on the role of ecology in speciation. Although no sister species have identical niches, just under half of the tests suggest that sister species do have more similar niches than expected by chance. PCA analyses also support little ecological differences between sister species. Most speciation events within both genera predate the Pleistocene, occurring during the Late Miocene and Pliocene periods.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Ecology is almost always involved in speciation, however, it would seem to have had a little role in species generation within <it>Isolona </it>and <it>Monodora </it>at the scale analyzed here. This is consistent with the geographical speciation model for TRF diversification. These results contrast to other studies for non-TRF plant species where ecological speciation was found to be an important factor of diversification. The Pliocene period appears to be a vital time in the generation of African TRF diversity, whereas Pleistocene climatic fluctuations have had a smaller role on speciation than previously thought.</p> <p>Ecological niche modeling, species level phylogeny, ecological speciation, African tropics, <it>Isolona</it>, <it>Monodora</it>, Annonaceae</p

    The origin of the legumes is a complex paleopolyploid phylogenomic tangle closely associated with the cretaceous-paleogene (K-Pg) mass extinction event

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    This is the final version. Available from Oxford University Press via the DOI in this record. The consequences of the Cretaceous-Paleogene (K-Pg) boundary (KPB) mass extinction for the evolution of plant diversity remain poorly understood, even though evolutionary turnover of plant lineages at the KPB is central to understanding assembly of the Cenozoic biota. The apparent concentration of whole genome duplication (WGD) events around the KPB may have played a role in survival and subsequent diversification of plant lineages. To gain new insights into the origins of Cenozoic biodiversity, we examine the origin and early evolution of the globally diverse legume family (Leguminosae or Fabaceae). Legumes are ecologically (co-)dominant across many vegetation types, and the fossil record suggests that they rose to such prominence after the KPB in parallel with several well-studied animal clades including Placentalia and Neoaves. Furthermore, multiple WGD events are hypothesized to have occurred early in legume evolution. Using a recently inferred phylogenomic framework, we investigate the placement of WGDs during early legume evolution using gene tree reconciliation methods, gene count data and phylogenetic supernetwork reconstruction. Using 20 fossil calibrations we estimate a revised timeline of legume evolution based on 36 nuclear genes selected as informative and evolving in an approximately clock-like fashion. To establish the timing of WGDs we also date duplication nodes in gene trees. Results suggest either a pan-legume WGD event on the stem lineage of the family, or an allopolyploid event involving (some of) the earliest lineages within the crown group, with additional nested WGDs subtending subfamilies Papilionoideae and Detarioideae. Gene tree reconciliation methods that do not account for allopolyploidy may be misleading in inferring an earlier WGD event at the time of divergence of the two parental lineages of the polyploid, suggesting that the allopolyploid scenario is more likely. We show that the crown age of the legumes dates to the Maastrichtian or early Paleocene and that, apart from the Detarioideae WGD, paleopolyploidy occurred close to the KPB. We conclude that the early evolution of the legumes followed a complex history, in which multiple auto- and/or allopolyploidy events coincided with rapid diversification and in association with the mass extinction event at the KPB, ultimately underpinning the evolutionary success of the Leguminosae in the Cenozoic.Swiss National Science FoundationUniversity of ZurichNatural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of CanadaNational Environment Research CouncilFonds de la Recherche Scientifique of Belgiu

    Physicians’ clinical prediction of survival in head and neck cancer patients in the palliative phase

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    Background: The prognosis of patients with incurable head and neck cancer (HNC) is a relevant topic. The mean survival of these patients is 5 months but may vary from weeks to more than 3 years. Discussing the prognosis early in the disease trajectory enables patients to make well-considered end-of-life choices, and contributes to a better quality of life and death. However, physicians often are reluctant to discuss prognosis, partly because of the concern to be inaccurate. This study investigated the accuracy of physicians’ clinical prediction of survival of palliative HNC patients. Methods: This study was part of a prospective cohort study in a tertiary cancer center. Patients with incurable HNC diagnosed between 2008 and 2011 (n = 191), and their treating physician were included. Analyses were conducted between July 2018 and February 2019. Patients’ survival was clinically predicted by their physician ≤3 weeks after disclosure of the palliative diagnosis. The clinical prediction of survival in weeks (CPS) was based on physicians’ clinical assessment of the patient during the outpatient visits. More than 25% difference between the actual survival (AS) and the CPS was regarded as a prediction error. In addition, when the difference between the AS and CPS was 2 weeks or less, this was always considered as correct. Results: In 59% (n = 112) of cases survival was overestimated. These patients lived shorter than predicted by their physician (median AS 6 weeks, median CPS 20 weeks). In 18% (n = 35) of the cases survival was correctly predicted. The remaining 23% was underestimated (median AS 35 weeks, median CPS 20 weeks). Besides the differences in AS and CPS, no other significant differences were found between the three groups. There was worse accuracy when predicting survival closer to death: out of the 66 patients who survived 6 weeks or shorter, survival was correctly predicted in only eight (12%). Conclusion: Physicians tend to overestimate the survival of pal
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