3,701 research outputs found

    The Distribution of Ortho-H_2D+(1_1,0 - 1_1,1) in L1544: Tracing the Deuteration Factory in Prestellar Cores

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    Prestellar cores are unique laboratories for studies of the chemical and physical conditions preceding star formation. We observed the prestellar core L1544 in the fundamental transition of ortho-H2D+ (1_1,0-1_1,1) at different positions over 100", and found a strong correlation between its abundance and the CO depletion factor. We also present a tentative detection of the fundamental transition of para-D2H+ (1_1,0-1_0,1) at the dust emission peak. Maps in N2H+, N2D+, HCO+ and DCO+ are used, and interpreted with the aid of a spherically symmetric chemical model that predicts the column densities and abundances of these species as a function of radius. The correlation between the observed deuterium fractionation of H3+, N2H+ and HCO+ and the observed integrated CO depletion factor across the core can be reproduced by this chemical model. In addition a simpler model is used to study the H2D+ ortho-to-para ratio. We conclude that, in order to reproduce the observed ortho-H2D+ observations, the grain radius should be larger than 0.3 microns.Comment: 24 pages, 9 figures, accepted in ApJ (to be published in July 2006

    Interferometric Observations of the Nuclear Region of Arp220 at Submillimeter Wavelengths

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    We report the first submillimeter interferometric observations of an ultraluminous infrared galaxy. We observed Arp220 in the CO J=3-2 line and 342GHz continuum with the single baseline CSO-JCMT interferometer consisting of the Caltech Submillimeter Observatory (CSO) and the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope (JCMT). Models were fit to the measured visibilities to constrain the structure of the source. The morphologies of the CO J=3-2 line and 342GHz continuum emission are similar to those seen in published maps at 230 and 110GHz. We clearly detect a binary source separated by about 1 arcsec in the east-west direction in the 342GHz continuum. The CO J=3-2 visibility amplitudes, however, indicate a more complicated structure, with evidence for a compact binary at some velocities and rather more extended structure at others. Less than 30% of the total CO J=3-2 emission is detected by the interferometer, which implies the presence of significant quantities of extended gas. We also obtained single-dish CO J=2-1, CO J=3-2 and HCN J=4-3 spectra. The HCN J=4-3 spectrum, unlike the CO spectra, is dominated by a single redshifted peak. The HCN J=4-3/CO J=3-2, HCN J=4-3/HCN J=1-0 and CO J=3-2/2-1 line ratios are larger in the redshifted (eastern) source, which suggests that the two sources may have different physical conditions. This result might be explained by the presence of an intense starburst that has begun to deplete or disperse the densest gas in the western source, while the eastern source harbors undispersed high density gas.Comment: 17 pages, 9 figures, 4 Tables. accepted by Ap

    Terahertz hot electron bolometer waveguide mixers for GREAT

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    Supplementing the publications based on the first-light observations with the German Receiver for Astronomy at Terahertz frequencies (GREAT) on SOFIA, we present background information on the underlying heterodyne detector technology. We describe the superconducting hot electron bolometer (HEB) detectors that are used as frequency mixers in the L1 (1400 GHz), L2 (1900 GHz), and M (2500 GHz) channels of GREAT. Measured performance of the detectors is presented and background information on their operation in GREAT is given. Our mixer units are waveguide-based and couple to free-space radiation via a feedhorn antenna. The HEB mixers are designed, fabricated, characterized, and flight-qualified in-house. We are able to use the full intermediate frequency bandwidth of the mixers using silicon-germanium multi-octave cryogenic low-noise amplifiers with very low input return loss. Superconducting HEB mixers have proven to be practical and sensitive detectors for high-resolution THz frequency spectroscopy on SOFIA. We show that our niobium-titanium-nitride (NbTiN) material HEBs on silicon nitride (SiN) membrane substrates have an intermediate frequency (IF) noise roll-off frequency above 2.8 GHz, which does not limit the current receiver IF bandwidth. Our mixer technology development efforts culminate in the first successful operation of a waveguide-based HEB mixer at 2.5 THz and deployment for radioastronomy. A significant contribution to the success of GREAT is made by technological development, thorough characterization and performance optimization of the mixer and its IF interface for receiver operation on SOFIA. In particular, the development of an optimized mixer IF interface contributes to the low passband ripple and excellent stability, which GREAT demonstrated during its initial successful astronomical observation runs.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A (SOFIA/GREAT special issue

    The MuPix Telescope: A Thin, high Rate Tracking Telescope

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    The MuPix Telescope is a particle tracking telescope, optimized for tracking low momentum particles and high rates. It is based on the novel High-Voltage Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors (HV-MAPS), designed for the Mu3e tracking detector. The telescope represents a first application of the HV-MAPS technology and also serves as test bed of the Mu3e readout chain. The telescope consists of up to eight layers of the newest prototypes, the MuPix7 sensors, which send data self-triggered via fast serial links to FPGAs, where the data is time-ordered and sent to the PC. A particle hit rate of 1 MHz per layer could be processed. Online tracking is performed with a subset of the incoming data. The general concept of the telescope, chip architecture, readout concept and online reconstruction are described. The performance of the sensor and of the telescope during test beam measurements are presented.Comment: Proceedings TWEPP 2016, 8 pages, 7 figure

    Research Proposal for an Experiment to Search for the Decay {\mu} -> eee

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    We propose an experiment (Mu3e) to search for the lepton flavour violating decay mu+ -> e+e-e+. We aim for an ultimate sensitivity of one in 10^16 mu-decays, four orders of magnitude better than previous searches. This sensitivity is made possible by exploiting modern silicon pixel detectors providing high spatial resolution and hodoscopes using scintillating fibres and tiles providing precise timing information at high particle rates.Comment: Research proposal submitted to the Paul Scherrer Institute Research Committee for Particle Physics at the Ring Cyclotron, 104 page

    Glueballs, closed fluxtubes and eta(1440)

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    The etaL(1410)eta_L(1410) component of the η(1440)\eta(1440) pseudoscalar has strong affinity for glue. But its mass is incompatible with lattice simulations that predict a much higher value for the 0+0^{-+} glueball. As a consequence it has been suggested that ηL(1410)\eta_L(1410) could signal physics beyond the Standard Model. Here we argue that if glueballs are closed gluonic fluxtubes then ηL(1410)\eta_L(1410) is a prime candidate for the 0+0^{-+} glueball. Furthermore, in the absence of parity violating terms its mass should be degenerate with that of the 0++0^{++} glueball. We also suggest that the decay properties of such glueballs could be employed as probes for extra dimensions.Comment: 11 page

    Cool gas and dust in M33: Results from the Herschel M33 extended survey (HERM33ES)

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    We present an analysis of the first space-based far-IR-submm observations of M 33, which measure the emission from the cool dust and resolve the giant molecular cloud complexes. With roughly half-solar abundances, M33 is a first step towards young low-metallicity galaxies where the submm may be able to provide an alternative to CO mapping to measure their H2_2 content. In this Letter, we measure the dust emission cross-section σ\sigma using SPIRE and recent CO and \HI\ observations; a variation in σ\sigma is present from a near-solar neighborhood cross-section to about half-solar with the maximum being south of the nucleus. Calculating the total H column density from the measured dust temperature and cross-section, and then subtracting the \HI\ column, yields a morphology similar to that observed in CO. The H2_2/\HI\ mass ratio decreases from about unity to well below 10% and is about 15% averaged over the optical disk. The single most important observation to reduce the potentially large systematic errors is to complete the CO mapping of M 33.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    The Herschel Comprehensive (U)LIRG Emission Survey (HerCULES): CO Ladders, fine structure lines, and neutral gas cooling

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    (Ultra) Luminous Infrared Galaxies ((U)LIRGs) are objects characterized by their extreme infrared (8-1000 μ\mum) luminosities (LLIRG>1011L_{LIRG}>10^{11} L_\odot and LULIRG>1012L_{ULIRG}>10^{12} L_\odot). The Herschel Comprehensive ULIRG Emission Survey (HerCULES; PI van der Werf) presents a representative flux-limited sample of 29 (U)LIRGs that spans the full luminosity range of these objects (1011L1013^{11}\leq L_\odot \geq10^{13}). With the \emph{Herschel Space Observatory}, we observe [CII] 157 μ\mum, [OI] 63 μ\mum, and [OI] 145 μ\mum line emission with PACS, CO J=4-3 through J=13-12, [CI] 370 μ\mum, and [CI] 609 μ\mum with SPIRE, and low-J CO transitions with ground-based telescopes. The CO ladders of the sample are separated into three classes based on their excitation level. In 13 of the galaxies, the [OI] 63 μ\mum emission line is self absorbed. Comparing the CO excitation to the IRAS 60/100 μ\mum ratio and to far infrared luminosity, we find that the CO excitation is more correlated to the far infrared colors. We present cooling budgets for the galaxies and find fine-structure line flux deficits in the [CII], [SiII], [OI], and [CI] lines in the objects with the highest far IR fluxes, but do not observe this for CO 4Jupp134\leq J_{upp}\leq13. In order to study the heating of the molecular gas, we present a combination of three diagnostic quantities to help determine the dominant heating source. Using the CO excitation, the CO J=1-0 linewidth, and the AGN contribution, we conclude that galaxies with large CO linewidths always have high-excitation CO ladders, and often low AGN contributions, suggesting that mechanical heating is important