4,055 research outputs found


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    This paper is intended to trace the speed of language shift through names practices in given society. In Sidoarjo, for instance, the parents are motivated to attach foreign names to their children. Arabic loanwords are dominantly used because the religion of the name bearers is dominantly Islam. The second and the third ones are Javanese and Indonesian.The rest ones subsequently are greek, English and other foreign languages.the motivations to christen their children mostly in term of nameshakes (Widyastuti,2005). They may not realise that it will abandon their ethnic language, as a result the use of Javanese has become extinct. However, demographic factors are also relevant in accounting for the speed of language shift. Resistance to language shift tends to last longer in rural than in urban areas.Thus I will discuss two distinct communities in maintaining their language.They are rural community and urban community in East Java practicing personal names. This study presents a comparative analysis of naming practices between these communities. This analysis tries to prove that rural people may have maintained Javanese better than those in the big city


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    Background : Bacteremia in neonate is a life-threatened condition and requires the right management immediately. Primary identification of mortality risk factor in bacteremia neonate is needed to avoid mortality occurrence. The objective of this study was to identify the risk factor of mortality in bacteremia patients at NICU of dr Kariadi hospital. Method : A cross sectional study was carried out retrospectively from 33 medical records of bacteremic patients hospitalized at NICU of dr Kariadi hospital from January 2004 to December 2005.Bivariate analysis with Chi square and fisher tes is required to test the data. Interference of some variables was analyzed by logistic regression. Result : It was found that preterm gestation was a significant risk factor of mortality (p 0,001 ; PR 21,429; 95% CI 2,275 – 201,865 ), as well as low birth weight ( p 0,049 ; PR 4,286; 955 CI 0,968 – 18,973 ). Meanwhile sex, age, asphyxia history, bacteria species, bacteria resistance to gentamycin and cefotaxim, nursery term and inappropriate antibiotic admission according blood culture result were not risk factors of mortality. Logistic regression analysis shows that preterm gestation had a significant result. It was found that preterm gestation was a risk factor in logistic regression analysis (p 0,07). Conclusion : Preterm gestation and low birth weight are independent risk factor for occurrence of mortality in bacteremia neonate. Key words : mortality, bacteremia, risk facto

    Synthesis And Characterization Of Carbonated Hydroxyapatite As Bioceramic Material [Tn1-997]

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    Dalam kajian ini, hidroksiapatit berkarbonat (CHA) disintesis menggunakandua kaedah sintesis, iaitu melalui kaedah pemendakan dan pengemulsian nano. Carbonated hydroxyapatite (CHA) was synthesised from two synthesis routes, which were the precipitation method and nano-emulsion method


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    The objective of this research is to explore politeness strategies used by the main characters in novel “The Sun also Rises”. The analysis is based on the utterances of the main characters. The researcher analyzed the utterances in order to find out the types of politeness strategies used by the main characters. In this research, the researcher used descriptive qualitative by using documentation and observation method of collecting data from the novel. From the analysis of the novel, showed that the main character in The Sun also rises applied the types of politeness strategies, namely bald on record, positive politeness, negative politeness and off record. The main characters also revealed the factors affecting the characters’ politeness in speaking, namely language style, register and domain, slang and solidarity, language and gender in their conversation.  Keywords: Politeness Strategy, Character, The Sun Also Rise

    Upaya Peningkatan Kemampuan Membaca Permulaan Melalui Permainan Tata Huruf di TK Pertiwi Duwet I Kecamatan wonosari Klaten Tahun Ajaran 2010/2011

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan membaca permulaan melalui permainan tata huruf. Jenis penelitian ini adalah Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK).Subjek penelitian ini yaitu anak kelompok B TK Pertiwi Duwet I Kecamatan Wonosari Klaten Tahun Ajaran 2010/2011. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah metode observasi, wawancara, dan catatan lapangan. Teknik analisis data pada penelitian ini dilakukan secara deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian mengenai kemampuan membaca permulaan menunjukkan adanya peningkatan dan perubahan terhadap kemampuan membaca anak yang sebelumnya baru mengenal beberapa huruf menjadi bisa mengenal dan membaca kata sederhana dapat merangkai kata dan membaca kalimat sederhana. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa kemampuan membaca, sebelum tindakan sebesar 20%, siklus I sebesar 53%, siklus II 67%, dan siklus III 83%. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah melalui permainan tata huruf dapat meningkatkan kemampuan membaca permulaan anak

    Profil Peresepan Obat Pada Poli Bedah RSUD Batusangkar Tahun 2012

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui profil peresepan pada poli bedah RSUD Batusangkar pada tahun 2012. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah deskriptif-restropektif. Hasil penelitian didapatkan 886 lembar resep. Berdasarkan analisa kelengkapan resep didapatkan semua resep memuat nama pasien, nama dokter dan signa. Resep yang mencantumkan umur sebanyak 67 lembar (7,56%), yang mencantumkan alamat sebanyak 642 lembar (72,46%) dan semua resep tidak mencantumkan berat badan pasien. Resep untuk anak-anak sebanyak 13 lembar (1,47%), resep untuk dewasa sebanyak 819 lembar (92,44%) dan tidak ada resep untuk bayi. Obat yang paling banyak diresepkan adalah dari golongan antimikroba yaitu antibiotika siprofloksasin (40,52%)

    Authentic Material and Automaticity for Teaching English

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    This article discusses how to make students of Science Education in first year feel interesting in English lesson, understanding the text well and can communicate English fluency. It has been suggested that Authentic Material and Automaticity Theory not only creates a friendly and fun condition in teaching reading but helps students to study comprehensibly so they are able to understand the text, structure, vocabulary easily, read fluently and they also can communicate in English. The authentic material can make the teaching learning process fun and eliminate boring because the topics and materials can be found in internet so it will be more visually and interactive . Automaticity theory can solve the problem of students who must memorize words that make them feel boring and forget the words soon. The other benefit is the students can exposure the real language being used in a real context and stimulate studens'idea, encouarage them to relate themselves with real-life experiencesThese strategies can make the students understand easily and enjoy the teaching learning process. By combining authentic material and automaticity strategies for teaching English in science education, will develop readers (students) to become fully competent and fluent


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    Kematian orangtua akibat COVID-19 dapat menimbulkan rasa kehilangan yang mendalam sehingga menyebabkan remaja yang ditinggalkan harus melalui proses grief hingga mampu mencapai penerimaan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memahami gambaran grief dan proses grief serta faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi grief pada remaja perempuan pasca kematian orangtua akibat COVID-19. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus dan teknik analisis theory driven. Responden dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 3 (tiga) remaja perempuan berusia 18-20 tahun dan telah kehilangan orangtua akibat COVID-19 yang terjadi 1-2 tahun yang lalu. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara mendalam. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa gambaran grief responden terdiri atas berbagai gejala grief yang menyangkut aspek fisik, sosial, spiritual dan  psikologis. Proses grief melalui 5 tahap yaitu denial, anger, bargaining, depression dan acceptance, tetapi proses yang dialami responden tidak terjadi secara berurutan dan bersifat dinamis menuju penerimaan. Hal tersebut terjadi karena terdapat faktor pendukung antara lain kemampuan menguatkan diri, memiliki cita-cita dan harapan yang kuat, dukungan dari keluarga dan teman serta faktor penghambat antara lain hubungan emosional dengan orangtua yang meninggal, grief yang tidak terantisipasi, lapisan kehilangan, tidak menyaksikan orangtua meninggal hingga dimakamkan, isolasi mandiri setelah kehilangan dan stigma sosial yang negatif. Implikasi penelitian ini yaitu menambah khazanah kajian ilmu psikologi khususnya psikologi klinis, psikologi perkembangan dan secara lebih spesifik mengenai grief pada remaja pasca kematian orangtua akibat COVID-19


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    This study aims to describe the improvement of student’s conceptual understanding in Language and Automata theory through MURDER strategy. The population of this study were students of STMIK Tunas Bangsa in academic year 2019/2020 who studied the course of Language and Automata theory. Sample randomly choosed from students who have low mathematical abilities. Data were collected through conceptual understanding test instrument in essay form. Based on data analyzed using Wilcoxon test at 5% significant level, it was concluded that MURDER strategy improved student’s conceptual understanding in low category.DOI:  http://dx.doi.org/10.23960/mtk/v8i2.pp100-10