40 research outputs found


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    The purpose of this study is to find out how the application of public relations strategies in developing water tourism in “Sunggal Kanan” village, Sunggal District, Deli Serdang Regency. This type of research is qualitative research using descriptive methods. In carrying out the research, the results were obtained that there is potential that can be developed by the indah dam water tourism manager together with the public relations of “Sunggal Kanan” village. However, there are also obstacles that hinder the development and visitability of the community to the Indah dam water tourism. Efforts in developing water tourism in “Sunggal Kanan” village that can be done by public relations are by analyzing and making a strategy in managing the management of the Indah dam water tourism which is under the auspices of BUMDes or “Sunggal Kanan” Village Owned Business Entity.  This is the main capital in the development of tourism in the village of “Sunggal Kanan”. Therefore, in this research, a PUBLIC RELATIONS strategy will be designed to develop tourism in “Sunggal Kanan” village using a SWOT analysis


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    The lack of the Poor’s accessibility to the health care is still become a problem that difficult to resolved. In practice, they still face obstacles that hinder their accessibility to the health services. Some literatures suggest that the problem is caused by two factors. The first is the internal factors (come from the individuals themselves); such as the lack of people`s participation in health service activities. The second one is the external factors (come from outside the individual); such as geographical location, discrimination, and administrative procedures. However, in my opinion, these factors are not the most substantial and fundamental causes; they more like “secondary” factors. This paper assumes that the lack of poor`s accessibility to health services caused by systemic and structural factors: it is the technocratic models of the policies applied by the government (top-down) in the healthcare development that negated the potential of local communities. The Society has no chance to express their aspirations related to the good form of health care that they want. In addition, they were not involved in the process of formulation, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of government’s health policies. The result is the implementation of health development at the practical level experienced many obstacles and unpredictable problems, including the problem of the poor`s low accessibility to the health services and so on dependency. Thus, the poor become powerless to access health services. Therefore, it needs a medium that bridges the poor’s access to the health services, which is called. These points will be discussed in this paper. The goal of the paper is to reveal the systemic and structural obstacles that obstruct the poor’s access to health services. Moreover, this paper offers an alternative solution to solve this problem by using the local institutions as a medium that facilitate the poor to access the health services

    Performansi Pendingin Termoelektrik Alat Transportasi Ikan Segar pada Berbagai Tegangan

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    Uji performansi pendingin termolektrik alat transportasi ikan segar pada berbagai tegangan telah dilakukan. Uji performansi dilakukan untuk mengetahui suhu heat pipe, heat sink serta ruang peti insulasi serta kebutuhan listrik sistem pendingin pada berbagai tegangan. Sistem pendingin termoelektrik tersusun dari dua buah elemen peltier, bracket alumunium, fan, heat sink dan heat pipe. Pendingin termoelektrik dipasang di bagian atas peti insulasi. Uji performansi dilakukan pada tegangan 8, 10 dan 12 V. Parameter yang diukur adalah jumlah arus listrik yang melalui sistem pengingin, suhu heat sink, heat pipe dan suhu ruang peti insulasi. Suhu ruang peti insulasi yang dicapai pada tegangan 12, 10 dan 8 V berturut-turut sebesar 14, 16 dan 17 °C. Suhu heat sink yang dicapai pada tegangan 12 V sebesar -0,1 °C, sedangkan pada tegangan 8 dan 10 V tidak jauh berbeda yaitu antara 3-4 °C. Suhu heat pipe yang dicapai pada tegangan 12 dan 10 V tidak jauh berbeda yaitu sekitar 30-31 °C, sedangkan pada 8 V sebesar 27 °C. Kebutuhan arus listrik sistem pendingin pada tegangan 12, 10 dan 8 V sebesar 6,3; 4,8 dan 3,8 A dengan kebutuhan energi berturut-turut 75, 48 dan 30 Watt. Nilai cooling capacity elemen peltier pada tegangan 12 V sebesar 12,5 W, sedangkan pada tegangan 10 dan 8 V sebesar 10,5 W


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui khasiat ekstrak pinang dan efektivitasnya dibandingkan oxfendazole sebagai antelmintika pada kambing yang terinfeksi nematoda gastrointestinal secara in-vivo


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    The polemic of religious identity between “penghayat kepercayaan” (believers of indigenous religion) and followers of the official religions in Indonesia is still become a sensitive issue, which adds to the long list of marginalization of indigenous believers in Indonesia. Several forms of marginalization are: forcing to choose certain official religions in their National ID Card, the pros and cons of the burial places of the deceased indigenous believers, and restrictions on the construction of their worship places. This article aims to elaborate the dynamics of identity conflict between adherents of the Sapta Darma (one of indigenous belief) and the followers of official religions in Sukoreno Village, Jember, East Java. This study uses a qualitative approach using observation, in-depth interviews with 7 (seven) informants of Sapta Darma followers, and members of FKUB (Forum of Religious Harmony) for the data collection. The results of the study reveal that this identity polemic has made it difficult for adherents of Sapta Dharma to change their religious identity on their ID cards. As a consequence, they also have difficulty in accessing public burial places. Conflict resolution efforts are carried out through FKUB by providing socialization of knowledge on nationality and cultural perspective to the interfaith leaders. Polemik identitas agama antara penghayat kepercayaan dengan pemeluk agama resmi di Indonesia masih menjadi isu yang menambah daftar panjang marginalisasi penganut kepercayaan di Indonesia. Bentuk marginalisasi ini mengarah kepada pemaksaan pencantuman agama tertentu dalam KTP dan KK warga penghayat, pro dan kontra tempat pemakaman warga penghayat yang meninggal, dan pembatasan pembangunan rumah peribadatan bagi warga penghayat. Artikel ini bermaksud untuk mengelaborasi dinamika konflik identitas antara penghayat kepercayaan Sapta Darma dengan para pemeluk agama resmi, dengan mengambil lokasi tempat di Desa Sukoreno, Jember, Jawa Timur. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data berupa observasi, wawancara mendalam terhadap 7 (tujuh) informan warga penghayat Sapta Darma, dan anggota FKUB (Forum Kerukunan Umat Beragama). Hasil penelitian mengungkapkan bahwa polemik identitas ini mengakibatkan warga pengahayat kesulitan dalam mengganti identitas agamanya di KTP dan KK sehingga mereka memiliki identitas ganda dan kesulitan dalam mengakses tempat pemakaman umum. Upaya resolusi konflik dilakukan melalui FKUB dengan memberikan sosialisasi wawasan kebangsaan dan pendekatan kultural dengan tokoh lintas agama


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    Beralihnya kecenderungan masyarakat pedesaan dari sektor agraris ke non agraris mendorong pertumbuhan home industry di pedesaan. Salah satunya adalah home industry rempeyek di Pelemmadu, Sriharjo, Bantul, Yogyakarta. Namun, pesatnya pertumbuhan industri kemudian membawa konsekuensi-konsekuensi di antaranya adalah persaingan dan permainan pasar. Kondisi demikian menjadikan para pengusaha rempeyek dilematis. Sebagai homo economicus mereka tentu ingin mendulang keuntungan semaksimal mungkin (rasional). Tulisan ini membahas bagaimana rasionalitas tindakan ekonomi pengusaha home industry dalam menghadapi transformasi corak produksi beserta konsekuensi-konsekuensinya. Pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi dan wawancara mendalam terhadap 11 Informan. Penentuan informan dipilih secara purposive .Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa para pengusaha rempeyek mengembangkan mekanisme alternatif dalam menghadapi persaingan dan permainan pasar dengan mengompromikan rasionalitas formal dan moral dalam tindakan ekonomi mereka. Selain berdasarkan pada rasionalitas formal yakni dengan quality control dan perluasan jaringan bisnis, para pengusaha juga didorong oleh nilai-nilai moral seperti “tuna sathak bathi sanak” sehingga mampu memperjuangkan kepentingan individual tanpa harus mengabaikan kepentingan sosial. Nilai-nilai tersebut lantas dilembagakan dalam kelompok pengusaha sebagai sarana untuk mengembangkan usaha bersama-bersama. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17977/um021v1i22016p08

    Bridging Digital Divide and Rural e-Goverment (Smart Kampung): Evidence from Banyuwangi, Indonesia

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    Currently humans can not be separated from using of technology. The more complex the problem, the need for technology continues to be sought. Unfortunately, even though technology is needed, digital divide still occurs. Digital divide occurs at all levels including at the local level. Villages in Indonesia require the penetration of information and communication technology in an effort to improve the quality of life. This study aims to explain the relationship and dynamics that occur with the presence of ICT at the government level with rural communities in Banyuwangi district. Furthermore, this study seeks to illustrate the impact on the development of ICT at the village level. The results showed that internet penetration was still a deterministic technology rather than a deterministic socioculture. The internet and rural e-government as its derivatives are like goals, not tools to achieve goals. The digital divide still seems clear. This is due to five main dimensions, namely the technical dimension, economic inequality, skills inequality, inequality of use, and inequality of social support. The impact then occurs technology alienation. For the village, digital inequality is not merely a matter of these five dimensions, but also means social, economic, political and cultural inequality. Technology plays an important role in providing intelligent and friendly public services to the community. There is a power relationship in the digitalization of technology in the field of public services in the form of domination of power over the community. Technology is a must to be accepted and applied by society

    Determinan Indeks Pembangunan Manusia: Analisis Data Panel Di Kabupaten/Kota Provinsi Lampung Tahun 2015-2019

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    This study aims to measure the development of human resources development in Lampung Province as well as influencing factors during the period 2015-2019. This research is quantitative research with descriptive design. Data panel regression analysis is used as a research tool. The results showed that the areas with the highest human development were in North Lampung Regency, East Lampung, Bandar Lampung City and Metro City. Based on the results of regression analysis panel data can be explained that economic growth (EG) has a positive and significant effect and poverty (POV) has a negative and significant effect. Regional spending (RS) has no effect on the human development index in Lampung Province


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    The role of the NU youth as an extension of the NU kyai was so great in eradicating parties and forbidden ideologies such as the PKI. Based on the basic principles of NahdlatulUlama such as tawasuth, tawazun, i’tidal, and tasamuh, plus a platform for thinking and acting based on the principles of the ushulfiqh and guidance from kyai, NU youths steadfastly declared war with communism. Similarly, when they defend the rights of former Communist activists or those who are considered Communists and their families, they are also based on these principles. For this reason, this paper aims to examine the idealized upheaval of NU youth in addressing the anti-communism discourse.This article was written by critically examining pre-existing scientific texts to expose ideological upheaval among NU youth sociologically. In simple terms, through this article it can be concluded that NU youth based on existing principles have a big contribution in maintaining the integrity of the Republic of Indonesia, starting from the eradication of the PKI, as well as other efforts to defend Indonesia. On the other hand, they also have concern for oppressed groups including former 1965 political prisoners and their families. They were so diligent in fighting for the rights of former political prisoners in 1965 even though in the past they had also suppressed the PKI to its roots. One of the discourses that arose relating to the anti-communism discourse was the discourse of reconciliation between the NU group and Communism. The discourse was responded to differently by NU youth. Some consider it a form of humanism, and there are those who see it as a bad idea, and some even consider it as an extreme step.Peran pemuda NU sebagai kepanjangan tangan dari para kyai NU begitu besar dalam pemberantasan partai dan ideologi terlarang seperti PKI. Dengan berpijak pada prinsip dasar Nahdlatul Ulama seperti tawasuth, tawazun, i’tidal, dan tasamuh, ditambah pijakan berpikir dan bertindak yang didasarkan pada prinsip-prinsip yang ada pada ushul fiqh serta petunjuk dari para kyai, pemuda NU dengan mantap menyatakan perang dengan komunisme. Begitu pula ketika mereka membela hak-hak dari mantan aktivis Komunis atau yang dianggap Komunis dan keluarganya, mereka pun juga berdasar pada prinsip-prinsip tersebut. Untuk itu tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji pergolakan idelogi di kalangan pemuda NU dalam menyikapi wacana anti-komunisme.Artikel ini ditulis dengan menelaah secara kritis teks-teks ilmiah yang telah ada sebelumnya untuk menelanjangi pergolakan ideologi di kalangan pemuda NU secara sosiologis. Secara sederhana, melalui artikel ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa pemuda NU dengan berdasar prinsip yang ada memiliki andil besar dalam mempertahankan keutuhan NKRI, mulai dari pemberantasan PKI, serta upaya-upaya lain dalam mempertahankan Indonesia. Di sisi lain, mereka juga memiliki perhatian terhadap kelompok tertindas termasuk mantan tahanan politik 1965 dan keluarganya. Mereka begitu gigih memperjuangkan hak-hak mantan tahanan politik 1965 meski di masa lalu mereka pula yang memberangus PKI sampai ke akarnya. Salah satu wacana yang mengemuka berkaitan dengan wacana anti-komunisme adalah wacana rekonsiliasi antara golongan NU dan Komunisme. Wacana tersebut ditanggapi berbeda-beda oleh pemuda NU. Ada yang menganggapnya sebagai bentuk sifat humanis, adapula yang melihatnya sebagai gagasan buruk, bahkan ada yang memandang rekonsiliasi tersebut sebagai langkah ekstrim