380 research outputs found

    Die Kosten der Modellabteilung „Joghurt“ am Beispiel der Herstellung von Rührjoghurt mit Früchten

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    Mit der Analyse des Kostenverlaufs in der Abteilung "Joghurt" wird die Aktualisierung der Modellabteilungsrechnung fortgeführt. In drei Unterabteilungen - Joghurtbereitung, Abfüllung, Lager - wird untersucht, welche Kosten bei der Herstellung von Rührjoghurt mit Früchten, abgefüllt in 150-g-Kunststoffbechern, nach ihrer Verursachung auf Abteilungsebene entstehen. Die Bestimmung der Abteilungs- und Stückkosten erfolgt in drei Modellgrößen, deren Kapazitäten entsprechend der Leistung der Abfülllinie 27.900 und 167.400 Becher/Stunde ausgelegt sind. In Abhängigkeit vom Beschäftigungsgrad, der für Werte zwischen 20 und 100% simuliert wird, lassen sich Kosten für 138,2 Mio. bis 829,3 Mio. Becher/Jahr ermitteln, die Produktionsmengen von rd. 20.800 t bis 124.700 t Joghurt entsprechen. Die in Ansatz gebrachten Investitionen betragen im Modell 1 12 Mio. DM und erhöhen sich im Modell 3 auf 43,4 Mio. DM. Bezogen auf die jeweilige Outputmenge ergeben sich aus den Investitionssummen spezifische Investitionen, die mit zunehmender Modellgröße von 87 DM auf 52 DM/1000 Becher abfallen. Bei einer Beschäftigung von 100% mit 250 Produktionstagen im Jahr errechnen sich modellspezifische Gesamtkosten in Höhe von 27,57 Pf im ModelH, 25,66 Pf im Modell 2 und 24,78 Pf im Modell 3 je Becher Fruchtjoghurt. Kostenanalysen bei einem Beschäftigungsgrad von 60% mit 250 Produktionstagen im Jahr zeigen, dass die modellspezifischen Gesamtkosten zu 45% von den Kosten für Hilfs-und Zusatzstoffe bestimmt werden. 22-24% entfallen auf die Verpackungsmaterialkosten, 20-23% auf die Rohstoffkosten, und mit 5-8% sind die Anlagekosten an den modellspezifischen Gesamtkosten beteiligt. Die Kosten für Energie und Betriebsstoffe sowie Personal werden je nach Modellgröße mit einem Anteil von 1-3% an den Gesamtkosten ausgewiesen. Der Kostenanalyse ist zu entnehmen, dass mit zunehmender Modellgröße und steigender Produktionsmenge Stückkostendegressionen zu erzielen sind, wobei der Einfluss des Beschäftigungsgrades auf die Kostendegression höher ist als derjenige der Modellgröße. Unter dem Einfluss von Kapazitätsauslastung und Kapazitätsgröße lassen sich nur im Bereich bis zu 100 Mio. Becher/Jahr starke Kostendegressionseffekte erzielen, die durch Simulationsrechnungen für verschiedene Variationen von Beschäftigungen belegt werden

    Modellkosten in der Weichkäserei

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    Die Serie von Modellabteilungsrechnungen wird mit der Untersuchung des Kostenverlaufs in der Abteilung Weichkäse fortgefuhrt, um einen weiteren Baustein zur Bestimmung optimaler Produktionsstrukturen zu erhalten. Als Ausgangsposition dieser Themenstellung soll im folgenden die Modellabteilung Weichkäse Gestalt annehmen. Dazu sind drei Arbeitsschritte notwendig: die Festlegung des zu untersuchenden Produktes, die inhaltliche Abgrenzung der zu bildenden Modellabteilung und die Auswahl des Fertigungsverfahrens

    Upscaling of bottom-generated turbulence in large-scale 3D models for sediment transport in estuaries and coastal zones

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    Currently used 3D numerical sediment transport models still fail to make good quantitative predictions. To a great extent, this can be attributed to the inadequate description of physical processes which occur at the subgrid scale level. From flume experiments it is known that particle-turbulence interactions near the bed significantly change the effective roughness experienced by the overlying water column. This results in different transport rates if not accounted for.From a theoretical perspective, bed load transport, sheet flow and fluid mud flow are all occurrences of supersaturated suspension flow in the inner near-bed layer comprising the viscous sublayer and the transient layer. Its thickness increases with sediment load, since particle-particle interactions (four-way coupling effects) consume considerable amounts of the available stream power. In order to know how much energy is left over to compute the transport capacity of the outer, fully-developed layer, it is necessary to quantify the energy budget in the inner layer.This is a difficult task. Every modelling approach has its draw-backs and limitations. Lagrangean particle tracking is hopeless, since the required number of particles to approach field conditions is much too high, and the volumes occupied by the particles cannot be neglected. Grain sizes are non-uniform in nature and concentrations near the bed very high, making it very difficult to give an accurate description of the momentum exchange between fluid and solid phase, which accounts for particle collisions. Therefore, in view of large-scale applications, a one-fluid approach is adopted. This implies that the momentum equation is solved for the suspension, together with a turbulence closure model and the sediment mass balance.Since the thickness of the supersaturated inner layer mostly is very small relative to the water depth and the vertical discretization in large scale applications, it is not possible to resolve this layer with a traditional low-Reynolds model approach, which requires a very fine grid. A new approach is proposed, where a modified Prandtl-mixing length (PML) model is used for the bed layer, and a new low-Reynolds model is applied in the outer layers. In this way it is possible to obtain a correct behaviour for tidal oscillating flow in estuaries, where low-Re effects enter high in the water column during slack water.The correction factor for the PML eddy viscosity and the damping functions for the low-Re k-epsilon turbulence model are constructed based on theoretical constraints, DNS and LES generated data, as well as experimental flume data. In parallel, LES and improved two-layer low-Re models are developed to simulate flow over rough bottoms without and with sediment, in order to generate data very close to the bed surface, where no measurements can be made. These additional data are used to help interpret experimental flume data, which always show relatively high experimental errors, and to extend the new damping functions for the cases with bottom roughness and suspended sediment.Preliminary results of the new coarse grid RANS model for open-channel flow with various roughness conditions without and with suspended sediment will be shown, compared to LES results for flow over a wavy bottom, low-Reynolds RANS results over rough bottom and experimental flume data

    Spectral Control via Multi-Species Effects in PW-Class Laser-Ion Acceleration

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    Laser-ion acceleration with ultra-short pulse, PW-class lasers is dominated by non-thermal, intra-pulse plasma dynamics. The presence of multiple ion species or multiple charge states in targets leads to characteristic modulations and even mono-energetic features, depending on the choice of target material. As spectral signatures of generated ion beams are frequently used to characterize underlying acceleration mechanisms, thermal, multi-fluid descriptions require a revision for predictive capabilities and control in next-generation particle beam sources. We present an analytical model with explicit inter-species interactions, supported by extensive ab initio simulations. This enables us to derive important ensemble properties from the spectral distribution resulting from those multi-species effects for arbitrary mixtures. We further propose a potential experimental implementation with a novel cryogenic target, delivering jets with variable mixtures of hydrogen and deuterium. Free from contaminants and without strong influence of hardly controllable processes such as ionization dynamics, this would allow a systematic realization of our predictions for the multi-species effect.Comment: 4 pages plus appendix, 11 figures, paper submitted to a journal of the American Physical Societ

    Cooling toolbox for atoms in optical lattices

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    We propose and analyze several schemes for cooling bosonic and fermionic atoms in an optical lattice potential close to the ground state of the no-tunnelling regime. Some of the protocols rely on the concept of algorithmic cooling, which combines occupation number filtering with ideas from ensemble quantum computation. We also design algorithms that create an ensemble of defect-free quantum registers. We study the efficiency of our protocols for realistic temperatures and in the presence of a harmonic confinement. We also propose an incoherent physical implementation of filtering which can be operated in a continuous way.Comment: 14 pages, 13 figure

    Convulsive status epilepticus management in adults and children: Report of the Working Group of the Polish Society of Epileptology

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    Introduction The Working Group was established at the initiative of the General Board of the Polish Society of Epileptology (PSE) to develop an expert position on the treatment of convulsive status epilepticus (SE) in adults and children in Poland. Generalized convulsive SE is the most common form and also represents the greatest threat to life, highlighting the importance of the choice of appropriate therapeutic treatment. Aim of guideline We present the therapeutic options separately for treatment during the early preclinical (>5–30min), established (30–60min), and refractory (>60min) SE phases. This division is based on time and response to AEDs, and indicates a practical approach based on pathophysiological data. Results Benzodiazepines (BZD) are the first-line drugs. In cases of ineffective first-line treatment and persistence of the seizure, the use of second-line treatment: phenytoin, valproic acid or phenobarbital is required. SE that persists after the administration of benzodiazepines and phenytoin or another second-line AED at appropriate doses is defined as refractory and drug resistant and requires treatment in the intensive care unit (ICU). EEG monitoring is essential during therapy at this stage. Anesthesia is typically continued for an initial period of 24h followed by a slow reversal and is re-established if seizures recur. Anesthesia is usually administered either to the level of the “burst suppression pattern” or to obtain the “EEG suppression” pattern. Conclusions Experts agree that close and early cooperation with a neurologist and anesthetist aiming to reduce the risk of pharmacoresistant cases is an extremely important factor in the treatment of patients with SE. This report has educational, practical and organizational aspects, outlining a standard plan for SE management in Poland that will improve therapeutic efficacy

    Guidelines and Recommendations on the Use of Higher OrderFinite Elements for Bending Analysis of Plates

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    This paper compares and evaluates various plate finite elements to analyse the static response of thick and thin plates subjected to different loading and boundary conditions. Plate elements are based on different assumptions for the displacement distribution along the thickness direction. Classical (Kirchhoff and Reissner-Mindlin), refined (Reddy and Kant), and other higher-order displacement fields are implemented up to fourth-order expansion. The Unified Formulation UF by the first author is used to derive finite element matrices in terms of fundamental nuclei which consist of 3 Ă— 3 arrays. The MITC4 shear-locking free type formulation is used for the FE approximation. Accuracy of a given plate element is established in terms of the error vs. thickness-to-length parameter. A significant number of finite elements for plates are implemented and compared using displacement and stress variables for various plate problems. Reduced models that are able to detect the 3D solution are built and a Best Plate Diagram (BPD) is introduced to give guidelines for the construction of plate theories based on a given accuracy and number of terms. It is concluded that the UF is a valuable tool to establish, for a given plate problem, the most accurate FE able to furnish results within a certain accuracy range. This allows us to obtain guidelines and recommendations in building refined elements in the bending analysis of plates for various geometries, loadings, and boundary conditions
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