156 research outputs found

    “A Perfect Match” - Organizational and individual influence of the supplier-client relationship in the communications industry

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    With a strong company culture an organisation has relationships with their clients on an organizational level rather than on an individual. This simplifies the ability to change team members in order to enforce creativity and keep clients on a long-term basis. In turn the final product/service improves, which creates long-term relationships. Additionally, relationships on a personal level due to social activities helps Solberg detect early warnings-signs of eventual dissatisfaction from the client’s point of view. By increasing social activities Solberg would gain better knowledge about their clients and understand when, if and how to change team members. Organizational level and individual level have proved to be equally important and dependent on each other in order to build strong long-lasting relationships

    Global Registration and Collection of Usage Fees of Digital Works on Internet

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    The vastly increased popularity of the Internet as an effective publication and distribution channel of digital works has created serious challenges to enforcing intellectual property rights. Works are widely disseminated on the Internet, with and without permission. This thesis examines the current problems with licence management and copy protection and outlines a new method and system that solve these problems. The WARP system (Works, Authors, Royalties, and Payments) is based on global registration and transfer monitoring of digital works, and accounting and collection of Internet levy funded usage fees payable to the authors and right holders of the works. The detection and counting of downloads is implemented with origrams, short and original parts picked from the contents of the digital work. The origrams are used to create digests, digital fingerprints that identify the piece of work transmitted over the Internet without the need to embed ID tags or any other easily removable metadata in the file.Internetin voimakkaasti kasvanut suosio teosten tehokkaana julkaisu- ja jakelukanavana on luonut vakavia haasteita tekijänoikeuksien toteutumiselle – teoksia levitetään laajamittaisesti verkossa, luvallisesti ja luvatta. Tässä työssä käsitellään teosten käyttöoikeuksien hallinnan ja kopiointisuojausten nykyisiä ongelmia ja hahmotellaan uusi menetelmä ja järjestelmä, joka ratkaisee näitä ongelmia. WARP-järjestelmä (Works, Authors, Royalties and Payments) perustuu teosten maailmanlaajuiseen digitaaliseen rekisteröintiin, teosten siirtämisen havaitsemiseen internetissä ja teosten kopiointimäärien laskentaan perustuvien käyttökorvausten tilittämiseen teosten omistajille. WARPissa käyttökorvaukset rahoitetaan veroluontoisilla tietoliikennemaksuilla. Teosten käyttömäärien tilastointi perustuu teoksen sisällöstä poimittaviin omaperäisiin osiin, origrammeihin. Origrammeista lasketaan tiivisteitä, digitaalisia sormenjälkiä, joiden avulla verkossa siirrettävät teokset voidaan tunnistaa liittämättä teostiedostoihin mitään ylimääräistä metatietoa, joka olisi poistettavissa niistä

    Asemakaavan perusselvitysten laatiminen Hangon kaupungissa

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    Opinnäytetyön pääaiheena on maankäyttö- ja rakennuslain juridiikan selvitys. Juridinen selvitys koskee niitä säännöksiä, joilla on merkittävä vaikutus kaavojen laatutasoon. Tässä opinnäytetyössä käsiteltiin seuraavia maankäyttö- ja rakennuslain säännöksiä; 1 § lain yleinen tavoite, 9 § vaikutusten selvittäminen kaavaa laadittaessa sekä 54 § asemakaavan sisältövaatimukset. Tämän lisäksi on käsitelty maankäyttö- ja rakennusasetuksen säännöksiä, kuten 1 § vaikutusten selvittäminen kaavaa laadittaessa sekä 25 § kaavaselostus. Opinnäytetyön toinen osio koostuu perusselvityksestä, jonka tilaajana on toiminut Hangon kaupunki. Perusselvitys on laadittu Lappohjan kylän alueelta, Hangon kaupungista. Selvityksen tarkoitus on toimia pohjatyönä alueen tulevaa asemakaavamuutosta varten. Selvityksessä selvitettiin aluetta koskevat suunnitelmat ja päätökset, alueen luonnonympäristöstä tehdyt selvitykset sekä tarve uusien selvityksien tekoon, rakennetun ympäristön inventointi, maanomistusolojen selvitys sekä kantakartan täydentäminen. Perusselvityksen laatimisen yhteydessä kohdatuista ongelmista on laadittu kehittämisidea. Kehittämisideana on tehdä rajapintapalvelu, jonne voitaisiin kerätä tietoa ympäristöstä ja josta se olisi nopeasti ja helposti saatavilla

    Från aktivt subjekt till sexuellt objekt: en feministisk analys av en populärkulturell representation av slut-shaming

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    I min kandidatuppsats kommer jag att analysera hur slut-shaming framställs i den mexikanska filmen Smärtgränsen från 2012, regisserad av Michel Franco. Syftet med min uppsats är att ur ett feministiskt perspektiv analysera olika scener i filmen och undersöka hur slut-shaming representeras. Med tanke på dagens digitalisering av samhället och hur mycket lättare det blivit att vara anonym i sin mobbning ser jag det som mycket viktigt att diskutera fenomenet och ifrågasätta den struktur som tillåter detta. Jag använder mig främst av Kate Milletts 1970-tals teorier om patriarkatet och sexualitet, och motiverar mitt val med att detta fenomen alltid varit och fortfarande är aktuellt. Använder mig också av olika teorier kring slut-shaming. Genom att använda en populärvetenskaplig produkt (i detta fall en film) vill jag med bell hooks teorier motivera på vilket sätt film kan ses som en utgångspunkt för diskussion. Syftet med min uppsats är dessutom att diskutera hur populärvetenskapliga produkter kan hjälpa till att utmana vår syn på samhället.In my bachelor's thesis I will analyze how slut-shaming is portrayed in the Mexican movie After Lucia from 2012, directed by Michel Franco. The movie is about 17-year-old Alejandra who is bullied after having sex with one of the boys in her class. The aim with my thesis is to analyze how slut-shaming is represented in the movie from a feminist point of view. I will mainly use Kate Millett's theories of the patriarchy to support my arguments. She writes that the patriarchy is built upon different standards for men and women, and how sexuality is divided into an active one for men and a passive one for women. By analyzing the movie After Lucia from 2012, I will discuss how slut-shaming is represented and how the movie can be seen as a plausible representation of the phenomenon, with reference to Jacques Aumont's and bell hook's film theories. I will also look at how the boy's ways of bullying differ from the girl's and what slut-shaming does to the victim. Ultimately, my aim is to discuss how different cultural representations of a certain phenomenon can challenge the way we see society

    Interpolation och olikheter

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    I den här pro gradu-avhandlingen presenterar jag två klassiska interpolationssatser: RieszThorin och Marcinkiewicz. Riesz-Thorins interpolationssats hör till den komplexa interpolationen, medan Marcinkiewicz interpolationssats bara gäller i det reella fallet. De här två satserna gör det möjligt att hitta begränsningar för normen av operatorer på Lp-rum. Därmed kan satserna bland annat användas för att bevisa olikheter, och då gärna olikheter som är besvärliga att bevisa på andra sätt. Jag presenterar några exempel på hur interpolationsteori bevisar olikheter, och jämför de olika satserna med varandra. Interpolationen har också nackdelar när det kommer till att bevisa olikheter, de tas upp i slutet av avhandlingen

    Diffraction evidence for the structure of cellulose microfibrils in bamboo, a model for grass and cereal celluloses

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    Background: Cellulose from grasses and cereals makes up much of the potential raw material for biofuel production. It is not clear if cellulose microfibrils from grasses and cereals differ in structure from those of other plants. The structures of the highly oriented cellulose microfibrils in the cell walls of the internodes of the bamboo Pseudosasa amabilis are reported. Strong orientation facilitated the use of a range of scattering techniques. Results: Small-angle neutron scattering provided evidence of extensive aggregation by hydrogen bonding through the hydrophilic edges of the sheets of chains. The microfibrils had a mean centre-to-centre distance of 3.0 nm in the dry state, expanding on hydration. The expansion on hydration suggests that this distance between centres was through the hydrophilic faces of adjacent microfibrils. However in the other direction, perpendicular to the sheets of chains, the mean, disorder-corrected Scherrer dimension from wide-angle X-ray scattering was 3.8 nm. It is possible that this dimension is increased by twinning (crystallographic coalescence) of thinner microfibrils over part of their length, through the hydrophobic faces. The wide-angle scattering data also showed that the microfibrils had a relatively large intersheet d-spacing and small monoclinic angle, features normally considered characteristic of primary-wall cellulose. Conclusions: Bamboo microfibrils have features found in both primary-wall and secondary-wall cellulose, but are crystallographically coalescent to a greater extent than is common in celluloses from other plants. The extensive aggregation and local coalescence of the microfibrils are likely to have parallels in other grass and cereal species and to influence the accessibility of cellulose to degradative enzymes during conversion to liquid biofuel

    Surfactant controlled zwitterionic cellulose nanofibril dispersions

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    Zwitterionic cellulose nanofibrils (ZCNF) with isoelectric point of 3.4 were obtained by grafting glycidyltrimethylammonium chloride onto TEMPO/NaBr/NaOCl-oxidised cellulose nanofibrils. ZCNF aqueous dispersions were characterized via transmission electron microscopy, rheology and small angle neutron scattering, revealing a fibril-bundle structure with pronounced aggregation at pH 7. Surfactants were successfully employed to tune the stability of the ZCNF dispersions. Upon addition of the anionic surfactant, sodium dodecyl sulfate, the ZCNF dispersion shows individualized fibrils due to electrostatic stabilization. On the contrary, upon addition of the cationic species dodecyltrimethylammonium bromide, the dispersion undergoes charge neutralization, leading to more pronounced flocculation

    Socio-demographic, lifestyle and health characteristics among snus users and dual tobacco users in Stockholm County, Sweden

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Socio-demographic and lifestyle characteristics of snus users have not been systematically described. Such knowledge is pivotal for tobacco control efforts and for the assessment of health effects of snus use.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A cross-sectional study was conducted, based on the Stockholm Public Health Survey, including a population-based sample of 34,707 men and women aged 18-84 years. We examined how socio-demographic, lifestyle and health-related characteristics were associated with the prevalence of current daily snus use, smoking and dual tobacco use. Logistic regression was used to calculate odds ratios of prevalence (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Low educational level (OR = 1.60, CI = 1.41-1.81 and OR = 1.49, CI = 1.17-1.89, for men and women respectively), as well as occupational class and low income were associated with snus use. Some unfavourable lifestyle characteristics, including risky alcohol consumption (males: OR = 1.81, CI = 1.63-2.02; females: OR = 1.79, CI = 1.45-2.20), binge drinking and low consumption of fruit and vegetables were also associated with snus use. In contrast, physical inactivity and overweight/obesity were not, nor was perceived health. The prevalence of smoking followed steeper gradients for social as well as lifestyle characteristics. Overweight and obese men were however less often smokers. Perceived poor general health and psychological distress were highly related to smoking. Social disadvantage, as well as unhealthy lifestyle and self-reported poor health were strongly associated with dual use. There were limited differences between men and women.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The social, lifestyle and health profiles of exclusive snus users in Stockholm County are less favourable than those of non-users of tobacco, but more advantageous than those of exclusive smokers. This knowledge should guide tobacco control measures as well as the interpretation of health risks linked to snus use.</p

    Targeted metatranscriptomics of compost derived consortia reveals a GH11 exerting an unusual exo-1,4-β-xylanase activity

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    Background: Using globally abundant crop residues as a carbon source for energy generation and renewable chemicals production stands out as a promising solution to reduce current dependency on fossil fuels. In nature, such as in compost habitats, microbial communities efficiently degrade the available plant biomass using a diverse set of synergistic enzymes. However, deconstruction of lignocellulose remains a challenge for industry due to recalcitrant nature of the substrate and the inefficiency of the enzyme systems available, making the economic production of lignocellulosic biofuels difficult. Metatranscriptomic studies of microbial communities can unveil the metabolic functions employed by lignocellulolytic consortia and identify new biocatalysts that could improve industrial lignocellulose conversion. Results: In this study, a microbial community from compost was grown in minimal medium with sugarcane bagasse sugarcane bagasse as the sole carbon source. Solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance was used to monitor lignocellulose degradation; analysis of metatranscriptomic data led to the selection and functional characterization of several target genes, revealing the first glycoside hydrolase from Carbohydrate Active Enzyme family 11 with exo-1,4-β-xylanase activity. The xylanase crystal structure was resolved at 1.76 Å revealing the structural basis of exo-xylanase activity. Supplementation of a commercial cellulolytic enzyme cocktail with the xylanase showed improvement in Avicel hydrolysis in the presence of inhibitory xylooligomers. Conclusions: This study demonstrated that composting microbiomes continue to be an excellent source of biotechnologically important enzymes by unveiling the diversity of enzymes involved in in situ lignocellulose degradation