32 research outputs found


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    The English language learners might have problems in the pronunciation of English vowel sounds. It is assumed that the sound system of the mother tongue, in this case Javanese has, to some extent, affected the pronunciation of English sounds. For example, the word ‘English’ that should be pronounced /IŋlIʃ/ is pronounced /ɛŋlIʃ/, and the word ‘name’ that should be pronounced /neim/ is pronounced /nɛim / or /nɛm /. Due to this phenomenon, this paper will discuss the problems of pronunciation of English vowels produced by learners whose mother tongue is Javanese or Indonesian. The participants of study are students of non- English Program. Based on the observation and in-depth interviews with the participants it shows that the mispronunciation the English words is caused by the inadequate process of learning English and the influence of the sound system of Javanese as the mother tongue in the process of learning


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    This paper discusses the phonological process in the Indonesian speech, particularly on assimilation and elision. Assimilation is the influence exercised by one sound segment upon the articulation of another, so that the sounds become alike or more identical. Elision or deletion is loss or omission of segments or syllables. This phenomenon might be rooted from the fact that the speakers seem to have trouble pronouncing the words that have more than 4 (four) more syllables. Therefore, this paper discusses; (1) the types of phonological processes frequently employed, (2) the typical vocabulary undergoing phonological processes, and (3) the causes of phonological process in the speech. The data are the Indonesian words which are obtained from the record of such speech as in seminar, lecture, sermon, and conversation among people


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    Penelitian ini adalah penelitian tentang ‘hedge’: ungkapan samar untuk berlindung yang diwujudkan dalam pelbagai bentuk kebahasaan. ‘Hedge’ di dalam editorial merupakan sebuah fenomena yang menarik untuk dikaji sebagai sebuah kasus penelitian. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Indonesia dengan mengambil editorial edisi bulan Januari sehingga Desember 2007 surat kabar Suara Merdeka, sebuah surat kabar regional yang utama di kawasan Jawa Tengah, dan surat kabar Solopos, sebuah surat kabar lokal yang utama di kota Surakarta dan sekitarnya. Tujuan penelitian ini ialah untuk melihat apa, bagaimana, dan mengapa ‘hedge’ digunakan di dalam editorial surat kabar Suara Merdeka dan surat kabar Solopos. Secara lebih terperinci tujuan penelitian ialah untuk mengidentifikasi bentuk ‘hedge’ di dalam editorial; meneliti makna ‘hedge’; dan mengekplorasi perspektif ‘stakeholder’ terhadap penggunaan ‘hedge’. Penelitian ini ialah kajian kasus di dalam kerangka kualitatif. Penelitian diawali dengan melihat data editorial, mendeskripsikan secara kebahasaan, meneliti makna dalam kalimat serta konteks dan mengekplorasi perspektif pihak ‘stakeholder’. Dari kajian tersebut kemudian ditriangulasi untuk melihat tema-tema yang ada Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa ‘hedge’ digunakan untuk menyamarkan jumlah; menyamarkan pelaku; menyembunyikan pelaku; menyatakan kemungkinan; mengurangi ketepatan; melibatkan pembaca; dan memberikan penekanan dan menyiratkan makna. Berdasarkan analisis bentuk kebahasaaan, ‘hedge’ diwujudkan dalam kata bilangan; frasa nomina; pronomina; verba aktif; verba pasif dan frasa verbal pasif; adjektiva dan frasa adjektival; modalitas epistemik; adverbia dan frasa adverbial; klausa; klausa keterangan syarat dan pengandaian; dan tanda petikan. Berdasarkan penggabungan antara bentuk, makna dengan perspektif pihak ‘stakeholder’, tema ‘hedge’ ialah strategi berlindung dan mengelakkan diri; ketidakpastian isi pesan; kode etik jurnalistik dan peraturan hukum; dan kesantunan. Secara pragmatik, ‘hedge’ juga berkait dengan kesantunan, iaitu penyampaian pesan secara tidak langsung dan tidak memaksakan pendapat pengarang kepada pembaca

    ‘Hedges’ and media ethics: A case in Indonesian newspaper

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    This paper attempts to reveal the use of ‘hedges’ as the realization of media ethics on newspaper.Hedges, expressing ‘grey’ meaning, are widely used by the journalists to convey certain information related to ethics.According to ethics, sensitive case associated with ‘ethnicity’, ‘race’, ‘religion’, and ‘social group’ should be presented in prudent way to avoid conflict which might appear among parties involved in the news.Accordingly, such information might not clearly and explicitly expressed.This paper will discuss the relationship between hedges realized in impersonating and protecting participants and journalistic ethics codes.This is a case study of ‘hedges’ employed in the editorial of Solopos, local Indonesian newspaper published in Surakarta

    The language of media supporting peace journalism

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    This paper attempts to explore the role of the language of media, particularly newspapers, in making peace of a heterogeneous society in Indonesia. As one of mass media, newspapers can play a significant role to create peace of the society. In reporting news, the newspaper reporters might use some means of language aspects to avoid the use of expressions which potentially provoke conflict. Striving to prevent conflict among parties means that the media have supported peace journalism. This paper examines the employment of linguistic devices used by the journalists of Indonesian newspapers in endeavours to lessen the potency of conflict and to build harmony of the society. The efforts to create peace in Indonesia should constantly maintain, since Indonesia is a country with multi ethnics, religions, languages, and social backgrounds. Maintaining the peaceful condition of the country is the task of Indonesian journalists. The data were taken from two regional Indonesian newspapers published in Semarang and Surakarta, Jawa Tengah, i.e., Suara Merdeka and Solopos. The result shows that the newspapers, to some extent, exploit the linguistic devices to create harmony through unnamed body/society, general expression, implicit expression, and hedging devices. As the focus of the study is on language point of view, it will be more fruitful if this study is completed with the study from communication and journalism point of view

    Asuhan Keperawatan Pada Tn. S Dengan Gangguan Sistem Pencernaan: Hepatitis Di Ruang Cempaka Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Pandan Arang Boyolali

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    Latar Belakang : Hepatitis sering di temukan pada rumah sakit umum dengan penyebab terbanyak karena pola hidup yang tidak sehat yang sering tidak diperhatikan masyarakat sekarang. Tujuannya untuk mengetahui proses pelaksanaan Asuhan Keperawatan Sistem pencernaan Hepatitis Metode : Melakukan asuhan keperawatan pada Tn.S, meliputi pengkajian, pemeriksaan fisik, pemeriksaan penunjang , diagnosa, sampai evaluasi Hasil : Setelah dilakukan asuhan keperawatan selama 3x24 jam didapatkan hasil skala nyeri berkurang menjadi 3, intake nutrisi meningkat dan status kecemasan masih belum teratasi Kesimpulan : Observasi keadaan pasien, pemberian tindakan keperawatan mandiri, pemberian edukasi kepada pasien dan keluarga serta kolaborasi dengan tim kesehatan lain dalam pemberian terapi yang tepat dapat mengurangi masalah yang muncu

    Struktur Frasa Verba Bahasa Inggris dan Bahasa Indonesia pada Postingan Instagram @CNN dan @CNNIndonesia (Analisis Teori X-Bar)

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    Access to news in today's era is increasingly easy and practical with the presence of various social media (medsos) which have transformed into whatever the public wants. In fact, to maintain existence in the market, news that is culturally presented through the print dimension, as well as electronic media has limited access, in its development it can be reached only with the reach of one's hand. CNN news media, for example, utilizes social media by labeling official accounts to transfer information similar to other dimensions, one of which is Instagram, which contains information composed by visual and language constructions in the form of clauses/sentences. The lens of generative linguistics captures this linguistic phenomenon based on X-Bar analysis. This study aims to describe the structure of English and Indonesian verb phrases for Instagram news posts @cnn and @cnnindonesia. The results show that there are differences in the forms of verb phrases from the two languages. Verb phrases in English are more diverse due to the influence of tenses and in Indonesian they function as active and passive sentence markers

    Supply Chain Management in Translation Industry

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    Abstract- Islamic religious texts are sensitive texts, when translated they must continue to show their religiosity. Supply chain strategy in translation industry can improve its quality and honesty in the predefined process. This study uses a qualitative method, which revealed the character of supply chain in translation. After conducting research it was found that the religiosity of the text could be judged based on 1. The mention of the name of ALLAH than Tuhan, 2. The family of languages used, 3. The techniques used and 4. The frequency of Islamic religious terms that emerged. Translators have required two things as mentioned in some previous studies, namely good knowledge related to grammar and culture. Besides these two important things also must be owned by the translator is honesty and well-delivered


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    Translation cannot be separated from culture; therefore, a translator must have sufficient knowledge about the culture of the language that is going to be translated. This knowledge will help the translator to determine the most suitable equivalent of any text containing cultural elements. Euphemism is one of the texts. Euphemism is used to replace an expression that considered threatening the face of the speaker, the audience or some third party when it is uttered. Sex is the topic that will offend people when it is talked about openly. People in every culture tend to use euphemism when they talk about sex. However, different culture will see sex with different point of view.  This study aims to find out the differences through the translation of English sexual euphemistic expression into Indonesian. It will describe how those expressions are translated into Indonesian. This study is a descriptive qualitative study. The source of the data is an English novel by Eloisa James entitled Desperate Duchesses and its Indonesian version Memikat Kekasih. The result shows that English sexual euphemistic expressions in the novel are translated into Indonesian euphemisms, Indonesian dysphemisms, literal meaning, and description


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    The vocational school graduates are expected to be work-ready but roughly, only half of them have the competency. This may results from vocational teacher's low pedagogical and professional competencies. This research aims at investigating the effects of computer simulation toward electricalengineering pre-service teachers' activeness in learning process and their ability in designing electrical control system. Using quasi-experiment with non equivalent control group pre-test post-test design, the research was conducted in Department of Electrical Engineering Education in IKIP PGRI Madiun. Statistical analysis on pre-test and post-test mean scores of the group shows that there is a significant increase on students' ability in designing electrical control system with sig 0.00. Observation on students' activeness in learning process also indicates increased activeness compared to before the use of media. These findings indicate that computer simulation serves as an effective teaching media to improve students' activeness and competencies and should be encouraged in vocational education