136 research outputs found

    A Novel Approach of Virotherapy Based Hsf-1 Shrna in Cancer Eradication

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    Cancer is the second leading cause of death worldwide with continues rise mortality rate. Current cancer treatment modalities are still ineffective and associated with many side effects leading to robust research to find new specific target therapy. Heat shock factor (HSF)-1 is heat shock response mediator protein and act as transcription factor for HSP encoding gene. Many cancers have up-regulated HSP as a result of increase HSF-1 expression. Interestingly, inhibition of HSF-1 has no effect to normal cell, indicating HSF-1 as promises target therapy. RNAi is potential mechanism to block and down regulate HSF-1 which will affect many cellular processes in cancer cell. Combining RNAi base treatment with oncolityc viruses will boost the therapeutic effect of this novel treatment. Despite its potency, this modality still need further research in order to evaluate its efficacy and optimal doses to gain optimal result

    Detection of Helicobacter Pylori CagA Gene and Its Association with Endoscopic Appearance in Balinese Dyspepsia Patients

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    Background: Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection causes various abnormalities in the stomach. Only particular strain can cause severe problems in the stomach. CagA is a microbial virulent factor which is associated with more severe stomach problems, such as: peptic ulcer and stomach cancer. We would like to know the prevalence of CagA in Balinese population, and the association of H. Pylori CagA status with the severity of endoscopic appearance in dyspepsia patients.Method: Study design being used was analytic cross sectional study, involving 71 dyspepsia patients who underwent upper gastrointestinal endoscopic examination in Surya Husada Hospital and Balimed Hospital in June-December 2013. Sample was chosen in consecutive manner. Later, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) examinations of the stomach mucous biopsy tissue to determine H. pylori infection status and CagA status were performed. Further, Chi square test was used to identify the difference in proportion of H. pylori and CagA between mild and severe endoscopic appearance.Results: In this study, we found that the prevalence of H. pylori infection was 22.5% using PCR examination. Prevalence of CagA positive in H. pylori positive was 62.5%. There was significant association between status of H. Pylori infection and severity of endoscopic appearance (p = 0.038; OR= 2.67; 95% CI = 1.18-6.05). Status of CagA in H. pylori infected patients was not associated with the severity of endoscopic appearance. Additionally, there was significant association between patients' age and severity of endoscopic appearance.Conclusion: The prevalence of CagA in H. pylori positive was 62.5%. H. pylori infection was associated with severity of endoscopic appearance and CagA status in H. pylori infected patients was not associated with severity of endoscopic appearance

    Analisis Strategi Positioning Merek Berdasarkan Preferensi, Persepsi, dan Kepuasan Konsumen Produk Pertamina Lubricants

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    Potensi industri pelumas sebagai industri strategis kian bertumbuh dari tahun ketahun. Hal ini disebabkan oleh meningkatnya penggunaan pelumas pada pasar otomotif dan juga perindustrian. Pertumbuhan potensi ini menarik bagi para produsen lokal maupun Internasional. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis sejauh mana atribut pelumas dapat mempengaruhi evaluasi konsumen terhadap positioning merek dan kompetisi terhadap merek lain, menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kepuasan konsumen terhadap produk Pertamina Lubricants dan juga merumuskan alternatif strategi positioning berdasarkan persepsi dan kepuasan pelanggan. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain riset konklusif dan merupakan riset deskriptif. Teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah convenience sampling. Penelitian ini menggunakan perceptual map dikembangkan dengan menggunakan analisis diskriminan berganda, untuk menggambarkan posisi relatif setiap merek dan menggambarkan atribut merek. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa secara keseluruhan produk Pertamina Lubricants dicirikan dengan 3 atribut yaitu kemudahan diperoleh, harga dan kepopuleran merek. Selanjutnya dengan menggunakan analisis regresi berganda diketahui keenam atribut memiliki pengaruh positif signifikan terhadap manfaat yang dirasakan konsumen, atribut yang memiliki pengaruh paling besar adalah harga dan kepopuleran merek. Hasil dari analisis regresi sederhana didapati manfaat yang dirasakan berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap kepuasan

    Penerapan Teknologi Pemupukan Padi Sawah di Provinsi Bengkulu

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    Fertilizing is one of strategy to improve crops productivity because it provides nutrient for the plant. This paper aims to analyze the implementation of fertilizing technology for field rice. The study was conducted from May-July 2012 in four districts that were North Bengkulu, Central Bengkulu, South Bengkulu and Kepahiang. Data was collected by survey method using questionnaire to 261 respondents. Statistic analysis using Chi quadrate was used to analyze most frequent fertilizer farmer use. The study showed farmers prefer five fertilizers. The implementation of these five fertilizers was varied.majority of respondents (95%) used urea. The second preferred fertilizer was NPK (67.8%), followed by TSP (59.7%), KCL (46.3%) and organic fertilizer (34.8%). Implementation of organic fertilizer was highest in Kepahiang and South Bengkulu that also show highest land productivity

    Pengaruh Leader-member Exchange, Role Stress Dan Perceived Organizational Support Terhadap Turnover Intention

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji pengaruh leader-member exchange, role stress dan perceived organizational support terhadap turnover intention karyawan. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada Hotel Griya Santrian yang berlokasi di Sanur dengan sampel sebanyak 158 karyawan diambil dengan metode proportional random sampling. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menyebarkan kuisioner yang menggunakan skala likert 5 poin untuk mengukur 14 pertanyaan. Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah regresi linear berganda. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa leader-member exchange berpengaruh negatif dan signifikan terhadap turnover intention. Role stress berpengaruh positif terhadap turnover intention. Perceived organizational support berpengaruh negatif dan signifikan terhadap turnover intention. Hasil penelitian mendukung seluruh hipotesis serta mengindikasikan adanya pengaruh negatif role stress terhadap turnover intention, sehingga disarankan pihak hotel memperhatikan tingkat role stress yang terjadi di hotel Griya Santrian, Hal ini bertujuan agar karyawan tidak terjadi turnover intention yang tinggi terhadap Perusahaan

    Developing and Using Multimedia Effectively for Cirebonese Language Learning

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    Lab Learning on Electronics Industry is a must course. This is necessary for students so they have good skills. Lab Learning need practice equipment that enough to fit the quantities of students. But in fact the quantities of material and practice equipment are not being sufficient. In addition, there is no learning media that can support the courses. This study aims to develop lab learning media with technology based on game with android-base that can help the students to understand the lab course everywhere, all the time. This study using Research and Development Method (RnD) with Model of Multimedia Development Life Cycle (MDLC). This study is done through six stage that is: 1. Concept; 2) Design; 3) Collection of material; 4) Assembly; 5) Testing; and 6) Distribution. The evaluation process feasibility learning media done by granting the survey to Media Experts, Lecture experts, and respondents trial use. Based on the assessment field test by students for Industrial Electronics they can get 88.27% counted as very good. Android-Based Elin Game as Learning Media in Industrial Electronics is very reasonable and effective for teaching.     Keywords: Game, Android, Learning Media, Industrial Electronics, Multimedia Development Life Cycle (MDLC)

    Identifikasi Permasalahan Komplain Pada E-Commerce Menggunakan Metode Fishbone

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    Perkembangan teknologi informasi yang semakin pesat menuntut manusia dan Perusahaan untuk memanfaatkannya sesuai dengan tujuan dan kebutuhan. Mengikuti tren dunia, di Indonesia belanja online juga semakin digemari, terbukti dari angka peningkatan jumlah pembeli online setiap tahunnya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengidentifikasi masalah yang menyebabkan komplain. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dengan teknik pengambilan data melalui wawancara dengan exspert dari dua jenis e-commerce yaitu marketplace dan online retail. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis fishbone. Hasil penelitian ini menghasilkan 16 masalah yang menyebabkan komplain pada e-commerce. Implikasi penelitian ini digunakan untuk Perusahaan meningkatkan layanannya dan strategi untuk menangani komplain pelanggan


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    Jasa transportasi online ride sharing mulai dikenalkan di Indonesia sejak tahun 2010 dan menjadi populer di masyarakat pada tahun 2014. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengidentifikasi karakteristik demografis pada konsumen jasa transportasi online ride sharing. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan survei, deskriptif, konklusif, dan multi cross-sectional. Data dalam penelitian ini didapatkan menggunakan metode survei kuesioner kepada 102 responden pengguna dan 56 responden mitra jasa transportasi online ride sharing di Jabodetabek. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah karakteristik demografi dan opinion leader pada kategori difusi inovasi pada responden konsumen dan responden mitra

    Performance analysis of pharmaceutical installation as basic of feasibility: a self-based business unit into general services agency

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    This study aims to determine the performance of the Pharmaceutical Installation as a basis for becoming an independent business unit in order to go to the Public Service Agency (BLU) at the Public Hospital in Denpasar, Bali. Performance measurement is a process of evaluating work progress against pre-determined goals and objectives and the results of activities are compared with the intended intentions; and the effectiveness of actions in achieving goals. In this study using a strategic mechanism in the form of a Balanced Score Card (BSC). Data collection techniques such as documentation, questionnaires, and observations. The data analysis technique used is the financial ratios for the financial perspective, the level of satisfaction for the customer perspective, the level of satisfaction for the perspective of growth and learning, while for the perspective of internal business processes using minimum service standards. The results of the 4 perspectives from the Balanced Scorecard show that the performance of the Pharmacy Installation at the Public Hospital in Denpasar is good and deserves to be an independent business unit
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