1,418 research outputs found

    Transition from Baryon- to Meson-Dominated Freeze Out -- Early Decoupling around 30 A GeV?

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    The recently discovered sharp peak in the excitation function of the K+/pi+ ratio around 30 A GeV in relativistic heavy-ion collisions is discussed in the framework of the Statistical Model. In this model, the freeze-out of an ideal hadron gas changes from a situation where baryons dominate to one with mainly mesons. This transition occurs at a temperature T = 140 MeV and baryon chemical potential mu(B) = 410 MeV corresponding to an energy of sqrt(s) = 8.2 GeV. The calculated maximum in the K+/pi+ ratio is, however, much less pronounced than the one observed by the NA49 Collaboration. The smooth increase of the K-/pi- ratio with incident energy and the shape of the excitation functions of the Lambda/pi+, Xi-/pi+ and Omega/pi ratios all exhibiting maxima at different incident energies, is consistent with the presently available experimental data. The measured K+/pi+ ratio exceeds the calculated one just at the incident energy when the freeze-out condition is changing. We speculate that at this point freeze-out might occur in a modified way. We discuss a scenario of an early freeze-out which indeed increases K+/pi+ ratio while most other particle ratios remain essentially unchanged. Such an early freeze-out is supported by results from HBT studies.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, SQM2006 conference, Los Angeles, March 200

    Windsurfing : an extreme form of material and embodied interaction?

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    This paper makes reference to the development of water based board sports in the world of adventure or action games. With a specific focus on windsurfing, we use Parlebas (1999) and Warnier's (2001) theoretical interests in the praxaeology of physical learning as well as Mauss' (1935) work on techniques of the body. We also consider the implications of Csikzentimihalyi's notion of flow (1975). We argue that windsurfing equipment should not merely be seen as protection but rather as status objects through which extreme lifestyles are embodied and embodying

    Questioning policy, youth participation and lifestyle sports

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    Young people have been identified as a key target group for whom participation in sport and physical activity could have important benefits to health and wellbeing and consequently have been the focus of several government policies to increase participation in the UK. Lifestyle sports represent one such strategy for encouraging and sustaining new engagements in sport and physical activity in youth groups, however, there is at present a lack of understanding of the use of these activities within policy contexts. This paper presents findings from a government initiative which sought to increase participation in sport for young people through provision of facilities for mountain biking in a forest in south-east England. Findings from qualitative research with 40 young people who participated in mountain biking at the case study location highlight the importance of non-traditional sports as a means to experience the natural environments through forms of consumption which are healthy, active and appeal to their identities. In addition, however, the paper raises questions over the accessibility of schemes for some individuals and social groups, and the ability to incorporate sports which are inherently participant-led into state-managed schemes. Lifestyle sports such as mountain biking involve distinct forms of participation which present a challenge for policy-makers who seek to create and maintain sustainable communities of youth participants

    Monitoring the Low-Energy Gamma-Ray Sky Using Earth Occultation with GLAST GBM

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    Long term all-sky monitoring of the 20 keV – 2 MeV gamma-ray sky using the Earth occultation technique was demonstrated by the BATSE instrument on the Compton Gamma Ray Observatory. The principles and techniques used for the development of an end-to-end earth occultation data analysis system for BATSE can be extended to the GLAST Burst Monitor (GBM), resulting in multiband light curves and time-resolved spectra in the energy range 8 keV to above 1 MeV for known gamma-ray sources and transient outbursts, as well as the discovery of new sources of gamma-ray emission. In this paper we describe the application of the technique to the GBM. We also present the expected sensitivity for the GBM

    Statistical Ensembles With Finite Bath: A Description for an Event Generator

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    A Monte Carlo event generator has been developed assuming thermal production of hadrons. The system under consideration is sampled grand canonically in the Boltzmann approximation. A re-weighting scheme is then introduced to account for conservation of charges (baryon number, strangeness, electric charge) and energy and momentum, effectively allowing for extrapolation of grand canonical results to the microcanonical limit. This method has two strong advantages compared to analytical approaches and standard microcanonical Monte Carlo techniques, in that it is capable of handling resonance decays as well as (very) large system sizes.Comment: 49 pages, 23 figure

    Gamma-Ray Spectra & Variability of the Crab Nebula Emission Observed by BATSE

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    We report ~ 600 days of BATSE earth-occultation observations of the total gamma-ray (30 keV to 1.7 MeV) emission from the Crab nebula, between 1991 May 24 (TJD 8400) and 1994 October 2 (TJD 9627). Lightcurves from 35-100, 100-200, 200-300, 300-400, 400-700, and 700-1000 keV, show that positive fluxes were detected by BATSE in each of these six energy bands at significances of approximately 31, 20, 9.2, 4.5, 2.6, and 1.3 sigma respectively per day. We also observed significant flux and spectral variations in the 35-300 keV energy region, with time scales of days to weeks. The spectra below 300 keV, averaged over typical CGRO viewing periods of 6-13 days, can be well described by a broken power law with average indices of ~ 2.1 and ~ 2.4 varying around a spectral break at ~ 100 keV. Above 300 keV, the long-term averaged spectra, averaged over three 400 d periods (TJD 8400-8800, 8800-9200, and 9200-9628, respectively) are well represented by the same power law with index of ~ 2.34 up to ~ 670 keV, plus a hard spectral component extending from ~ 670 keV to ~ 1.7 MeV, with a spectral index of ~ 1.75. The latter component could be related to a complex structure observed by COMPTEL in the 0.7-3 MeV range. Above 3 MeV, the extrapolation of the power-law continuum determined by the low-energy BATSE spectrum is consistent with fluxes measured by COMPTEL in the 3-25 MeV range, and by EGRET from 30-50 MeV. We interpret these results as synchrotron emission produced by the interaction of particles ejected from the pulsar with the field in different dynamical regions of the nebula system, as observed recently by HST, XMM-Newton, and Chandra.Comment: To be published in the November 20, 2003, Vol 598 issue of the Astrophysical Journa

    BATSE Soft Gamma-Ray Observations of GROJ0422+32

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    We report results of a comprehensive study of the soft gamma-ray (30 keV to 1.7 MeV) emission of GROJ0422+32 during its first known outburst in 1992. These results were derived from the BATSE earth-occultation database with the JPL data analysis package, EBOP (Enhanced BATSE Occultation Package). Results presented here focus primarily on the long-term temporal and spectral variability of the source emission associated with the outburst. The light curves with 1-day resolution in six broad energy-bands show the high-energy flux (>200 keV) led the low-energy flux (<200 keV) by ~5 days in reaching the primary peak, but lagged the latter by ~7 days in starting the declining phase. We confirm the "secondary maximum" of the low-energy (<200 keV) flux at TJD 8970-8981, ~120 days after the first maximum. Our data show that the "secondary maximum" was also prominent in the 200-300 keV band, but became less pronounced at higher energies. During this 200-day period, the spectrum evolved from a power-law with photon index of 1.75 on TJD 8839, to a shape that can be described by a Comptonized model or an exponential power law below 300 keV, with a variable power-law tail above 300 keV. The spectrum remained roughly in this two-component shape until ~9 November (TJD 8935) and then returned to the initial power-law shape with an index of ~2 until the end of the period. The correlation of the two spectral shapes with the high and low luminosities of the soft gamma-ray emission is strongly reminiscent of that seen in Cygnus X-1. We interpret these results in terms of the Advection Dominated Accretion Flow (ADAF) model with possibly a "jet-like" region that persistently produced the non-thermal power-law gamma rays observed throughout the event.Comment: 40 pages total, including 10 figures and 2 table

    Monitoring the Low-Energy Gamma-Ray Sky Using Earth Occultation with GLAST GBM

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    Long term all-sky monitoring of the 20 keV - 2 MeV gamma-ray sky using the Earth occultation technique was demonstrated by the BATSE instrument on the Compton Gamma Ray Observatory. The principles and techniques used for the development of an end-to-end earth occultation data analysis system for BATSE can be extended to the GLAST Gamma-ray Burst Monitor (GBM), resulting in multiband light curves and time-resolved spectra in the energy range 8 keV to above 1 MeV for known gamma-ray sources and transient outbursts, as well as the discovery of new sources of gamma-ray emission. In this paper we describe the application of the technique to the GBM. We also present the expected sensitivity for the GBM