167 research outputs found

    Lagring av skogsflis med och utan tÀckning

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    In the supply chain for wood chips, storage is a neccesary part due to seasonal demand. During storage there are several mechanisms occuring, cell respiration, biological degradation and thermo-chemical oxidative reaction. All of the mentioned mechanisms lead to increased temperature, loss of dry matter and energy. They all thrive under certain conditions where moisture, temperature and oxygen is important factors. SLU(The Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences) made studies on several piles of wood chips to explore the effect of covering the piles with a water-resistant and vapourpermeable fabric (Anerud, et al., 2018). Rewetting can lead to dry matter losses and energy losses, with this method rewetting can be prevented. This would mean a lower cost when storing wood chips. This study analyses data from two piles, in Vagersta and Nykvarn, both of the piles were partly covered by this water resistant and semi-permeable fabric. Regression analysis is used to explore the correlation between precipitation and temperature in the piles. Results from collected samples is analysed to compare fuel quality between the covered and uncovered parts and also between periods with higher and lower temperatures. All of this is analysed in upper and lower points of the pile to conclude differences. Results showed that i Nykvarn where the pile was dry and fresh the uncovered upper part experienced huge temperature spikes after the first rain fall. A daily mean of 145 ÂșC at most and in that part of the pile the dry matter losses was 5,3% after about three weeks of storage. The sample from the lower part showed 2% dry matter losses after three weeks and in the covered part the losses were 1%. After this initial period, rewetting started to affect the lower part of the pile more and higher temperatures were seen there. In Vagersta the initial moisture content was higher and the material was less fresh. This meant that precipitation did not trigger biological processes to any bigger extent. The first months both temperatures and dry matter losses were similar between upper, lower and covered points. No connection between precipitation and temperature was seen. The effect of rewetting started to show after that point, temperatures and dry matter losses were higher in the uncovered part. Conclusions made was that using a semi-permeable fabric can help retain more fuel and therefore lower the cost when storing wood chips. If the pile is dry and fresh, covering can be crucial even for short term storage. The highest temperatures were measured after precipitation on a dry and fresh pile

    Swedes on the Titanic: Some Glimpses

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    BrÀnnÀssla (Urtica dioica L.): Bioaktiva komponenter och funktionella egenskaper

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    Urtica dioica L. (UD) eller brĂ€nnĂ€ssla har anvĂ€nts i tusentals Ă„r som traditionell medicin och i kosten. Litteraturstudien syftar till att undersöka vilka bioaktiva komponenter som finns i nĂ€ssla och dess funktionella egenskaper med fokus pĂ„ hĂ€lsa. BrĂ€nnĂ€sslan Ă€r kĂ€nd som ett ihĂ€rdigt ogrĂ€s som orsakar smĂ€rtsam klĂ„da. Genom blötlĂ€ggning eller tillagning försvinner de stickande faktorerna och den kan anvĂ€ndas och konsumeras utan risk för skador. BrĂ€nnĂ€sslan innehĂ„ller en mĂ€ngd bioaktiva föreningar. Dessa inkluderar bland annat terpenoider, karotenoider, fettsyror, tanniner och flavonoider. MĂ€ngden bioaktiva komponenter och den fenoliska sammansĂ€ttningen i nĂ€ssla pĂ„verkas av ett flertal faktorer som inkluderar hur vĂ€xterna behandlas, vilken del av vĂ€xten som analyseras, deras geografiska och ekologiska status, klimatet de vĂ€xer i, sĂ€songsmĂ€ssiga förhĂ„llanden, Ă„ldern pĂ„ vĂ€xterna, miljöstressfaktorer samt skillnader mellan olika arter. Bladen innehĂ„ller generellt sett mer polyfenoler Ă€n andra delar av vĂ€xten. UD har pĂ„visats ha antioxidantegenskaper, antiinflammatoriska egenskaper, kan hjĂ€lpa till att sĂ€nka blodtrycket, minska höga nivĂ„er av fett och kolesterol, samt har fördelar för personer med diabetes. Dessa hĂ€lsofördelar tillskrivs de bioaktiva komponenterna. Antioxidantpotentialen hos UD Ă€r stor men fler studier krĂ€vs för att bedöma potentialen hos mĂ€nniskor och för att faststĂ€lla exakt vilka komponenter som ligger bakom dess antioxidantegenskaper. Även mekanismerna bakom dess funktionella egenskaper behöver undersökas vidare för att kunna utnyttja vĂ€xten till fullo. BrĂ€nnĂ€sslans potential för att behandla och förebygga sjukdomar som allergi, diabetes och cancer gör den till en intressant vĂ€xt för fortsatt forskning och utveckling av lĂ€kemedel och kosttillskott. Det Ă€r vĂ€rt att övervĂ€ga att inkludera brĂ€nnĂ€sslor regelbundet i kosten för att frĂ€mja hĂ€lsa och förebygga sjukdomar.Urtica dioica L., or stinging nettle, has been used for thousands of years as traditional medicine and in dietary practices. This literature review aims to explore the bioactive components present in nettle and its functional properties with a focus on health. Stinging nettle is known as a persistent weed that causes painful itching. However, it can be safely used and consumed through soaking or cooking. Nettle contains a variety of bioactive compounds, including terpenoids, carotenoids, fatty acids, tannins, and flavonoids. The amount of bioactive components and the phenolic composition in nettle are influenced by several factors, such as plant processing, the specific plant part analyzed, geographical and ecological status, growing climate, seasonal conditions, plant age, environmental stressors, and variations among different species. Generally, the leaves have higher levels of polyphenols compared to other parts of the plant. Stinging nettle has been shown to possess antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, lower blood pressure, reduce high levels of fat and cholesterol, and provide benefits for individuals with diabetes. These health benefits are attributed to its bioactive components. Although nettle exhibits significant antioxidant potential, further studies are needed to assess its potential in humans and determine the specific components responsible for its antioxidant properties. Moreover, the mechanisms underlying its functional properties require further investigation to fully harness the plant's potential. Due to nettle's potential in treating and preventing diseases such as allergies, diabetes, and cancer, it remains an interesting plant for continued research and the development of pharmaceuticals and dietary supplements. It is worth considering regularly including stinging nettles in your diet to promote health and prevent diseases

    Cysteinyl leukotriene signaling aggravates myocardial hypoxia in experimental atherosclerotic heart disease

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    Cysteinyl-leukotrienes (cys-LT) are powerful spasmogenic and immune modulating lipid mediators involved in inflammatory diseases, in particular asthma. Here, we investigated whether cys-LT signaling, in the context of atherosclerotic heart disease, compromises the myocardial microcirculation and its response to hypoxic stress. To this end, we examined Apoe(-/-) mice fed a hypercholesterolemic diet and analysed the expression of key enzymes of the cys-LT pathway and their receptors (CysLT1/CysLT2) in normal and hypoxic myocardium as well as the potential contribution of cys-LT signaling to the acute myocardial response to hypoxia. METHODS AND PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Myocardial biopsies from Apoe(-/-) mice demonstrated signs of chronic inflammation with fibrosis, increased apoptosis and expression of IL-6, as compared to biopsies from C57BL/6J control mice. In addition, we found increased leukotriene C(4) synthase (LTC(4)S) and CysLT1 expression in the myocardium of Apoe(-/-) mice. Acute bouts of hypoxia further induced LTC(4)S expression, increased LTC(4)S enzyme activity and CysLT1 expression, and were associated with increased extension of hypoxic areas within the myocardium. Inhibition of cys-LT signaling by treatment with montelukast, a selective CysLT1 receptor antagonist, during acute bouts of hypoxic stress reduced myocardial hypoxic areas in Apoe(-/-) mice to levels equal to those observed under normoxic conditions. In human heart biopsies from 14 patients with chronic coronary artery disease mRNA expression levels of LTC(4)S and CysLT1 were increased in chronic ischemic compared to non-ischemic myocardium, constituting a molecular basis for increased cys-LT signaling. CONCLUSION: Our results suggest that CysLT1 antagonists may have protective effects on the hypoxic heart, and improve the oxygen supply to areas of myocardial ischemia, for instance during episodes of sleep apnea

    Toxic effects of phenothiazines on the eye

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    Publications about the retinotoxic action of phenothiazine derivatives led the author to undertake an ophthalmological investigation in two psychiatric hospitals in The Netherlands. The pharmacological actions of phenothiazine preparations are listed and a survey of the phenothiazine derivatives which are at present in use is given. Some retinotoxic substances are discussed and a survey is given of the literature on the ocular complications of phenothiazine therapy. The eyes of 561 patients were examined. of whom 541 are included in this study. 343 of these patients(63.4 %) were found to have retinopathy. The correlation between the retinopathy and the total dose of phenothiazine preparations taken. and between the retinopathy and the duration of treatment. was highly significant. The correlation between the retinopathy and the average daily dose taken was significant. The retinopathy was associated with a reduced standing potential of the eye. as determined by electro-oculography. It was possibly responsible for diminished visual acuity in some cases, and for an abnormally large proportion of protans in the group of patients with colour defects. It was not possible to ascribe a more severe retinotoxic action to one or more specific phenothiazine derivatives than to others. In the author's opinion regular examination of the eyes of patients who are being treated with phenothiazine preparations in high dosage and for for a long period of time is indicated

    En bildpedagogisk studie : lÀrare undervisar och elever gör bilder

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    The art education in Swedish primary and secondary schools is far from perfect and as a result pupils seldom reach the desired standard. National evaluations in 1989 and 1992 confirm this. Teachers admit that they lack specific subject knowledge and evaluation reveals that many aspects of older curricula still prevail. The way in which the present problems may have arisen is described through the history of art education in Swedish schools in this study. It is against this background that the study has been conducted with the intention of examining how the 1994 national curriculum influences two Swedish primary school teachers.The theoretical base and ground for the analysis are the paradigm of the Swedish school system and the national curriculum for art education with the four aspects: 1. Seeing and observing, 2. Picture production, 3. Picture interpretation, 4. Using pictures. Each aspect is explained according to relevant theory. The objectives of the artwork are finally described and analysed according to four aspects: 1. Mimetic, 2. Objective, 3. Expressive, 4. Pragmatic. The study was designed as an action research project in four phases: 1. Problem identification, 2. TeachersÂŽ diaries keeping and pupilsÂŽ portfolio collection, 3. Analyses of diaries and portfolios, and 4. Evaluation together with the teachers.The results are presented in three parts: Analyses of the diaries, the result of the pupilsÂŽ artwork, and finally a discussion of the evaluation together with the teachers.It can be clearly seen from the summaries of the teachersÂŽ diaries that they have strived to meet the goals and aims in the curriculum. They have been able to teach according to the Swedish curriculum in art education. This result is confirmed by the analyses of the pupils? artwork. The two teachers showed great interest in having their work documented and analysed. The study was useful not only for them, but also for their colleagues and pupils. The artwork is a physically observable result and has an attraction that highlights the communicative possibilities of pictures.The teachers maintain that a well-educated class teacher is best for teaching art in primary school, not a special art teacher

    Simulation of flow in a radial lip seal using different viscosity models

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    Radial lip seals for rotating shaft have been used for a long time to keep lubricant within bearings and air and dust particles outside. How they work is not completely understood. This study examines operation of a plain radial lip seal lubricated with grease and aims at developing a model that explains the lubrication and sealing behaviour of this type of seal. One existing hypothesis how the seals function is the Weissenberg effect hypothesis. The hypothesis state that the lubricant is exposed to extreme shear load, which will contribute to the pumping effect and the maintenance of the lubricated film. An investigation is therefore made to examine if the non Newtonian characteristics of the grease prevents leakage. Comparison between Newtonian and non Newtonian fluid calculated by using the finite element software program COMSOL Multiphysics has been performed. The results show that there are differences between Newtonian and non Newtonian flow. The non Newtonian characteristics contribute to a larger flow in the axial direction as compared to the corresponding Newtonian fluid. This may contribute to a pumping effect and transportation of heat near the minimum film thickness. At the edge of the contact, the non Newtonian fluid becomes more viscous than the Newtonian fluid. The magnitude of the velocity in the pumping direction for the non Newtonian fluid decreases, which may contribute to the maintenance of the lubricated film.Validerat; 20101217 (root

    Operation Charlie - On the run, part 2

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    Variationer av mindfulness i klinisk behandling

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    Mindfulness i klinisk behandling Àr ingen enhetlig företeelse. Ett flertal sÀtt att definiera, operationalisera och tillÀmpa mindfulness samexisterar i det kliniska rummet. Syftet med denna studie var att ÄskÄdliggöra terapeuters kvalitativt varierande sÀtt att beskriva, anvÀnda och uppleva mindfulness i klinisk behandling och att undersöka faktorer av betydelse för dessa variationer. Elva terapeuters arbete studerades genom semistrukturerade intervjuer varpÄ en teoristyrd tematisk analys av intervjumaterialet genomfördes. Resultatet gÄr i linje med den internationella forskningsdebatten och ÄskÄdliggör ett stort antal variationer av hur terapeuter beskriver, tillÀmpar och upplever sitt arbete med mindfulness. Beskrivningarna varierar pÄ en bred skala, frÄn teknik till andlighet, stresshantering till upplysning. Variationer som framkom i terapeutisk tillÀmpning kan delas in i tre delar; mindfulness för terapeuten, mindfulness i relation till klienten och mindfulness som intervention för klienten. Av skiftande betydelse för dessa var psykoterapeutisk inriktning, klientens problematik och egen erfarenhet av mindfulness, varav den mest inflytelserika var egen erfarenhet, i vilken utstrÀckning terapeuten sjÀlv utövat mindfulness och i vilken kontext
