2,004 research outputs found

    Courts-Martial Jurisdiction and Civilian Dependents: Constitutional Restrictions

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    Services are intangible in their nature. When product oriented companies seeks to expand their industrial offerings with services they encounter many problems, one of which is the challenge of selling these intangible services. The sales team needs to be able to show the value of the service in order to successfully reach out to the customers. Embracing “service logic” has proven successful for this type of company. Its perspective on value creation is very different from the perspective traditionally employed by product companies i.e. through “product logic”. One must turn to customer day-to-day activities and look at their value creating processes in order to understand what value can be created from a service. This is because customers will not be interested in complex, intangible aspects of an offering. They want to know how a supplier can improve their business. The purpose of this study is to develop a framework for value communication through value assessment (and segmentation) of a product related service in a B2B business relation. A qualitative single case study was employed involving the multinational Swedish garden and forestry company Husqvarna (i.e. the supplier) and their soon-to-be-released IT-based fleet management service called Husqvarna Fleet Services (i.e. the service). Seven customer interviews were held in France, one in Sweden. The value hierarchy is used as an approach to value creation and the laddering technique is consequently employed in order to assess the potential customer value deriving from use of the service. On an attribute level, the elements are approximated to the categories of information represented in the user interface. Primary ladders are comprised of 4 end‐states and 22 consequences that should be seen as potential benefits from use of the service. Screening them for low frequencies, 11 consequences and 2 end‐states (‘Productivity & Efficiency’ and ‘Cost Reduction/Control’) remain. Preliminary cost savings are given (as examples) in four cases although these lack significant information to be considered as important findings. Attempting value based segmentation, a basic non‐statistical segmentation gives rise to seven variables by which the identified benefits are thought to vary. Employing the idea of communicating through a resonating focus, the findings suggest that depending on customer characteristics the 11 identified benefits, each of which will have varying degrees of importance. Due to the fact that no realized value is found, these benefits are still regarded intangible. Finally, the complexity, novelty and intangibility of the offering point toward an increasing need for a communication strategy that serve the purpose of providing solutions to customers’ major issues. The results from our study suggest that the supplier rigorously attempts more pilot studies on a few selected targets in order to realize substantial value and develop business cases

    Taxation of Imputed Income

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    In 2004, a new legislation made it possible to form three-dimensional properties. A three-dimensional property consists of a closed volume and unlike a traditional property; a three-dimensional property is defined both vertically and horizontally. The fact that a three-dimensional property consists of a closed volume means that it can erode a traditional property. A three-dimensional property can therefore be located on top of a traditional property. This has been proven to be useful in cases where there is a commercial mall with residential units on the roof. Whether the residences were already built on top of the mall before the legislation came or if they were added through new construction or remodeling after the legislation, the ability to create three-dimensional properties has been proven to be useful when separating two types of activities from each other. The hard part is to implement this in practice in a way that satisfies the effective management of each activity. This thesis aims to investigate the interaction measures that need to be resolved in a building that houses a mall with residences on the roof. Furthermore, this thesis will show the potential advantages of residences on top of a mall and any difficulties that projects of this nature can lead to and how they in that case can be resolved. Three case studies have been selected, as they all are malls with residences on the roof. The malls we have chosen to examine are FĂ€ltöversten, Kista Galleria and Mall of Scandinavia, all located in the Stockholm County. As a basis, reviews of existing literature in the field have been carried out. Besides literature, practical knowledge have also been gathered from numerous interviews with property owners, the National Land Survey and consultants working with three-dimensional properties. In order to create a three-dimensional property there are some special requirements, which only apply to three-dimensional properties, that need to be fulfilled. The specific requirements are mentioned in Chapter 3, 1 a § Real Property Formation Act, and include that the action must be justified by the establishment’s construction and use, and also that it leads to a more effective management or securing financing or execution of the establishment. Especially facility management seems to be a strong reason why three-dimensional property formation is used. Commercial managers who do not want to manage residential housings see it as a way to create a more effective management for the property. Another of the special requirements of three-dimensional properties is that the property must be ensured the necessary rights for it to function in an effective manner. How to solve these rights is different but the result is decided in the cadastral procedure when three-dimensional properties are formed. In principle, one can say that there are four different ways to solve these rights and it is through demarcation, formation rights of easements, formation of joint facility and use of the neighbor rules. The general perception of the participants we interviewed seems to be that jointly owned facilities is a solution that is rather not used because it means that you have to cooperate with another party when making decisions, which can have negative consequences for the effective administration. Ideally, they see that as much as possible of the technical supply is separated and only supplies one of the properties. Ideally, when you have two properties on top of one another they should be two entirely separate properties except for sharing the supporting structure. A number of the participating respondents in the interviews have a positive view of projects of this type and are confident that we will be seeing more of it in the future as it becomes more difficult to get hold of good buildable land in Stockholm. They think the positive aspects that residences on top of a mall bring, outweigh any difficulties and problems that may arise from it. We are positive that more malls will have residences on the roof; as it seems like the right way to develop traditional mall areas and make them more accessible and attractive. What we can recommend for projects of this type is to carefully consider what kind of rights the property needs to be ensured in the cadastral procedure to prevent future problems.År 2004 kom en ny lag som gjorde det möjligt att bilda tredimensionella fastigheter. En sĂ„dan fastighet bestĂ„r av en sluten volym som, till skillnad frĂ„n en traditionell fastighet, Ă€r avgrĂ€nsad bĂ„de vertikalt och horisontellt. Det faktum att en tredimensionell fastighet utgörs av en sluten volym innebĂ€r att den urholkar en traditionell fastighet. Det innebĂ€r att en tredimensionell fastighet Ă€r lokaliserad inom en traditionell fastighet. Detta har bland annat kommit visa sig vara anvĂ€ndbart i de fall man har en byggnad bebyggd med en kommersiell galleria med bostĂ€der pĂ„ taket. Oavsett om bostĂ€derna fanns pĂ„ gallerian innan lagstiftningen kom eller om de tillkommit genom ny- eller tillbyggnad efterĂ„t har möjligheten till tredimensionell fastighetsbildning visat sig anvĂ€ndbar för att Ă„tskilja tvĂ„ verksamheter frĂ„n varandra. Det svĂ„ra blir att genomföra detta rent praktiskt pĂ„ ett sĂ€tt som tillfredsstĂ€ller en effektiv förvaltning för respektive verksamhet. Detta arbete har till syfte att utreda vilka samverkansĂ„tgĂ€rder som mĂ„ste lösas i en byggnad som huserar en galleria med bostĂ€der pĂ„ taket. Vidare har undersökts vilka potentiella fördelar som finns med bostĂ€der pĂ„ en galleria samt eventuella svĂ„righeter som projekt av den hĂ€r typen kan medföra och hur dessa i sĂ„ fall lösts. Tre fallstudier har valts som alla Ă€r gallerior med bostĂ€der pĂ„ taket. De gallerior vi valt att undersöka Ă€r FĂ€ltöversten, Kista galleria och Mall of Scandinavia, alla belĂ€gna i Stockholms lĂ€n. Som grund för arbetet har en genomgĂ„ng av befintlig litteratur inom omrĂ„det genomförts. Utöver litteratur har praktisk kunskap inhĂ€mtats frĂ„n ett flertal intervjuer med fastighetsĂ€gare, LantmĂ€teriet och konsulter verksamma inom tredimensionell fastighetsbildning. För att en tredimensionell fastighet ska fĂ„ bildas krĂ€vs det att fastigheten uppfyller ett antal speciella krav, utöver de krav som stĂ€lls pĂ„ en traditionell fastighet vid fastighetsbildning. De speciella kraven finns nĂ€mnda i 3 kap 1a § FBL och innefattar bland annat att Ă„tgĂ€rden dels ska vara motiverad med hĂ€nsyn till anlĂ€ggningens konstruktion och anvĂ€ndning, dels att den leder till en mer Ă€ndamĂ„lsenlig förvaltning eller tryggar finansieringen eller utförandet av anlĂ€ggningen. Just förvaltningen verkar vara en stark anledning till varför man vĂ€ljer att tredimensionellt fastighetsbilda en fastighet. En kommersiell förvaltare som inte Ă€r intresserad av att förvalta bostĂ€der ser det som ett sĂ€tt att skapa en mer Ă€ndamĂ„lsenlig förvaltning av fastigheten. Ett annat av de speciella villkoren för tredimensionella fastigheter Ă€r att fastigheten mĂ„ste tillförsĂ€kras de rĂ€ttigheter som Ă€r nödvĂ€ndiga för att den ska fungera pĂ„ ett Ă€ndamĂ„lsenligt sĂ€tt. Hur man löser dessa rĂ€ttigheter Ă€r olika men resultatet fastslĂ„s i förrĂ€ttningen nĂ€r den tredimensionella fastigheten bildas. I princip kan man sĂ€ga att det finns fyra olika sĂ€tt att lösa dessa rĂ€ttigheter pĂ„ och det Ă€r genom grĂ€nsdragning, bildande av servitut, inrĂ€ttande av gemensamhetsanlĂ€ggning och anvĂ€ndande av de grannerĂ€ttsliga reglerna. Den generella uppfattningen hos de aktörer vi intervjuat verkar vara att gemensamhetsanlĂ€ggningar Ă€r en lösning man helst inte anvĂ€nder sig av eftersom det innebĂ€r att man mĂ„ste samarbeta med en annan part vid beslutsfattande, nĂ„got som kan ha negativa konsekvenser för en effektiv förvaltning. Helst ser de att sĂ„ mycket som möjligt av den tekniska försörjningen Ă€r Ă„tskild och endast försörjer en av fastigheterna. Det optimala nĂ€r man har tvĂ„ fastigheter ovanpĂ„ varandra verkar dĂ€rför vara att det Ă€r tvĂ„ helt separata fastigheter sĂ„ nĂ€r som pĂ„ den bĂ€rande konstruktionen. Ett flertal av de intervjuade personerna har en positiv bild av projekt av den hĂ€r typen och Ă€r övertygade att vi kommer fĂ„ se mer av det i framtiden allt eftersom det blir svĂ„rare att fĂ„ tag pĂ„ bra byggbar mark i Stockholm. De tror att det positiva som bostĂ€der ovanpĂ„ en galleria medför vĂ€ger tyngre Ă€n eventuella svĂ„righeter och problem som kan uppstĂ„ i och med det. Vi ser positivt pĂ„ att fler gallerior fĂ„r bostĂ€der pĂ„ taket, det verkar som rĂ€tt sĂ€tt att utveckla traditionella galleriaomrĂ„den och göra dem mer tillgĂ€ngliga och attraktiva. Det vi kan rekommendera vid projekt av den hĂ€r typen Ă€r att noga tĂ€nka efter vad en verksamhet behöver tillförsĂ€kras för rĂ€ttigheter redan under förrĂ€ttningen för att förhindra framtida problem

    Nurse-friendly nutritional screening for patient benefit

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    Screening for undernutrition is highly important and may reduce morbidity and mortality. The Minimal Eating Observation and Nutrition Form – Version II (MEONF-II) is a nutritional screening tool specifically developed for use by nurses. Here, we describe the translation, performance and appropriateness of the MEONF-II for the UK. Following translation from Swedish to British English, the user-friendliness and appropriateness of the British MEONF-II was tested by 29 registered nurses and final year student nurses on 266 hospital inpatients. The new British MEONF-II was perceived as highly user-friendly and appropriate. They found the MEONF-II to compare favourably to other similar tools in terms of preference, usefulness and helpfulness in providing good nutritional care. Dependency in activities and poorer subjective health were associated with a higher undernutrition risk. These findings support the appropriateness of the British MEONF-II version and suggest it may act as a user-friendly facilitator towards good nutritional nursing care

    That One Cold Windy Night

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    Funny Thing

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    Many-body-based DFT treatment of fermions in optical lattices

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    With recent advances in the field of ultra cold atoms one can, by trapping atoms at low temperatures by laser beams, simulate systems which can be adequately described by single-band lattice Hamiltonians. Also, due to the high parameter tunability of the experimental setups, lattice disorder can be introduced in a con- trolled fashion in these systems. This thesis considers disordered/ordered interacting fermion lattice systems in equilibrium in one and two dimensions, subject to trap- ping parabolic potentials, where different levels of description, ranging from exact where possible (in 1D, Density Matrix Renormalization Group, DMRG), to approxi- mate (based on several local-density approximations within the framework of Lattice Density Functional Theory) are used. The exchange-correlation potentials consid- ered come from Many-Body Approximations obtained using Green’s functions, as well as from an exact local-density approximation (LDA) based on the Bethe-Ansatz (BALDA) in 1D. Both one- and two-dimensional systems were studied in equilib- rium, essentially looking at the ground state density profiles. Furthermore, in 2D, a pseudo-dynamics representing the trap-opening in the complete adiabatic limit was also studied. For one-dimensional systems, it is found that, in general, BALDA yields very good results compared to DMRG, except for the low density limit, but DMRG can describe features that none of the LDA:s considered can reproduce. It is also found that the strength of the external potential affects the impact that the exchange-correlation potential has on the system. Many of these features translate to the 2D case. However, a new aspect emerges in two dimensions, related to the competition of disorder and interaction. Here an important outcome is that, on opening the trap at an ideally adiabatic rate, different MBA:s (and thus different LDA:s) provide different minimal vs maximal expansion radii of the particle cloud, as a result of the interplay of disorder and interaction, and the underlying square lattice structure. For the 2D results, exact benchmarks were not available, and our findings may thus need further validation, by e.g. considering several disorder configurations or, ideally, by performing full Green’s function calculations. These considerations are summarised in our conclusions and outlook remarks, where possible directions for future investigation are highlighted

    Crisis, government performance and support for democracy

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    The entire thesis text is included in the research.pdf file; the official abstract appears in the short.pdf file; a non-technical public abstract appears in the public.pdf file.Title from PDF of title page (University of Missouri--Columbia, viewed on January 26, 2010)Thesis advisor: Dr. K.C. Morrison.M.A. University of Missouri--Columbia 2009.Studies of regime performance effects on support for democracy have neglected the possible impact of economic and political crisis. Using survey data from the second and third waves of the Afrobarometer survey, this study finds some evidence that rapid democratization decreases the impact of performance on support for democracy. I also find strong evidence that political performance has a stronger impact on pro-democratic sentiment than economic performance.Includes bibliographical references

    An unusually rich occurence of globule leucocytes in the bileducts of a roedeer (Capreolus capreolus)

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    In the epithelium of affected bileducts was found a considerable number of globule leukocytes. The identification of the globule leucocytes was confirmed by the use of staining methods according to Rahko and Nikander and by electron microscopy. The globules of each individual cell were numerous and of varying size, electrondensity and shape
