2,666 research outputs found

    Search for axion-like particles using a variable baseline photon regeneration technique

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    We report the first results of the GammeV experiment, a search for milli-eV mass particles with axion-like couplings to two photons. The search is performed using a "light shining through a wall" technique where incident photons oscillate into new weakly interacting particles that are able to pass through the wall and subsequently regenerate back into detectable photons. The oscillation baseline of the apparatus is variable, thus allowing probes of different values of particle mass. We find no excess of events above background and are able to constrain the two-photon couplings of possible new scalar (pseudoscalar) particles to be less than 3.1x10^{-7} GeV^{-1} (3.5x10^{-7} GeV^{-1}) in the limit of massless particles.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures. This is the version accepted by PRL and includes updated limit

    The magnetic dipole transitions in the (cbˉ)(c\bar{b}) binding system

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    The magnetic dipole transitions between the vector mesons BcB_c^* and their relevant pseudoscalar mesons BcB_c (BcB_c, BcB_c^*, Bc(2S)B_c(2S), Bc(2S)B_c^*(2S), Bc(3S)B_c(3S) and Bc(3S)B_c^*(3S) etc, the binding states of (cbˉ)(c\bar{b}) system) of the BcB_c family are interesting. To see the `hyperfine' splitting due to spin-spin interaction is an important topic for understanding the spin-spin interaction and the spectrum of the the (cbˉ)(c\bar{b}) binding system. The knowledge about the magnetic dipole transitions is also very useful for identifying the vector boson BcB_c^* mesons experimentally, whose masses are just slightly above the masses of their relevant pseudoscalar mesons BcB_c accordingly. Considering the possibility to observe the vector mesons via the transitions at Z0Z^0 factory and the potentially usages of the theoretical estimate on the transitions, we fucus our efforts on calculating the magnetic dipole transitions, i.e. precisely to calculate the rates for the transitions such as decays BcBcγB_c^*\to B_c\gamma and BcBce+eB_c^*\to B_c e^+e^-, and particularly work in the Behte-Salpeter framework. In the estimate, as a typical example, we carefully investigate the dependance of the rate Γ(BcBcγ)\Gamma(B_c^*\to B_c\gamma) on the mass difference ΔM=MBcMBc\Delta M=M_{B_c^*}-M_{B_c} as well.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures, 1 tabl

    A planar multipole ion trap

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    We report on the realisation of a chip-based multipole ion trap manufactured using micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS) technology. It provides ion confinement in an almost field-free volume between two planes of radiofrequency electrodes, deposited on glass substrates, which allows for optical access to the trap. An analytical model of the effective trapping potential is presented and compared with numerical calculations. Stable trapping of argon ions is achieved and a lifetime of 16s is measured. Electrostatic charging of the chip surfaces is studied and found to agree with a numerical estimate

    Assessing tension metrics with dark energy survey and Planck data

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    Lemos, P. et al.Quantifying tensions – inconsistencies amongst measurements of cosmological parameters by different experiments – has emerged as a crucial part of modern cosmological data analysis. Statistically significant tensions between two experiments or cosmological probes may indicate new physics extending beyond the standard cosmological model and need to be promptly identified. We apply several tension estimators proposed in the literature to the dark energy survey (DES) large-scale structure measurement and Planck cosmic microwave background data. We first evaluate the responsiveness of these metrics to an input tension artificially introduced between the two, using synthetic DES data. We then apply the metrics to the comparison of Planck and actual DES Year 1 data. We find that the parameter differences, Eigentension, and Suspiciousness metrics all yield similar results on both simulated and real data, while the Bayes ratio is inconsistent with the rest due to its dependence on the prior volume. Using these metrics, we calculate the tension between DES Year 1 3 × 2pt and Planck, finding the surveys to be in ∼2.3σ tension under the ΔCDM paradigm. This suite of metrics provides a toolset for robustly testing tensions in the DES Year 3 data and beyond.The DES data management system is supported by the National Science Foundation under grant numbers AST-1138766 and AST-1536171. The DES participants from Spanish institutions are partially supported by Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICINN) under grants ESP2017-89838, PGC2018-094773, PGC2018-102021, SEV-2016-0588, SEV-2016-0597, and MDM-2015-0509, some of which include ERDF funds from the European Union. IFAE is partially funded by the Centres de Recerca de Catalunya (CERCA) program of the Generalitat de Catalunya. Research leading to these results has received funding from the European Research Council under the European Union’s Seventh Framework Program (FP7/2007-2013) including ERC grant agreements 240672, 291329, and 306478. We acknowledge support from the Brazilian Instituto Nacional de Ciência e Tecnologia (INCT) do e-Universo (CNPq grant 465376/2014-2). This manuscript has been authored by Fermi Research Alliance, LLC under Contract No. DE-AC02-07CH11359 with the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Office of High Energy Physics

    Long-term exposure to environmental concentrations of the pharmaceutical ethynylestradiol causes reproductive failure in fish

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    International audienceHeightened concern over endocrine-disrupting chemicals is driven by the hypothesis that they could reduce reproductive success and affect wildlife populations, but there is little evidence for this expectation. The pharmaceutical ethynylestradiol (EE(2)) is a potent endocrine modulator and is present in the aquatic environment at biologically active concentrations. To investigate impacts on reproductive success and mechanisms of disruption, we exposed breeding populations (n = 12) of zebrafish (Danio rerio) over multiple generations to environmentally relevant concentrations of EE(2). Life-long exposure to 5 ng/L EE(2) in the F, generation caused a 56% reduction in fecundity and complete population failure with no fertilization. Conversely, the same level of exposure for up to 40 days in mature adults in the parental F(0) generation had no impact on reproductive success. Infertility in the F, generation after life-long exposure to 5 ng/L EE(2) was due to disturbed sexual differentiation, with males having no functional testes and either undifferentiated or intersex gonads. These F, males also showed a reduced vitellogenic response when compared with F(0) males, indicating an acclimation to EE(2) exposure. Deputation studies found only a partial recovery in reproductive capacity after 5 months. Significantly, even though the F(0) males lacked functional testes, they showed male-pattern reproductive behavior, inducing the spawning act and competing with healthy males to disrupt fertilization. Endocrine disruption is therefore likely to affect breeding dynamics and reproductive success in group-spawning fish. Our findings raise major concerns about the population-level impacts for wildlife of long-term exposure to low concentrations of estrogenic endocrine disruptors

    Supernova / Acceleration Probe: A Satellite Experiment to Study the Nature of the Dark Energy

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    The Supernova / Acceleration Probe (SNAP) is a proposed space-based experiment designed to study the dark energy and alternative explanations of the acceleration of the Universe's expansion by performing a series of complementary systematics-controlled measurements. We describe a self-consistent reference mission design for building a Type Ia supernova Hubble diagram and for performing a wide-area weak gravitational lensing study. A 2-m wide-field telescope feeds a focal plane consisting of a 0.7 square-degree imager tiled with equal areas of optical CCDs and near infrared sensors, and a high-efficiency low-resolution integral field spectrograph. The SNAP mission will obtain high-signal-to-noise calibrated light-curves and spectra for several thousand supernovae at redshifts between z=0.1 and 1.7. A wide-field survey covering one thousand square degrees resolves ~100 galaxies per square arcminute. If we assume we live in a cosmological-constant-dominated Universe, the matter density, dark energy density, and flatness of space can all be measured with SNAP supernova and weak-lensing measurements to a systematics-limited accuracy of 1%. For a flat universe, the density-to-pressure ratio of dark energy can be similarly measured to 5% for the present value w0 and ~0.1 for the time variation w'. The large survey area, depth, spatial resolution, time-sampling, and nine-band optical to NIR photometry will support additional independent and/or complementary dark-energy measurement approaches as well as a broad range of auxiliary science programs. (Abridged)Comment: 40 pages, 18 figures, submitted to PASP, http://snap.lbl.go

    A search for chameleon particles using a photon regeneration technique

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    We report the first results from the GammeV search for chameleon particles, which may be created via photon-photon interactions within a strong magnetic field. Chameleons are hypothesized scalar fields that could explain the dark energy problem. We implement a novel technique to create and trap the reflective particles within a jar and to detect them later via their afterglow as they slowly convert back into photons. These measurements provide the first experimental constraints on the couplings of chameleons to photons.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, accepted to PRL, minor revisions to introduction and a more quantitative estimate of reflection conditio

    A fast Monte Carlo algorithm for site or bond percolation

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    We describe in detail a new and highly efficient algorithm for studying site or bond percolation on any lattice. The algorithm can measure an observable quantity in a percolation system for all values of the site or bond occupation probability from zero to one in an amount of time which scales linearly with the size of the system. We demonstrate our algorithm by using it to investigate a number of issues in percolation theory, including the position of the percolation transition for site percolation on the square lattice, the stretched exponential behavior of spanning probabilities away from the critical point, and the size of the giant component for site percolation on random graphs.Comment: 17 pages, 13 figures. Corrections and some additional material in this version. Accompanying material can be found on the web at http://www.santafe.edu/~mark/percolation

    Skin and liver diseases induced in flounder (Platichthys flesus) after long-term exposure to contaminated sediments in large-scale mesocosms.

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    Disease development in flounder (Platichthys flesus) was studied over a period of 3 years in three large mesocosms (40 m x 40 m x 3 m). Two of the mesocosms contained clean sand and the third, sharing a common water circulation with one of the clean-sand mesocosms, was stocked with contaminated dredged spoil. In this way, one of the clean-sand mesocosms was indirectly polluted via the water phase, and analysis of contaminant concentrations in sediments and flounder tissues showed that it had a status intermediate between the other two. Random samples of the flounder populations from the indirectly polluted and reference mesocosms were examined every 2 months for epidermal diseases (lymphocystis, skin ulcers, fin rot) and then released. In addition, every 6 months, random samples of fish from all three mesocosms were sacrificed for histological and chemical investigation. With regard to the development of epidermal disease, the results showed little difference between the reference mesocosm and the indirectly polluted mesocosm, with the exception that lymphocystis was significantly elevated in the indirectly polluted mesocosm. Although pollution may be a risk factor in the etiology of this disease, such a relationship would probably be obscured under field conditions due to variation arising from other factors. Histopathological analysis of the livers revealed in total four cases of hepatocellular adenoma (1.5% of sampled population) in fish from the polluted mesocosms, the first occurring after 2.5 years of exposure in fish from the indirectly polluted mesocosm. Furthermore, several other liver lesions, including foci of cellular alteration and hydropic vacuolated lesions, developed during the course of the experiment before tumor formation was apparent. Prevalences of these conditions were very much lower in the reference mesocosm than in the two polluted mesocosms. Densities of melanomacrophage centers in the liver showed a similar trend. The findings clearly indicate that long-term exposure to chemically contaminated dredged spoil can induce liver neoplasia and other liver lesions in flounder at contaminant levels comparable to those found in the natural environment