498 research outputs found

    Plasmodium yoelii infection of BALB/c mice results in expansion rather than induction of CD4+ Foxp3+ regulatory T cells

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    Recently, we demonstrated elevated numbers of CD4(+) Foxp3(+) regulatory T (Treg) cells in Plasmodium yoelii‐infected mice contributing to the regulation of anti‐malarial immune response. However, it remains unclear whether this increase in Treg cells is due to thymus‐derived Treg cell expansion or induction of Treg cells in the periphery. Here, we show that the frequency of Foxp3(+) Treg cells expressing neuropilin‐1 (Nrp‐1) decreased at early time‐points during P. yoelii infection, whereas percentages of Helios(+) Foxp3(+) Treg cells remained unchanged. Both Foxp3(+) Nrp‐1(+) and Foxp3(+) Nrp‐1(−) Treg cells from P. yoelii‐infected mice exhibited a similar T‐cell receptor VÎČ chain usage and methylation pattern in the Treg‐specific demethylation region within the foxp3 locus. Strikingly, we did not observe induction of Foxp3 expression in Foxp3(−) T cells adoptively transferred to P. yoelii‐infected mice. Hence, our results suggest that P. yoelii infection triggered expansion of naturally occurring Treg cells rather than de novo induction of Foxp3(+) Treg cells

    Signatures of human regulatory T cells: an encounter with old friends and new players

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    BACKGROUND: Naturally occurring CD4(+)CD25(+ )regulatory T cells (T(Reg)) are involved in the control of autoimmune diseases, transplantation tolerance, and anti-tumor immunity. Thus far, genomic studies on T(Reg )cells were restricted to murine systems, and requirements for their development, maintenance, and mode of action in humans are poorly defined. RESULTS: To improve characterization of human T(Reg )cells, we compiled a unique microarray consisting of 350 T(Reg )cell associated genes (Human T(Reg )Chip) based on whole genome transcription data from human and mouse T(Reg )cells. T(Reg )cell specific gene signatures were created from 11 individual healthy donors. Statistical analysis identified 62 genes differentially expressed in T(Reg )cells, emphasizing some cross-species differences between mice and humans. Among them, several 'old friends' (including FOXP3, CTLA4, and CCR7) that are known to be involved in T(Reg )cell function were recovered. Strikingly, the vast majority of genes identified had not previously been associated with human T(Reg )cells (including LGALS3, TIAF1, and TRAF1). Most of these 'new players' however, have been described in the pathogenesis of autoimmunity. Real-time RT-PCR of selected genes validated our microarray results. Pathway analysis was applied to extract signaling modules underlying human T(Reg )cell function. CONCLUSION: The comprehensive set of genes reported here provides a defined starting point to unravel the unique characteristics of human T(Reg )cells. The Human T(Reg )Chip constructed and validated here is available to the scientific community and is a useful tool with which to study the molecular mechanisms that orchestrate T(Reg )cells under physiologic and diseased conditions

    Virus-Induced Type I Interferon Deteriorates Control of Systemic Pseudomonas Aeruginosa Infection

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    BACKGROUND: Type I interferon (IFN-I) predisposes to bacterial superinfections, an important problem during viral infection or treatment with interferon-alpha (IFN-alpha). IFN-I-induced neutropenia is one reason for the impaired bacterial control; however there is evidence that more frequent bacterial infections during IFN-alpha-treatment occur independently of neutropenia. METHODS: We analyzed in a mouse model, whether Pseudomonas aeruginosa control is influenced by co-infection with the lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV). Bacterial titers, numbers of neutrophils and the gene-expression of liver-lysozyme-2 were determined during a 24 hours systemic infection with P. aeruginosa in wild-type and Ifnar(-/-) mice under the influence of LCMV or poly(I:C). RESULTS: Virus-induced IFN-I impaired the control of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. This was associated with neutropenia and loss of lysozyme-2-expression in the liver, which had captured P. aeruginosa. A lower release of IFN-I by poly(I:C)-injection also impaired the bacterial control in the liver and reduced the expression of liver-lysozyme-2. Low concentration of IFN-I after infection with a virulent strain of P. aeruginosa alone impaired the bacterial control and reduced lysozyme-2-expression in the liver as well. CONCLUSION: We found that during systemic infection with P. aeruginosa Kupffer cells quickly controlled the bacteria in cooperation with neutrophils. Upon LCMV-infection this cooperation was disturbed

    Spatially resolved fluorescence of caesium lead halide perovskite supercrystals reveals quasi-atomic behavior of nanocrystals

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    We correlate spatially resolved fluorescence (-lifetime) measurements with X-ray nanodiffraction to reveal surface defects in supercrystals of self-assembled cesium lead halide perovskite nanocrystals and study their effect on the fluorescence properties. Upon comparison with density functional modeling, we show that a loss in structural coherence, an increasing atomic misalignment between adjacent nanocrystals, and growing compressive strain near the surface of the supercrystal are responsible for the observed fluorescence blueshift and decreased fluorescence lifetimes. Such surface defect-related optical properties extend the frequently assumed analogy between atoms and nanocrystals as so-called quasi-atoms. Our results emphasize the importance of minimizing strain during the self-assembly of perovskite nanocrystals into supercrystals for lighting application such as superfluorescent emitters

    Anticoagulant therapy for splanchnic vein thrombosis: an individual patient data meta-analysis

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    Robust evidence on the optimal management of splanchnic vein thrombosis (SVT) is lacking. We conducted an individual-patient meta-analysis to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of anticoagulation for SVT. Medline, Embase, and clincaltrials.gov were searched up to June 2021 for prospective cohorts or randomized clinical trials including patients with SVT. Data from individual datasets were merged, and any discrepancy with published data was resolved by contacting study authors. Three studies of a total of 1635 patients were included. Eighty-five percent of patients received anticoagulation for a median duration of 316 days (range, 1-730 days). Overall, incidence rates for recurrent venous thromboembolism (VTE), major bleeding, and mortality were 5.3 per 100 patient-years (p-y; 95% confidence interval [CI], 5.1-5.5), 4.4 per 100 p-y (95% CI, 4.2-4.6), and 13.0 per 100 p-y (95% CI, 12.4-13.6), respectively. The incidence rates of all outcomes were lower during anticoagulation and higher after treatment discontinuation or when anticoagulation was not administered. In multivariable analysis, anticoagulant treatment appeared to be associated with a lower risk of recurrent VTE (hazard ratio [HR], 0.42; 95% CI, 0.27-0.64), major bleeding (HR, 0.47; 95% CI, 0.30-0.74), and mortality (HR, 0.23; 95% CI, 0.17-0.31). Results were consistent in patients with cirrhosis, solid cancers, myeloproliferative neoplasms, unprovoked SVT, and SVT associated with transient or persistent nonmalignant risk factors. In patients with SVT, the risk of recurrent VTE and major bleeding is substantial. Anticoagulant treatment is associated with reduced risk of both outcomes. © 2022 by The American Society of Hematology

    Modulating gut microbiota in a mouse model of Graves' orbitopathy and its impact on induced disease

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    BACKGROUND: Graves' disease (GD) is an autoimmune condition in which autoantibodies to the thyrotropin receptor (TSHR) cause hyperthyroidism. About 50% of GD patients also have Graves' orbitopathy (GO), an intractable disease in which expansion of the orbital contents causes diplopia, proptosis and even blindness. Murine models of GD/GO, developed in different centres, demonstrated significant variation in gut microbiota composition which correlated with TSHR-induced disease heterogeneity. To investigate whether correlation indicates causation, we modified the gut microbiota to determine whether it has a role in thyroid autoimmunity. Female BALB/c mice were treated with either vancomycin, probiotic bacteria, human fecal material transfer (hFMT) from patients with severe GO or ddH2O from birth to immunization with TSHR-A subunit or beta-galactosidase (ÎČgal; age ~ 6 weeks). Incidence and severity of GD (TSHR autoantibodies, thyroid histology, thyroxine level) and GO (orbital fat and muscle histology), lymphocyte phenotype, cytokine profile and gut microbiota were analysed at sacrifice (~ 22 weeks). RESULTS: In ddH2O-TSHR mice, 84% had pathological autoantibodies, 67% elevated thyroxine, 77% hyperplastic thyroids and 70% orbital pathology. Firmicutes were increased, and Bacteroidetes reduced relative to ddH2O-ÎČgal; CCL5 was increased. The random forest algorithm at the genus level predicted vancomycin treatment with 100% accuracy but 74% and 70% for hFMT and probiotic, respectively. Vancomycin significantly reduced gut microbiota richness and diversity compared with all other groups; the incidence and severity of both GD and GO also decreased; reduced orbital pathology correlated positively with Akkermansia spp. whilst IL-4 levels increased. Mice receiving hFMT initially inherited their GO donors' microbiota, and the severity of induced GD increased, as did the orbital brown adipose tissue volume in TSHR mice. Furthermore, genus Bacteroides, which is reduced in GD patients, was significantly increased by vancomycin but reduced in hFMT-treated mice. Probiotic treatment significantly increased CD25+ Treg cells in orbital draining lymph nodes but exacerbated induced autoimmune hyperthyroidism and GO. CONCLUSIONS: These results strongly support a role for the gut microbiota in TSHR-induced disease. Whilst changes to the gut microbiota have a profound effect on quantifiable GD endocrine and immune factors, the impact on GO cellular changes is more nuanced. The findings have translational potential for novel, improved treatments. Video abstract

    Scientific Opinion on the safety and efficacy of Urea for ruminants

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    Urea supplementation to feed for ruminants provides non-protein nitrogen for microbial protein synthesis in the rumen and thus in part replaces other dietary protein sources. Urea supplementation of feed for ruminants at doses up to 1 % of complete feed DM (corresponding to 0.3 g/kg bw/day) is considered safe when given to animals with a well adapted ruminal microbiota and fed diets rich in easily digestible carbohydrates. Based on the metabolic fate of urea in ruminants, the use of urea in ruminant nutrition does not raise any concern for consumers\u2019 safety. Urea is considered to be non irritant to skin and eyes and its topical use suggests that it is not a dermal sensitiser. The risk of exposure by inhalation would be low. The substitution of protein by urea in well balanced feed for ruminants would not result in an increased environmental nitrogen load. Urea is an effective source of non-protein nitrogen substituting for dietary protein in ruminants

    Safety and efficacy of an essential oil of Origanum vulgare ssp. hirtum (Link) leetsw. for all poultry species

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    Following a request from the European Commission, the EFSA Panel on Additives and Products or Substances used in Animal Feed (FEEDAP) was asked to deliver a scientific opinion on the safety and efficacy of an essential oil of Origanum vulgare ssp. hirtum (Link) leetsw. for all poultry species. The essential oil under assessment obtained is specified to contain carvacrol and thymol (7%). The remaining 30% of the composition remains uncharacterised. In the absence of these data, the FEEDAP Panel was unable to make a risk assessment of the additive for the target species, the consumer and the user. Use in animal production of the essential oil extracted from O. vulgare ssp. hirtum (Link) leetsw. is not expected to pose a risk for the environment. Since oregano and its extracts are universally recognised to flavour food and their function in feed would be essentially the same as that in food, no further demonstration of efficacy is considered necessary
