169 research outputs found

    ‘Goede biobased producten staan op geen enkele manier in concurrentie met de voedselketen’ : Annita Westenbroek en Rudy Rabbinge van het Dutch Biorefinery Cluster

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    ‘Je kiest voor de biobased economy omdat je dingen beter, effectiever en efficiënter kunt doen en niet omdat de aardolie opraakt. De biobased economy genereert voor boeren een hoger inkomen, zorgt dat landbouwgrond beter benut wordt, stelt de voedselvoorziening zeker en creëert economische groei. Het is in een notendop het goede van biobased.’ Aan het woord is Rudy Rabbinge, voorzitter van het Dutch Biorefinery Cluster

    Plant Water Uptake Thresholds Inferred From Satellite Soil Moisture

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    Empirical functions are widely used in hydrological, agricultural, and Earth system models to parameterize plant water uptake. We infer soil water potentials at which uptake is downregulated from its well‐watered rate and at which uptake ceases, in biomes with <60% woody vegetation at 36‐km grid resolution. We estimate thresholds through Bayesian inference using a stochastic soil water balance framework to construct theoretical soil moisture probability distributions consistent with empirical distributions derived from satellite soil moisture observations. The global median Nash–Sutcliffe efficiency between empirical soil moisture distributions and theoretical distributions using reference constants, inferred median parameters per biome, and spatially variable inferred parameters are 0.38, 0.59, and 0.8, respectively. Spatially variable thresholds capture location‐specific vegetation and climate characteristics and can be connected to biome‐level water uptake strategies. Results demonstrate that satellite soil moisture probability distributions encode information, valuable to understanding biome‐level ecohydrological adaptation and resistance to climate variability

    Enhanced pre-synaptic glutamate release in deep-dorsal horn contributes to calcium channel alpha-2-delta-1 protein-mediated spinal sensitization and behavioral hypersensitivity

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    Nerve injury-induced expression of the spinal calcium channel alpha-2-delta-1 subunit (Cavα2δ1) has been shown to mediate behavioral hypersensitivity through a yet identified mechanism. We examined if this neuroplasticity modulates behavioral hypersensitivity by regulating spinal glutamatergic neurotransmission in injury-free transgenic mice overexpressing the Cavα2δ1 proteins in neuronal tissues. The transgenic mice exhibited hypersensitivity to mechanical stimulation (allodynia) similar to the spinal nerve ligation injury model. Intrathecally delivered antagonists for N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) and α-amino-3-hydroxyl-5-methylisoxazole-4-propionic acid (AMPA)/kainate receptors, but not for the metabotropic glutamate receptors, caused a dose-dependent allodynia reversal in the transgenic mice without changing the behavioral sensitivity in wild-type mice. This suggests that elevated spinal Cavα2δ1 mediates allodynia through a pathway involving activation of selective glutamate receptors. To determine if this is mediated by enhanced spinal neuronal excitability or pre-synaptic glutamate release in deep-dorsal horn, we examined wide-dynamic-range (WDR) neuron excitability with extracellular recording and glutamate-mediated excitatory postsynaptic currents with whole-cell patch recording in deep-dorsal horn of the Cavα2δ1 transgenic mice. Our data indicated that overexpression of Cavα2δ1 in neuronal tissues led to increased frequency, but not amplitude, of miniature excitatory post synaptic currents mediated mainly by AMPA/kainate receptors at physiological membrane potentials, and also by NMDA receptors upon depolarization, without changing the excitability of WDR neurons to high intensity stimulation. Together, these findings support a mechanism of Cavα2δ1-mediated spinal sensitization in which elevated Cavα2δ1 causes increased pre-synaptic glutamate release that leads to reduced excitation thresholds of post-synaptic dorsal horn neurons to innocuous stimuli. This spinal sensitization mechanism may mediate at least partially the neuropathic pain states derived from increased pre-synaptic Cavα2δ1 expression

    Sex Differences in the Effects of Acute and Chronic Stress and Recovery after Long-Term Stress on Stress-Related Brain Regions of Rats

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    Studies show that sex plays a role in stress-related depression, with women experiencing a higher vulnerability to its effect. Two major targets of antidepressants are brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and cyclic adenosine monophosphate response element–binding protein (CREB). The aim of this study was to investigate the levels of CREB, phosphorylation of CREB (pCREB), and BDNF in stress-related brain regions of male and female rats after stress and recovery. CREB and pCREB levels were examined in CA1, CA2, CA3, paraventricular nucleus of the thalamus (PVT), amygdala, anterior cingulate area, dorsal part (ACAd), and infralimbic area of prefrontal cortex (PFC), whereas dentate gyrus (DG) and prelimbic area (PL) of PFC were examined for BDNF levels. Our results demonstrate that levels of CREB and pCREB in male CA1, CA2 and CA3, PVT, amygdala, and ACAd were reduced by stress, whereas the same brain regions of female rats exhibited no change. BDNF levels were decreased by chronic stress in female PL but were increased by acute stress in female DG. BDNF levels in male DG and PL were found not to undergo change in response to stress. Abnormalities in morphology occurred after chronic stress in males but not in females. In all cases, the levels of CREB, pCREB, and BDNF in recovery animals were comparable to the levels of these proteins in control animals. These findings demonstrate a sexual dimorphism in the molecular response to stress and suggest that these differences may have important implications for potential therapeutic treatment of depression

    A biophysical model of endocannabinoid-mediated short term depression in hippocampal inhibition

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    Memories are believed to be represented in the synaptic pathways of vastly interconnected networks of neurons. The plasticity of synapses, that is, their strengthening and weakening depending on neuronal activity, is believed to be the basis of learning and establishing memories. An increasing number of studies indicate that endocannabinoids have a widespread action on brain function through modulation of synap–tic transmission and plasticity. Recent experimental studies have characterised the role of endocannabinoids in mediating both short- and long-term synaptic plasticity in various brain regions including the hippocampus, a brain region strongly associated with cognitive functions, such as learning and memory. Here, we present a biophysically plausible model of cannabinoid retrograde signalling at the synaptic level and investigate how this signalling mediates depolarisation induced suppression of inhibition (DSI), a prominent form of shortterm synaptic depression in inhibitory transmission in hippocampus. The model successfully captures many of the key characteristics of DSI in the hippocampus, as observed experimentally, with a minimal yet sufficient mathematical description of the major signalling molecules and cascades involved. More specifically, this model serves as a framework to test hypotheses on the factors determining the variability of DSI and investigate under which conditions it can be evoked. The model reveals the frequency and duration bands in which the post-synaptic cell can be sufficiently stimulated to elicit DSI. Moreover, the model provides key insights on how the state of the inhibitory cell modulates DSI according to its firing rate and relative timing to the post-synaptic activation. Thus, it provides concrete suggestions to further investigate experimentally how DSI modulates and is modulated by neuronal activity in the brain. Importantly, this model serves as a stepping stone for future deciphering of the role of endocannabinoids in synaptic transmission as a feedback mechanism both at synaptic and network level

    The Ataxic Cacna1a-Mutant Mouse Rolling Nagoya: An Overview of Neuromorphological and Electrophysiological Findings

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    Homozygous rolling Nagoya natural mutant mice display a severe ataxic gait and frequently roll over to their side or back. The causative mutation resides in the Cacna1a gene, encoding the pore-forming α1 subunit of Cav2.1 type voltage-gated Ca2+ channels. These channels are crucially involved in neuronal Ca2+ signaling and in neurotransmitter release at many central synapses and, in the periphery, at the neuromuscular junction. We here review the behavioral, histological, biochemical, and neurophysiological studies on this mouse mutant and discuss its usefulness as a model of human neurological diseases associated with Cav2.1 dysfunction

    Active Zone Protein Bassoon Co-Localizes with Presynaptic Calcium Channel, Modifies Channel Function, and Recovers from Aging Related Loss by Exercise

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    The P/Q-type voltage-dependent calcium channels (VDCCs) are essential for synaptic transmission at adult mammalian neuromuscular junctions (NMJs); however, the subsynaptic location of VDCCs relative to active zones in rodent NMJs, and the functional modification of VDCCs by the interaction with active zone protein Bassoon remain unknown. Here, we show that P/Q-type VDCCs distribute in a punctate pattern within the NMJ presynaptic terminals and align in three dimensions with Bassoon. This distribution pattern of P/Q-type VDCCs and Bassoon in NMJs is consistent with our previous study demonstrating the binding of VDCCs and Bassoon. In addition, we now show that the interaction between P/Q-type VDCCs and Bassoon significantly suppressed the inactivation property of P/Q-type VDCCs, suggesting that the Ca2+ influx may be augmented by Bassoon for efficient synaptic transmission at NMJs. However, presynaptic Bassoon level was significantly attenuated in aged rat NMJs, which suggests an attenuation of VDCC function due to a lack of this interaction between VDCC and Bassoon. Importantly, the decreased Bassoon level in aged NMJs was ameliorated by isometric strength training of muscles for two months. The training increased Bassoon immunoreactivity in NMJs without affecting synapse size. These results demonstrated that the P/Q-type VDCCs preferentially accumulate at NMJ active zones and play essential role in synaptic transmission in conjunction with the active zone protein Bassoon. This molecular mechanism becomes impaired by aging, which suggests altered synaptic function in aged NMJs. However, Bassoon level in aged NMJs can be improved by muscle exercise

    Impact of voluntary exercise and housing conditions on hippocampal glucocorticoid receptor, miR-124 and anxiety

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    Background: Lack of physical activity and increased levels of stress contribute to the development of multiple physical and mental disorders. An increasing number of studies relate voluntary exercise with greater resilience to psychological stress, a process that is highly regulated by the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying the beneficial effects of exercise on stress resilience are still poorly understood. Here we have studied the impact of long term exercise and housing conditions on: a) hippocampal expression of glucocorticoid receptor (Nr3c1), b) epigenetic regulation of Nr3c1 (DNA methylation at the Nr3c1-1F promoter and miR-124 expression), c) anxiety (elevated plus maze, EPM), and d) adrenal gland weight and adrenocorticotropic hormone receptor (Mc2r) expression. Results: Exercise increased Nr3c1 and Nr3c1-1F expression and decreased miR-124 levels in the hippocampus in single-housed mice, suggesting enhanced resilience to stress. The opposite was found for pair-housed animals. Bisulfite sequencing showed virtually no DNA methylation in the Nr3c1-1F promoter region. Single-housing increased the time spent on stretch attend postures. Exercise decreased the time spent at the open arms of the EPM, however, the mobility of the exercise groups was significantly lower. Exercise had opposite effects on the adrenal gland weight of single and pair-housed mice, while it had no effect on adrenal Mc2r expression. Conclusions: These results suggest that exercise exerts a positive impact on stress resilience in single-housed mice that could be mediated by decreasing miR-124 and increasing Nr3c1 expression in the hippocampus. However, pair-housing reverses these effects possibly due to stress from dominance disputes between pairs