10,168 research outputs found

    Detection of anomalous Hall voltages in ultrahigh-mobility two-dimensional hole gases generated by optical spin orientation

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    By combining optical spin orientation and an externally applied longitudinal electric field, transverse charge accumulation has been detected in very high-mobility two-dimensional hole gases by measuring the transverse voltage drop across simple Hall devices. Our results indicate intrinsic band-structure (rather than extrinsic skew scattering) derived spin-orbit coupling as the underlying mechanism of this spin-polarized transport effect.This work was supported by the EPSRC.This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version was first published by APS at http://journals.aps.org/prb/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevB.91.201406

    Spontaneous symmetry breaking in amnestically induced persistence

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    We investigate a recently proposed non-Markovian random walk model characterized by loss of memories of the recent past and amnestically induced persistence. We report numerical and analytical results showing the complete phase diagram, consisting of 4 phases, for this system: (i) classical nonpersistence, (ii) classical persistence (iii) log-periodic nonpersistence and (iv) log-periodic persistence driven by negative feedback. The first two phases possess continuous scale invariance symmetry, however log-periodicity breaks this symmetry. Instead, log-periodic motion satisfies discrete scale invariance symmetry, with complex rather than real fractal dimensions. We find for log-periodic persistence evidence not only of statistical but also of geometric self-similarity.Comment: 4 pages, 2 color fig

    Amnestically induced persistence in random walks

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    We study how the Hurst exponent α\alpha depends on the fraction ff of the total time tt remembered by non-Markovian random walkers that recall only the distant past. We find that otherwise nonpersistent random walkers switch to persistent behavior when inflicted with significant memory loss. Such memory losses induce the probability density function of the walker's position to undergo a transition from Gaussian to non-Gaussian. We interpret these findings of persistence in terms of a breakdown of self-regulation mechanisms and discuss their possible relevance to some of the burdensome behavioral and psychological symptoms of Alzheimer's disease and other dementias.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figs, subm. to Phys. Rev. Let

    Associations of social and economic and pregnancy exposures with blood pressure in UK White British and Pakistani children age 4/5.

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    South Asians have higher rates of coronary heart disease (CHD) than White European individuals. Blood pressure (BP) is one of the most important risk factors for CHD and ethnic differences in BP have been identified in childhood. Early life exposures could explain some of these differences. We examined associations of family social and economic and maternal pregnancy exposures and BP at age 4/5 in 1644 White British and 1824 Pakistani mother-offspring pairs from the Born in Bradford study. We found that systolic BP was similar but diastolic BP was higher, in Pakistani compared to White British children (adjusted mean differences were -0.170 mmHg 95% CI -0.884, 0.543 for systolic BP; 1.328 mmHg 95% CI 0.592, 2.064 for diastolic BP). Social and economic exposures were not associated with BP in either ethnic group. Maternal BMI was positively associated with BP in both groups but this association was mediated by child BMI. Only gestational hypertension was associated with child systolic and diastolic BP and this was only identified in Pakistani mother-offspring pairs. These findings suggest that Pakistani populations may have a different BP trajectory compared to White British groups and that this is already evident at age 4/5 years

    Ultrafast photoisomerisation of an isolated retinoid

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    The photoinduced excited state dynamics of gas-phase trans-retinoate (deprotonated trans-retinoic acid, trans-RA−) are studied using tandem ion mobility spectrometry coupled with laser spectroscopy, and frequency-, angle- and time-resolved photoelectron imaging. Photoexcitation of the bright S3(ππ*) ← S0 transition leads to internal conversion to the S1(ππ*) state on a ≈80 fs timescale followed by recovery of S0 and concomitant isomerisation to give the 13-cis (major) and 9-cis (minor) photoisomers on a ≈180 fs timescale. The sub-200 fs stereoselective photoisomerisation parallels that for the retinal protonated Schiff base chromophore in bacteriorhodopsin. Measurements on trans-RA− in methanol using the solution photoisomerisation action spectroscopy technique show that 13-cis-RA− is also the principal photoisomer, although the 13-cis and 9-cis photoisomers are formed with an inverted branching ratio with photon energy in methanol when compared with the gas phase, presumably due to solvent-induced modification of potential energy surfaces and inhibition of electron detachment processes. Comparison of the gas-phase time-resolved data with transient absorption spectroscopy measurements on retinoic acid in methanol suggest that photoisomerisation is roughly six times slower in solution. This work provides clear evidence that solvation significantly affects the photoisomerisation dynamics of retinoid molecules

    Life-course origins of social inequalities in adult immune cell markers of inflammation in a developing southern Chinese population: the Guangzhou Biobank Cohort Study

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    BACKGROUND: Socioeconomic position (SEP) throughout life is associated with cardiovascular disease, though the mechanisms linking these two are unclear. It is also unclear whether there are critical periods in the life course when exposure to better socioeconomic conditions confers advantages or whether SEP exposures accumulate across the whole life course. Inflammation may be a mechanism linking socioeconomic position (SEP) with cardiovascular disease. In a large sample of older residents of Guangzhou, in southern China, we examined the association of life course SEP with inflammation. METHODS: In baseline data on 9,981 adults (>/= 50 years old) from the Guangzhou Biobank Cohort Study (2006-08), we used multivariable linear regression and model fit to assess the associations of life course SEP at four stages (childhood, early adult, late adult and current) with white blood, granulocyte and lymphocyte cell counts. RESULTS: A model including SEP at all four life stages best explained the association of life course SEP with white blood and granulocyte cell count for men and women, with early adult SEP (education) making the largest contribution. A critical period model best explained the association of life course SEP with lymphocyte count, with sex-specific associations. Early adult SEP was negatively associated with lymphocytes for women. CONCLUSIONS: Low SEP throughout life may negatively impact late adult immune-inflammatory status. However, some aspects of immune-inflammatory status may be sensitive to earlier exposures, with sex-specific associations. The findings were compatible with the hypothesis that in a developing population, upregulation of the gonadotropic axis with economic development may obscure the normally protective effects of social advantage for men.published_or_final_versio

    Genetic Barrier to Direct Acting Antivirals in HCV Sequences Deposited in the European Databank

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    Background & Aims: Development of resistance results from mutations in the viral genome, and the presence of selective drug pressure leads to the emergence of a resistant virus population. The aim of this study was to analyze the impact of genetic variability on the genetic barrier to drug resistance to DAAs. Methods: The genetic barrier was quantified based on the number and type of nucleotide mutations required to impart resistance, considering full-length HCV NS3, NS5A and NS5B regions segregated by genotype into subtypes 1a, 1b, 2a, 2b and 3a. This study analyzed 789 NS3 sequences, 708 sequences and 536 NS5B sequences deposited in the European Hepatitis C Virus Database, in the following resistance-associated positions: NS3: F43/I/L/ S/V, Q80K/R, R155K/G, A156G/S/T and D168A/C/E/G/H/N/T/V/Y; NS5A: L/M28A/T/V, Q30E/H/R, L31F/I/M/V, H58D or P58S and Y93C/F/H/N/S; NS5B: S282P/R/T, C316H/N/Y, S368T, Y448C/H, S556G/R, D559R. Results: Variants that require only one transversion in NS3 were found in 4 positions and include F43S, R80K, R155K/G and A156T. The genetic barrier to resistance shows subtypic differences at position 155 of the NS3 gene where a single transition is necessary in subtype 1a. In the NS5A gene, 5 positions where only one nucleotide change can confer resistance were found, such as L31M which requires one transversion in all subtypes, except in 0.28% of 1b sequences; and R30H, generated by a single transition, which was found in 10.25% of the sequences of genotype 1b. Other subtypic differences were observed at position 58, where resistance is less likely in genotype 1a because a transversion is required to create the variant 58S. For the NS5B inhibitors, the genetic barrier at positions conferring resistance was nearly identical in subtypes 1a and 1b, and single transitions or transversions were necessary in 5 positions to generate a drug-resistant variant of HCV. The positions C316Y and S556D required only one transition in all genotypes, Y448H and S556 G/N/R positions required only one transition for up to 98.8%of the sequences analyzed. A single variant in position 448 in genotype 1a is less likely to become the resistance variant 448H because it requires two transversions. Also, in the position 559D a transversion and a transition were necessary to generate the resistance mutant D559H. Conclusion: Results revealed that in 14 out of 16 positions, conversion to a drug-resistant variant of HCV required only one single nucleotide substitutions threatening direct acting antivirals from all three classes

    Associations of cord leptin and cord insulin with adiposity and blood pressure in White British and Pakistani children aged 4/5 years.

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    Background: Cord leptin and cord insulin concentrations may be important biomarkers of child adiposity and cardiovascular health, especially in populations with an increased long-term risk of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. We aimed to determine whether cord leptin and insulin are associated with adiposity and early cardiovascular health at age 4/5, and whether any associations differ between White British and Pakistani children. Methods: Using bi-ethnic cohort data from 6060 mother-offspring pairs (2717 (44.8%) White British, 3343 (55.2%) Pakistani), we examined associations of cord leptin and insulin with adiposity (BMI, skinfold thickness) and systolic and diastolic blood pressure at age 4/5. Results: Cord leptin and insulin were higher in Pakistani compared to White British children (7.4 ng/ml versus 6.7 ng/ml and 4.1 mU/L versus 3.63 mU/L , respectively). Associations with adiposity measurements were similar in both groups and close to the null value. For example, each 10 ng/ml higher cord leptin was associated with a difference in mean childhood BMI of 0.10 kg/m 2 (95% CI 0.01, 0.19) in White British, 0.01 kg/m 2 (95% CI -0.08, 0.10) in Pakistani and 0.04 kg/m 2 (95% CI -0.02, 0.11) in both groups combined.  Associations with systolic and diastolic blood pressure were also close to the null and consistent in both groups. Conclusions: We found no evidence that cord leptin or insulin were likely to be valuable biomarkers for predicting later adiposity and blood pressure in White British or Pakistani children. For now, other factors such as family history and social-economic status may be more useful markers of risk

    Stochastic Modelling Approach to the Incubation Time of Prionic Diseases

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    Transmissible spongiform encephalopathies like the bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) and the Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) in humans are neurodegenerative diseases for which prions are the attributed pathogenic agents. A widely accepted theory assumes that prion replication is due to a direct interaction between the pathologic (PrPsc) form and the host encoded (PrPc) conformation, in a kind of an autocatalytic process. Here we show that the overall features of the incubation time of prion diseases are readily obtained if the prion reaction is described by a simple mean-field model. An analytical expression for the incubation time distribution then follows by associating the rate constant to a stochastic variable log normally distributed. The incubation time distribution is then also shown to be log normal and fits the observed BSE data very well. The basic ideas of the theoretical model are then incorporated in a cellular automata model. The computer simulation results yield the correct BSE incubation time distribution at low densities of the host encoded protein