61 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Tacit dan Explicit Knowledge Sharing terhadap Kinerja Individu: Peran Moderasi Budaya Organisasi dan Kualitas Hubungan

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    Tujuan utama dari penelitian ini adalah menganalisis pengaruh tacit dan explicit knowledge sharing terhadap kinerja individu dengan kualitas hubungan dan budaya organisasi sebagai pemoderasi. Perbedaan penelitian ini dengan penelitian sebelumnya adalah penggunaan tacit dan explicit knowledge sharing dalam satu model penelitian. Teori yang digunakan adalah Teori knowledge management Nonaka (1991) tentang knowledge sharing. Efektivitas knowledge management tergantung pada kemampuan knowledge sharing. Budaya organisasi memiliki peran penting dalam meningkatkan pengaruh knowledge sharing pada kinerja. Selain itu kualitas hubungan sebagai variabel pemoderasi, kualitas hubungan akan meningkatkan pengaruh knowledge sharing pada kinerja seseorang untuk melakukan tugas (Liao, Liu dan Loi, 2010). Kualitas hubungan mampu membuat komunikasi yang lebih sering, dukungan dan kepercayaan antara atasan dan karyawan (Dulac, Coyle-Shapiro, Henderson dan Wayne, 2008; Graen dan Uhl-bien, 1995). Temuan penelitian menunjukkan ada pengaruh tacit knowledge sharing pada kinerja individu dengan budaya organisasi sebagai moderator, dan tacit knowledge sharing memiliki pengaruh pada kinerja individu dengan kualitas hubungan sebagai moderator. Explicit knowledge sharing memiliki pengaruh pada kinerja individu dengan kualitas hubungan sebagai moderator, namun budaya organisasi tidak memiliki peran sebagai variabel moderator pada pengaruh explicit knowledge sharing dalam kinerja individu. Kata kunci: tacit knowledge sharing; explicit knowledge sharing; organizational culture; relationship quality; individual performanc

    The Mediating Role of Creativity on the Effect of Knowledge Sharing on Sustainable Competitive Advantage

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    This study aims to analyze and strengthen the influence of knowledge sharing on the sustainability of competitive advantage, as well as to analyze the role of creativity as a mediator. The knowledge sharing variable in this study includes both tacit and explicit knowledge sharing. This study used data collected from 384 respondents belonging to small and medium enterprises in the Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY) and Central Java, Indonesia. The research was conducted for 4 months from July through October 2021. The data acquisition instruments were in the form of questionnaires and interviews, with data analysis utilizing the Partial Least Squares (PLS) method. The results of the study found that sharing of both tacit and explicit knowledge had a direct effect on creativity. Other findings suggested that creativity has a direct influence on a sustainable competitive advantage. Other results show that tacit knowledge sharing had a direct effect on sustainable competitive advantage but not through creativity as a mediator. Meanwhile, explicit knowledge sharing had a direct effect on sustainable competitive advantage as well as through creativity as a mediator. The results of the study can be used as a reference for small and medium sized business actors, especially for increasing the business’ competitive advantage, and for other decision makers

    Ampak Restrukturisasi terhadap Kepuasan Kerja, Komitmen Organisasi dan Intensi Keluar Survivor.

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    Restructuring is suspected to be influencing perception of job insecurity. The jobinsecurity will have a negative impact on job satisfaction, organization commitment, and even turnover intention. When insecurity is conceived within someone's perception, it will lower his or her job satisfaction and also commitment on the company. This research was conducted upon service (bank) and manufacturing companies which had run restructuring in the last four years. It involved 216 respondents with 78.2% of response rate. Simple regression and hierarchical regression analysis were used to analyze the data.An interesting finding of this research is that restructuring conducted in bank andmanufacturing companies has been found out to be having no influence on turnover intention. On the other hand, job insecurity perception does not influence job satisfaction, commitment, and turnover intention. In addition, this research came to a conclusion that organization commitment is an mediating variable between job satisfaction and turnover intentio

    The Transformation of the Social Imaginary on Women’s Sexuality in Indonesian Literature from the New Order to Reformasi Eras

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    In this research, we explored the social imaginary that relates to women’s sexuality based on the writings of several prominent Indonesian female authors. We argue that the social imaginary is not only a social construction but also a construct created through an individual’s active participation. Historically, the social imaginary in Indonesia has been tied to nationalism; however, it has gradually shifted toward the individual perspective. In particular, this study examined the construction of the social imaginary in Indonesia by comparing and differentiating literary works created under two political regimes: the authoritarian New Order regime (1968–1998) and the more democratic Reformasi regime (1999–present), wherein individuals—especially women—were given more space and liberty to participate in the construction of the social imaginary of their sexuality. This study focused primarily on two important research questions. First, how has the social imaginary of women\u27s sexuality, as contested by Indonesian women authors in their literary works, changed from the New Order era to the Reformasi era? And second, how has the re-emergence of religious, political, and social powers during the Reformasi era contributed to authors’ contestations of women’s sexuality? The content analysis of selected literary works revealed that the social imaginary of women’s sexuality changed alongside the changes in Indonesia’s political regimes. During the New Order era, the social imaginary was controlled by the hegemonic power of the State. In the early period of Suharto’s rule, women authors were co-opted by the State’s power, whereas its later years were marked by the struggles of women authors against his authoritarian government. The Reformasi era gave way for liberty in women’s discussions of their sexuality, but this freedom was found to be temporary, its ephemerality compounded by new, religiously oriented conservative powers’ attempts to push back against the new wave of self-expressive women authors and restore women’s position to one of suppression and subordination


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    This study aims to analyze the effect of work stress on employee performance with emotional intelligence as a moderating variable. This type of research is descriptive quantitative. The object of research is PT. X and the subject in this study is using the Slovin formula. The sample selection was 87 samples. All data have met the classical assumption test and the regression model has met the model feasibility test. Based on the discussion that has been done, it can be concluded that work stress and emotional intelligence have a positive and significant effect on employee performance, emotional intelligence increases the effect of work stress on employee performance. Job stress is a major problem both for employees and for organizations

    Evaluasi Blue Ocean Strategy dalam Penerapan Virtual Office Working pada Industri Konsultan Arsitektur

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    Penelitian ini berfokus pada evaluasi strategi, dengan mencoba membuktikan kesesuaian strategi yang diterapkan oleh konsultan arsitektur Boutique Firm BTS Studio melalui konsep virtual office working (VOW) dibandingkan dengan standar yang benar dari blue ocean strategy (BOS) dan melihat keefektifan dan efisiensi penerapannya. Jenis penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian eksploratif dengan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif.  Informan ditentukan dengan teknik purposive sampling, berjumlah 4 informan yang mengerti tentang dinamika industri konsultan arsitektur. Penelitian ini mengacu pada penelitian sebelumnya oleh Paramita Ratri (2012), dengan 25 poin sebagai indikator dan instrumen variabel A (karakteristik BOS) untuk variabel B (karakteristik perusahaan), nilai kesesuaian minimum harus mencapai persentase 80%. Hasil temuan penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa strategi perusahaan mencapai 88%, sehingga dianggap menerapkan BOS. Menjalankan BOS dituntut untuk memenuhi setiap karakteristiknya, apabila evaluasi kesesuaian kurang dari ambang batas minimum, maka hanya dianggap sebagai diversifikasi. Penerapan VOW sebagai BOS juga dianggap lebih efektif dan efisien dari segi waktu, biaya, dan SDM

    Pengaruh Konflik Peran Ganda Dan Stres Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Polisi Wanita Di Polresta Yogyakarta

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    Working women at this time are very common, there are many considerations that encourage women to work where they have aspirations to have their own income, help their husbands meet their needs and there are also considerations for career actualization of their existence in the organization where they work. Female police, abbreviated as Polwan, are an example of working women. Policewomen are also bound by the same rules as male cops. A policewoman has two roles at once, in their homes as housewives and in their offices as career women. This research is an analysis of the effect of the dual role conflict (work-family, family-work) of policewomen and work stress (pressures on work) on their performance. Data collection was carried out using a questionnaire. Sampling using purposive sampling technique, namely married policewomen with a sample of 62 respondents drawn from as many as 75 policewomen who are married. Multiple role conflict is the first independent variable and job stress is the second independent variable, while Polwan's performance is the dependent variable. Based on the research results, the first independent variable (X1) and the second independent variable (X2) have an effect on the performance of female police officers (Y). This is evidenced by the value of the regression coefficient and the level of significance of each factor, namely -0.027 and 0.892; 0.698 and 0.008. The F-count is 10.047 with a significance level of 0.000, the adjusted R2 value is 0.229. Multiple role conflict has a significant negative effect on policewomen's performance, job stress has a significant positive effect on policewomen's performance.Keywords: Multiple Role Conflict, Job Stress and Employee Performance


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    Restructuring is suspected to be influencing perception of job insecurity. The jobinsecurity will have a negative impact on job satisfaction, organization commitment, and even turnover intention. When insecurity is conceived within someone’s perception, it will lower his or her job satisfaction and also commitment on the company. This research was conducted upon service (bank) and manufacturing companies which had run restructuring in the last four years. It involved 216 respondents with 78.2% of response rate. Simple regression and hierarchical regression analysis were used to analyze the data.An interesting finding of this research is that restructuring conducted in bank andmanufacturing companies has been found out to be having no influence on turnover intention. On the other hand, job insecurity perception does not influence job satisfaction, commitment, and turnover intention. In addition, this research came to a conclusion that organization commitment is an mediating variable between job satisfaction and turnover intentionKeywords: restructuring, job insecurity, job satisfaction, organization commitment, turnover intention, survivor

    Kisah Nabi dan Rosul sebagai Upaya Penanaman Budaya Literasi pada Anak Usia Dini untuk Mencegah Problem Etik Digital

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    Terdapat dampak positif dan negatif dalam penggunaan literasi digital. Dampak positifnya tentu sangat baik. Dampak negatif dari penggunaan media sosial yaitu, 1) Bullying, 2) pemicu kejahatan, 3) Pornografi, 4) Ancaman ujaran kebencian, dan 5) Perkembangan emosi. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, tentu penerapak pembelajaran literasi digital sangat penting. Dalam menyongsong program pemerintah, Gerakan Literasi Sekolah, maka sudah sepantasnya pihak sekolah berfokus pada pembelajaran literasi, terutama pada anak usia dini. Mengingat, dalam tahap anak usia dini masih belum bisa baca dan tulis, maka pelaksanaan literasi sebatas pada bercerita. Sehingga, dengan menggunakan kisah nabi dan rosul sebagai upaya penanaman budaya literasi pada anak usia dini untuk mencegah problem etik digital. Metode yang digunakan adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan analisis deskriptif analitis. Adapun tahap-tahap yang diterapkan dalam penelitian ini adalah sebagai berikut: 1) Mengumpulkan data-data tentang literasi, literasi digital, dan budaya literasi; 2. Mengkaji data pustaka yang berhubungan tetang nilai moral, kisah nabi dan perkembangan anak; 3. Merumuskan strategi pengembangan budaya literasi dalam menghadapai problem etik digital melalui kisah-kisah nabi. Hasil dari penelitian adalah kelima hal negatif dalam menggunakan media sosial yang mengarah pada literasi digital tersebut dapat diantisipasi dengan kisah-kisah nabi yang menjadikan tokoh Nabi dan Rosul sebagai sosok yang patut dicontoh dalam menjalani kehidupan sehari-hari
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