7 research outputs found

    Gene–gene interaction of AhRwith and within the Wntcascade affects susceptibility to lung cancer

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    Background: Aberrant Wnt signalling, regulating cell development and stemness, influences the development of many cancer types. The Aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) mediates tumorigenesis of environmental pollutants. Complex interaction patterns of genes assigned to AhR/Wnt-signalling were recently associated with lung cancer susceptibility. Aim: To assess the association and predictive ability of AhR/Wnt-genes with lung cancer in cases and controls of European descent. Methods: Odds ratios (OR) were estimated for genomic variants assigned to the Wnt agonist and the antagonistic genes DKK2, DKK3, DKK4, FRZB, SFRP4 and Axin2. Logistic regression models with variable selection were trained, validated and tested to predict lung cancer, at which other previously identified SNPs that have been robustly associated with lung cancer risk could also enter the model. Furthermore, decision trees were created to investigate variant × variant interaction. All analyses were performed for overall lung cancer and for subgroups. Results: No genome-wide significant association of AhR/Wnt-genes with overall lung cancer was observed, but within the subgroups of ever smokers (e.g., maker rs2722278 SFRP4; OR = 1.20; 95% CI 1.13–1.27; p = 5.6 × 10–10) and never smokers (e.g., maker rs1133683 Axin2; OR = 1.27; 95% CI 1.19–1.35; p = 1.0 × 10–12). Although predictability is poor, AhR/Wnt-variants are unexpectedly overrepresented in optimized prediction scores for overall lung cancer and for small cell lung cancer. Remarkably, the score for never-smokers contained solely two AhR/Wnt-variants. The optimal decision tree for never smokers consists of 7 AhR/Wnt-variants and only two lung cancer variants. Conclusions: The role of variants belonging to Wnt/AhR-pathways in lung cancer susceptibility may be underrated in main-effects association analysis. Complex interaction patterns in individuals of European descent have moderate predictive capacity for lung cancer or subgroups thereof, especially in never smokers

    A genome-wide association study of the longitudinal course of executive functions

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    Executive functions are metacognitive capabilities that control and coordinate mental processes. In the transdiagnostic PsyCourse Study, comprising patients of the affective-to-psychotic spectrum and controls, we investigated the genetic basis of the time course of two core executive subfunctions: set-shifting (Trail Making Test, part B (TMT-B)) and updating (Verbal Digit Span backwards) in 1338 genotyped individuals. Time course was assessed with four measurement points, each 6 months apart. Compared to the initial assessment, executive performance improved across diagnostic groups. We performed a genome-wide association study to identify single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) associated with performance change over time by testing for SNP-by-time interactions using linear mixed models. We identified nine genome-wide significant SNPs for TMT-B in strong linkage disequilibrium with each other on chromosome 5. These were associated with decreased performance on the continuous TMT-B score across time. Variant rs150547358 had the lowest P value = 7.2 × 10(−10) with effect estimate beta = 1.16 (95% c.i.: 1.11, 1.22). Implementing data of the FOR2107 consortium (1795 individuals), we replicated these findings for the SNP rs150547358 (P value = 0.015), analyzing the difference of the two available measurement points two years apart. In the replication study, rs150547358 exhibited a similar effect estimate beta = 0.85 (95% c.i.: 0.74, 0.97). Our study demonstrates that longitudinally measured phenotypes have the potential to unmask novel associations, adding time as a dimension to the effects of genomics

    Gene–gene interaction of AhRwith and within the Wntcascade affects susceptibility to lung cancer

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    Background Aberrant Wnt signalling, regulating cell development and stemness, influences the development of many cancer types. The Aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) mediates tumorigenesis of environmental pollutants. Complex interaction patterns of genes assigned to AhR/Wnt-signalling were recently associated with lung cancer susceptibility. Aim To assess the association and predictive ability of AhR/Wnt-genes with lung cancer in cases and controls of European descent. Methods Odds ratios (OR) were estimated for genomic variants assigned to the Wnt agonist and the antagonistic genes DKK2, DKK3, DKK4, FRZB, SFRP4 and Axin2. Logistic regression models with variable selection were trained, validated and tested to predict lung cancer, at which other previously identified SNPs that have been robustly associated with lung cancer risk could also enter the model. Furthermore, decision trees were created to investigate variant x variant interaction. All analyses were performed for overall lung cancer and for subgroups. Results No genome-wide significant association of AhR/Wnt-genes with overall lung cancer was observed, but within the subgroups of ever smokers (e.g., maker rs2722278 SFRP4; OR = 1.20; 95% CI 1.13-1.27; p = 5.6 x 10(-10)) and never smokers (e.g., maker rs1133683 Axin2; OR = 1.27; 95% CI 1.19-1.35; p = 1.0 x 10(-12)). Although predictability is poor, AhR/Wnt-variants are unexpectedly overrepresented in optimized prediction scores for overall lung cancer and for small cell lung cancer. Remarkably, the score for never-smokers contained solely two AhR/Wnt-variants. The optimal decision tree for never smokers consists of 7 AhR/Wnt-variants and only two lung cancer variants. Conclusions The role of variants belonging to Wnt/AhR-pathways in lung cancer susceptibility may be underrated in main-effects association analysis. Complex interaction patterns in individuals of European descent have moderate predictive capacity for lung cancer or subgroups thereof, especially in never smokers

    DataSheet1_Kalpra: A kernel approach for longitudinal pathway regression analysis integrating network information with an application to the longitudinal PsyCourse Study.docx

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    A popular approach to reduce the high dimensionality resulting from genome-wide association studies is to analyze a whole pathway in a single test for association with a phenotype. Kernel machine regression (KMR) is a highly flexible pathway analysis approach. Initially, KMR was developed to analyze a simple phenotype with just one measurement per individual. Recently, however, the investigation into the influence of genomic factors in the development of disease-related phenotypes across time (trajectories) has gained in importance. Thus, novel statistical approaches for KMR analyzing longitudinal data, i.e. several measurements at specific time points per individual are required. For longitudinal pathway analysis, we extend KMR to long-KMR using the estimation equivalence of KMR and linear mixed models. We include additional random effects to correct for the dependence structure. Moreover, within long-KMR we created a topology-based pathway analysis by combining this approach with a kernel including network information of the pathway. Most importantly, long-KMR not only allows for the investigation of the main genetic effect adjusting for time dependencies within an individual, but it also allows to test for the association of the pathway with the longitudinal course of the phenotype in the form of testing the genetic time-interaction effect. The approach is implemented as an R package, kalpra. Our simulation study demonstrates that the power of long-KMR exceeded that of another KMR method previously developed to analyze longitudinal data, while maintaining (slightly conservatively) the type I error. The network kernel improved the performance of long-KMR compared to the linear kernel. Considering different pathway densities, the power of the network kernel decreased with increasing pathway density. We applied long-KMR to cognitive data on executive function (Trail Making Test, part B) from the PsyCourse Study and 17 candidate pathways selected from Reactome. We identified seven nominally significant pathways.</p