340 research outputs found

    Reduced Incidence of Slowly Progressive Heymann Nephritis in Rats Immunized With a Modified Vaccination Technique

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    A slowly progressive Heymann nephritis (SPHN) was induced in three groups of rats by weekly injections of a chemically modified renal tubular antigen in an aqueous medium. A control group of rats received the chemically unmodified version of the antigen in an aqueous solution. One group of SPHN rats were pre- and post-treated with weekly injections of IC made up of rKF3 and rarKF3 IgM antibody at antigen excess (MIC) (immune complexes [ICs] containing sonicated ultracentrifuged [u/c] rat kidney fraction 3 [rKF3] antigen and IgM antibodies specific against the antigen, at slight antigen excess). One group of SPHN rats were post-treated with MIC 3 weeks after the induction of the disease and one group of SPHN animals received no treatment. The control group of rats received pre- and post-treatment with sonicated u/c rKF3

    Sequence variations of ABCB1, SLC6A2, SLC6A3, SLC6A4, CREB1, CRHR1 and NTRK2: association with major depression and antidepressant response in Mexican-Americans

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    We studied seven genes that reflect events relevant to antidepressant action at four sequential levels: (1) entry into the brain, (2) binding to monoaminergic transporters, and (3) distal effects at the transcription level, resulting in (4) changes in neurotrophin and neuropeptide receptors. Those genes are ATP-binding cassette subfamily B member 1 (ABCB1), the noradrenaline, dopamine, and serotonin transporters (SLC6A2, SLC6A3 and SLC6A4), cyclic AMP-responsive element binding protein 1 (CREB1), corticotropin-releasing hormone receptor 1 (CRHR1) and neurotrophic tyrosine kinase type 2 receptor (NTRK2). Sequence variability for those genes was obtained in exonic and flanking regions. A total of 56 280 000 bp across were sequenced in 536 unrelated Mexican Americans from Los Angeles (264 controls and 272 major depressive disorder (MDD)). We detected in those individuals 419 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs); the nucleotide diversity was 0.00054±0.0001. Of those, a total of 204 novel SNPs were identified, corresponding to 49% of all previously reported SNPs in those genes: 72 were in untranslated regions, 19 were in coding sequences of which 7 were non-synonymous, 86 were intronic and 27 were in upstream/downstream regions. Several SNPs or haplotypes in ABCB1, SLC6A2, SLC6A3, SLC6A4, CREB1 and NTRK2 were associated with MDD, and in ABCB1, SLC6A2 and NTRK2 with antidepressant response. After controlling for age, gender and baseline 21-item Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HAM-D21) score, as well as correcting for multiple testing, the relative reduction of HAM-D21 score remained significantly associated with two NTRK2-coding SNPs (rs2289657 and rs56142442) and the haplotype CAG at rs2289658 (splice site), rs2289657 and rs2289656. Further studies in larger independent samples will be needed to confirm these associations. Our data indicate that extensive assessment of sequence variability may contribute to increase understanding of disease susceptibility and drug response. Moreover, these results highlight the importance of direct re-sequencing of key candidate genes in ethnic minority groups in order to discover novel genetic variants that cannot be simply inferred from existing databases

    Pacing and Decision Making in Sport and Exercise: The Roles of Perception and Action in the Regulation of Exercise Intensity

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    In pursuit of optimal performance, athletes and physical exercisers alike have to make decisions about how and when to invest their energy. The process of pacing has been associated with the goal-directed regulation of exercise intensity across an exercise bout. The current review explores divergent views on understanding underlying mechanisms of decision making in pacing. Current pacing literature provides a wide range of aspects that might be involved in the determination of an athlete's pacing strategy, but lacks in explaining how perception and action are coupled in establishing behaviour. In contrast, decision-making literature rooted in the understanding that perception and action are coupled provides refreshing perspectives on explaining the mechanisms that underlie natural interactive behaviour. Contrary to the assumption of behaviour that is managed by a higher-order governor that passively constructs internal representations of the world, an ecological approach is considered. According to this approach, knowledge is rooted in the direct experience of meaningful environmental objects and events in individual environmental processes. To assist a neuropsychological explanation of decision making in exercise regulation, the relevance of the affordance competition hypothesis is explored. By considering pacing as a behavioural expression of continuous decision making, new insights on underlying mechanisms in pacing and optimal performance can be developed. © 2014 Springer International Publishing Switzerland

    LD-Spline: Mapping SNPs on genotyping platforms to genomic regions using patterns of linkage disequilibrium

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Gene-centric analysis tools for genome-wide association study data are being developed both to annotate single locus statistics and to prioritize or group single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) prior to analysis. These approaches require knowledge about the relationships between SNPs on a genotyping platform and genes in the human genome. SNPs in the genome can represent broader genomic regions via linkage disequilibrium (LD), and population-specific patterns of LD can be exploited to generate a data-driven map of SNPs to genes.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>In this study, we implemented LD-Spline, a database routine that defines the genomic boundaries a particular SNP represents using linkage disequilibrium statistics from the International HapMap Project. We compared the LD-Spline haplotype block partitioning approach to that of the four gamete rule and the Gabriel et al. approach using simulated data; in addition, we processed two commonly used genome-wide association study platforms.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We illustrate that LD-Spline performs comparably to the four-gamete rule and the Gabriel et al. approach; however as a SNP-centric approach LD-Spline has the added benefit of systematically identifying a genomic boundary for each SNP, where the global block partitioning approaches may falter due to sampling variation in LD statistics.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>LD-Spline is an integrated database routine that quickly and effectively defines the genomic region marked by a SNP using linkage disequilibrium, with a SNP-centric block definition algorithm.</p

    Stable isotopes and mtDNA reveal niche segregation but no evidence of intergradation along a habitat gradient in the Lesser Whitethroat complex (Sylvia curruca; Passeriformes; Aves)

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    Niche segregation plays a critical role in the speciation process, but determining the extent to which taxa are geographically or ecologically isolated is challenging. In this study, we use stable isotopes of carbon (δ13C), nitrogen (δ15N), hydrogen (δ2H) and oxygen (δ18O) to test for ecological differences among taxa in the Lesser Whitethroat Sylvia curruca complex. Analysis of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) revealed 6 distinct haplotype groups, which conform to at least 5 distinct taxa. Stable isotopes provided insight into geographical and broad-scale ecological differences among haplotypes. The most striking isotope differences were between the populations inhabiting Siberian boreal forest (S. c. blythi) from the one inhabiting semi-desert in Kazakhstan (S. c. halimodendri). It is generally assumed that these two populations form a morphological cline along a gradient from mesic to xeric habitat. Our sample includes a large proportion of morphologically intermediate individuals that appear to represent a hybrid population. However, in all of these, there is strict correspondence between haplotype and isotope signature, suggesting an ecological division on the breeding grounds between all our samples of these two taxa. The lack of ecologically intermediate individuals among our sample of morphologically intermediate ones thus speaks against the existence of a cline. The two taxa blythi and halimodendri emerge as potential models for the study of the early stages of the speciation process. While differences in stable isotopes may be largely influenced by geography, we also demonstrate how, in specific instances (such as the alleged cline reported here), they may be used to evaluate niche segregation between taxa, providing information of importance for determination of species limits

    Comparative analysis of microsatellite variability in five macaw species (Psittaciformes, Psittacidae): Application for conservation

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    Cross-amplification was tested and variability in microsatellite primers (designed for Neotropical parrots) compared, in five macaw species, viz., three endangered blue macaws (Cyanopsitta spixii [extinct in the wild], Anodorhynchus leari [endangered] and Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus [vulnerable]), and two unthreatened red macaws (Ara chloropterus and Ara macao). Among the primers tested, 84.6% successfully amplified products in C. spixii, 83.3% in A. leari, 76.4% in A. hyacinthinus, 78.6% in A. chloropterus and 71.4% in A. macao. The mean expected heterozygosity estimated for each species, and based on loci analyzed in all the five, ranged from 0.33 (A. hyacinthinus) to 0.85 (A. macao). As expected, the results revealed lower levels of genetic variability in threatened macaw species than in unthreatened. The low combined probability of genetic identity and the moderate to high potential for paternity exclusion, indicate the utility of the microsatellite loci set selected for each macaw species in kinship and population studies, thus constituting an aid in planning in-situ and ex-situ conservation

    Usefulness of C-reactive protein as a marker of early post-infarct left ventricular systolic dysfunction

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    Objective To assess the usefulness of in-hospital measurement of C-reactive protein (CRP) concentration in comparison to well-established risk factors as a marker of post-infarct left ventricular systolic dysfunction (LVSD) at discharge. Materials and methods Two hundred and four consecutive patients with ST-segment-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) were prospectively enrolled into the study. CRP plasma concentrations were measured before reperfusion, 24 h after admission and at discharge with an ultra-sensitive latex immunoassay. Results CRP concentration increased significantly during the first 24 h of hospitalization (2.4 ± 1.9 vs. 15.7 ± 17.0 mg/L; p\0.001) and persisted elevated at discharge (14.7 ± 14.7 mg/L), mainly in 57 patients with LVSD (2.4 ± 1.8 vs. 25.0 ± 23.4 mg/L; p\0.001; CRP at discharge 21.9 ± 18.6 mg/L). The prevalence of LVSD was significantly increased across increasing tertiles of CRP concentration both at 24 h after admission (13.2 vs. 19.1 vs. 51.5 %; p\0.0001) and at discharge (14.7 vs. 23.5 vs. 45.6 %; p\0.0001). Multivariate analysis demonstrated CRP concentration at discharge to be an independent marker of early LVSD (odds ratio of 1.38 for a 10 mg/L increase, 95 % confidence interval 1.01–1.87; p\0.04). Conclusion Measurement of CRP plasma concentration at discharge may be useful as a marker of early LVSD in patients after a first STEMI

    Reversible changes in pancreatic islet structure and function produced by elevated blood glucose

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    Diabetes is characterized by hyperglycaemia due to impaired insulin secretion and aberrant glucagon secretion resulting from changes in pancreatic islet cell function and/or mass. The extent to which hyperglycaemia per se underlies these alterations remains poorly understood. Here we show that β-cell-specific expression of a human activating KATP channel mutation in adult mice leads to rapid diabetes and marked alterations in islet morphology, ultrastructure and gene expression. Chronic hyperglycaemia is associated with a dramatic reduction in insulin-positive cells and an increase in glucagon-positive cells in islets, without alterations in cell turnover. Furthermore, some β-cells begin expressing glucagon, whilst retaining many β-cell characteristics. Hyperglycaemia, rather than KATP channel activation, underlies these changes, as they are prevented by insulin therapy and fully reversed by sulphonylureas. Our data suggest that many changes in islet structure and function associated with diabetes are attributable to hyperglycaemia alone and are reversed when blood glucose is normalized

    Molecular Correlates of Social Dominance: A Novel Role for Ependymin in Aggression

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    Theoretical and empirical studies have sought to explain the formation and maintenance of social relationships within groups. The resulting dominance hierarchies have significant fitness and survival consequences dependent upon social status. We hypothesised that each position or rank within a group has a distinctive brain gene expression profile that correlates with behavioural phenotype. Furthermore, transitions in rank position should determine which genes shift in expression concurrent with the new dominance status. We used a custom cDNA microarray to profile brain transcript expression in a model species, the rainbow trout, which forms tractable linear hierarchies. Dominant, subdominant and submissive individuals had distinctive transcript profiles with 110 gene probes identified using conservative statistical analyses. By removing the dominant, we characterised the changes in transcript expression in sub-dominant individuals that became dominant demonstrating that the molecular transition occurred within 48 hours. A strong, novel candidate gene, ependymin, which was highly expressed in both the transcript and protein in subdominants relative to dominants, was tested further. Using antibody injection to inactivate ependymin in pairs of dominant and subdominant zebrafish, the subdominant fish exhibited a substantial increase in aggression in parallel with an enhanced competitive ability. This is the first study to characterise the molecular signatures of dominance status within groups and the first to implicate ependymin in control of aggressive behaviour. It also provides evidence for indirect genetic effect models in which genotype/phenotype of an individual is influenced by conspecific interactions within a group. The variation in the molecular profile of each individual within a group may offer a new explanation of intraspecific variation in gene expression within undefined groups of animals and provides new candidates for empirical study

    High-resolution analysis of copy number alterations and associated expression changes in ovarian tumors

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>DNA copy number alterations are frequently observed in ovarian cancer, but it remains a challenge to identify the most relevant alterations and the specific causal genes in those regions.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We obtained high-resolution 500K SNP array data for 52 ovarian tumors and identified the most statistically significant minimal genomic regions with the most prevalent and highest-level copy number alterations (recurrent CNAs). Within a region of recurrent CNA, comparison of expression levels in tumors with a given CNA to tumors lacking that CNA and to whole normal ovary samples was used to select genes with CNA-specific expression patterns. A public expression array data set of laser capture micro-dissected (LCM) non-malignant fallopian tube epithelia and LCM ovarian serous adenocarcinoma was used to evaluate the effect of cell-type mixture biases.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Fourteen recurrent deletions were detected on chromosomes 4, 6, 9, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 22 and most prevalently on X and 8. Copy number and expression data suggest several apoptosis mediators as candidate drivers of the 8p deletions. Sixteen recurrent gains were identified on chromosomes 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 10, 12, 15, 17, 19, and 20, with the most prevalent gains localized to 8q and 3q. Within the 8q amplicon, <it>PVT1</it>, but not <it>MYC</it>, was strongly over-expressed relative to tumors lacking this CNA and showed over-expression relative to normal ovary. Likewise, the cell polarity regulators <it>PRKCI </it>and <it>ECT2 </it>were identified as putative drivers of two distinct amplicons on 3q. Co-occurrence analyses suggested potential synergistic or antagonistic relationships between recurrent CNAs. Genes within regions of recurrent CNA showed an enrichment of Cancer Census genes, particularly when filtered for CNA-specific expression.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>These analyses provide detailed views of ovarian cancer genomic changes and highlight the benefits of using multiple reference sample types for the evaluation of CNA-specific expression changes.</p