979 research outputs found

    Toward an organization-oriented design methodology for agent societies

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    Direct thrust measurement of a 30-cm ion thruster

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    A direct thrust measurement of a 30-cm diameter ion thruster was accomplished by means of a laser interferometer thrust stand. The thruster was supported in a pendulum manner by three 3.65-m long wires. Electrical power was provided by means of 18 mercury filled pots. A movable 23-button planar probe rake was used to determine thrust loss due to ion beam divergence. Values of thrust, thrust loss due to ion beam divergence, and thrust loss due to multiple ionization were measured for ion beam currents ranging from 0.5 A to 2.5 A. Measured thrust values indicate an accuracy of approximately 1% and are in good agreement with thrust values calculated by indirect measurements

    Meta-Learning for Phonemic Annotation of Corpora

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    We apply rule induction, classifier combination and meta-learning (stacked classifiers) to the problem of bootstrapping high accuracy automatic annotation of corpora with pronunciation information. The task we address in this paper consists of generating phonemic representations reflecting the Flemish and Dutch pronunciations of a word on the basis of its orthographic representation (which in turn is based on the actual speech recordings). We compare several possible approaches to achieve the text-to-pronunciation mapping task: memory-based learning, transformation-based learning, rule induction, maximum entropy modeling, combination of classifiers in stacked learning, and stacking of meta-learners. We are interested both in optimal accuracy and in obtaining insight into the linguistic regularities involved. As far as accuracy is concerned, an already high accuracy level (93% for Celex and 86% for Fonilex at word level) for single classifiers is boosted significantly with additional error reductions of 31% and 38% respectively using combination of classifiers, and a further 5% using combination of meta-learners, bringing overall word level accuracy to 96% for the Dutch variant and 92% for the Flemish variant. We also show that the application of machine learning methods indeed leads to increased insight into the linguistic regularities determining the variation between the two pronunciation variants studied.Comment: 8 page

    Numerical Analysis of a New Mixed Formulation for Eigenvalue Convection-Diffusion Problems

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    A mixed formulation is proposed and analyzed mathematically for coupled convection-diffusion in heterogeneous medias. Transfer in solid parts driven by pure diffusion is coupled with convection-diffusion transfer in fluid parts. This study is carried out for translation-invariant geometries (general infinite cylinders) and unidirectional flows. This formulation brings to the fore a new convection-diffusion operator, the properties of which are mathematically studied: its symmetry is first shown using a suitable scalar product. It is proved to be self-adjoint with compact resolvent on a simple Hilbert space. Its spectrum is characterized as being composed of a double set of eigenvalues: one converging towards −∞ and the other towards +∞, thus resulting in a nonsectorial operator. The decomposition of the convection-diffusion problem into a generalized eigenvalue problem permits the reduction of the original three-dimensional problem into a two-dimensional one. Despite the operator being nonsectorial, a complete solution on the infinite cylinder, associated to a step change of the wall temperature at the origin, is exhibited with the help of the operator’s two sets of eigenvalues/eigenfunctions. On the computational point of view, a mixed variational formulation is naturally associated to the eigenvalue problem. Numerical illustrations are provided for axisymmetrical situations, the convergence of which is found to be consistent with the numerical discretization

    Wie viel Arbeit macht die Aufzucht von Ökologischen Junghennen? Arbeitwirtschaftlicher Vergleich der konventionellen und ökologischen Aufzucht von Legehennen

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    Organic pullets are reared with daylight and are not beak-trimmed. Therefore, certain provisions are needed in order to prevent feather-pecking and cannibalism. Respec-tive guidelines are set by the German Organic Associations. It was the goal of this study to investigate whether the higher rearing standards are associated with an increased labour demand compared to conventional rearing systems. Using a ques-tionnaire, data from 32 hen-houses (10 conventional and 6 organic barn systems, 10 conventional and 6 organic aviary systems) about duration and number of working procedures were collected and exemplary models calculated. Total labour demand was between 2.36 and 7.37 worker`s hours/100 pullets. It did not differ between or-ganic and conventional rearing when comparing similar flock sizes, but were partly differently allocated to the different working procedures. On average, organic farms had smaller flocks, and there was a large influence of flock size on labour demand with small houses requiring most labour per hen. Also aviaries were more labour demanding than barn systems, but were usually associated with higher flock sizes. Our results indicate that improved pullet rearing that allows the birds to perform their natural behaviour more completely, does not necessarily cause higher labour re-quirements

    Substrate-Induced Allosteric Change in the Quaternary Structure of the Spermidine N-Acetyltransferase SpeG

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    AbstractThe spermidine N-acetyltransferase SpeG is a dodecameric enzyme that catalyzes the transfer of an acetyl group from acetyl coenzyme A to polyamines such as spermidine and spermine. SpeG has an allosteric polyamine-binding site and acetylating polyamines regulate their intracellular concentrations. The structures of SpeG from Vibrio cholerae in complexes with polyamines and cofactor have been characterized earlier. Here, we present the dodecameric structure of SpeG from V. cholerae in a ligand-free form in three different conformational states: open, intermediate and closed. All structures were crystallized in C2 space group symmetry and contain six monomers in the asymmetric unit cell. Two hexamers related by crystallographic 2-fold symmetry form the SpeG dodecamer. The open and intermediate states have a unique open dodecameric ring. This SpeG dodecamer is asymmetric except for the one 2-fold axis and is unlike any known dodecameric structure. Using a fluorescence thermal shift assay, size-exclusion chromatography with multi-angle light scattering, small-angle X-ray scattering analysis, negative-stain electron microscopy and structural analysis, we demonstrate that this unique open dodecameric state exists in solution. Our combined results indicate that polyamines trigger conformational changes and induce the symmetric closed dodecameric state of the protein when they bind to their allosteric sites

    Topsoil Selling - extreme anthropogenic erosion and its consequences for paddy soil quality (Mekong Delta, Vietnam)

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    Increasing urbanization and industrialization leads to rising demands for construction material, particularly in low-income countries. Thus, agricultural topsoil is sometimes removed and used as raw material e.g. for brick production. Topsoil selling (TSS) is practiced around the world from America, Europe, and Afrika to Asia. In the Mekong, Delta farmers sell the topsoil from their paddy fields to contractors. The temporal effects of topsoil removal on soil quality are not yet fully understood. We hypothesized that after soil removal, soil quality is significantly lower compared to the original topsoil. To test this hypothesis, we sampled paddy soil chronosequences in two different provinces, ranging between 1 and 8 years after TSS. Soil organic carbon (Corg) stocks at TSS sites were up to 20 t/ha lower than at control sites (control: 50 t/ha) in Sóc Trăng and up to 15 t/ha lower in Trà Vinh (control: 30 t/ha). The C/N ratio was nearly constant around 10. Analysis of inorganic nutrients (e.g. P, K, Na, S, Zn, Cu) showed that changes are variable in space, time and among nutrients. Annual average changes ranged from less than a kg per hectare and year for micronutrients (e.g. Cu, Zn) to several tens and hundreds of kg for macronutrients (e.g. P, S). The so far available data revealed that TSS induces mainly a dramatic loss of soil organic matter. It was ongoing up to the 8th year of the chronosequences but was not necessarily accompanied by losses in inorganic nutrients. As a result, there appears to be a chance for farmers in the Mekong Delta to overcome risks of soil quality decline after topsoil removal. Within the next months, we will receive the results from P- and S fractionation and also results from lignin analysis (lignin-derived phenols) will complement to the available data. Thus, we will gain further insights into soil evolution after topsoil selling shortly

    Dual Function of β ‐Hydroxy Dithiocinnamic Esters: RAFT Agent and Ligand for Metal Complexation

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    Abstract The reversible addition‐fragmentation chain‐transfer (RAFT) process has become a versatile tool for the preparation of defined polymers tolerating a large variety of functional groups. Several dithioesters, trithiocarbonates, xanthates, or dithiocarbamates have been developed as effective chain transfer agents (CTAs), but only a few examples have been reported, where the resulting end groups are directly considered for a secondary use besides controlling the polymerization. Herein, it is demonstrated that β ‐hydroxy dithiocinnamic esters represent a hitherto overlooked class of materials, which are originally designed for the complexation of transition metals but may as well act as reversible CTAs. Modified with a suitable leaving group (R‐group), these vinyl conjugated dithioesters indeed provide reasonable control over the polymerization of acrylates, acrylamides, or styrene via the RAFT process. Kinetic studies reveal linear evolutions of molar mass with conversion, while different substituents on the aromatic unit has only a minor influence. Block extensions prove the livingness of the polymer chains, although extended polymerization times may lead to side reactions. The resulting dithiocinnamic ester end groups are still able to form complexes with platinum, which verifies that the structural integrity of the end group is maintained. These findings open a versatile new route to tailor‐made polymer‐bound metal complexes