38 research outputs found

    Neutral components show a hierarchical community structure in the genotype-phenotype map of RNA secondary structure.

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    Genotype-phenotype (GP) maps describe the relationship between biological sequences and structural or functional outcomes. They can be represented as networks in which genotypes are the nodes, and one-point mutations between them are the edges. The genotypes that map to the same phenotype form subnetworks consisting of one or multiple disjoint connected components-so-called neutral components (NCs). For the GP map of RNA secondary structure, the NCs have been found to exhibit distinctive network features that can affect the dynamical processes taking place on them. Here, we focus on the community structure of RNA secondary structure NCs. Building on previous findings, we introduce a method to reveal the hierarchical community structure solely from the sequence constraints and composition of the genotypes that form a given NC. Thereby, we obtain modularity values similar to common community detection algorithms, which are much more complex. From this knowledge, we endorse a sampling method that allows a fast exploration of the different communities of a given NC. Furthermore, we introduce a way to estimate the community structure from genotype samples, which is useful when an exhaustive analysis of the NC is not feasible, as is the case for longer sequence lengths.MW was supported by the EPSRC and the Gatsby Charitable Foundation. SEA was supported by the Gatsby Charitable Foundation and the Alan Turing Institute

    Steering random walks with kicked ultracold atoms

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    A kicking sequence of the atom optics kicked rotor at quantum resonance can be interpreted as a quantum random walk in momentum space. We show how to steer such a random walk by applying a random sequence of intensities and phases of the kicking lattice chosen according to a probability distribution. This distribution converts on average into the final momentum distribution of the kicked atoms. In particular, it is shown that a power-law distribution for the kicking strengths results in a L\'evy walk in momentum space and in a power-law with the same exponent in the averaged momentum distribution. Furthermore, we investigate the stability of our predictions in the context of a realistic experiment with Bose-Einstein condensates.Comment: detailed study of random walks and their implementation with a Bose condensate, 12 pages, 7 figure

    RV ALKOR Fahrtbericht / Cruise Report AL533 - Mutual Field Trials of the Manned Submersible JAGO and the Hover-AUVs ANTON and LUISE off the Aeolian Islands, Mediterranean Sea, Catania (Italy) – La Seyne-sur-mer (France) 05.02. – 18.02.2020

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    The tight program of scientific research cruises usually does not leave enough time for thorough tests of new research equipment and their system components, nor for extensive pilot and handling training. For this reason, ship time was requested for sea trials of two types of autonomous (not tethered) underwater vehicles owned by GEOMAR, the manned 400-meter submersible JAGO and the Hover-AUVs ANTON and LUISE, type Girona500. The aim was to test several technical and operational aspects with both vehicles at locations with differently structured terrain (from flat ground to steep rocky slopes) and to water depths of up to 500 meters. The Aeolian Islands in the Tyrrhenian Sea north of Sicily were chosen as test area. The volcanic islands offer sheltered sea conditions at their leeway, and bottom currents are usually weak or absent. Rocky and steep slopes are located in short distances to areas with flat underwater topography, providing ideal test conditions

    DeepSurveyCam — A Deep Ocean Optical Mapping System

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    Underwater photogrammetry and in particular systematic visual surveys of the deep sea are by far less developed than similar techniques on land or in space. The main challenges are the rough conditions with extremely high pressure, the accessibility of target areas (container and ship deployment of robust sensors, then diving for hours to the ocean floor), and the limitations of localization technologies (no GPS). The absence of natural light complicates energy budget considerations for deep diving flash-equipped drones. Refraction effects influence geometric image formation considerations with respect to field of view and focus, while attenuation and scattering degrade the radiometric image quality and limit the effective visibility. As an improvement on the stated issues, we present an AUV-based optical system intended for autonomous visual mapping of large areas of the seafloor (square kilometers) in up to 6000 m water depth. We compare it to existing systems and discuss tradeoffs such as resolution vs. mapped area and show results from a recent deployment with 90,000 mapped square meters of deep ocean floor

    Probleme und Perspektiven interkommunaler Zusammenarbeit am Beispiel des Landkreises Harz

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    Interkommunale Zusammenarbeit wird seit mehr als 20 Jahren als eines der wesentlichsten Instrumente der Kommunen im Umgang mit demographischem Wandel, Urbanisierung und Fachkräftemangel diskutiert. Darüber hinaus hat die IKZ eine große Bedeutung für die digitale Transformation der Verwaltung. Die reale Entwicklung von Strukturen Interkommunaler Zusammenarbeit bleibt aber seit Jahren weit hinter den Erwartungen zurück. Der Beitrag analysiert am Beispiel der Kommunen des Landkreises Harz Probleme und Perspektiven der Interkommunalen Zusammenarbeit

    From genotypes to organisms: state-of-the-art and perspectives of a cornerstone in evolutionary dynamics

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    Understanding how genotypes map onto phenotypes, fitness, and eventually organisms is arguably the next major missing piece in a fully predictive theory of evolution. We refer to this generally as the problem of the genotype-phenotype map. Though we are still far from achieving a complete picture of these relationships, our current understanding of simpler questions, such as the structure induced in the space of genotypes by sequences mapped to molecular structures, has revealed important facts that deeply affect the dynamical description of evolutionary processes. Empirical evidence supporting the fundamental relevance of features such as phenotypic bias is mounting as well, while the synthesis of conceptual and experimental progress leads to questioning current assumptions on the nature of evolutionary dynamics-cancer progression models or synthetic biology approaches being notable examples. This work delves with a critical and constructive attitude into our current knowledge of how genotypes map onto molecular phenotypes and organismal functions, and discusses theoretical and empirical avenues to broaden and improve this comprehension. As a final goal, this community should aim at deriving an updated picture of evolutionary processes soundly relying on the structural properties of genotype spaces, as revealed by modern techniques of molecular and functional analysis

    Morphology engineering for novel antibiotics: Effect of glass microparticles and soy lecithin on rebeccamycin production and cellular morphology of filamentous actinomycete Lentzea aerocolonigenes

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    Lentzeaaerocolonigenes, as an actinomycete, is a natural producer of the antibiotic and antitumoral drug rebeccamycin. Due to the filamentous cellular morphology handling in cultivations is challenging; therefore, morphology engineering techniques are mandatory to enhance productivity. One promising approach described in the literature is the addition of mineral particles in the micrometer range to precisely adjust cellular morphology and the corresponding product synthesis (microparticle-enhanced cultivation, MPEC). Glass microparticles are introduced in this study as a novel supplementation type for bioprocess intensification in filamentous organisms. Several investigations were conducted to screen for an optimal particle setup, including particle size and concentration regarding their impact and effects on enhanced productivity, microparticle incorporation behavior into the biopellets, the viability of pellets, and morphological changes. Glass microparticles (10 g·L−1) with a median diameter of 7.9 µm, for instance, induced an up to fourfold increase in product synthesis accompanied by overall enhanced viability of biomass. Furthermore, structural elucidations showed that biopellets isolated from MPEC tend to have lower hyphal density than unsupplemented control pellets. In this context, oxygen microprofiling was conducted to better understand how internal structural changes interwind with oxygen supply into the pellets. Here, the resulting oxygen profiles are of a contradictive trend of steeper oxygen consumption with increasing glass microparticle supplementation. Eventually, MPEC was combined with another promising cultivation strategy, the supplementation of soy lecithin (7.5 g·L−1), to further increase the cultivation performance. A combination of both techniques in an optimized setup resulted in a rebeccamycin concentration of 213 mg·L−1 after 10 days of cultivation, the highest value published so far for microparticle-supplemented shake flask cultivations of L. aerocolonigenes

    Sebacinales Everywhere: Previously Overlooked Ubiquitous Fungal Endophytes

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    Inconspicuous basidiomycetes from the order Sebacinales are known to be involved in a puzzling variety of mutualistic plant-fungal symbioses (mycorrhizae), which presumably involve transport of mineral nutrients. Recently a few members of this fungal order not fitting this definition and commonly referred to as ‘endophytes’ have raised considerable interest by their ability to enhance plant growth and to increase resistance of their host plants against abiotic stress factors and fungal pathogens. Using DNA-based detection and electron microscopy, we show that Sebacinales are not only extremely versatile in their mycorrhizal associations, but are also almost universally present as symptomless endophytes. They occurred in field specimens of bryophytes, pteridophytes and all families of herbaceous angiosperms we investigated, including liverworts, wheat, maize, and the non-mycorrhizal model plant Arabidopsis thaliana. They were present in all habitats we studied on four continents. We even detected these fungi in herbarium specimens originating from pioneering field trips to North Africa in the 1830s/40s. No geographical or host patterns were detected. Our data suggest that the multitude of mycorrhizal interactions in Sebacinales may have arisen from an ancestral endophytic habit by specialization. Considering their proven beneficial influence on plant growth and their ubiquity, endophytic Sebacinales may be a previously unrecognized universal hidden force in plant ecosystems