360 research outputs found

    To know - or not to know - mathematics, that is a question of context

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    Reliability of three-dimensional gait analysis in adults with acquired incomplete spinal cord injury

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    Background: Incomplete spinal cord injury (SCI) results in varying degrees of gait impairments. Three-dimensional (3D) gait analysis has been recommended as part of a standardised gait assessment for individuals with incomplete SCI. However, reliability of 3D gait analysis has not been established for this population. The aim of the present study was to investigate intra- and inter-session reliability of gait kinematics in a group of individuals with incomplete SCI. We also sought to estimate the changes required to exceed measurement errors for the kinematic variables used in evaluation of gait impairments for this study group. Conclusion: In general, the results exhibited very high intra- and inter-session reliability, indicating only a small trial-to-trial and day-to-day gait variation in this study group. The results also showed that, except for hip rotation, only small changes were required to exceed measurement errors for kinematic variables. These results can be used to interpret future 3D gait analysis results when evaluating gait impairments in individuals with SCI. The results suggested that 3D gait analysis is a reliable measure for adults with acquired SCI (AIS-D) both for clinical and research purposes. However, caution is recommended when evaluating hip rotation

    Lige børn leger bedst – eller gør de?

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    Regeringens lovforslag om en folkeskolereform indeholder bl.a. en større frihed til kommunerog skoler. Det kan fx betyde at børnene lokalt opdeles efter fagligt niveau. Spørgsmålet er om det eren god idé når faget er matematik

    Påskud - påstand - postulat?

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    Matematikdidaktiske spørgsmål – hvad er det egentlig?

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    Anmeldelse Gerd Brandell, Barbro Grevholm, Karin Wallby & Hans Wallin: Matematikdidaktiska frågor – resultat från en forskarskola. Nationalt Centrum for Matematikutbildning (NCM), Göteborg, 2009. 165 sider. Pris: 225 SEK

    Enriching the lives of children with acquired brain injury and their caregivers: experiences from peer mentorship sports camps

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    Peer-based community interventions have shown promise in improving health management and fostering coping skills and psychosocial functioning among individuals with a disability. Active Rehabilitation camps are examples of peer-based community interventions that provide structured, time-limited peer mentorship in conjunction with sports and leisure activities. These camps hold potential benefits for individuals with acquired neurological injury. However, the specific impact of Active Rehabilitation camps on children or individuals with acquired brain injury remains unexplored. In this longitudinal, qualitative study, we explored children with an acquired brain injury and their caregivers' experiences with an Active Rehabilitation camp in Norway through observations and interviews with nine children and ten caregivers. Using an abductive thematic analysis, we identified an overarching theme: Active Rehabilitation peer mentorship camps enrich the lives of children with acquired brain injury and their caregivers. The theme contains three sub-themes: (1) Interacting with peers made me wiser, (2) Nudging from peer mentors made me feel better, and (3) A sense of companionship through meeting peers. Peer mentorship, sports and leisure activities, and the safe camp atmosphere benefitted children with acquired brain injury and their caregivers. The children gained knowledge, motivation, and self-worth, and their caregivers had greater impetus to prioritize their children's independence. Meeting peers and peer mentors led to friendships and sustained social connections. The Self-Determination Theory was of assistance in explaining the informants' experiences. Active Rehabilitation camps provide children with acquired brain injury and their caregivers with an opportunity to develop better coping skills, improve psychological functioning, and build more robust social networks

    Psykologisk Førstehjelp: En kvalitativ studie av implementeringen av forebyggende verktøy i skolehelsetjenesten i Tromsø kommune

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    Høsten 2017 vedtok kommunestyret i Tromsø å implementere Psykologisk Førstehjelp (PF) som forebyggende tiltak for alle på 2., 5. og 8. trinn i Tromsø-skolene. Samtidig ble det også vedtatt at implementeringen skulle evalueres innen utgangen av høsten 2020, der denne studien er et bidrag til det. Vi gjennomførte en kvalitativ studie med fenomenologisk innfallsvinkel og deskriptivt design. Vi intervjuet helsesykepleiere (n=9) i skolehelsetjenesten som har deltatt på opplæringskurs og som har erfaring med bruk av PF. Intervjuene ble analysert tematisk med programmet Nvivo 12. Våre funn viser at deltakerne er positive til PF som forebyggende og helsefremmende tiltak, men at de ønsker et tettere samarbeid med skolen og lærerne. Opplæringskurset de deltok på i forkant av implementeringen var mer vinklet mot teorien bak PF enn den praktiske gjennomførelsen av undervisningen. Det medførte noen utfordringer med implementeringen, blant annet at undervisningen gjennomføres noe ulikt på de forskjellige skolene selv om den er ment å gjennomføres likt. Mulige metodologiske begrensninger samt konklusjon og implikasjoner for implementeringen tas opp i diskusjonsdelen