36 research outputs found

    Informacijska revolucija v izobraževanju

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    The information technology revolutionary changes our everyday life. There is nothing as it was once and also education is changing and should change. Actual question, we are discussing about in this article, is what knowledge and skills are essential and should be developed during education in youth to qualify pupils for active cooperation and having the authority to decide in the coming world future society.Informacijska tehnologija revolucionarno spreminja naš vsakdan. Nič ni več tako, kot je bilo nekoč, in tudi izobraževanje se spreminja in se mora spreminjati. Aktualno vprašanje, o katerem razpravljamo v članku, je, kakšno znanje in kakšne spretnosti naj učenci razvijajo z izobraževanjem v mladosti ter na kakšen način, da bodo kot odrasli lahko aktivno sodelovali in odločali v družbi, ki prihaja

    Digitalna kompetenca in njeno izgrajevanje

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    The renovation of the grammar school curriculum has also introduced the competences into the pre-university level of the common educational system. The article comprises the historical background of the competences and their introduction into the educational system in the USA and Europe. Since the definition of the competences has still not been equally presented in Slovenian professional sphere, the following operative definition provides a basis, comprehended within the renovation of the subject Informatics in the grammar school curriculum and consequently its building and evaluationS prenovo srednjegaizobraževanja so bile tudi v slovensko preduniverzitetno izobraževanje uvedene kompetence. V pris­pevku je prika­za­no zgodovin­sko ozadje kom­petenc in njihovega vpeljevanjav izobraževalni sistem Združenih držav Amerike in Evrope. Ker opredelitev kompetenc v slovenski strokovni javnosti ni povsemenotna, je v nadaljevanju izpostavlje na operativna opredelitev, ki je bila uporabljena pri prenovi predmeta Informatikav gimnazijskem programu in kako je zamišljeno njeno izgrajevanje, vrednotenje ter ocenjevanje

    Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa Inversa – Case Report and Review of the Literature

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    Dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa inversa is a very rare subtype of inherited dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa with a unique clinical manifes- tation. Generalized blistering in the neonatal period and in early infancy im- proves with age, with lesions becoming restricted to intertriginous areas, axial parts of the trunk, and mucous membranes. In contrast to other variants of dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa, the inverse type has a more favorable prog- nosis. We present a case of a 45-year-old female patient with dystrophic epi- dermolysis bullosa inversa, diagnosed in adulthood based on typical clinical presentation, transmission electron microscopic findings, and genetic analy- sis. Additionally, genetic analysis revealed that the patient also suffered from Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease, a hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy. To our knowledge, the coexistence of these two genetic diseases has not been reported so far. We describe clinical and genetic findings in the patient and re- view previous reports on dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa inversa. A possible temperature-related pathophysiology for the peculiar clinical manifestation is discussed

    The oxidation of dehydroascorbic acid and 2,3-diketogulonate by distinct reactive oxygen species

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    l-Ascorbate, dehydro-l-ascorbic acid (DHA), and 2,3-diketo-l-gulonate (DKG) can all quench reactive oxygen species (ROS) in plants and animals. The vitamin C oxidation products thereby formed are investigated here. DHA and DKG were incubated aerobically at pH 4.7 with peroxide (H2O2), 'superoxide' (a ∼50 : 50 mixture of [Formula: see text] and [Formula: see text]), hydroxyl radicals (•OH, formed in Fenton mixtures), and illuminated riboflavin (generating singlet oxygen, 1O2). Products were monitored electrophoretically. DHA quenched H2O2 far more effectively than superoxide, but the main products in both cases were 4-O-oxalyl-l-threonate (4-OxT) and smaller amounts of 3-OxT and OxA + threonate. H2O2, but not superoxide, also yielded cyclic-OxT. Dilute Fenton mixture almost completely oxidised a 50-fold excess of DHA, indicating that it generated oxidant(s) greatly exceeding the theoretical •OH yield; it yielded oxalate, threonate, and OxT. 1O2 had no effect on DHA. DKG was oxidatively decarboxylated by H2O2, Fenton mixture, and 1O2, forming a newly characterised product, 2-oxo-l-threo-pentonate (OTP; '2-keto-l-xylonate'). Superoxide yielded negligible OTP. Prolonged H2O2 treatment oxidatively decarboxylated OTP to threonate. Oxidation of DKG by H2O2, Fenton mixture, or 1O2 also gave traces of 4-OxT but no detectable 3-OxT or cyclic-OxT. In conclusion, DHA and DKG yield different oxidation products when attacked by different ROS. DHA is more readily oxidised by H2O2 and superoxide; DKG more readily by 1O2 The diverse products are potential signals, enabling organisms to respond appropriately to diverse stresses. Also, the reaction-product 'fingerprints' are analytically useful, indicating which ROS are acting in vivo

    Identification and analysis of real driving pollutant emissions from bi-fuel vehicle

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    Diplomsko delo določa in analizira povišane izpuste določenih onesnažil, ki nastajajo med vožnjo bigorivnega vozila v realnem prometnem toku pri uporabi CNG in bencina, z uporabo novih preskusnih ciklov in postopkov, ki jih je Evropska unija sprejela z namenom zmanjšanja razkoraka med izpusti onesnažil, izmerjenih na homologacijskih preskusih, in dejanskimi izpusti med vožnjo. Hkrati preverja potencial za znižanje izpustov onesnažil, ki ga predstavlja uporaba alternativnega plinskega goriva CNG. Meritve izpustov z uporabo sistema PEMS so bile izvedene s posnemanjem cikla WLTC na cesti ter med običajno in zahtevno preskusno vožnjo RDE. Ugotovili smo, da bo uvedba novosti pozitivno pripomogla k približevanju homologacijskih vrednosti izpustov onesnažil k dejanskim. Primerjava izpustov med obema uporabljenima gorivoma pri podobnih obratovalnih razmerah je pokazala, da vozilo pri uporabi CNG v ozračje izpusti manjše količine CO2, CO in THC ter večje količine NOx. Pri podrobni analizi trenutnih izpustov je bila zaznana merilna napaka pri meritvah izpustov CO pri uporabi CNG. Diplomsko delo merilno napako razlaga z interferenco infrardečih absorpcijskih pasov CO in N2O v nedisperzijskem infrardečem zaznavalu (NDIR).The diploma thesis identifies and analyzes increased emissions of certain pollutants while driving a bi-fuel vehicle on the road when using petrol and CNG using new test cycles and procedures adopted by the European Union in order to reduce the gap between emissions measured on homologation tests and between real driving emissions. At the same time it examines the potential for reducing pollutant emissions with the use of alternative gaseous fuel CNG. Emissions were measured using PEMS by mimicking the WLTC cycle on the road and on standard and extended RDE test drives. We have concluded that the implementation of novelties will positively contribute to the approximation of the homologated emission values to the actual ones. The comparison of emissions between both used fuels under similar operating conditions have shown that, when using CNG, the vehicle emits smaller amounts of CO2, CO and THC and a higher amount of NOx into the atmosphere. In a detailed analysis of instantaneous emissions, a measurement error was detected in the measurements of CO emissions when using CNG. The diploma thesis gives a possible explanation of the occurrence of a measurement error with interference of CO and N2O infrared absorption bands in a non-dispersive infrared sensor (NDIR)

    Lo sviluppo delle competenze digitali nella scuola slovena

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    Descrizione dello sviluppo delle competenze digitali nella scuola slovena. Viene fornita una panoramica storica e una descrizione delle linee strategiche attuali