5,467 research outputs found

    Binary Mixtures of Particles with Different Diffusivities Demix

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    The influence of size differences, shape, mass and persistent motion on phase separation in binary mixtures has been intensively studied. Here we focus on the exclusive role of diffusivity differences in binary mixtures of equal-sized particles. We find an effective attraction between the less diffusive particles, which are essentially caged in the surrounding species with the higher diffusion constant. This effect leads to phase separation for systems above a critical size: A single close-packed cluster made up of the less diffusive species emerges. Experiments for testing of our predictions are outlined.Comment: 5 figures in main text, 8 figures in Supplemental Materia

    Predicting Surgery Targets in Temporal Lobe Epilepsy through Structural Connectome Based Simulations

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    Temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) is a prevalent neurological disorder resulting in disruptive seizures. In the case of drug resistant epilepsy resective surgery is often considered. This is a procedure hampered by unpredictable success rates, with many patients continuing to have seizures even after surgery. In this study we apply a computational model of epilepsy to patient specific structural connectivity derived from diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) of 22 individuals with left TLE and 39 healthy controls. We validate the model by examining patient-control differences in simulated seizure onset time and network location. We then investigate the potential of the model for surgery prediction by performing in silico surgical resections, removing nodes from patient networks and comparing seizure likelihood post-surgery to pre-surgery simulations. We find that, first, patients tend to transit from non-epileptic to epileptic states more often than controls in the model. Second, regions in the left hemisphere (particularly within temporal and subcortical regions) that are known to be involved in TLE are the most frequent starting points for seizures in patients in the model. In addition, our analysis also implicates regions in the contralateral and frontal locations which may play a role in seizure spreading or surgery resistance. Finally, the model predicts that patient-specific surgery (resection areas chosen on an individual, model-prompted, basis and not following a predefined procedure) may lead to better outcomes than the currently used routine clinical procedure. Taken together this work provides a first step towards patient specific computational modelling of epilepsy surgery in order to inform treatment strategies in individuals

    Swift observation of Segue 1: constraints on sterile neutrino parameters in the darkest galaxy

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    Some extensions of standard particle physics postulate that dark matter may be partially composed of weakly interacting sterile neutrino particles that have so far eluded detection. We use a short (~5 ks) archival X-ray observation of Segue 1 obtained with the X-ray Telescope (XRT) onboard the Swift satellite to exclude the presence of sterile neutrinos in the 1.6 - 14 keV mass range down to a flux limit of 6 x 10^{-12} erg cm-2 s-1 within 67 pc of its centre. With an estimated mass-to-light ratio of ~3400 Msun/Lsun, Segue 1 is the darkest ultrafaint dwarf galaxy currently measured. Spectral analysis of the Swift XRT data fails to find any non-instrumental spectral feature possibly connected with the radiative decay of a dark matter particle. Accordingly, we establish upper bounds on the sterile neutrino parameter space based on the non-detection of emission lines in the spectrum. The present work provides the most sensitive X-ray search for sterile neutrinos in a region with the highest dark matter density yet measured.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures. Accepted in MNRAS Letter

    Combustion waves in a model with chain branching reaction and their stability

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    In this paper the travelling wave solutions in the adiabatic model with two-step chain branching reaction mechanism are investigated both numerically and analytically in the limit of equal diffusivity of reactant, radicals and heat. The properties of these solutions and their stability are investigated in detail. The behaviour of combustion waves are demonstrated to have similarities with the properties of nonadiabatic one-step combustion waves in that there is a residual amount of fuel left behind the travelling waves and the solutions can exhibit extinction. The difference between the nonadiabatic one-step and adiabatic two-step models is found in the behaviour of the combustion waves near the extinction condition. It is shown that the flame velocity drops down to zero and a standing combustion wave is formed as the extinction condition is reached. Prospects of further work are also discussed.Comment: pages 32, figures 2

    Baryon Current Matrix Elements in a Light-Front Framework

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    Current matrix elements and observables for electro- and photo-excitation of baryons from the nucleon are studied in a light-front framework. Relativistic effects are estimated by comparison to a nonrelativistic model, where we use simple basis states to represent the baryon wavefunctions. Sizeable relativistic effects are found for certain transitions, for example, to radial excitations such as that conventionally used to describe to the Roper resonance. A systematic study shows that the violation of rotational covariance of the baryon transition matrix elements stemming from the use of one-body currents is generally small.Comment: 32 pages, LaTeX, 10 postscript figures, uses epsf.sty; figures uuencoded with uufiles (or available by request in .ps or hardcopy form

    Quantum Memories. A Review based on the European Integrated Project "Qubit Applications (QAP)"

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    We perform a review of various approaches to the implementation of quantum memories, with an emphasis on activities within the quantum memory sub-project of the EU Integrated Project "Qubit Applications". We begin with a brief overview over different applications for quantum memories and different types of quantum memories. We discuss the most important criteria for assessing quantum memory performance and the most important physical requirements. Then we review the different approaches represented in "Qubit Applications" in some detail. They include solid-state atomic ensembles, NV centers, quantum dots, single atoms, atomic gases and optical phonons in diamond. We compare the different approaches using the discussed criteria.Comment: 22 pages, 12 figure

    The Local Group dwarf Leo T: HI on the brink of star formation

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    We present Giant Meterwave Radio Telescope (GMRT) and Westerbork ynthesis Radio Telescope (WSRT) observations of the recently discovered Local Group dwarf galaxy, Leo T. The peak HI column density is measured to be 7x10^20 cm^-2, and the total HI mass is 2.8Xx10^5 Msun, based on a distance of 420 kpc. Leo T has both cold (~ 500 K) and warm (~ 6000 K) HI at its core, with a global velocity dispersion of 6.9 km/s, from which we derive a dynamical mass within the HI radius of 3.3x10^6 Msun, and a mass-to-light ratio of greater than 50. We calculate the Jeans mass from the radial profiles of the HI column density and velocity dispersion, and predict that the gas should be globally stable against star formation. This finding is inconsistent with the half light radius of Leo T, which extends to 170 pc, and indicates that local conditions must determine where star formation takes place. Leo T is not only the lowest luminosity galaxy with on-going star formation discovered to date, it is also the most dark matter dominated, gas-rich dwarf in the Local Group.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS on November 15th 2007, full resolution version at: http://www.ast.cam.ac.uk/~eryan/leot.pdf . Typographical error in sound speed equation has led to a new Figure 6 and minor changes to the tex

    Chaos and Complexity of quantum motion

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    The problem of characterizing complexity of quantum dynamics - in particular of locally interacting chains of quantum particles - will be reviewed and discussed from several different perspectives: (i) stability of motion against external perturbations and decoherence, (ii) efficiency of quantum simulation in terms of classical computation and entanglement production in operator spaces, (iii) quantum transport, relaxation to equilibrium and quantum mixing, and (iv) computation of quantum dynamical entropies. Discussions of all these criteria will be confronted with the established criteria of integrability or quantum chaos, and sometimes quite surprising conclusions are found. Some conjectures and interesting open problems in ergodic theory of the quantum many problem are suggested.Comment: 45 pages, 22 figures, final version, at press in J. Phys. A, special issue on Quantum Informatio

    Familial hypomagnesaemia with hypercalciuria and nephrocalcinosis (FHHNC): Compound heterozygous mutation in the claudin 16 (CLDN16) gene

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Familial hypomagnesaemia with hypercalciuria and nephrocalcinosis (FHHNC) is an autosomal recessive disorder of renal calcium and magnesium wasting frequently complicated by progressive chronic renal failure in childhood or adolescence.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A 7 year old boy was investigated following the findings of marked renal insufficiency and nephrocalcinosis in his 18-month old sister. He too was found to have extensive nephrocalcinosis with increased fractional excretion of magnesium: 12.4% (<4%) and hypercalciuria: 5.7 mmol (< 2.5/24 hours). He had renal impairment, partial distal renal tubular acidosis and defective urinary concentrating ability. Therapy with thiazide diuretics and magnesium supplements failed to halt the progression of the disorder. Both children subsequently underwent renal transplantation. Both children's parents are unaffected and there is one unaffected sibling.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Mutation analysis revealed 2 heterozygous mutations in the claudin 16 gene <it>(CLDN16</it>) in both affected siblings; one missense mutation in exon 4: C646T which results in an amino acid change Arg216Cys in the second extracellular loop of <it>CLDN16 </it>and loss of function of the protein and a donor splice site mutation which changes intron 4 consensus splice site from 'GT' to 'TT' resulting in decreased splice efficiency and the formation of a truncated protein with loss of 64 amino acids in the second extracellular loop.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The mutations in <it>CLDN16 </it>in this kindred affect the second extra-cellular loop of claudin 16. The clinical course and molecular findings suggest complete loss of function of the protein in the 2 affected cases and highlight the case for molecular diagnosis in individuals with FHHNC.</p