654 research outputs found

    Professional Learning between Past Experience and Future Work

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    Aggression, Recognition and Qualification:On the Social Psychology of Adult Educcation in Everyday Life

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    The article analyses the emotional aspects of a professional training process in the light of the participants’ experienced societal status. A detailed text analysis of interviews with a group of social pedagogue staff in Danish Youth clubs focuses on a particular vulnerability and their aggressive perception of other students with social problems, and interprets it partly as a reaction on the paradoxical situation adults in continuing education, and partly in the perspective of their experience of not being recognized as a profession. The last section of the article further explains the deep hermeneutic text analysis applied, which combines psychoanalytical concepts of socialisation with a language game approach

    Chasing potentials for adult learning: lifelong learning in a life history perspective

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    "Die derzeitig bestehende europĂ€ische Agenda des 'lebenslangen Lernens' stellt eine Herausforderung fĂŒr die qualitative Lern- und Bildungsforschung dar. Dabei bilden Theorie und Methodologie menschliche Erfahrungen weit komplexer ab, als sie die sogenannten 'Human Ressourcen' offen darlegen und erfassen können. Die Forschungsagenda sollte deshalb insbesondere durch die Offenlegung von Qualifikationspotentialen weiter entwickelt werden, um zu demonstrieren, welche Erfahrungen aus Lebensgeschichte und Alltagsleben, und dabei gerade auch die problematischen und repressiven Dimensionen des Arbeitslebens und die entsprechenden Potentiale VerĂ€nderungen ermöglichen. Vor dem Hintergrund der kritischen Theorie wird in diesem Beitrag die Erfahrung von erwachsenen MĂ€nnern analysiert, die an ihrem Arbeitsplatz 'Pflegekultur' aufgesucht wurden." (Autorenreferat)"The current European agenda of 'lifelong learning' challenges qualitative research of learning. Theory and methodology can expose human experiences that are more complex than 'human resources'. This research agenda can be developed by exposing qualification potential to demonstrate how experience of life history and everyday life comprises, and give insights into the problematic and repressive dimensions of work life and, accordingly, the potential for change. On the basis of critical theory, this article analyses the experience of adult men intersecting with the workplace culture of nursing." (author's abstract

    A New Phytochemical Screening Programme used for Crops grown with Organic and Conventional Methods

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    A broad screening programme, covering the most general phytochemical groups of compounds, was developed on the basis of Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC). A total of 46 TLC systems, comprising 26 derivatization reagents, 3 stationary phases, and 4 mobile phases, were included. The TLC systems were classified according to the groups of phytochemical compounds detected: Alcohols and phenolic compounds; Carbohydrates; N-containing compounds; Organic acids and lipids; P-containing compounds; S-containing compounds, and Terpenoids. Furthermore, one group of TLC systems detected compounds from several of the mentioned groups. The screening programme was applied in the screening of potatoes (S. tuberosum L.), peas (P. sativum L.), kale (B. oleracea L.), carrots (D. carota L.), and apples (M. domestica Borkh.), cultivated with combinations of organic and conventional methods for plant protection and nutrient supply, for phytochemical differences (biomarkers). Distinctive phytochemical differences were found between the differently cultivated samples of these crops. In peas and carrots only one biomarker was found. In peas the biomarker was related to the soil conditions, while the biomarker in carrots was related to the use of pesticides. In potato, two biomarkers related to the use of pesticides were found. Three biomarkers were found in kale. Two of these could be related to the use of pesticide, while the last was related to either fertiliser or soil conditions. Several biomarkers were found apples, but a relation to the cultivation methods was not clear. Three of the biomarkers in apples could be related to either the use of pesticides or fertiliser, while no conclusions could be drawn from the other biomarkers found. The results of the screening programme form the basis for a potential development of a kit to detect whether crops are organically- or conventionally cultivated. Furthermore, the results from this part and other parts of the project "Organic food and health – a multigenerational animal experiment" provide basis for the selection of which secondary compounds to quantify by specific chemical analysis, isolate, and/or structure elucidation

    Degree of Sequentiality of Weighted Automata

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    Weighted automata (WA) are an important formalism to describe quantitative properties. Obtaining equivalent deterministic machines is a longstanding research problem. In this paper we consider WA with a set semantics, meaning that the semantics is given by the set of weights of accepting runs. We focus on multi-sequential WA that are defined as finite unions of sequential WA. The problem we address is to minimize the size of this union. We call this minimum the degree of sequentiality of (the relation realized by) the WA. For a given positive integer k, we provide multiple characterizations of relations realized by a union of k sequential WA over an infinitary finitely generated group: a Lipschitz-like machine independent property, a pattern on the automaton (a new twinning property) and a subclass of cost register automata. When possible, we effectively translate a WA into an equivalent union of k sequential WA. We also provide a decision procedure for our twinning property for commutative computable groups thus allowing to compute the degree of sequentiality. Last, we show that these results also hold for word transducers and that the associated decision problem is PSPACE -complete

    Plasma from Volunteers Breathing Helium Reduces Hypoxia-Induced Cell Damage in Human Endothelial Cells-Mechanisms of Remote Protection Against Hypoxia by Helium.

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    PurposeRemote ischemic preconditioning protects peripheral organs against prolonged ischemia/reperfusion injury via circulating protective factors. Preconditioning with helium protected healthy volunteers against postischemic endothelial dysfunction. We investigated whether plasma from helium-treated volunteers can protect human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) against hypoxia in vitro through release of circulating of factors.MethodsHealthy male volunteers inhaled heliox (79% helium, 21% oxygen) or air for 30 min. Plasma was collected at baseline, directly after inhalation, 6 h and 24 h after start of the experiment. HUVECs were incubated with either 5% or 10% of the plasma for 1 or 2 h and subjected to enzymatically induced hypoxia. Cell damage was measured by LDH content. Furthermore, caveolin 1 (Cav-1), hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF1α), extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK)1/2, signal transducer and activator of transcription (STAT3) and endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) were determined.ResultsPrehypoxic exposure to 10% plasma obtained 6 h after helium inhalation decreased hypoxia-induced cell damage in HUVEC. Cav-1 knockdown in HUVEC abolished this effect.ConclusionsPlasma of healthy volunteers breathing helium protects HUVEC against hypoxic cell damage, possibly involving circulating Cav-1

    Land l(i)eben – kĂŒnftig alles smart? Chancen und Herausforderungen der digitalen Transformation fĂŒr regionale Entwicklung am Beispiel des Landkreises Kusel

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    Die Digitalisierung ist einer der globalen Megatrends des laufenden Jahrhunderts. Deutschland hat im europĂ€ischen Vergleich einen großen Nachholbedarf hinsichtlich der Digitalisierung des öffentlichen Sektors, der Wirtschaft und der Gesellschaft. Im Jahr 2022 lag der Digitalisierungsgrad in Deutschland laut DESI-Index bei 52,88 und damit knapp ĂŒber dem EU-Durchschnitt von 52,28. FĂŒhrende LĂ€nder wie Finnland oder DĂ€nemark sind mit Werten von fast 70 weit voraus1. Nicht zuletzt aus diesem Grund fördert das Bundes-ministerium fĂŒr Wohnen, Stadtentwicklung und Bau (BMWSB) sog. "Modellprojekte Smart Cities (MPSC)". Gefördert werden kommunale, interdisziplinĂ€re, rĂ€umliche Smart-City-Strategien und deren Umsetzung sowie die notwendigen KapazitĂ€ten in den Kommunen. Die Kommunen werden dabei unterstĂŒtzt, sich auf die digitale Transformation einzustellen und die damit verbundenen Chancen zu nutzen. Der grĂ¶ĂŸte Anteil der geförderten "Smart Cities" sind Groß- und MittelstĂ€dte. "Smart Regions" in Form von interkommunalen VerbĂŒnden oder Landkreisen, die in lĂ€ndlichen Regionen liegen, werden von dem Förderprogramm kaum erfasst. Dabei kann gerade fĂŒr Kommunen in lĂ€ndlichen Regionen die Digitalisierung ein wichtiger Ansatzpunkt zur Verbesserung der LebensqualitĂ€t sein.2 Dennoch ist die Digitalisierung im lĂ€ndlichen Raum mit anderen Herausforderungen verbunden als in StĂ€dten: Neben der nach wie vor bestehenden Herausforderung der VerfĂŒgbarkeit von leistungsfĂ€higen InternetzugĂ€ngen im lĂ€ndlichen Raum, stellen die begrenzten KapazitĂ€ten bzw. die Fragmentierung der öffentlichen Verwaltungen und eine im Vergleich zur stĂ€dtischen Bevölkerung verbreitete skeptischere Haltung der Bevölkerung gegenĂŒber digitalen Angeboten weitere Herausforderungen im lĂ€ndlichen Raum dar. Der vorliegende Beitrag konzentriert sich daher auf die bisherigen Fortschritte des Landkreises Kusel als eines der wenigen ausgewĂ€hlten Modellprojekte fĂŒr eine Smart Region im Rahmen des Programms. Mit nur 69.949 Einwohnerinnen und Einwohnern ist er einer der kleinsten und mit 122 Einwohnerinnen und Einwohnern pro kmÂČ auch einer der am dĂŒnnsten besiedelten Landkreise in Deutschland. Mit seinen 98 Ortsgemeinden ist er sehr lĂ€ndlich geprĂ€gt, in den meisten Ortsgemeinden leben weniger als 500 Einwohner.3 Mit der Teilnahme am Förderprogramm verfolgt der Landkreis Kusel das Ziel, durch die Digitalisierung eine positive und nachhaltige Entwicklung in der Region zum Wohle der dort lebenden und arbeitenden Menschen zu bewirken. Das Förderprogramm gliedert sich in zwei Phasen: die Strategie- und die Umsetzungsphase, wobei sich Kusel derzeit in der Übergangsphase zwischen beiden Phasen befindet.Die Digitalisierung soll in mehrfacher Hinsicht genutzt werden: (1) zur Digitalisierung der Beteiligung aller relevanten Akteurinnen und Akteuren und der Bevölkerung am Strategie-entwicklungsprozess, (2) zur laufenden Kommunikation und zum Austausch ĂŒber Vorhaben und Projekte der öffentlichen Hand mit Akteurinnen, Akteuren, BĂŒrgerinnen und BĂŒrgern, (3) zur Verbesserung der VerfĂŒgbarkeit, der Erfassung, des Austauschs und der Visualisierung von Daten in der öffentlichen Verwaltung, (4) zur Vereinfachung des Verwaltungshandelns und (5) zur Digitalisierung von Dienstleistungen zur Sicherung der Daseinsvorsorge

    Shared Syntax in Language Production and Language Comprehension—An fMRI Study

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    During speaking and listening syntactic processing is a crucial step. It involves specifying syntactic relations between words in a sentence. If the production and comprehension modality share the neuronal substrate for syntactic processing then processing syntax in one modality should lead to adaptation effects in the other modality. In the present functional magnetic resonance imaging experiment, participants either overtly produced or heard descriptions of pictures. We looked for brain regions showing adaptation effects to the repetition of syntactic structures. In order to ensure that not just the same brain regions but also the same neuronal populations within these regions are involved in syntactic processing in speaking and listening, we compared syntactic adaptation effects within processing modalities (syntactic production-to-production and comprehension-to-comprehension priming) with syntactic adaptation effects between processing modalities (syntactic comprehension-to-production and production-to-comprehension priming). We found syntactic adaptation effects in left inferior frontal gyrus (Brodmann's area [BA] 45), left middle temporal gyrus (BA 21), and bilateral supplementary motor area (BA 6) which were equally strong within and between processing modalities. Thus, syntactic repetition facilitates syntactic processing in the brain within and across processing modalities to the same extent. We conclude that that the same neurobiological system seems to subserve syntactic processing in speaking and listening

    Plant Biomarker Pattern, Apples grown with various availability of organic nitrogen and with or witout the use of pesticides

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    In the recent years there has been an increasing focus on the quality and health value of organic plant products compared with conventional products. The use of pesticides and concentrated fertilisers in conventional agriculture implies a risk of effects on plant composition, which may affect health of the consumer (Brandt & Mþlgaard, 2001). To determine if organically grown plant food could provide more or less benefits to health than conventional food, a first step is to investigate the differences in the composition and relative concentration of natural compounds in the plant products. In this project apples were grown with two levels of nitrogen availability and with or without the use of pesticides. The apples were screened for changes in the phytochemical composition and concentration. The work is affiliated to the project "Organic food and health" supported by the Danish Research Centre for Organic Farming (DARCOF). Biomarkers and biomarker patterns were presented in plants cultivated with low and high N and with pesticides. One biomarker was related to: ‱ the type of N with and without pesticides ‱ pesticides at high N and type of N without pesticides ‱ pesticides at low and high N One biomarker pattern was related to: ‱ the type of N ‱ the type of N without pesticides ‱ pesticides at low N and type of N without pesticides ‱ pesticides at high N and type of N with pesticide

    NAIL-MS reveals the repair of 2-methylthiocytidine by AlkB in E. coli

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    RNAs contain post-transcriptional modifications, which fulfill a variety of functions in translation, secondary structure stabilization and cellular stress survival. Here, 2-methylthiocytidine (ms(2)C) is identified in tRNA of E. coli and P. aeruginosa using NAIL-MS (nucleic acid isotope labeling coupled mass spectrometry) in combination with genetic screening experiments. ms(2)C is only found in 2-thiocytidine (s(2)C) containing tRNAs, namely tRNA(CCG)(Arg), tRNA(ICG)(Ar)(g), tRNA(UCU)(Arg) and tRNA(GCU)(Ser )at low abundances. ms(2)C is not formed by, commonly known tRNA methyltransferases. Instead, we observe its formation in vitro and in vivo during exposure to methylating agents. More than half of the s(2)C containing tRNA can be methylated to carry ms(2)C. With a pulse-chase NAIL-MS experiment, the repair mechanism by AlkB dependent sulfur demethylation is demonstrated in vivo. Overall, we describe ms(2)C as a bacterial tRNA modification and damage product. Its repair by AlkB and other pathways is demonstrated in vivo by our powerful NAIL-MS approach
