2,182 research outputs found

    VESPA: Very large-scale Evolutionary and Selective Pressure Analyses

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    Background: Large-scale molecular evolutionary analyses of protein coding sequences requires a number of preparatory inter-related steps from finding gene families, to generating alignments and phylogenetic trees and assessing selective pressure variation. Each phase of these analyses can represent significant challenges, particularly when working with entire proteomes (all protein coding sequences in a genome) from a large number of species. Methods: We present VESPA, software capable of automating a selective pressure analysis using codeML in addition to the preparatory analyses and summary statistics. VESPA is written in python and Perl and is designed to run within a UNIX environment. Results: We have benchmarked VESPA and our results show that the method is consistent, performs well on both large scale and smaller scale datasets, and produces results in line with previously published datasets. Discussion: Large-scale gene family identification, sequence alignment, and phylogeny reconstruction are all important aspects of large-scale molecular evolutionary analyses. VESPA provides flexible software for simplifying these processes along with downstream selective pressure variation analyses. The software automatically interprets results from codeML and produces simplified summary files to assist the user in better understanding the results

    Narrowing the wingless-2 mutation to a 227 kb candidate region on chicken chromosome 12.

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    Wingless-2 (wg-2) is an autosomal recessive mutation in chicken that results in an embryonic lethal condition. Affected individuals exhibit a multisystem syndrome characterized by absent wings, truncated legs, and craniofacial, kidney, and feather malformations. Previously, work focused on phenotype description, establishing the autosomal recessive pattern of Mendelian inheritance and placing the mutation on an inbred genetic background to create the congenic line UCD Wingless-2.331. The research described in this paper employed the complementary tools of breeding, genetics, and genomics to map the chromosomal location of the mutation and successively narrow the size of the region for analysis of the causative element. Specifically, the wg-2 mutation was initially mapped to a 7 Mb region of chromosome 12 using an Illumina 3 K SNP array. Subsequent SNP genotyping and exon sequencing combined with analysis from improved genome assemblies narrowed the region of interest to a maximum size of 227 kb. Within this region, 3 validated and 3 predicted candidate genes are found, and these are described. The wg-2 mutation is a valuable resource to contribute to an improved understanding of the developmental pathways involved in chicken and avian limb development as well as serving as a model for human development, as the resulting syndrome shares features with human congenital disorders

    In silico-guided optimisation of oxygen gradients in hepatic spheroids

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    One of the key advantages of assessing the hepatotoxic potential of xenobiotics in spheroids rather than monolayer cell culture is the existence of a more physiologically relevant testing environment. Three-dimensional cultures support spatial gradients in nutrients such as oxygen that can be exploited to better represent in vivo gradients that exist along a fundamental sub-unit of liver microarchitecture, the liver sinusoid. The physical and physiological processes that result in the establishment of such gradients can be described mathematically. Quantification of the rates governing these processes and optimisation of cell culture conditions can be performed in silico to better inform experimental design. In this study, we take into account cell line-specific physiological properties, spheroid size and the impact of experimental equipment geometries in order to demonstrate how mathematical models can be optimised to achieve specific in vivo-like features in different scenarios. Furthermore, the sensitivity of such optimised gradients is analysed with respect to culture conditions and considerations are given to prevent the emergence of hypoxic regions in the spheroid. The methodology presented provides an enhanced understanding of the mechanisms of the system within this simulated in vitro framework such that experimental design can be more carefully calibrated when conducting experiments using hepatic spheroids. © 2019 Elsevier B.V

    Erratum to: Surface layer proteins from virulent Clostridium difficile ribotypes exhibit signatures of positive selection with consequences for innate immune response

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    “Upon publication of the original article [1], it was noticed that there was an error in the author name. The author’s name should be "Micheál Mac Aogáin" instead of Micheál MacAogain.

    Imaging Coulomb Islands in a Quantum Hall Interferometer

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    In the Quantum Hall regime, near integer filling factors, electrons should only be transmitted through spatially-separated edge states. However, in mesoscopic systems, electronic transmission turns out to be more complex, giving rise to a large spectrum of magnetoresistance oscillations. To explain these observations, recent models put forward that, as edge states come close to each other, electrons can hop between counterpropagating edge channels, or tunnel through Coulomb islands. Here, we use scanning gate microscopy to demonstrate the presence of quantum Hall Coulomb islands, and reveal the spatial structure of transport inside a quantum Hall interferometer. Electron islands locations are found by modulating the tunneling between edge states and confined electron orbits. Tuning the magnetic field, we unveil a continuous evolution of active electron islands. This allows to decrypt the complexity of high magnetic field magnetoresistance oscillations, and opens the way to further local scale manipulations of quantum Hall localized states

    Modelling the impact of changes in the extracellular environment on the cytosolic free NAD+/NADH ratio during cell culture.

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    Cancer cells depend on glucose metabolism via glycolysis as a primary energy source, despite the presence of oxygen and fully functioning mitochondria, in order to promote growth, proliferation and longevity. Glycolysis relies upon NAD+ to accept electrons in the glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) reaction, linking the redox state of the cytosolic NAD+ pool to glycolytic rate. The free cytosolic NAD+/NADH ratio is involved in over 700 oxidoreductive enzymatic reactions and as such, the NAD+/NADH ratio is regarded as a metabolic readout of overall cellular redox state. Many experimental techniques that monitor or measure total NAD+ and NADH are unable to distinguish between protein-bound and unbound forms. Yet total NAD+/NADH measurements yield little information, since it is the free forms of NAD+ and NADH that determine the kinetic and thermodynamic influence of redox potential on glycolytic rate. Indirect estimations of free NAD+/NADH are based on the lactate/pyruvate (L/P) ratio at chemical equilibrium, but these measurements are often undermined by high lability. To elucidate the sensitivity of the free NAD+/NADH ratio to changes in extracellular substrate, an in silico model of hepatocarcinoma glycolysis was constructed and validated against in vitro data. Model simulations reveal that over experimentally relevant concentrations, changes in extracellular glucose and lactate concentration during routine cancer cell culture can lead to significant deviations in the NAD+/NADH ratio. Based on the principles of chemical equilibrium, the model provides a platform from which experimentally challenging situations may be examined, suggesting that extracellular substrates play an important role in cellular redox and bioenergetic homeostasis

    Translating clinicians' beliefs into implementation interventions (TRACII) : a protocol for an intervention modeling experiment to change clinicians' intentions to implement evidence-based practice

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    Background: Biomedical research constantly produces new findings, but these are not routinely incorporated into health care practice. Currently, a range of interventions to promote the uptake of emerging evidence are available. While their effectiveness has been tested in pragmatic trials, these do not form a basis from which to generalise to routine care settings. Implementation research is the scientific study of methods to promote the uptake of research findings, and hence to reduce inappropriate care. As clinical practice is a form of human behaviour, theories of human behaviour that have proved to be useful in other settings offer a basis for developing a scientific rationale for the choice of interventions. Aims: The aims of this protocol are 1) to develop interventions to change beliefs that have already been identified as antecedents to antibiotic prescribing for sore throats, and 2) to experimentally evaluate these interventions to identify those that have the largest impact on behavioural intention and behavioural simulation. Design: The clinical focus for this work will be the management of uncomplicated sore throat in general practice. Symptoms of upper respiratory tract infections are common presenting features in primary care. They are frequently treated with antibiotics, and research evidence is clear that antibiotic treatment offers little or no benefit to otherwise healthy adult patients. Reducing antibiotic prescribing in the community by the "prudent" use of antibiotics is seen as one way to slow the rise in antibiotic resistance, and appears safe, at least in children. However, our understanding of how to do this is limited. Participants will be general medical practitioners. Two theory-based interventions will be designed to address the discriminant beliefs in the prescribing of antibiotics for sore throat, using empirically derived resources. The interventions will be evaluated in a 2 × 2 factorial randomised controlled trial delivered in a postal questionnaire survey. Two outcome measures will be assessed: behavioural intention and behavioural simulation.This study is funded by the European Commission Research Directorate as part of a multi-partner program: Research Based Education and Quality Improvement (ReBEQI): A Framework and tools to develop effective quality improvement programs in European healthcare. (Proposal No: QLRT-2001-00657)