4,420 research outputs found

    Calculation of energy deposition distributions for simple geometries

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    When high-energy charged particles pass through a thin detector, the ionization energy loss in that detector is subject to fluctuations or straggling which must be considered in interpreting the data. Under many conditions, which depend upon the charge and energy of the incident particle and the detector geometry, the ionization energy lost by the particle is significantly different from the energy deposited in the detector. This problem divides naturally into a calculation of the energy loss that results in excitation and low-energy secondary electrons which do not travel far from their production points, and a calculation of energy loss that results in high-energy secondary electrons which can escape from the detector. The first calculation is performed using a modification of the Vavilov energy loss distribution. A cutoff energy is introduced above which all electrons are ignored and energy transferred to low energy particles is assumed to be equivalent to the energy deposited by them. For the second calculation, the trajectory of the primary particle is considered as a source of secondary high-energy electrons. The electrons from this source are transported using Monte Carlo techniques and multiple scattering theory, and the energy deposited by them in the detector is calculated. The results of the two calculations are then combined to predict the energy deposition distribution. The results of these calculations are used to predict the charge resolution of parallel-plate pulse ionization chambers that are being designed to measure the charge spectrum of heavy nuclei in the galactic cosmic-ray flux

    Charged particle radiation environment for the Spacelab and other missions in low earth orbit, revision A

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    The physical charged particle dose to be encountered in low earth orbit Spacelab missions is estimated for orbits of inclinations from e8.5 to 90 deg and altitudes from 200 to 800 km. The dose encountered is strongly altitude dependent, with a weaker dependence on inclination. Doses range from 0.007 rads/day at 28.5 deg and 200 km to 1.57 rads/day at 28.5 deg and 800 km behind a 5.0 g/sq cm shield. Geomagnetically trapped protons were the primary source of damage over most of the range of altitudes and inclinations, with galactic cosmic rays making a significant contribution at the lowest altitudes

    Charged particle radiation environment for the LST

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    Preliminary charged particle dose rates are presented for the LST orbit. The trapped proton component appears to dominate the total dose for the expected shielding available. Typical dose rates should range from 400 to 800 millirads/day

    Secondary electron background produced by heavy nuclei in a multiwire proportional counter hodoscope

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    The secondary electron background produced by heavy nuclei in a multiwire proportional counter hodoscope is calculated using both a simplified and a more complete Monte Carlo model. These results are compared with experimental data from a small multiwire proportional counter hodoscope operated in a 530 MeV/nucleon accelerator beam of nitrogen nuclei. Estimates of the secondary electron background produced by heavy relativistic nuclei are presented along with the detailed results from calculations of energy deposition in the hodoscope counter cells

    Ionizing radiation calculations and comparisons with LDEF data

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    In conjunction with the analysis of LDEF ionizing radiation dosimetry data, a calculational program is in progress to aid in data interpretation and to assess the accuracy of current radiation models for future mission applications. To estimate the ionizing radiation environment at the LDEF dosimeter locations, scoping calculations for a simplified (one dimensional) LDEF mass model were made of the primary and secondary radiations produced as a function of shielding thickness due to trapped proton, galactic proton, and atmospheric (neutron and proton cosmic ray albedo) exposures. Preliminary comparisons of predictions with LDEF induced radioactivity and dose measurements were made to test a recently developed model of trapped proton anisotropy

    The Complex Topology of Chemical Plants

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    We show that flowsheets of oil refineries can be associated to complex network topologies that are scale-free, display small-world effect and possess hierarchical organization. The emergence of these properties from such man-made networks is explained as a consequence of the currently used principles for process design, which include heuristics as well as algorithmic techniques. We expect these results to be valid for chemical plants of different types and capacities.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures and 1 tabl

    The Emergence of Norms via Contextual Agreements in Open Societies

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    This paper explores the emergence of norms in agents' societies when agents play multiple -even incompatible- roles in their social contexts simultaneously, and have limited interaction ranges. Specifically, this article proposes two reinforcement learning methods for agents to compute agreements on strategies for using common resources to perform joint tasks. The computation of norms by considering agents' playing multiple roles in their social contexts has not been studied before. To make the problem even more realistic for open societies, we do not assume that agents share knowledge on their common resources. So, they have to compute semantic agreements towards performing their joint actions. %The paper reports on an empirical study of whether and how efficiently societies of agents converge to norms, exploring the proposed social learning processes w.r.t. different society sizes, and the ways agents are connected. The results reported are very encouraging, regarding the speed of the learning process as well as the convergence rate, even in quite complex settings

    Evaluation of be-38 percent al alloy final report, 27 jun. 1964 - 28 feb. 1965

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    Mechanical properties, microstructural features, and general metallurgical quality of beryllium- aluminum allo

    Radiation exposure of LDEF: Initial results

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    Initial results from LDEF include radiation detector measurements from four experiments, P0006, P0004, M0004, and A0015. The detectors were located on both the leading and trailing edges of the orbiter and also on the Earthside end. This allowed the directional dependence of the incoming radiation to be measured. Total absorbed doses from thermoluminescent detectors (TLDs) verified the predicted spatial east-west dose ratio dependence of a factor approx. 2.5, due to trapped proton anisotropy in the South Atlantic Anomaly. On the trailing edge of the orbiter a range of doses from 6.64 to 2.91 Gy were measured under Al equivalent shielding of 0.42 to 1.11 g/sq cm. A second set of detectors near this location yielded doses of 6.48 to 2.66 Gy under Al equivalent shielding of 0.48 to 15.4 g/sq cm. On the leading edge, doses of 2.58 to 2.10 Gy were found under Al equivalent shielding of 1.37 to 2.90 g/sq cm. Initial charged particle LET (linear energy transfer) spectra, fluxes, doses and dose equivalents, for LET in H2O greater than or = 8 keV/micron, were measured with plastic nuclear track detectors (PNTDs) located in two experiments. Also preliminary data on low energy neutrons were obtained from detectors containing (6)LiF foils

    Three-dimensional shielding effects on charged particle fluences measured in the P0006 experiment of LDEF

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    Three-dimensional shielding effects on cosmic ray charged particle fluences were measured with plastic nuclear track detectors in the P0006 experiment on Long Duration Exposure Facility (LDEF). The azimuthal and polar angle distributions of the galactic cosmic ray particles (mostly relativistic iron) were measured in the main stack and in four side stacks of the P0006 experiment, located on the west end of the LDEF satellite. A shadowing effect of the shielding of the LDEF satellite is found. Total fluence of stopping protons was measured as a function of the position in the main and side stacks of the P0006 experiment. Location dependence of total track density is explained by the three-dimensional shielding model of the P0006 stack. These results can be used to validate 3D mass model and transport code calculations and also for predictions of the outer radiation environment for the Space Station Freedom