
Three-dimensional shielding effects on charged particle fluences measured in the P0006 experiment of LDEF


Three-dimensional shielding effects on cosmic ray charged particle fluences were measured with plastic nuclear track detectors in the P0006 experiment on Long Duration Exposure Facility (LDEF). The azimuthal and polar angle distributions of the galactic cosmic ray particles (mostly relativistic iron) were measured in the main stack and in four side stacks of the P0006 experiment, located on the west end of the LDEF satellite. A shadowing effect of the shielding of the LDEF satellite is found. Total fluence of stopping protons was measured as a function of the position in the main and side stacks of the P0006 experiment. Location dependence of total track density is explained by the three-dimensional shielding model of the P0006 stack. These results can be used to validate 3D mass model and transport code calculations and also for predictions of the outer radiation environment for the Space Station Freedom

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