46 research outputs found
Resilience of New Zealand indigenous forest fragments to impacts of livestock and pest mammals
A number of factors have combined to diminish ecosystem integrity in New Zealand indigenous lowland forest fragments surrounded by intensively grazed pasture. Livestock grazing, mammalian pests, adventive weeds and altered nutrient input regimes are important drivers compounding the changes in fragment structure and function due to historical deforestation and fragmentation. We used qualitative systems modelling and empirical data from Beilschmiedia tawa dominated lowland forest fragments in the Waikato Region to explore the relevance of two common resilience paradigms – engineering resilience and ecological resilience – for addressing the conservation management of forest fragments into the future. Grazing by livestock and foraging/predation by introduced mammalian pests both have direct detrimental impacts on key structural and functional attributes of forest fragments. Release from these perturbations through fencing and pest control leads to partial or full recovery of some key indicators (i.e. increased indigenous plant regeneration and cover, increased invertebrate populations and litter mass, decreased soil fertility and increased nesting success) relative to levels seen in larger forest systems over a range of timescales. These changes indicate that forest fragments do show resilience consistent with adopting an engineering resilience paradigm for conservation management, in the landscape context studied. The relevance of the ecological resilience paradigm in these ecosystems is obscured by limited data. We characterise forest fragment dynamics in terms of changes in indigenous species occupancy and functional dominance, and present a conceptual model for the management of forest fragment ecosystems
Using five-minute bird counts to study magpie (Gymnorhina tibicen) impacts on other birds in New Zealand
We used five-minute bird counts to investigate whether introduced Australian magpies (Gymnorhina tibicen) influence the abundance of other birds in rural New Zealand. Over 3 years, magpies were removed from five c. 900-ha study blocks, one in each of Northland, Waikato, Bay of Plenty, Wellington and Southland. Birds were counted in both the treatment blocks and paired non-treatment blocks for the 3 years of removal and also 1 year before. To minimise problems raised elsewhere with index counts we (1) selected treatment blocks and count stations using randomisation procedures, (2) used trained observers who spent equal time in paired treatment and non-treatment blocks, and (3) counted all blocks at the same time of year and only in good weather. On average, 548 magpies were removed from each treatment block each year, with magpie counts reduced by 76% relative to non-treatment blocks. Our results suggest magpies may restrict the movements of some birds (including kererū and tūī) in rural areas, but are less important than pest mammals at limiting population abundance at a landscape scale. We submit that five-minute bird counts were appropriate for our objectives, but that more research to examine their relationship to absolute densities is needed
Simulation of an SEIR infectious disease model on the dynamic contact network of conference attendees
The spread of infectious diseases crucially depends on the pattern of
contacts among individuals. Knowledge of these patterns is thus essential to
inform models and computational efforts. Few empirical studies are however
available that provide estimates of the number and duration of contacts among
social groups. Moreover, their space and time resolution are limited, so that
data is not explicit at the person-to-person level, and the dynamical aspect of
the contacts is disregarded. Here, we want to assess the role of data-driven
dynamic contact patterns among individuals, and in particular of their temporal
aspects, in shaping the spread of a simulated epidemic in the population.
We consider high resolution data of face-to-face interactions between the
attendees of a conference, obtained from the deployment of an infrastructure
based on Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) devices that assess mutual
face-to-face proximity. The spread of epidemics along these interactions is
simulated through an SEIR model, using both the dynamical network of contacts
defined by the collected data, and two aggregated versions of such network, in
order to assess the role of the data temporal aspects.
We show that, on the timescales considered, an aggregated network taking into
account the daily duration of contacts is a good approximation to the full
resolution network, whereas a homogeneous representation which retains only the
topology of the contact network fails in reproducing the size of the epidemic.
These results have important implications in understanding the level of
detail needed to correctly inform computational models for the study and
management of real epidemics
The European Reference Genome Atlas: piloting a decentralised approach to equitable biodiversity genomics
A genomic database of all Earth’s eukaryotic species could contribute to many scientific discoveries; however, only a tiny fraction of species have genomic information available. In 2018, scientists across the world united under the Earth BioGenome Project (EBP), aiming to produce a database of high-quality reference genomes containing all ~1.5 million recognized eukaryotic species. As the European node of the EBP, the European Reference Genome Atlas (ERGA) sought to implement a new decentralised, equitable and inclusive model for producing reference genomes. For this, ERGA launched a Pilot Project establishing the first distributed reference genome production infrastructure and testing it on 98 eukaryotic species from 33 European countries. Here we outline the infrastructure and explore its effectiveness for scaling high-quality reference genome production, whilst considering equity and inclusion. The outcomes and lessons learned provide a solid foundation for ERGA while offering key learnings to other transnational, national genomic resource projects and the EBP.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Invertebrate community reassembly and altered ecosystem process rates following experimental habitat restoration in a mined peat bog in New Zealand
I investigated the effects ofhabitat loss and subsequent restoration on invertebrate community structure and ecosystem functioning in a mined peat bog in the North Island, New Zealand. In an experimental trial, the impact of peat bog habitat loss and isolation on the invertebrate community associated with Sporadanthus ferrugineus (Restionaceae) was investigated. Potted S. ferrugineus plants were exposed to invertebrates at various distances up to 800 m from an intact habitat (the presumed source population) over 18 weeks. Invertebrates rapidly colonised the experimental plants, with all major Orders and trophic groups present on Sc ferrugineus within 6 weeks. However. with increasing distance away from the undisturbed habitat, there was a significant decrease in total richness and abundance of invertebrates associated with the potted plants. Additional tests showed that even a moderate degree of isolation (i.e. greater than 400 m) from the intact habitat caused an almost complete failure of 'Batrachedra' sp. to colonise its host plant, at least in the short-term, The density of eggs and larvae, and the average larval size of 'Batrachedra' sp. (Lepidoptera: Coleophoridae) colonising Si ferrugineus plants, as well as the proportion of Si ferrugineus stems damaged by 'Batrachedra' sp. herbivory, all decreased logarithmically with increasing distance from the intact habitat. Surprisingly, though, the rate of recovery of the insect-plant interaction following experimental habitat restoration was remarkably rapid (i.e. between 3Y2 and 6 years). After just 6 years there was no significant difference in insect-plant interactions between the intact peat bog sites and any of the experimentally restored sites up to 800 m away. These results suggest that the degree of isolation from undisturbed habitat has a major impact on the rate and patterns of restoration recovery in the invertebrate community and that some insect-plant interactions can recover rapidly from habitat loss with restoration management. Restoration of mined peat bogs in northern New Zealand is initiated by establishing a native vegetation cover to minimize further peat degradation. The effects of various restoration techniques on litter decomposition, microbial community activity and beetle community composition were investigated within an experimental trial, These treatments included translocation ofpeat bog habitat (direct transfer of islands), milled peat islands with no seed and milled peat islands with seed, and were compared with an unrestored mined site and an undisturbed peat bog. In all the response variables measured, the undisturbed peat bog sites had significantly higher decomposition rates and microbial respiration rates, and significantly higher abundance and species richness of beetles than any of the restoration treatments. Inaddition, the technique used to restore mined peatlands had a significant effect on the beetle community composition and litter decomposition processes. Despite a rapid initial change in the beetle community following habitat translocation, the direct transfer islands were still the most similar in beetle species composition to the undisturbed peat bog. Microbial activity and decomposition rates were higher in the direct transfer and mined peat surface after 6 months. However, even after 12 months, decomposition rates in the restored habitats were still far from reaching the levels recorded in the undisturbed peat bog. The results suggest that beetle community structure and ecosystem processes such as decomposition and microbial activity rates may be able to recover faster with certain restoration techniques, such as direct transfer of intact habitat islands. Subsequently, I examined long-term beetle community reassembly on islands that had been restored by creating raised areas ofprocessed peat with the addition of Leptospermum scoparium seed. Monitoring of different-aged restored islands representing the full range of restoration ages (up to 6 years) available at the peat mine, indicated that as the peat islands became older and the vegetation structure became more complex, the abundance, species richness and composition of the beetle community became increasingly similar to the community in the undisturbed peat bog. Despite this, distinct differences between the intact peat bog and older restored peat islands still persisted, even after 6 years, particularly at an individual species level. However, it is predicted that within 12 years the restored peat islands will share 100% ofbeetle species in common with the undisturbed peat bog. Taken together, these results indicate that restoration is effective in initiating the recovery of beetle assemblages and ecosystem processes (such as litter decomposition and microbial community activity) in cut-over peat bogs. However, it is estimated to take at least 12 years before pre-mining communities and functions are attained, and ongoing monitoring to develop an understanding of the longer-term dynamics of such ecosystems and processes is clearly required
Figure 5 from: Watts C, Thornburrow D, Stringer I, Cave V (2017) Population expansion by Cook Strait giant wētā, Deinacrida rugosa (Orthoptera: Anostostomatidae), following translocation to Matiu/Somes Island, New Zealand, and subsequent changes in abundance. Journal of Orthoptera Research 26: 171-180. https://doi.org/10.3897/jor.26.21712
Wētā, large wingless anostostomatid orthopterans, have been the most frequently translocated insects in New Zealand. Until recently, such translocations were only monitored intermittently to confirm presence. We investigate the spread of Cook Strait giant wētā (Deinacrida rugosa Buller, 1871) after its release on Matiu/Somes Island, Wellington, New Zealand, in 1996. Adult wētā were surveyed from 2008 to 2016 using footprint tracking tunnels and/or searching with spotlights at night. The population underwent a reversal in distributional abundance after 2008. In 2008, they were abundant in the north and rare in the south but by 2013 and 2015 they were relatively less abundant in the north and common in the south. Why they diminished in the north remains unknown but possible causes are predation on juvenile wētā by nocturnal geckos (detected in the north and east but not in the south), by some habitat change (mostly reduction of some lawn), or by a combination of these together with removal of wētā from the north for translocation elsewhere. Further research is required to confirm which of these factors affect wētā abundance, if there are other causes, and if any further change in distributional abundance occurs
Population expansion by Cook Strait giant wētā, Deinacrida rugosa (Orthoptera: Anostostomatidae), following translocation to Matiu/Somes Island, New Zealand, and subsequent changes in abundance
Wētā, large wingless anostostomatid orthopterans, have been the most frequently translocated insects in New Zealand. Until recently, such translocations were only monitored intermittently to confirm presence. We investigate the spread of Cook Strait giant wētā (Deinacrida rugosa Buller, 1871) after its release on Matiu/Somes Island, Wellington, New Zealand, in 1996. Adult wētā were surveyed from 2008 to 2016 using footprint tracking tunnels and/or searching with spotlights at night. The population underwent a reversal in distributional abundance after 2008. In 2008, they were abundant in the north and rare in the south but by 2013 and 2015 they were relatively less abundant in the north and common in the south. Why they diminished in the north remains unknown but possible causes are predation on juvenile wētā by nocturnal geckos (detected in the north and east but not in the south), by some habitat change (mostly reduction of some lawn), or by a combination of these together with removal of wētā from the north for translocation elsewhere. Further research is required to confirm which of these factors affect wētā abundance, if there are other causes, and if any further change in distributional abundance occurs